
Write-Verbose 'Importing from [C:\MyProjects\IISConfigUnlock\IISConfigUnlock\private]'
Write-Verbose 'Importing from [C:\MyProjects\IISConfigUnlock\IISConfigUnlock\public]'
# .\IISConfigUnlock\public\Unlock-IISAnonymousAuth.ps1
function Unlock-IISAnonymousAuth {
    Unlocks the 'anonymousAuthentication' web.config section so that a website/application
    can include this section in it's own web.config
    Unlocks the 'anonymousAuthentication' web.config section so that a website/application
    can include this section in it's own web.config

    Specific section unlocked:
    .PARAMETER Location
    The logic path of a website that can now include this section in it's web.config
    .PARAMETER Commit
    Save changes to IIS immediately? Defaults to true

    Unlock 'anonymousAuthentication' section for all websites

    Unlock-CaccaIISAnonymousAuth -Location MyWebsite

    Unlock 'anonymousAuthentication' section specifically for 'MyWebsite' and all child
    web application in this site

    Unlock-CaccaIISAnonymousAuth -Location MyWebsite/MyApp

    Unlock 'anonymousAuthentication' section specifically for 'MyApp' web application within
    'MyWebsite' site

    New-CaccaIISWebsite MySite -Config {
        Unlock-CaccaIISAnonymousAuth -Location $_.Name -Commit:$false

    Unlock 'anonymousAuthentication' section for the 'MySite' being created by the
    New-CaccaIISWebsite command

    param (
        [string] $Location,
        [switch] $Commit
    begin {
        Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
        Get-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
        $callerEA = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

        if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Commit')) {
            $Commit = $true
    process {
        try {
            $sectionPath = 'system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication'
            $sectionPath | Unlock-IISConfigSection -Location $Location -Commit:$Commit
        catch {
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -EA $callerEA
# .\IISConfigUnlock\public\Unlock-IISConfigSection.ps1
function Unlock-IISConfigSection {
    Unlocks the specified web.config section so that a website/application can
    include this section in it's own web.config
    Unlocks the specified web.config section so that a website/application can
    include this section in it's own web.config
    .PARAMETER SectionPath
    The web.config section to unlock
    .PARAMETER Section
    The web.config section to unlock
    .PARAMETER Location
    The logic path of a website that can now include this section in it's web.config
    .PARAMETER Commit
    Save changes to IIS immediately? Defaults to true
    Unlock-CaccaIISConfigSection -SectionPath 'system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication'

    Unlock 'anonymousAuthentication' section for all websites.
    Equivalent to: Unlock-CaccaIISAnonymousAuth

    New-CaccaIISWebsite MySite -Config {
        $params = @{
            SectionPath = 'system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication'
            Location = $_.Name
            Commit = $false
        Unlock-CaccaIISConfigSection @params

    Unlock 'anonymousAuthentication' section for the 'MySite' being created by the
    New-CaccaIISWebsite command.
    Equivalent to: Unlock-CaccaIISAnonymousAuth


    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Path', ValueFromPipeline)]
        [string] $SectionPath,

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Config', ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ConfigurationSection] $Section,

        [string] $Location,

        [switch] $Commit
    begin {
        Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
        Get-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
        $callerEA = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

        if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Commit')) {
            $Commit = $true
    process {
        try {

            if ($Commit) {

            $sectionConfig = if ($Section) { 
            else {
                Get-IISConfigSection $SectionPath -Location $Location

            $sectionConfig.OverrideMode = 'Allow'
            if ($Commit) {
        catch {
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -EA $callerEA
# .\IISConfigUnlock\public\Unlock-IISWindowsAuth.ps1
function Unlock-IISWindowsAuth {
    Unlocks the 'windowsAuthentication' web.config section so that a website/application
    can include this section in it's own web.config
    Unlocks the 'windowsAuthentication' web.config section so that a website/application
    can include this section in it's own web.config

    Specific section unlocked:
    .PARAMETER Location
    The logic path of a website that can now include this section in it's web.config
    .PARAMETER Minimum
    Only allow an application to configure:
    * whether Windows authentication is enable/disabled
    * extended protection
    .PARAMETER Commit
    Save changes to IIS immediately? Defaults to true

    Unlock 'windowsAuthentication' section for all websites

    Unlock-CaccaIISWindowsAuth -Location MyWebsite

    Unlock 'windowsAuthentication' section specifically for 'MyWebsite' and all child
    web application in this site

    Unlock-CaccaIISWindowsAuth -Location MyWebsite/MyApp

    Unlock 'windowsAuthentication' section specifically for 'MyApp' web application within
    'MyWebsite' site

    New-CaccaIISWebsite MySite -Config {
        Unlock-CaccaIISWindowsAuth -Location $_.Name -Commit:$false

    Unlock 'windowsAuthentication' section for the 'MySite' being created by the
    New-CaccaIISWebsite command


    param (
        [string] $Location,
        [switch] $Minimum,
        [switch] $Commit
    begin {
        Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
        Get-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
        $callerEA = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

        if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Commit')) {
            $Commit = $true
    process {
        try {

            if ($Commit) {

            $winAuthConfig = Get-IISConfigSection `
                'system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication' `
                -Location $Location

            $winAuthConfig.OverrideMode = 'Allow'
            if ($Minimum) {
                $winAuthConfig.SetMetadata('lockAllAttributesExcept', 'enabled')
                $winAuthConfig.SetMetadata('lockAllElementsExcept', 'extendedProtection')

            if ($Commit) {
        catch {
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -EA $callerEA
Write-Verbose 'Importing from [C:\MyProjects\IISConfigUnlock\IISConfigUnlock\classes]'