
function Get-IISMFtpDirectoryAuthorization

        $AppName = '/',


    # error if not ftp site
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $SiteName)) {
        throw "Website '$($SiteName)' is not an FTP site"

    $AppName = Add-IISMSlash -Value $AppName

    $Name = Add-IISMSlash -Value "$($SiteName)$($AppName)" -Append
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DirName)) {
        $Name = "$($Name)$($DirName)"

    # error if the directory doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMDirectory -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)) {
        throw "Directory '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    return (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryAuthorizationInternal -Name $Name)

function Add-IISMFtpDirectoryAuthorization

        $AppName = '/',


        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]

        [ValidateSet('Read', 'Write')]




    # error if not ftp site
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $SiteName)) {
        throw "Website '$($SiteName)' is not an FTP site"

    $AppName = Add-IISMSlash -Value $AppName

    $Name = Add-IISMSlash -Value "$($SiteName)$($AppName)" -Append
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DirName)) {
        $Name = "$($Name)$($DirName)"

    # error if the directory doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMDirectory -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)) {
        throw "Directory '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # skip if it already has the auth
    $current = (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryAuthorizationInternal -Name $Name).Rules
    $check = ($current | Where-Object {
        ($_.AccessType -ieq $AccessType) -and
        ($_.Users -join ',') -ieq ($User -join ',') -and
        ($_.Roles -join ',') -ieq ($Role -join ',') -and
        ($_.Permissions -join ',') -ieq ($Permission -join ',')

    if ($null -ne $check) {

    # add the auth
    $auth = Get-IISMFtpAuthorizationCommandString -AccessType $AccessType -Permission $Permission -User $User -Role $Role
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config '$($Name)' /section:system.ftpServer/security/authorization /+`"$($auth)`" /commit:apphost" -NoParse | Out-Null

    if (!$NoOutput) {
        return (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryAuthorization -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)

function Remove-IISMFtpDirectoryAuthorization

        $AppName = '/',


        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]

        [ValidateSet('Read', 'Write')]




    # error if not ftp site
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $SiteName)) {
        throw "Website '$($SiteName)' is not an FTP site"

    $AppName = Add-IISMSlash -Value $AppName

    $Name = Add-IISMSlash -Value "$($SiteName)$($AppName)" -Append
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DirName)) {
        $Name = "$($Name)$($DirName)"

    # error if the directory doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMDirectory -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)) {
        throw "Directory '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # skip if it doesnt have the auth
    $current = (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryAuthorizationInternal -Name $Name).Rules
    $check = ($current | Where-Object {
        ($_.AccessType -ieq $AccessType) -and
        ($_.Users -join ',') -ieq ($User -join ',') -and
        ($_.Roles -join ',') -ieq ($Role -join ',') -and
        ($_.Permissions -join ',') -ieq ($Permission -join ',')

    if ($null -eq $check) {

    # remove the auth
    $auth = Get-IISMFtpAuthorizationCommandString -AccessType $AccessType -Permission $Permission -User $User -Role $Role
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config '$($Name)' /section:system.ftpServer/security/authorization /-`"$($auth)`" /commit:apphost" -NoParse | Out-Null

    if (!$NoOutput) {
        return (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryAuthorization -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)

function Get-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurity

        $AppName = '/',


    # error if not ftp site
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $SiteName)) {
        throw "Website '$($SiteName)' is not an FTP site"

    $AppName = Add-IISMSlash -Value $AppName

    $Name = Add-IISMSlash -Value "$($SiteName)$($AppName)" -Append
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DirName)) {
        $Name = "$($Name)$($DirName)"

    # error if the directory doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMDirectory -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)) {
        throw "Directory '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    return (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurityInternal -Name $Name)

function Add-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurity

        $AppName = '/',


        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]


        $SubnetMask = '',


    # error if not ftp site
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $SiteName)) {
        throw "Website '$($SiteName)' is not an FTP site"

    $AppName = Add-IISMSlash -Value $AppName

    $Name = Add-IISMSlash -Value "$($SiteName)$($AppName)" -Append
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DirName)) {
        $Name = "$($Name)$($DirName)"

    # error if the directory doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMDirectory -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)) {
        throw "Directory '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # skip if it already has the auth
    $current = (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurityInternal -Name $Name).Rules
    $check = ($current | Where-Object {
        ($_.AccessType -ieq $AccessType) -and
        ($_.IPAddress -ieq $IPAddress) -and
        ($_.SubnetMask -ieq $SubnetMask)

    if ($null -ne $check) {
        Write-Verbose "IP Security already exists"

    # add the auth
    $auth = Get-IISMFtpIPSecurityCommandString -AccessType $AccessType -IPAddress $IPAddress -SubnetMask $SubnetMask
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config '$($Name)' /section:system.ftpServer/security/ipSecurity /+`"$($auth)`" /commit:apphost" -NoParse | Out-Null

    if (!$NoOutput) {
        return (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurity -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)

function Remove-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurity

        $AppName = '/',


        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]


        $SubnetMask = '',


    # error if not ftp site
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $SiteName)) {
        throw "Website '$($SiteName)' is not an FTP site"

    $AppName = Add-IISMSlash -Value $AppName

    $Name = Add-IISMSlash -Value "$($SiteName)$($AppName)" -Append
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DirName)) {
        $Name = "$($Name)$($DirName)"

    # error if the directory doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMDirectory -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)) {
        throw "Directory '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # skip if it doesnt have the auth
    $current = (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurityInternal -Name $Name).Rules
    $check = ($current | Where-Object {
        ($_.AccessType -ieq $AccessType) -and
        ($_.IPAddress -ieq $IPAddress) -and
        ($_.SubnetMask -ieq $SubnetMask)

    if ($null -eq $check) {
        Write-Verbose "IP Security rule not found"

    # remove the auth
    $auth = Get-IISMFtpIPSecurityCommandString -AccessType $AccessType -IPAddress $IPAddress -SubnetMask $SubnetMask
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config '$($Name)' /section:system.ftpServer/security/ipSecurity /-`"$($auth)`" /commit:apphost" -NoParse | Out-Null

    if (!$NoOutput) {
        return (Get-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurity -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)

function Set-IISMFtpDirectoryIPSecurityUnlisted

        $AppName = '/',


        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]

    # error if not ftp site
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $SiteName)) {
        throw "Website '$($SiteName)' is not an FTP site"

    $AppName = Add-IISMSlash -Value $AppName

    $Name = Add-IISMSlash -Value "$($SiteName)$($AppName)" -Append
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DirName)) {
        $Name = "$($Name)$($DirName)"

    # error if the directory doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMDirectory -SiteName $SiteName -AppName $AppName -DirName $DirName)) {
        throw "Directory '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # set unlisted type
    $allow = ($AccessType -ieq 'Allow')
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config '$($Name)' /section:system.ftpServer/security/ipSecurity /allowUnlisted:'$($allow)' /commit:apphost" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Get-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthenticationProvider

    $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments 'list config /section:system.ftpServer/providerDefinitions' -NoError

    $providers = @(foreach ($provider in $result.CONFIG.'system.ftpServer-providerDefinitions'.add) {
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($ -ine $Name)) {

            Name = $
            Type = $provider.type
            ClassId = $provider.clsid

    return $providers

function Register-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthenticationProvider

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='ClassId')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Type')]

    # first, remove it, in case the details are different
    Unregister-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthenticationProvider -Name $Name

    # build the command for the auth type
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        'ClassId' {
            $auth = "[name='$($Name)',clsid='$($ClassId)']"

        'Type' {
            $auth = "[name='$($Name)',type='$($Type)']"

    # run the command
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:system.ftpServer/providerDefinitions /+`"$($auth)`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Unregister-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthenticationProvider

    # do nothing if it doesn't exist
    $auth = Get-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthenticationProvider -Name $Name
    if (($null -eq $auth) -or ($auth.Length -eq 0)) {

    # build the command
    $auth = "[name='$($Name)']"

    # run the command
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:system.ftpServer/providerDefinitions /-`"$($auth)`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Get-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthentication

    $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "list config /section:sites" -NoError
    $providers = $result.CONFIG.'system.applicationHost-sites'

    if (($null -eq $providers) -or ($providers.Length -eq 0)) {
        return $null

    $_providers = @(foreach ($provider in $providers) {
            Name = $
            Enabled = ($provider.enabled -ieq 'true')

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProviderName)) {
        return $_providers

    return ($_providers | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $ProviderName })

function Add-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthentication


    # remove it first
    Remove-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthentication -ProviderName $ProviderName

    # build the command
    $_args = "/+`"[name='$($ProviderName)',enabled='$($Enable.IsPresent)']`""

    # run the command
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:sites $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Remove-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthentication

    # do nothing if it doesn't exist
    $prov = Get-IISMFtpServerCustomAuthentication -ProviderName $ProviderName
    if (($null -eq $prov) -or ($prov.Length -eq 0)) {

    # build the command
    $_args = "/-`"[name='$($ProviderName)']`""

    # run the command
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:sites $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Set-IISMFtpSiteUserIsolation

        [ValidateSet('None', 'StartInUsersDirectory', 'IsolateAllDirectories', 'IsolateRootDirectoryOnly', 'ActiveDirectory')]


    # error if the site doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # error if the site isn't ftp
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

    # set the isolation mode
    $_args = "/ftpServer.userIsolation.mode:$($Type)"

    if ($Type -ieq 'ActiveDirectory') {
        if ($null -eq $Credentials) {
            throw "No credentials supplied when attempting to set the '$($Name)' user isolation type to ActiveDirectory"

        $creds = Get-IISMCredentialDetails -Credentials $Credentials
        $_args += " /ftpServer.userIsolation.activeDirectory.userName:$($creds.username) /ftpServer.userIsolation.activeDirectory.password:$($creds.password)"

    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set site '$($Name)' $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Enable-IISMFtpSiteAuthentication








        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Custom')]

    # error if the site doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # error if the site isn't ftp
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

    # build the command for the auth type
    $_args = [string]::Empty

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        'Anonymous' {
            $_args = "/"

            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Domain)) {
                $_args += " /$($Domain)"

            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LogonMethod)) {
                $_args += " /$($LogonMethod)"

            if ($null -ne $Credentials) {
                $info = Get-IISMCredentialDetails -Credentials $Credentials
                $_args += " /$($info.Username) /$($info.Password)"

        'Basic' {
            $_args = "/"

            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Domain)) {
                $_args += " /$($Domain)"

            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LogonMethod)) {
                $_args += " /$($LogonMethod)"

        'ClientCertificate' {
            $_args = "/"

        'Custom' {
            $_args = "/`"[name='$($ProviderName)'].enabled:true`""

    # run the command
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set site '$($Name)' $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Disable-IISMFtpSiteAuthentication





        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Custom')]

    # error if the site doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # error if the site isn't ftp
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

    # build the command for the auth type
    $_args = [string]::Empty

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        'Anonymous' {
            $_args = "/"

        'Basic' {
            $_args = "/"

        'ClientCertificate' {
            $_args = "/"

        'Custom' {
            $_args = "/`"[name='$($ProviderName)'].enabled:false`""

    # run the command
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set site '$($Name)' $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Add-IISMFtpSiteCustomAuthentication



    # error if the site doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # error if the site isn't ftp
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

    # remove first, in case details are different
    Remove-IISMFtpSiteCustomAuthentication -Name $Name -ProviderName $ProviderName

    # either add it anew, or enable
    $_provider = ((Get-IISMSite -Name $Name).Ftp.Security.Authentication.Custom.Providers | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $ProviderName })

    if ($null -eq $_provider) {
        # build the command
        $_args = "/+`"[name='$($ProviderName)',enabled='$($Enable.IsPresent)']`""

        # run the command
        Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set site '$($Name)' $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null
    else {
        Enable-IISMFtpSiteAuthentication -Custom -Name $Name -ProviderName $ProviderName

function Remove-IISMFtpSiteCustomAuthentication


    # error if the site doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

    # error if the site isn't ftp
    if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
        throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

    # build the command
    $_args = "/-`"[name='$($ProviderName)']`""

    # run the command
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set site '$($Name)' $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Set-IISMFtpSiteSslPolicy

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Certificate')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Thumbprint')]

        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Require')]


    # if cert name, get thumbprint
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'Certificate') {
        $Thumbprint = Get-IISMCertificateThumbprint -CertificateName $CertificateName

    # error if no thumbprint
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Thumbprint)) {
        throw "A valid Certificate Name or Thumbprint is required when configuring FTP SSL for '$($Name)'"

    # build the command
    $_args = "/$($Thumbprint) /"
    $_args += " /$($Use128Bit.IsPresent)"
    $_args += " /$($Policy) /$($Policy)"

    # run the command
    Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set site '$($Name)' $($_args)" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Get-IISMFtpSiteLogging
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]


    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            $logFields = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Name $Name
            $logPath = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogPath -Name $Name
            $logPeriod = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogPeriod -Name $Name

        default {
            $logFields = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Default
            $logPath = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogPath -Default
            $logPeriod = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogPeriod -Default

    return (ConvertTo-IISMFtpSiteLoggingObject `
        -Fields $logFields `
        -Path $logPath `
        -Period $logPeriod)

function Get-IISMFtpSiteLogPeriod
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]


    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

            if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

            $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "list site '$Name'" -NoError

            $period = $
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($period)) {
                $period = Get-IISMSiteLogPeriod -Default

        default {
            $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "list config /section:sites" -NoError
            $period = $result.CONFIG.'system.applicationHost-sites'.siteDefaults.ftpServer.logFile.period
            $period = (Protect-IISMValue $period 'Daily')

    return $period

function Set-IISMFtpSiteLogPeriod
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]

        [ValidateSet('Hourly', 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly')]


    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

            if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:sites /`"[name='$($Name)'].ftpServer.logFile.period:$($Period)`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

        default {
            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:sites /`"siteDefaults.ftpServer.logFile.period:$($Period)`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Get-IISMFtpSiteLogPath
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]


    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

            if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

            $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "list site '$Name'" -NoError

            $logpath = $
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($logpath)) {
                $logpath = Get-IISMSiteLogPath -Default

            $logpath = (Join-Path $logpath "FTPSVC$($")

        default {
            $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "list config /section:sites" -NoError
            $logpath = $result.CONFIG.'system.applicationHost-sites'
            $logpath = (Protect-IISMValue $logpath (Get-IISMSiteDefaultLogPath))

    return [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($logpath)

function Set-IISMFtpSiteLogPath
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]



    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

            if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:sites /`"[name='$($Name)']$($Path)`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

        default {
            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:sites /`"$($Path)`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]


    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

            if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

            $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "list site '$Name'" -NoError

            $fields = $
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fields)) {
                $fields = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Default

        default {
            $result = Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "list config /section:sites" -NoError
            $fields = $result.CONFIG.'system.applicationHost-sites'.siteDefaults.ftpServer.logFile.logExtFileFlags
            $fields = (Protect-IISMValue $fields (Get-IISMFtpSiteDefaultLogFields))

    return ($fields -split ',').Trim()

function Set-IISMFtpSiteLogFields
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]



    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            if (!(Test-IISMSite -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' does not exist in IIS"

            if (!(Test-IISMSiteIsFtp -Name $Name)) {
                throw "Website '$($Name)' is not an FTP site"

            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:sites /`"[name='$($Name)'].ftpServer.logFile.logExtFileFlags:$($Fields -join ',')`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

        default {
            Invoke-IISMAppCommand -Arguments "set config /section:sites /`"siteDefaults.ftpServer.logFile.logExtFileFlags:$($Fields -join ',')`"" -NoParse | Out-Null

function Add-IISMFtpSiteLogField
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]



    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            $fields = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Name $Name
            if ($fields -inotcontains $Field) {
                $fields += $Field

            Set-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Name $Name -Fields $fields

        default {
            $fields = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Default
            if ($fields -inotcontains $Field) {
                $fields += $Field

            Set-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Default -Fields $fields

function Remove-IISMFtpSiteLogField
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]



    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            $fields = (Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Name $Name | Where-Object { $_ -ine $Field })
            Set-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Name $Name -Fields $fields

        default {
            $fields = (Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Default | Where-Object { $_ -ine $Field })
            Set-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Default -Fields $fields

function Clear-IISMFtpSiteLogFields
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]


    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            Set-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Name $Name -Fields @()

        default {
            Set-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Default -Fields @()

function Test-IISMFtpSiteLogField
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Site')]



    # get current fields
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'site' {
            $fields = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Name $Name

        default {
            $fields = Get-IISMFtpSiteLogFields -Default

    return ($fields -icontains $Field)