
# Module manifest for module 'IBM.IAM.AWS.SecurityToken'
# Generated by: John W Carew
# Generated on: 11/20/2019
    RootModule = 'IBM.IAM.AWS.SecurityToken.dll'
    ModuleVersion = '1.0.1911.86'
    GUID = '79cd19d7-c349-4bae-be9a-43f3cc325876'
    Author = 'John W Carew'
    CompanyName = 'Simpler Software'
    Copyright = '(c) 2019 Simpler Software. All rights reserved.'
    Description = 'PowerShell cmdlet to allow SAML authentication with AWS using IBM Identity and Access Management.'
    PowerShellVersion = '5.0'
    #DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.0'
    #CLRVersion = '4.0'
    RequiredModules = @()
    RequiredAssemblies = @(
    FileList = @(
    FormatsToProcess = @('IBM.IAM.AWS.SecurityToken.Format.ps1xml')
    CmdletsToExport = @('Set-AwsIbmSamlCredentials','Get-AwsIbmSamlRoles')
    FunctionsToExport = @()
    AliasesToExport = @()

    PrivateData = @{
        PSData = @{
            Tags = @('AWS', 'SAML', 'IBM', 'IAM')
            #Prerelease = 'preview'
            ReleaseNotes = 'NOTE: If you are using AWS PowerShell modules in the same session. Be sure you are using the ''AWSPowerShell.NetCore'' v3.3.522.0 module and NOT ''AWSPowerShell''.
* Add full proxy support for SAML client and STS client.
* Moved project to .Net Standard type
* Support for PowerShell & PowerShell Core
* Refactor code to use as much of AWS libraries as possible.
* Add Get-AwsIbmSamlRoles CmdLet - Will just pull the SAML doc and list roles in doc.
* Add custom format view for returned types
* Add StoreAllRoles param switch to Set-AwsIbmSamlCredentials - will store all roles using the role name.
* Use shared AWS credential config location to store profiles
* Add RegionMap parameter to Set-AwsIbmSamlCredentials
* Add TokenDurationInMinutes parameter to Set-AwsIbmSamlCredentials.
* Add UseAssertionDocumentDuration parameter switch to Set-AwsIbmSamlCredentials.'

            LicenseUri = ''
            ProjectUri = ''
            IconUri = ''