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* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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Author(s): Benedikt Böhme
                    Dennis Esly
Date: 05/31/2018
Last Change: 01/22/2019

using module ATAPHtmlReport
using namespace Microsoft.Web.Administration
using namespace Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands

#region Helper Functions

class VirtualPathAudit {
    [string] $VirtualPath
    [AuditInfo[]] $AuditInfos

class SiteAudit {
    [string] $SiteName
    [AuditInfo[]] $AuditInfos

    [VirtualPathAudit[]] $VirtualPathAudits

function Get-IISSiteVirtualPaths {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site,

        [switch] $AllVirtualDirectories

    process {
        foreach ($App in $Site.Applications) {
            Write-Output ($App.Path)

            if ($AllVirtualDirectories) {
                foreach ($VirtualDirectory in $App.VirtualDirectories) {
                    if ($VirtualDirectory.Path -ne "/") {
                        $AppPath = if ($App.Path -ne "/") {
                        else {
                        Write-Output ($AppPath + $VirtualDirectory.Path)

function Get-IISModules {
    (Get-IISConfigSection -SectionPath "system.webServer/modules").GetCollection() `
        | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "Name"

#region 1 Basic Configuration
# This section contains basic Web server-level recommendations

# 1.1
function Test-IISVirtualDirPartition {
        Ensure web content is on non-system partition
        Web resources published through IIS are mapped, via Virtual Directories, to physical locations on disk. It is recommended to map all Virtual Directories to a non-system disk volume.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $SystemDrive = [system.environment]::getenvironmentvariable("SystemDrive")
        $Path = $Site.Applications["/"].VirtualDirectories["/"].PhysicalPath

        if ($Path.StartsWith("%SystemDrive%") -or $Path.StartsWith($SystemDrive)) {
            $message = "Web content is on system partition"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "1.1"
            Task    = "Ensure web content is on non-system partition"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 1.2
function Test-IISHostHeaders {
        Ensure 'host headers' are on all sites
         Host headers provide the ability to host multiple websites on the same IP address and port. It is recommended that host headers be configured for all sites. Wildcard host headers are now supported.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        [array]$Bindings = $Site.Bindings | Where-Object { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Host) }

        if ($Bindings.Count -gt 0) {
            $message = "The following bindings do no specify a host: " + ($Bindings.bindingInformation -join ", ")
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "1.2"
            Task    = "Ensure 'host headers' is set"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 1.3
function Test-IISDirectoryBrowsing {
        Ensure 'directory browsing' is set to disabled
        Directory browsing allows the contents of a directory to be displayed upon request from a web client. If directory browsing is enabled for a directory in Internet Information Services, users receive a page that lists the contents of the directory when the following two conditions are met:
            1. No specific file is requested in the URL
            2. The Default Documents feature is disabled in IIS, or if it is enabled, IIS is unable to locate a file in the directory that matches a name specified in the IIS default document list
        It is recommended that directory browsing be disabled.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        # Ensure directory browsing is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Dir-Browsing).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/directoryBrowse"
            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            $Enabled = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "enabled"

            if ($Enabled -eq $true) {
                $message = "Directory Browsing is enabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
            elseif ($null -eq $Enabled) {
                $message = "Directory Browsing not explicit set to false"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::Warning

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "1.3"
            Task    = "Ensure 'directory browsing' is set to disabled"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 1.4
function Test-IISAppPoolIdentity {
        Ensure 'application pool identity' is configured for all application pools
        Application Pool Identities are the actual users/authorities that will run the worker process - w3wp.exe. Assigning the correct user authority will help ensure that applications can function properly, while not giving overly permissive permissions on the system. These identities can further be used in ACLs to protect system content. It is recommended that each Application Pool run under a unique identity.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [ApplicationPool] $AppPool

    begin {
        $AppPoolUsers = (Get-IISAppPool).ProcessModel.Username | Group-Object -NoElement

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        if ($AppPool.ProcessModel.IdentityType -eq [ProcessModelIdentityType]::SpecificUser) {
            # Get the username of the specific application
            $Username = $AppPool.ProcessModel.UserName

            if (($AppPoolUsers | Where-Object Name -eq $Username).Count -gt 1) {
                $message = "ApplicationPoolIdentity $Username is used for more than one ApplicationPool"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
            else {
                $message = "Unique ApplicationPoolIdentity $Username is used."
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::True
        elseif ($AppPool.ProcessModel.IdentityType -ne [ProcessModelIdentityType]::ApplicationPoolIdentity)    {
            $message = "ApplicationPoolIdentity is not set"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "1.4"
            Task    = "Ensure 'application pool identity' is configured"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 1.5
function Test-IISUniqueSiteAppPool {
        Ensure 'unique application pools' is set for sites
        IIS introduced a new security feature called Application Pool Identities that allows Application Pools to be run under unique accounts without the need to create and manage local or domain accounts. It is recommended that all Sites run under unique, dedicated Application Pools.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $Apps = foreach ($Site in (Get-IISSite)) {
        foreach ($App in $Site.Applications) {
            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                VirtualPath         = $Site.name + $App.path
                ApplicationPoolName = $App.ApplicationPoolName

    [array]$Findings = $Apps `
        | Group-Object -Property ApplicationPoolName `
        | Where-Object -Property Count -gt 1

    if ($Findings.Count -gt 0) {
        $message = "Following sites do not have unique Application Pools: " + ($findings.Group.VirtualPath -join ", ")
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "1.5"
        Task    = "Ensure 'unique application pools' is set for sites"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 1.6
function Test-IISAnonymouseUserIdentity {
        Ensure 'application pool identity' is configured for anonymous user identity
        To achieve isolation in IIS, application pools can be run as separate identities. IIS can be configured to automatically use the application pool identity if no anonymous user account is configured for a Web site. This can greatly reduce the number of accounts needed for Web sites and make management of the accounts easier. It is recommended the Application Pool Identity be set as the Anonymous User Identity.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $username = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "userName"

        if ($username -ne "") {
            $message = "Username is set to: $username"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "1.6"
            Task    = "Ensure 'application pool identity' is configured for anonymous user identity"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output


#region 2 Configure Authentication and Authorization
# This section contains recommendations around the different layers of authentication in IIS.

# 2.1
function Test-IISGlobalAuthorization {
        Ensure 'global authorization rule' is set to restrict access
        IIS introduced URL Authorization, which allows the addition of Authorization rules to the actual URL, instead of the underlying file system resource, as a way to protect it. Authorization rules can be configured at the server, web site, folder (including Virtual Directories), or file level. The native URL Authorization module applies to all requests, whether they are .NET managed or other types of files (e.g. static files or ASP files). It is recommended that URL Authorization be configured to only grant access to the necessary security principals.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        # Ensure URL Authentication is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Url-Auth).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/security/authorization"
            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            [array]$elements = $section.GetCollection() `
                | Where-Object {
                    $accessType = $_ | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "accessType"
                    $users = $_ | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "users"
                    $roles = $_ | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "roles"
                    ($accessType -eq "Allow") -and ($users -eq "*" -or $roles -eq "?")

            if ($elements.Count -ne 0) {
                $message = "Authorization rule to allow all or anonymous users is set"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "URL Authorization is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::Warning

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "2.1"
            Task    = "Ensure 'global authorization rule' is set to restrict access"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 2.2
function Test-IISAuthenticatedPricipals {
        Ensure access to sensitive site features is restricted to authenticated principals only
        IIS supports both challenge-based and login redirection-based authentication methods. Challenge-based authentication methods, such as Integrated Windows Authentication, require a client to respond correctly to a server-initiated challenge. A login redirection-based authentication method such as Forms Authentication relies on redirection to a login page to determine the identity of the principal. Challenge-based authentication and login redirection-based authentication methods cannot be used in conjunction with one another.
        It is recommended that sites containing sensitive information, confidential data, or non-public web services be configured with a credentials-based authentication mechanism.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/authentication"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $mode = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "mode"

        if (($mode -ne "Windows") -and ($mode -ne "Forms")) {
            $message = "Check authentication principals"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "2.2"
            Task    = "Ensure access to sensitive site features is restricted to authenticated principals only"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output


# 2.3
function Test-IISFormsAuthenticationSSL {
        Ensure 'forms authentication' require SSL
        Forms-based authentication can pass credentials across the network in clear text. It is therefore imperative that the traffic between client and server be encrypted using SSL, especially in cases where the site is publicly accessible. It is recommended that communications with any portion of a site using Forms Authentication be encrypted using SSL.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/authentication"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $mode = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "mode"

        if ((Get-IISModules) -contains "FormsAuthentication") {
            # Ensure authentication mode is set to Forms
            if ($mode -eq "Forms") {

                $requireSSL = $section `
                    | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "forms" `
                    | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "requireSSL"

                if (-not $requireSSL) {
                    $message = "Forms authentication does not require SSL"
                    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Forms authentication is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::Warning

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "2.3"
            Task    = "Ensure 'forms authentication' require SSL"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 2.4
function Test-IISFormsAuthenticationCookies {
        Ensure 'forms authentication' is set to use cookies
        Forms Authentication can be configured to maintain the site visitor's session identifier in either a URI or cookie. It is recommended that Forms Authentication be set to use cookies.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/authentication"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $mode = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "mode"

        if ((Get-IISModules) -contains "FormsAuthentication") {
            if ($mode -eq "Forms") {
                $cookieless = $section | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "forms" `
                    | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "cookieless"

                if ($cookieless -ne "UseCookies") {
                    $message = "Forms authentication is not set to use cookies"
                    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Forms authentication is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::Warning

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "2.4"
            Task    = "Ensure 'forms authentication' is set to use cookies"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 2.5
function Test-IISFormsAuthenticationProtection {
        Ensure 'cookie protection mode' is configured for forms authentication
        The cookie protection mode defines the protection Forms Authentication cookies will be given within a configured application.
        It is recommended that cookie protection mode always encrypt and validate Forms Authentication cookies.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/authentication"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $mode = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "mode"

        if ((Get-IISModules) -contains "FormsAuthentication") {
            if ($mode -ieq "Forms") {
                $protection = $section `
                    | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "forms" `
                    | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "protection"

                if ($protection -ne "All") {
                    $message = "Cookie Protection Mode is not set to ALL"
                    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Forms authentication is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::Warning

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "2.5"
            Task    = "Ensure 'cookie protection mode' is configured for forms authentication"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 2.6
function Test-IISTLSForBasicAuth {
        Ensure transport layer security for 'basic authentication' is configured
        Basic Authentication can pass credentials across the network in clear text. It is therefore imperative that the traffic between client and server be encrypted, especially in cases where the site is publicly accessible and is recommended that TLS be configured and required for any Site or Application using Basic Authentication.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Basic-Auth).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            [array]$httpsBindings = $Site.Bindings | Where-Object -Property Protocol -eq "https"

            $sslFlags = Get-IISConfigSection -Location $Site.Name `
                -SectionPath "system.webServer/security/access" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "sslFlags"

            # split the flags into an array
            $sslValues = $sslFlags.Split("{,}")

            # Ensure ssl-flag is set
            if (-not ($sslValues -contains "ssl")) {
                $message = "SSL is not required in configuration"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
            # Ensure site has https bindings
            elseif ($httpsBindings.Count -eq 0) {
                $message = "Site has no secure protocol binding"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "2.6"
            Task    = "Ensure transport layer security for 'basic authentication' is configured"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 2.7
function Test-IISPasswordFormatNotClear {
        Ensure 'passwordFormat' is not set to clear
        The <credentials> element of the <authentication> element allows optional definitions of name and password for IIS Manager User accounts within the configuration file. Forms based authentication also uses these elements to define the users. IIS Manager Users can use the administration interface to connect to sites and applications in which they've been granted authorization. Note that the <credentials> element only applies when the default provider, ConfigurationAuthenticationProvider, is configured as the authentication provider. It is recommended that passwordFormat be set to a value other than Clear, such as SHA1.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/authentication"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $passwordFormat = $section `
            | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "forms" `
            | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "credentials" `
            | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "passwordFormat"

        if ($passwordFormat -eq "Clear" ) {
            $message = "Credentials passwordFormat set to 'Clear'"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "2.7"
            Task    = "Ensure 'passwordFormat' is not set to clear"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 2.7
function Test-IISPasswordFormatNotClearMachineLevel {
        Ensure 'passwordFormat' is not set to clear
        The <credentials> element of the <authentication> element allows optional definitions of name and password for IIS Manager User accounts within the configuration file. Forms based authentication also uses these elements to define the users. IIS Manager Users can use the administration interface to connect to sites and applications in which they've been granted authorization. Note that the <credentials> element only applies when the default provider, ConfigurationAuthenticationProvider, is configured as the authentication provider. It is recommended that passwordFormat be set to a value other than Clear, such as SHA1.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $machineConfig = [System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager]::OpenMachineConfiguration()
    $passwordFormat = $machineConfig.GetSection("system.web/authentication").forms.credentials.passwordFormat

    if ($passwordFormat -eq "Clear" ) {
        $message = "Credentials passwordFormat set to 'Clear'"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "2.7"
        Task    = "Ensure 'passwordFormat' is not set to clear"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 2.8
function Test-IISCredentialsNotStored {
        Ensure 'credentials' are not stored in configuration files
        The <credentials> element of the <authentication> element allows optional definitions of name and password for IIS Manager User accounts within the configuration file. Forms based authentication also uses these elements to define the users. IIS Manager Users can use the administration interface to connect to sites and applications in which they've been granted authorization. Note that the <credentials> element only applies when the default provider, ConfigurationAuthenticationProvider, is configured as the authentication provider. It is recommended to avoid storing passwords in the configuration file even in form of hash.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/authentication"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $credentials = $section `
            | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "forms" `
            | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "credentials"

        if ($credentials.IsLocallyStored) {
            $message = "'credentials' is stored in configuration"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "2.8"
            Task    = "Ensure 'credentials' are not stored in configuration files"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 2.8
function Test-IISCredentialsNotStoredMachineLevel {
        Ensure 'credentials' are not stored in configuration files
        The <credentials> element of the <authentication> element allows optional definitions of name and password for IIS Manager User accounts within the configuration file. Forms based authentication also uses these elements to define the users. IIS Manager Users can use the administration interface to connect to sites and applications in which they've been granted authorization. Note that the <credentials> element only applies when the default provider, ConfigurationAuthenticationProvider, is configured as the authentication provider. It is recommended to avoid storing passwords in the configuration file even in form of hash.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $machineConfig = [System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager]::OpenMachineConfiguration()
    $credentials = $machineConfig.GetSection("system.web/authentication").forms.credentials

    if ($credentials.ElementInformation.IsPresent) {
        $message = "'credentials' is stored in configuration"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "2.8"
        Task    = "Ensure 'credentials' are not stored in configuration files"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output


#region 3 ASP.NET Configuration Recommendation
# This section contains recommendations specific to ASP.NET.

# 3.1
function Test-IISDeploymentMethodRetail {
        Ensure 'deployment method retail' is set
        The <deployment retail> switch is intended for use by production IIS servers. This switch is used to help applications run with the best possible performance and least possible security information leakages by disabling the application's ability to generate trace output on a page, disabling the ability to display detailed error messages to end users, and disabling the debug switch. Often times, switches and options that are developer-focused, such as failed request tracing and debugging, are enabled during active development. It is recommended that the deployment method on any production server be set to retail.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $machineConfig = [System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager]::OpenMachineConfiguration()
    $deployment = $machineConfig.GetSection("system.web/deployment")

    if (-not $deployment.retail) {
        $message = "retail is not enabled in machine.config"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "3.1"
        Task    = "Ensure 'deployment method retail' is set"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 3.2
function Test-IISDebugOff {
        Ensure 'debug' is turned off
        Developers often enable the debug mode during active ASP.NET development so that they do not have to continually clear their browsers cache every time they make a change to a resource handler. The problem would arise from this being left "on" or set to "true". Compilation debug output is displayed to the end user, allowing malicious persons to obtain detailed information about applications.
        is recommended that debugging still be turned off.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/compilation"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $debug = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "debug"

        if ($debug) {
            $message = "Debug is ON"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.2"
            Task    = "Ensure 'debug' is turned off"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 3.3
function Test-IISCustomErrorsNotOff {
        Ensure custom error messages are not off
        When an ASP.NET application fails and causes an HTTP/1.x 500 Internal Server Error, or a feature configuration (such as Request Filtering) prevents a page from being displayed, an error message will be generated. Administrators can choose whether or not the application should display a friendly message to the client, detailed error message to the client, or detailed error message to localhost only.
        It is recommended that customErrors still be turned to On or RemoteOnly.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/customErrors"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $mode = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "mode"

        if ($mode -eq "Off") {
            $message = "Custom errors are 'OFF'"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.3"
            Task    = "Ensure custom error messages are not off"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 3.4
function Test-IISHttpErrorsHidden {
        Ensure IIS HTTP detailed errors are hidden from displaying remotely
        A Web site's error pages are often set to show detailed error information for troubleshooting purposes during testing or initial deployment. To prevent unauthorized users from viewing this privileged information, detailed error pages must not be seen by remote users. This setting can be modified in the errorMode attribute setting for a Web site's error pages. By default, the errorMode attribute is set in the Web.config file for the Web site or application and is located in the <httpErrors> element of the <system.webServer> section. It is recommended that custom errors be prevented from displaying remotely.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.webServer/httpErrors"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $errorMode = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "errorMode"

        if (($errorMode -ne "Custom") -and ($errorMode -ne "DetailedLocalOnly")) {
            $message = "HTTP detailed errors are set to 'Detailed'"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.4"
            Task    = "Ensure IIS HTTP detailed errors are hidden from displaying remotely"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 3.5
function Test-IISAspNetTracingDisabled {
        Ensure ASP.NET stack tracing is not enabled
        A Web site's error pages are often set to show detailed error information for troubleshooting purposes during testing or initial deployment. To prevent unauthorized users from viewing this privileged information, detailed error pages must not be seen by remote users. This setting can be modified in the errorMode attribute setting for a Web site's error pages. By default, the errorMode attribute is set in the Web.config file for the Web site or application and is located in the <httpErrors> element of the <system.webServer> section. It is recommended that custom errors be prevented from displaying remotely.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/trace"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $traceEnabled = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "enabled"

        if ($traceEnabled) {
            $message = "trace is enabled"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::FALSE

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.5"
            Task    = "Ensure ASP.NET stack tracing is not enabled"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 3.5
function Test-IISAspNetTracingDisabledMachineLevel {
        Ensure ASP.NET stack tracing is not enabled
        A Web site's error pages are often set to show detailed error information for troubleshooting purposes during testing or initial deployment. To prevent unauthorized users from viewing this privileged information, detailed error pages must not be seen by remote users. This setting can be modified in the errorMode attribute setting for a Web site's error pages. By default, the errorMode attribute is set in the Web.config file for the Web site or application and is located in the <httpErrors> element of the <system.webServer> section. It is recommended that custom errors be prevented from displaying remotely.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $machineConfig = [System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager]::OpenMachineConfiguration()
    $trace = $machineConfig.GetSection("system.web/trace")

    if ($trace.enabled) {
        $message = "trace is enabled in machine.config"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::FALSE

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "3.5"
        Task    = "Ensure ASP.NET stack tracing is not enabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 3.6
function Test-IISCookielessSessionState {
        Ensure 'httpcookie' mode is configured for session state
        A session cookie associates session information with client information for that session, which can be the duration of a user's connection to a site. The cookie is passed in a HTTP header together with all requests between the client and server.
        It is recommended that session state be configured to UseCookies.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/sessionState"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $cookieless = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "cookieless"

        if (($cookieless -ne "UseCookies") -and ($cookieless -ne "False")) {
            $message = "sessionState set to $cookieless"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.6"
            Task    = "Ensure 'httpcookie' mode is configured for session state"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 3.7
function Test-IISCookiesHttpOnly {
        Ensure 'cookies' are set with HttpOnly attribute
        The httpOnlyCookies attribute of the httpCookies node determines if IIS will set the HttpOnly flag on HTTP cookies it sets. The HttpOnly flag indicates to the user agent that the cookie must not be accessible by client-side script (i.e document.cookie). It is recommended that the httpOnlyCookies attribute be set to true.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.web/httpCookies"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        $httpOnlyCookies = $section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "httpOnlyCookies"

        if (-not $httpOnlyCookie) {
            $message = "httpOnlyCookies set to $httpOnlyCookies"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.7"
            Task    = "Ensure 'cookies' are set with HttpOnly attribute"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 3.8
function Test-IISMachineKeyValidation {
        Ensure 'MachineKey validation method - .Net 3.5' is configured
        The machineKey element of the ASP.NET web.config specifies the algorithm and keys that ASP.NET will use for encryption. The Machine Key feature can be managed to specify hashing and encryption settings for application services such as view state, Forms authentication, membership and roles, and anonymous identification.
        It is recommended that AES or SHA1 methods be configured for use at the global level.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $siteAppPool = $Site.Applications["/"].ApplicationPoolName
        $appPoolVersion = (Get-IISAppPool -Name $siteAppPool).managedRuntimeVersion

        # Ensure ApplicationPool running is .NET 3.5 (which is an extension of 2.0 so we look for 2.*)
        if ($appPoolVersion -like "v2.*") {

            $validation = Get-IISConfigSection -CommitPath $Site.Name `
                -SectionPath "system.web/machineKey" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "Validation"

            if ($validation -ne "SHA1") {
                $message = "Validation set to $validation"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.8"
            Task    = "Ensure 'MachineKey validation method - .Net 3.5' is configured"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 3.9
function Test-IISMachineKeyValidationV45 {
        Ensure 'MachineKey validation method - .Net 4.5' is configured
        The machineKey element of the ASP.NET web.config specifies the algorithm and keys that ASP.NET will use for encryption. The Machine Key feature can be managed to specify hashing and encryption settings for application services such as view state, Forms authentication, membership and roles, and anonymous identification.
        It is recommended that SHA-2 methods be configured for use at the global level.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $siteAppPool = $site.Applications["/"].ApplicationPoolName
        $appPoolVersion = (Get-IISAppPool -Name $siteAppPool).managedRuntimeVersion

        # Ensure an ApplicationPool is running .NET 4.5
        if ($appPoolVersion -like "v4.*") {
            $validation = Get-IISConfigSection -CommitPath $Site.name `
                -SectionPath "system.web/machineKey" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "Validation"

            if (($validation -ne "HMACSHA256") -and ($validation -ne "HMACSHA512")) {
                $message = "Validation set to $validation"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.9"
            Task    = "Ensure 'MachineKey validation method - .Net 4.5' is configured"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 3.10
function Test-IISDotNetTrustLevel {
        Ensure global .NET trust level is configured
        An application's trust level determines the permissions that are granted by the ASP.NET code access security (CAS) policy. CAS defines two trust categories: full trust and partial trust. An application that has full trust permissions may access all resource types on a server and perform privileged operations, while applications that run with partial trust have varying levels of operating permissions and access to resources.
        It is recommended that the global .NET Trust Level be set to Medium or lower.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $siteAppPool = $site.Applications["/"].ApplicationPoolName
        $appPoolVersion = (Get-IISAppPool -Name $siteAppPool).managedRuntimeVersion

        $level = Get-IISConfigSection -CommitPath $Site.name `
            -SectionPath "system.web/trust" `
            | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "level"

        # medium trust level should be set in .NET 2.*, but not in later versions
        if (($appPoolVersion -like "v2.*" -and $level -ne "medium") -or $appPoolVersion -notlike "v4.*") {
            $message = "TrustLevel set to $level"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "3.10"
            Task    = "Ensure global .NET trust level is configured"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output


#region 4 Request Filtering and Other Restriction Modules
# Request Filtering is a powerful module that provides a configurable set of rules that enables administrators to allow or reject the types of requests that they determine should be allowed or rejected at the server, web site, or web application levels.

# 4.1
function Test-IISMaxAllowedContentLength {
        Ensure 'maxAllowedContentLength' is configured
        The maxAllowedContentLength Request Filter is the maximum size of the http request, measured in bytes, which can be sent from a client to the server. Configuring this value enables the total request size to be restricted to a configured value. It is recommended that the overall size of requests be restricted to a maximum value appropriate for the server, site, or application.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        # Ensure request filering is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Filtering).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/security/requestFiltering"
            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            $maxContentLength = $section `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "requestLimits" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "maxAllowedContentLength"

            if ($maxContentLength -ge 0) {
                $message += "`n maxContentLength: $maxContentLength"
            else {
                $message = "maxContentLength not configured"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Request Filering is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.1"
            Task    = "Ensure 'maxAllowedContentLength' is configured"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 4.2
function Test-IISMaxURLRequestFilter {
        Ensure 'maxURL request filter' is configured
        The maxURL attribute of the <requestLimits> property is the maximum length (in Bytes) in which a requested URL can be (excluding query string) in order for IIS to accept. Configuring this Request Filter enables administrators to restrict the length of the requests that the server will accept. It is recommended that a limit be put on the length of URL.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        # Ensure request filering is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Filtering).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/security/requestFiltering"
            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            $maxURLRequestFilter = $section `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "requestLimits" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "maxURL"

            if ($maxURLRequestFilter -ge 1) {
                $message += "`n maxURLRequestFilter: $maxURLRequestFilter"
            else {
                $message = "maxURLRequestFilter not configured"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Request Filering is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.2"
            Task    = "Ensure 'maxURL request filter' is configured"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 4.3
function Test-IISMaxQueryStringRequestFilter {
        Ensure 'MaxQueryString request filter' is configured
        The MaxQueryString Request Filter describes the upper limit on the length of the query string that the configured IIS server will allow for websites or applications. It is recommended that values always be established to limit the amount of data will can be accepted in the query string.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        # Ensure request filering is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Filtering).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/security/requestFiltering"
            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            $maxQueryStringRequestFilter = $section `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "requestLimits" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "maxQueryString"

            if ($maxQueryStringRequestFilter -ge 1) {
                $message += "`n maxQueryStringRequestFilter: $maxQueryStringRequestFilter"
            else {
                $message = "maxQueryStringRequestFilter not configured"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Request Filering is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.3"
            Task    = "Ensure 'MaxQueryString request filter' is configured"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 4.4
function Test-IISNonASCIICharURLForbidden {
        Ensure non-ASCII characters in URLs are not allowed
        This feature is used to allow or reject all requests to IIS that contain non-ASCII characters. When using this feature, Request Filtering will deny the request if high-bit characters are present in the URL. The UrlScan equivalent is AllowHighBitCharacters. It is recommended that requests containing non-ASCII characters be rejected, where possible.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        # Ensure request filering is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Filtering).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/security/requestFiltering"
            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            $allowHighBitCharacters = $section `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "allowHighBitCharacters"

            if ($allowHighBitCharacters) {
                $message = "non-ASCII characters in URLs are allowed"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Request Filering is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.4"
            Task    = "Ensure non-ASCII characters in URLs are not allowed"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 4.5
function Test-IISRejectDoubleEncodedRequests {
        Ensure Double-Encoded requests will be rejected
        This Request Filter feature prevents attacks that rely on double-encoded requests and applies if an attacker submits a double-encoded request to IIS. When the double-encoded requests filter is enabled, IIS will go through a two iteration process of normalizing the request. If the first normalization differs from the second, the request is rejected and the error code is logged as a 404.11. The double-encoded requests filter was the VerifyNormalization option in UrlScan. It is recommended that double-encoded requests be rejected.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        # Ensure request filering is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Filtering).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/security/requestFiltering"
            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            $allowDoubleEscaping = $section`
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "allowDoubleEscaping"

            if ($allowDoubleEscaping) {
                $message = "Rejecting Double-Encoded requests not set"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Request Filering is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.5"
            Task    = "Ensure Double-Encoded requests will be rejected"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 4.6
function Test-IISHTTPTraceMethodeDisabled {
        Ensure 'HTTP Trace Method' is disabled
        The HTTP TRACE method returns the contents of client HTTP requests in the entity-body of the TRACE response. Attackers could leverage this behavior to access sensitive information, such as authentication data or cookies, contained in the HTTP headers of the request. One such way to mitigate this is by using the <verbs> element of the <requestFiltering> collection. The <verbs> element replaces the [AllowVerbs] and [DenyVerbs] features in UrlScan. It is recommended the HTTP TRACE method be denied.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = "HTTP Trace Method is not filtered"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        # Ensure request filering is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Filtering).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/security/requestFiltering"
            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            [array]$httpTraceMethod = $section.GetCollection("verbs") `
                | Where-Object {
                    $trace = $_ | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "verb"
                    $allowed = $_ | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "allowed"
                    ($trace -eq "trace") -and (-not $allowed)

            if ($httpTraceMethod.Count -eq 1) {
                $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::True
        else {
            $message = "Request Filering is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.6"
            Task    = "Ensure 'HTTP Trace Method' is disabled"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 4.7
function Test-IISBlockUnlistedFileExtensions {
        Ensure Unlisted File Extensions are not allowed
        The FileExtensions Request Filter allows administrators to define specific extensions their web server(s) will allow and disallow. The property allowUnlisted will cover all other file extensions not explicitly allowed or denied. Often times, extensions such as .config, .bat, .exe, to name a few, should never be served. The AllowExtensions and DenyExtensions options are the UrlScan equivalents. It is recommended that all extensions be unallowed at the most global level possible, with only those necessary being allowed.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Filtering).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $path = "system.webServer/security/requestFiltering"

            $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

            $allowUnlisted = $section `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "fileExtensions" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "allowUnlisted"

            if ($allowUnlisted) {
                $message = "Unlisted file extensions allowed"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "Request Filering is not installed"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.7"
            Task    = "Ensure Unlisted File Extensions are not allowed"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 4.8
function Test-IISHandlerDenyWrite {
        Ensure Handler is not granted Write and Script/Execute
        Handler mappings can be configured to give permissions to Read, Write, Script, or Execute depending on what the use is for - reading static content, uploading files, executing scripts, etc. It is recommended to grant a handler either Execute/``Script or Write permissions, but not both.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        $path = "system.webServer/handlers"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)
        $accessPolicy = ($section | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "accessPolicy").Split(",")

        if ((($accessPolicy -contains "Script") -or ($accessPolicy -contains "Execute")) `
            -and ($accessPolicy -contains "Write")) {
            $message = "Handler is granted write and script/execute"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.8"
            Task    = "Ensure Handler is not granted Write and Script/Execute"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 4.9
function Test-IISIsapisNotAllowed {
        Ensure 'notListedIsapisAllowed' is set to false
        The notListedIsapisAllowed attribute is a server-level setting that is located in the ApplicationHost.config file in the <isapiCgiRestriction> element of the <system.webServer> section under <security>. This element ensures that malicious users cannot copy unauthorized ISAPI binaries to the Web server and then run them. It is recommended that notListedIsapisAllowed be set to false.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    try {
        $isapiCgiRestriction = Get-IISConfigSection `
            -SectionPath "system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction" `
            | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "notListedIsapisAllowed"

        # Verify that the notListedIsapisAllowed attribute in the <isapiCgiRestriction> element is set to false
        if ($isapiCgiRestriction) {
            $message = "IsapiCgiRestriction 'notListedIsapisAllowed' not set to false"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
    catch {
        $message = "Cannot get setting 'notListedIsapisAllowed' for IsapiCgiRestriction"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "4.9"
        Task    = "Ensure 'notListedIsapisAllowed' is set to false"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 4.10
function Test-IISCgisNotAllowed {
        Ensure 'notListedCgisAllowed' is set to false
        The notListedCgisAllowed attribute is a server-level setting that is located in the ApplicationHost.config file in the <isapiCgiRestriction> element of the <system.webServer> section under <security>. This element ensures that malicious users cannot copy unauthorized CGI binaries to the Web server and then run them. It is recommended that notListedCgisAllowed be set to false.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    try {
        $isapiCgiRestriction = Get-IISConfigSection `
            -SectionPath "system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction" `
            | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "notListedCgisAllowed"

        # Verify that the notListedCgisAllowed attribute in the <isapiCgiRestriction> element is set to false
        if ($isapiCgiRestriction) {
            $message = "IsapiCgiRestriction 'notListedCgisAllowed' not set to false"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
    catch {
        $message = "Cannot get setting 'notListedCgisAllowed' for IsapiCgiRestriction"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "4.10"
        Task    = "Ensure 'notListedCgisAllowed' is set to false"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 4.11
function Test-IISDynamicIPRestrictionEnabled {
        Ensure 'Dynamic IP Address Restrictions' is enabled
        IIS Dynamic IP Address Restrictions capability can be used to thwart DDos attacks. This is complimentary to the IP Addresses and Domain names Restrictions lists that can be manually maintained within IIS. In contrast, Dynamic IP address filtering allows administrators to configure the server to block access for IPs that exceed the specified request threshold. The default action Deny action for restrictions is to return a Forbidden response to the client.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        # Ensure the windows feature is installed
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Ip-Security).InstallState -ne [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $message = "`"IP and Domain Restrictions`" must be installed to enabled `"Dynamic IP Address Restrictions`""
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $dynamicIpSecurity = Get-IISConfigSection -Location $Site.Name `
                -SectionPath "system.webServer/security/dynamicIpSecurity"

            $denyByConcurrentRequests = $dynamicIpSecurity `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "denyByConcurrentRequests" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "enabled"

            $denyByRequestRate = $dynamicIpSecurity `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "denyByRequestRate" `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "enabled"

            if ($denyByConcurrentRequests -and -not $denyByRequestRate) {
                $message = "Deny IP Address based on the number of requests over a period of time disabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
            elseif (-not $denyByConcurrentRequests -and $denyByRequestRate) {
                $message = "Deny IP Address based on the number of concurrent requests disabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
            elseif (-not $denyByConcurrentRequests -and -not $denyByRequestRate) {
                $message = "Dynamic IP Restriction disabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "4.11"
            Task    = "Ensure 'Dynamic IP Address Restrictions' is enabled"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output


#region 5 IIS Logging Recommendations
# This section contains recommendations regarding IIS logging that have not been covered in the Basic Configurations section.

# 5.1
function Test-IISLogFileLocation {
        Ensure Default IIS web log location is moved
        IIS will log relatively detailed information on every request. These logs are usually the first item looked at in a security response, and can be the most valuable. Malicious users are aware of this, and will often try to remove evidence of their activities. It is therefore recommended that the default location for IIS log files be changed to a restricted, non-system drive.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $logFileLocation = ($Site.logFile.Directory).replace("%SystemDrive%", $env:SystemDrive)

        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        if ($logFileLocation.StartsWith($env:SystemDrive)) {
            $message = "Logfile location is on system drive: $logFileLocation"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "5.1"
            Task    = "Ensure Default IIS web log location is moved"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 5.2
function Test-IISAdvancedLoggingEnabled {
        Ensure Advanced IIS logging is enabled
        IIS Advanced Logging is a module which provides flexibility in logging requests and client data. It provides controls that allow businesses to specify what fields are important, easily add additional fields, and provide policies pertaining to log file rollover and Request Filtering. HTTP request/response headers, server variables, and client-side fields can be easily logged with minor configuration in the IIS management console. It is recommended that Advanced Logging be enabled, and the fields which could be of value to the type of business or application in the event of a security incident, be identified and logged.

    # check site defaults

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "5.2"
        Task    = "Ensure Advanced IIS logging is enabled"
        Message = "Advanced Logging is not available for IIS 10. See enhanced logging instead."
        Audit   = [AuditStatus]::None
    } | Write-Output

# 5.3
function Test-IISETWLoggingEnabled {
        Ensure 'ETW Logging' is enabled
        IIS introduces a new logging method. Administrators can now send logging information to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        if (-not ($Site.logFile.logTargetW3C -like "*ETW*")) {
            $message = "ETW Logging disabled"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "5.3"
            Task    = "Ensure 'ETW Logging' is enabled"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output


#region 6 FTP Requests
# This section contains a crucial configuration setting for running file transfer protocol (FTP).

# 6.0
function Test-IISFtpIsDisabled {
        Ensure FTP is disabled

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        [array]$ftpBindings = $Site.Bindings | Where-Object -Property Protocol -eq FTP

        if ($ftpBindings.Count -gt 0 -or (Get-WindowsFeature Web-Ftp-Server).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
            $message = "FTP is not disabled. FTP is using bindings and/or is at least installed."
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "6.0"
            Task    = "Ensure FTP is disabled"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output

# 6.1
function Test-IISFtpRequestsEncrypted {
        Ensure FTP requests are encrypted
        The new FTP Publishing Service for IIS supports adding an SSL certificate to an FTP site. Using an SSL certificate with an FTP site is also known as FTP-S or FTP over Secure Socket Layers (SSL). FTP-S is an RFC standard (RFC 4217) where an SSL certificate is added to an FTP site and thereby making it possible to perform secure file transfers.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Ftp-Server).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
        try {
            $sslConfigElement = Get-IISConfigSection `
                -SectionPath "system.applicationHost/sites" `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "siteDefaults" `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "ftpServer" `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "security" `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "ssl"

            $controlChannelPolicy = $sslConfigElement `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "controlChannelPolicy"

            $dataChannelPolicy = $sslConfigElement `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "dataChannelPolicy"

            if (($controlChannelPolicy -ne "SslRequire") -or ($dataChannelPolicy -ne "SslRequire")) {
                $message = "Found following settings: `n controlChannelPolicy: $controlChannelPolicy `n dataChannelPolicy: $dataChannelPolicy"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        catch {
            $message = "Cannot get FTP security setting"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
    else {
        $message = "Skipped this benchmark - right now Web-Ftp-Server is not installed"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::None

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "6.1"
        Task    = "Ensure FTP requests are encrypted"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 6.2
function Test-IISFtpLogonAttemptRestriction {
        Ensure FTP Logon attempt restrictions is enabled
        IIS introduced a built-in network security feature to automatically block brute force FTP attacks. This can be used to mitigate a malicious client from attempting a brute-force attack on a discovered account, such as the local administrator account.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    if ((Get-WindowsFeature Web-Ftp-Server).InstallState -eq [InstallState]::Installed) {
        try {
            $denyByFailure = Get-IISConfigSection `
                -SectionPath "system.ftpServer/security/authentication" `
                | Get-IISConfigElement -ChildElementName "denyByFailure"

            $enabled = $denyByFailure `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "enabled"
            $maxFailure = $denyByFailure `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "maxFailure"
            $entryExpiration = $denyByFailure `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "entryExpiration"
            $loggingOnlyMode = $denyByFailure `
                | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "loggingOnlyMode"

            if (($enabled) -and ($maxFailure -gt 0) -and ($entryExpiration -gt 0) -and (-not $loggingOnlyMode)) {
                # All good
            elseif (-not $enabled ) {
                $message = "Feature disabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
            else {
                $message = "Feature enabled, but check settings. Found: `n maxFailure: " `
                    + $maxFailure + "`n entryExpiration: " `
                    + $entryExpiration + "`n Only logging mode: " `
                    + $loggingOnlyMode
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        catch {
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
            $message = "Cannot get FTP Logon attempt settings"
    else {
        $message = "Skipped this benchmark - right now Web-Ftp-Server is not installed"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::None

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "6.2"
        Task    = "Ensure FTP Logon attempt restrictions is enabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output


#region 7 Transport Encryption
# This section contains recommendations for configuring IIS protocols and cipher suites.

# 7.1
function Test-IISHSTSHeaderSet {
        Ensure HSTS Header is set
        HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) allows a site to inform the user agent to communicate with the site only over HTTPS. This header takes two parameters: max-age, "specifies the number of seconds, after the reception of the STS header field, during which the user agent regards the host (from whom the message was received) as a Known HSTS Host [speaks only HTTPS]"; and includeSubDomains. includeSubDomains is an optional directive that defines how this policy is applied to subdomains. If includeSubDomains is included in the header, it provides the following definition: this HSTS Policy also applies to any hosts whose domain names are subdomains of the Known HSTS Host's domain name.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Configuration] $Configuration

    process {
        $message = "HSTS Header not set"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        $path = "system.webServer/httpProtocol"
        $section = $Configuration.GetSection($path)

        [array]$customHeaders = $section.GetCollection("customHeaders") `
            | Where-Object {
                $name  = $_ | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "name"
                $name -eq "Strict-Transport-Security"

        if ($customHeaders.Count -eq 1) {
            $value = $customHeaders[0] | Get-IISConfigAttributeValue -AttributeName "value"
            $pattern = [regex]::new("max-age=(?<maxage>[0-9]*)")
            $match = $pattern.Match($value)

            if ($match.Success) {
                [int]$maxAge = $match.Groups["maxage"].Value
                if ($maxAge -eq 0) {
                    $message = "Max-age should be at least be higher than 0. It is recommended to set max-age to at least 480 seconds. Max-age is set at $maxAge"
                    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
                elseif ($maxAge -lt 480) {
                    $message = "It is recommended to set max-age to at least 480 seconds. Max-age is set at $maxAge"
                    $audit = [AuditStatus]::Warning
                else {
                    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD + ". Max-age is set at $maxAge"
                    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "7.1"
            Task    = "Ensure HSTS Header is set"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output


# 7.2
function Test-IISSSL2Disabled {
        Ensure SSLv2 is disabled
        This protocol is not considered cryptographically secure. Disabling it is recommended. This protocol is disabled by default if the registry key is not present. A reboot is required for these changes to be reflected.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 2.0"

    # SSL is disabled by default
    # if $path exists, $path/server should also exist
    if ((Test-Path $path) -and (Test-Path "$path\Server")) {
        # Ensure the following key exists
        $Key = Get-Item "$path\Server"
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty "$path\Server" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
            # Ensure it is set to 0
            if ($value -ne 0) {
                $message = "SSL 2.0 is enabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.2"
        Task    = "Ensure SSLv2 is disabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.3
function Test-IISSSL3Disabled {
        Ensure SSLv3 is disabled
        This protocol is not considered cryptographically secure. Disabling it is recommended.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 3.0"

    # SSL is disabled by default
    # if $path exists, $path/server should also exist
    if ((Test-Path $path) -and (Test-Path "$path\Server")) {
        # Ensure the following key exists
        $Key = Get-Item "$path\Server"
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty "$path\Server" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
            # Ensure it is set to 0
            if ($value -ne 0) {
                $message = "SSL 3.0 is enabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.3"
        Task    = "Ensure SSLv3 is disabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.4
function Test-IISTLSDisabled {
        Ensure TLS 1.0 is disabled
        The PCI Data Security Standard 3.1 recommends disabling "early TLS" along with SSL:
        SSL and early TLS are not considered strong cryptography and cannot be used as a security control after June 30, 2016.

    $message = "TLS 1.0 not disabled"
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server"

    # TLS 1.0 is enabled by default
    if (Test-Path $path) {
        # Ensure the following key exists
        $Key = Get-Item $path
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
            # Ensure it is set to 0
            if ($value -eq 0) {
                $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::True
        elseif ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("DisabledByDefault", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "DisabledByDefault"
            # Ensure it is set to 1
            if ($value -eq 1) {
                $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.4"
        Task    = "Ensure TLS 1.0 is disabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.5
function Test-IISTLS1_1Enabled {
        Ensure TLS 1.1 is enabled
        Enabling TLS 1.1 is required for backward compatibility.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Server"

    # TLS is enabled by default
    if (Test-Path $path) {
        # Ensure the following key exists
        $Key = Get-Item $path
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
            # Ensure it is enabled
            if ($value -eq 0) {
                $message = "TLS 1.1 disabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.5"
        Task    = "Ensure TLS 1.1 is enabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.6
function Test-IISTLS1_2Enabled {
        Ensure TLS 1.2 is enabled
        TLS 1.2 is the most recent and mature protocol for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of HTTP traffic. Enabling TLS 1.2 is recommended. This protocol is enabled by default if the registry key is not present. As with any registry changes, a reboot is required for changes to take effect.

    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2"

    # if $path exists, $path/server should also exist
    # TLS 1.2 is enabled by default
    if ((Test-Path $path) -and (Test-Path "$path\Server")) {
        # Ensure the following key exists
        $Key = Get-Item "$path\Server"
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty "$path\Server" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
            if ($value -ne 1) {
                $message = "TLS 1.2 is disabled"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "TLS 1.2 is disabled"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("DisabledByDefault", $null)) {
            # Get-ItemProperty returns a [UInt32]
            $value = Get-ItemProperty "$path\Server" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "DisabledByDefault"
            if ($value -ne 0) {
                $message = "TLS 1.2 is disabled by default"
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::False
        else {
            $message = "TLS 1.2 is disabled"
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.6"
        Task    = "Ensure TLS 1.2 is enabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.7
function Test-IISNullCipherDisabled {
        Ensure NULL Cipher Suites is disabled
        The NULL cipher does not provide data confidentiality or integrity. It is recommended that the NULL cipher be disabled.

    $message = "NULL cipher is enabled"
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Ciphers\NULL\"

    if (Test-Path $path) {
        $Key = Get-Item $path
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
            if ($value -eq 0) {
                $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::True
    else {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.7"
        Task    = "Ensure NULL Cipher Suites is disabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.8
function Test-IISDESCipherDisabled {
        Ensure DES Cipher Suites is disabled
        DES is a weak symmetric-key cipher. It is recommended that it be disabled.

    $message = "DES cipher is enabled"
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Ciphers\DES 56/56\"

    if (Test-Path $path) {
        $Key = Get-Item $path
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
            if ($value -eq 0) {
                $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::True
    else {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.8"
        Task    = "Ensure DES Cipher Suites is disabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.9
function Test-IISRC4CipherDisabled {
        Ensure RC4 Cipher Suites is disabled
        RC4 is a stream cipher that has known practical attacks. It is recommended that RC4 be disabled. The only RC4 cipher enabled by default on Server 2012 and 2012 R2 is RC4 128/128.

    $rc4Ciphers = @("RC4 40/128", "RC4 56/128", "RC4 64/128", "RC4 128/128")

    $index = 1
    foreach ($rc4Cipher in $rc4Ciphers) {
        $message = "$rc4Cipher cipher is enabled"
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

        $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Ciphers\$rc4Cipher\"

        if (Test-Path $path) {
            $Key = Get-Item $path
            if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
                $value = Get-ItemProperty $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
                if ($value -eq 0) {
                    $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                    $audit = [AuditStatus]::True
        else {
            $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

        New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
            Id      = "7.9.$index"
            Task    = "Ensure RC4 Cipher Suites is disabled"
            Message = $message
            Audit   = $audit
        } | Write-Output


# 7.10
function Test-IISAES128Disabled {
        Ensure AES 128/128 Cipher Suite is configured
        Enabling AES 128/128 may be required for client compatibility. Enable or disable this cipher suite accordingly.

    $message = "AES 128/128 Cipher Suite is still enabled"
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    try {
        # Get-ItemProperty returns a [UInt32]
        $enabled = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Ciphers\AES 128/128\" `
            -ErrorAction Stop `
        | Select-Object `
            -ExpandProperty Enabled

        if ($enabled -eq 0) {
            $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
            $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    catch {
        # do anything here
    # If the key/value is not present,Triple AES 128/128 Cipher is disabled

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.10"
        Task    = "Ensure AES 128/128 Cipher Suite is disabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.11
function Test-IISAES256Enabled {
        Ensure AES 256/256 Cipher Suite is enabled
        AES 256/256 is the most recent and mature cipher suite for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of HTTP traffic. Enabling AES 256/256 is recommended. This is enabled by default on Server 2012 and 2012 R2.

    $message = "AES 256/256 Cipher is disabled"
    $audit = [AuditStatus]::False

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Ciphers\AES 256/256\"

    if (Test-Path $path) {
        $Key = Get-Item $path
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Enabled", $null)) {
            $value = Get-ItemProperty $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Enabled"
            if ($value -eq 1) {
                $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                $audit = [AuditStatus]::True
    else {
        $message = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
        $audit = [AuditStatus]::True

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.11"
        Task    = "Ensure AES 256/256 Cipher Suite is enabled"
        Message = $message
        Audit   = $audit
    } | Write-Output

# 7.12
function Test-IISTLSCipherOrder {
        Ensure TLS Cipher Suite ordering is configured
        Cipher suites are a named combination of authentication, encryption, message authentication code, and key exchange algorithms used for the security settings of a network connection using TLS protocol. Clients send a cipher list and a list of ciphers that it supports in order of preference to a server. The server then replies with the cipher suite that it selects from the client cipher suite list.

    [String[]]$cipherList = @(

    $message1 = "TLS Cipher Suite ordering does not match reference"
    $audit1 = [AuditStatus]::False

    $message2 = "TLS Cipher Suite contains more ciphers"
    $audit2 = [AuditStatus]::False

    $path = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Cryptography\Configuration\Local\SSL\00010002\"

    if (Test-Path $path) {
        $Key = Get-Item $path
        if ($null -ne $Key.GetValue("Functions", $null)) {
            $functions = (Get-ItemProperty $path).Functions

            if ($cipherList.Count -ge $functions.Count) {
                $message2 = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                $audit2 = [AuditStatus]::True

                $equalOrdering = [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Zip($cipherList, $functions, `
                    [Func[String, String, Boolean]] {
                        param($cipher, $function)
                        $cipher -eq $function

                if (-not ($equalOrdering -contains $false)) {
                    $message1 = $MESSAGE_ALLGOOD
                    $audit1 = [AuditStatus]::True

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.12.1"
        Task    = "Ensure TLS Cipher Suite ordering is correctly configured"
        Message = $message1
        Audit   = $audit1
    } | Write-Output

    New-Object -TypeName AuditInfo -Property @{
        Id      = "7.12.2"
        Task    = "Ensure TLS Cipher Suite does not contain more ciphers"
        Message = $message2
        Audit   = $audit2
    } | Write-Output


#region Report Generation

function Get-IIS10SystemReport {
    # Section 1

    # Section 2

    # Section 3

    # Section 4

    # Section 5

    # Section 6

    # Section 7

function Get-IIS10SiteReport {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Site] $Site

    process {
        $AppPools = $Site.Applications.ApplicationPoolName | Sort-Object | Get-Unique | Get-IISAppPool

        $AuditInfos = @()

        # Section 1
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISVirtualDirPartition
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISHostHeaders
        $AuditInfos += $AppPools | Test-IISAppPoolIdentity

        # Section 2
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISTLSForBasicAuth

        # Section 3
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISMachineKeyValidation
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISMachineKeyValidationV45
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISDotNetTrustLevel

        # Section 4
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISDynamicIPRestrictionEnabled

        # Section 5
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISLogFileLocation
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISETWLoggingEnabled

        # Section 6
        $AuditInfos += $Site | Test-IISFtpIsDisabled

        # Section 7

        $VirtualPaths = $Site | Get-IISSiteVirtualPaths -AllVirtualDirectories
        $VirtualPathAudits = foreach ($VirtualPath in $VirtualPaths) {
            $Configuration = (Get-IISServerManager).GetWebConfiguration($Site.Name, $VirtualPath)
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos = @()

            # Section 1
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISDirectoryBrowsing
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISAnonymouseUserIdentity

            # Section 2
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISGlobalAuthorization
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISAuthenticatedPricipals
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISFormsAuthenticationSSL
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISFormsAuthenticationCookies
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISFormsAuthenticationProtection
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISPasswordFormatNotClear
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISCredentialsNotStored

            # Section 3
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISDebugOff
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISCustomErrorsNotOff
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISHttpErrorsHidden
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISAspNetTracingDisabled
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISCookielessSessionState
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISCookiesHttpOnly

            # Section 4
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISMaxAllowedContentLength
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISMaxURLRequestFilter
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISMaxQueryStringRequestFilter
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISNonASCIICharURLForbidden
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISRejectDoubleEncodedRequests
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISHTTPTraceMethodeDisabled
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISBlockUnlistedFileExtensions
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISHandlerDenyWrite

            # Section 5

            # Section 6

            # Section 7
            $VirtualPathAuditInfos += $Configuration | Test-IISHSTSHeaderSet

            New-Object -TypeName VirtualPathAudit -Property @{
                VirtualPath = $VirtualPath
                AuditInfos  = $VirtualPathAuditInfos

        New-Object -TypeName SiteAudit -Property @{
            SiteName          = $Site.Name
            AuditInfos        = $AuditInfos

            VirtualPathAudits = $VirtualPathAudits

function Get-IISHostInformation {
    $infos = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem
    $disk = Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object -Property DeviceID -eq "C:"

    $IISinstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp").Installpath

    return [ordered]@{
        "Hostname" = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName(($env:computerName)).HostName
        "Operating System" = $infos.Caption
        "Build Number" = $infos.BuildNumber
        "IIS Version" = (Get-ItemProperty -Path ("$IISinstallPath\w3wp.exe")).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
        "Free physical memory (GB)" = "{0:N3}" -f ($infos.FreePhysicalMemory / 1MB)
        "Free disk space (GB)" = "{0:N1}" -f ($disk.FreeSpace / 1GB)

function Get-IIS10HtmlReport {
        Generates an audit report in an html file.
        The `Get-IIS10HtmlReport` cmdlet collects by default data from the current machine to generate an audit report.
        It is also possible to pass your own data to the cmdlet from which it generates the report. To do this, use the parameter `SystemAuditInfos` and `SiteAudits`.
    .Parameter Path
        Specifies the relative path to the file in which the report will be stored.
        C:\PS> Get-IIS10HtmlReport -Path "MyReport.html"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Path,

        [AuditInfo[]] $SystemAuditInfos = (Get-IIS10SystemReport),

        [SiteAudit[]] $SiteAudits = (Get-IISSite | Get-IIS10SiteReport),

        [switch] $DarkMode

    [hashtable[]]$reportSections = @()

    $reportSections += @{
        Title = "System Report"
        AuditInfos = $SystemAuditInfos

    foreach ($SiteAudit in $SiteAudits) {
        [hashtable[]]$virtualPathReports = foreach ($VirtualPathAudit in $SiteAudit.VirtualPathAudits) {
                Title      = "Report for: $($VirtualPathAudit.VirtualPath)"
                AuditInfos = $VirtualPathAudit.AuditInfos

        $reportSections += @{
            Title       = "Full site report for: $($SiteAudit.SiteName)"
            AuditInfos  = $SiteAudit.AuditInfos
            SubSections = $virtualPathReports

    Get-ATAPHtmlReport `
        -Path $Path `
        -Title "IIS 10 Benchmarks" `
        -ModuleName "IIS10Audit" `
        -BasedOn "CIS Microsoft IIS 10 Benchmark v1.1.0 - 12-11-2018" `
        -HostInformation (Get-IISHostInformation) `
        -Sections $reportSections `