
function Get-IISMAppPools
    param (

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
        $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "list apppool '$($Name)'" -NoError
    else {
        $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments 'list apppools' -NoError

    if ($null -eq $result) {
        return $null

    ConvertTo-IISMAppPoolObject -AppPools $result.APPPOOL

function Test-IISMAppPool
    param (

    return ($null -ne (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name))

function Test-IISMAppPoolRunning
    param (

    return ((Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name).State -ieq 'started')

function Stop-IISMAppPool
    param (

    if (!(Test-IISMAppPoolRunning -Name $Name)) {

    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "stop apppool '$($Name)'" -NoParse | Out-Null
    return (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name)

function Start-IISMAppPool
    param (

    if (Test-IISMAppPoolRunning -Name $Name) {

    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "start apppool '$($Name)'" -NoParse | Out-Null
    return (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name)

function Restart-IISMAppPool
    param (

    Stop-IISMAppPool -Name $Name | Out-Null
    Start-IISMAppPool -Name $Name | Out-Null
    return (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name)

function Reset-IISMAppPool
    param (

    if (!(Test-IISMAppPoolRunning -Name $Name)) {

    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "recycle apppool '$($Name)'" -NoParse | Out-Null
    return (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name)

function Remove-IISMAppPool
    param (

    if (!(Test-IISMAppPool -Name $Name)) {

    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "delete apppool '$($Name)'" -NoParse | Out-Null
    return (Get-IISMAppPools)

function New-IISMAppPool
    param (

        [ValidateSet('2.0', '4.0')]
        $RuntimeVersion = '4.0',

        [ValidateSet('Classic', 'Integrated')]
        $PipelineMode = 'Integrated',


    # error if app-pool already exists
    if (Test-IISMAppPool -Name $Name) {
        throw "Application Pool '$($Name)' already exists in IIS"

    # create the app-pool
    $_args = "/name:'$($Name)' /managedRuntimeVersion:v$($RuntimeVersion) /managedPipelineMode:$($PipelineMode) /enable32BitAppOnWin64:$($Enable32Bit)"
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "add apppool $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null
    Wait-IISMBackgroundTask -ScriptBlock { Test-IISMAppPool -Name $Name }

    # return the app-pool
    return (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name)

function Update-IISMAppPool
    param (

        [ValidateSet('', '2.0', '4.0')]
        $RuntimeVersion = '',

        [ValidateSet('', 'Classic', 'Integrated')]
        $PipelineMode = '',

        $QueueLength = 0

    # error if the app-pool doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMAppPool -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Application Pool '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # update the runtime
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RuntimeVersion)) {
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /managedRuntimeVersion:v$($RuntimeVersion)" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # update the pipeline mode
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PipelineMode)) {
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /managedPipelineMode:$($PipelineMode)" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # update the queue length
    if ($QueueLength -gt 0) {
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /queueLength:$($QueueLength)" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # return the app-pool
    return (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name)

function Update-IISMAppPoolProcessModel
    param (

        [ValidateSet('', 'ApplicationPoolIdentity', 'LocalService', 'LocalSystem', 'NetworkService', 'SpecificUser')]
        $IdentifyType = '',


        $IdleTimeOut = -1,

        [ValidateSet('', 'Terminate', 'Suspend')]
        $IdleTimeOutAction = '',

        $WorkerProcesses = -1

    # error if the app-pool doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMAppPool -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Application Pool '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # set the idle timeout
    if ($IdleTimeOut -ge 0) {
        $strTimeout = [timespan]::FromMinutes($IdleTimeOut).ToString()
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /processModel.idleTimeout:$($strTimeout)" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # set the idle timeout action
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($IdleTimeOutAction)) {
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /processModel.idleTimeoutAction:$($IdleTimeOutAction)" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # set the max worker processes
    if ($WorkerProcesses -ge 0) {
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /processModel.maxProcesses:$($WorkerProcesses)" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # set the user identity
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($IdentifyType)) {
        # setup as specific user with creds
        if ($IdentifyType -ieq 'SpecificUser') {
            if ($null -eq $Credentials) {
                throw "No credentials supplied when attempting to set the '$($Name)' application pool to run as SpecificUser"

            $domain = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Domain
            $username = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
            $password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password

            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($domain)) {
                $username = "$($domain)\$($username)"

            $_args = "/processModel.identityType:$($IdentifyType) /processModel.userName:$($username) /processModel.password:$($password)"
            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null

        # setup as inbuilt identity
        else {
            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /processModel.identityType:$($IdentifyType)" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # return the app-pool
    return (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name)

function Update-IISMAppPoolRecycling
    param (

        $RecycleInterval = -1,

        $RecycleTimes = $null

    # error if the app-pool doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMAppPool -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Application Pool '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # set a recycle interval
    if ($RecycleInterval -ge 0) {
        $strInterval = [timespan]::FromMinutes($RecycleInterval).ToString()
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /recycling.periodicRestart.time:$($strInterval)" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # set recycling times
    if (($RecycleTimes | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
        # remove all current times
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /-recycling.periodicRestart.schedule" -NoParse | Out-Null

        # add the new times
        @($RecycleTimes) | ForEach-Object {
            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set apppool '$($Name)' /+`"recycling.periodicRestart.schedule.[value='$($_.ToString())']`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

    # return the app-pool
    return (Get-IISMAppPools -Name $Name)