
 Script : ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1
 Date : 3/18/2014
 Author : Jeff Pollock
 Blog :
 Source : Microsoft Technet Gallery:
 Description : A collection of Powershell cmdlets that expand the PowerShell
                ISE themeing capability to the command line. These cmdlets allow
                you to import, remove, and apply native xml and registry based
                ISE themes without the need to format and translate the xml ARGB
                values to hex for use in a specific theme script.
 Cmdlets : Get-FileName()

#-- Get-FileName
Function Get-FileName {   
        [string]$initialDirectory = ".\"
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") | Out-Null

    $OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
    $OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory
    $OpenFileDialog.filter = "All files (*.*)| *.ps1xml"
    $OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

    If ($OpenFileDialog.filename) {
            Gets a filename
            Gets a filename using an OpenFileDialog. Does not return an filename if the dialog is canceled
        .PARAMETER initialDirectory
            The directory for the OpenFileDialog to start in.
            PS C:\> $File = Get-FileName
            Assigns selected file to the 'File' variable.
            PS C:\> Get-FileName | Set-ISETheme
            Pipes selected filename to the Set-ISETheme cmdlet.
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Get-FileName

#-- Get-SaveFile
Function Get-SaveFile {
        [string]$initialDirectory = ".\"

    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") |  Out-Null

    $SaveFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
    $SaveFileDialog.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory
    $SaveFileDialog.filter = "All files (*.*)| *.StorableColorTheme.ps1xml"
    $SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

   If ($SaveFileDialog.filename) {
            Sets a file save name
            Sets a file save name using an SaveFileDialog. Does not return an filename if the dialog is canceled
        .PARAMETER initialDirectory
            The directory for the OpenFileDialog to start in.
            PS C:\> $File = Get-SaveFile
            Assigns selected save file to the 'File' variable.
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Get-FileName

#-- Convert-HexToARGB
Function Convert-HexToARGB {


    Process {
        #-Convert values
        $A = [Convert]::ToInt32($Hex_Val.substring(1, 2), 16)
        $R = [Convert]::ToInt32($Hex_Val.substring(3, 2), 16)
        $G = [Convert]::ToInt32($Hex_Val.substring(5, 2), 16)
        $B = [Convert]::ToInt32($Hex_Val.substring(7, 2), 16)
        #-Output value object
        $Obj = New-Object -Type PSObject
        $Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $A
        $Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $R
        $Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $G
        $Obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $B

            Converts Hex to ARGB values
            Converts Hex to ARGB values. Hex values are needed to apply ISE colors in script
        .PARAMETER Hex_Val
            An 8 character Hex value
            PS C:\> $ARGB = Convert-HexToARGB $HexValue
            Assigns converted hex value to ARGB variable
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Convert-HexToARGB

#-- Convert-ARGBToHex
Function Convert-ARGBToHex {

    Process {
        #-separate the ARGB values
        $var_RGB = $RGB_Val.split(",")

        #-Convert values to Hex
        $var_A = [Convert]::ToString($var_RGB[0], 16).ToUpper()
        $var_R = [Convert]::ToString($var_RGB[1], 16).ToUpper()
        $var_G = [Convert]::ToString($var_RGB[2], 16).ToUpper()
        $var_B = [Convert]::ToString($var_RGB[3], 16).ToUpper()

        #-pad single digit values to ensure 8 character Hex is returned
        If ($var_A.Length -eq 1) {$var_A = "0$var_A"}
        If ($var_R.Length -eq 1) {$var_R = "0$var_R"}
        If ($var_G.Length -eq 1) {$var_G = "0$var_G"}
        If ($var_B.Length -eq 1) {$var_B = "0$var_B"}

        #-Output concatenated hex value
        Write-Output "#$var_A$var_R$var_G$var_B"

            Converts ARGB to Hex values
            Converts ARGB to Hex values. ARGB values are needed to save console colors to xml format
        .PARAMETER Hex_Val
            The ARGB value
            PS C:\> $Hex = Convert-ARGBToHex $ARGBValue
            Assigns converted ARGB value to Hex variable
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Convert-ARGBToHex

#-- Get-CurrentISETheme
Function Get-CurrentISETheme {
    #-Create empty ISE Color object array
    $CurrentISEObjects = @()

    #-Get base colors
    $baseClass = @()

    $hash = @{Attribute = "ErrorForegroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.ErrorForegroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "ErrorBackgroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.ErrorBackgroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "WarningForegroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.WarningForegroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "WarningBackgroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.WarningBackgroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "VerboseForegroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.VerboseForegroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "VerboseBackgroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.VerboseBackgroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "DebugForegroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.DebugForegroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "DebugBackgroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.DebugBackgroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "ConsolePaneBackgroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.ConsolePaneBackgroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "ConsolePaneTextBackgroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.ConsolePaneTextBackgroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "ConsolePaneForegroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.ConsolePaneForegroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "ScriptPaneBackgroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    $hash = @{Attribute = "ScriptPaneForegroundColor"; Hex = $psISE.Options.ScriptPaneForegroundColor}                                    
    $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
    $baseClass += $Object

    ForEach ($obj in $baseClass) {
        $ARGBObj = Convert-HexToARGB $obj.Hex

        $tcObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value "Base"
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $obj.Attribute
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $ARGBObj.A
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $ARGBObj.R
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $ARGBObj.G
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $ARGBObj.B
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $obj.Hex
        $CurrentISEObjects += $tcObj

    #-Get TokenColors
    ForEach ($Token in $psISE.Options.TokenColors) {
        [string]$HexValue = $Token.Value

        $ARGBObj = Convert-HexToARGB $HexValue

        $tcObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value "TokenColors"
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Token.Key
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $ARGBObj.A
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $ARGBObj.R
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $ARGBObj.G
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $ARGBObj.B
        $tcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $HexValue
        $CurrentISEObjects += $tcObj  
    $ARGBObj = $null

    #-Get ConsoleTokenColors
    ForEach ($Token in $psISE.Options.ConsoleTokenColors) {
        [string]$HexValue = $Token.Value

        $ARGBObj = Convert-HexToARGB $HexValue
        $ctcObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
        $ctcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value "ConsoleTokenColors"
        $ctcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Token.Key
        $ctcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $ARGBObj.A
        $ctcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $ARGBObj.R
        $ctcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $ARGBObj.G
        $ctcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $ARGBObj.B
        $ctcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $Token.Value
        $CurrentISEObjects += $ctcObj 

    $ARGBObj = $null

    #-Get XmlTokenColors
    ForEach ($Token in $psISE.Options.XmlTokenColors) {
        [string]$HexValue = $Token.Value

        $ARGBObj = Convert-HexToARGB $HexValue

        $xtcObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
        $xtcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value "XmlTokenColors"
        $xtcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Token.Key
        $xtcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $ARGBObj.A
        $xtcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $ARGBObj.R
        $xtcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $ARGBObj.G
        $xtcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $ARGBObj.B
        $xtcObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $Token.Value
        $CurrentISEObjects += $xtcObj 

    #-Get Font and Name
    $othObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
    $othObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value "Other"
    $othObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FontFamily –Value $psISE.Options.FontName
    $othObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FontSize –Value $psISE.Options.FontSize
    $CurrentISEObjects += $othObj

    #-Return Output
            Gets current ISE theme
            Gets current ISE theme. Hex colors are converted to ARGB
            and added back to the returned objects.
            PS C:\> $CurrentISETheme = Get-CurrentISETheme
            Assigns Current ISE theme properties to CurrentISETheme
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock
} #end function Get-CurrentISETheme

#-- Get-ISETheme
Function Get-ISETheme {



    Process {
        #-Determine proper xml assignment according to whether an xml file was passed or a registry Theme
        If ($File) {        
            [xml]$xml = get-content $File
        } Else {
            $Theme = Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\Hosts\PowerShellISE\ColorThemes -Name $ThemeName
            $Theme | ForEach-Object {
                $xml = $_.$ThemeName

        #-Create xml object array to store xml values from the Theme
        $xmlObjects = @()

        $x = 0
        $xml.StorableColorTheme.Keys.String | ForEach-Object {
            #-Set class according to presence of a "\" in the attribute name
            If ($_.Contains("\")) {
                $Class = $_.Substring(0,$_.IndexOf('\'))
                $Attribute = $_.Substring($_.IndexOf('\') + 1)
            } Else {
                $Class = "Base"
                $Attribute = $_
            #-Get the ARGB values from the xml
            $var_A = $xml.StorableColorTheme.Values.Color[$x].A
            $var_R = $xml.StorableColorTheme.Values.Color[$x].R
            $var_G = $xml.StorableColorTheme.Values.Color[$x].G
            $var_B = $xml.StorableColorTheme.Values.Color[$x].B

            #-Convert ARGB values to Hex
            $Hex = Convert-ARGBToHex "$var_A,$var_R,$var_G,$var_B"
            #-Create new xml object and add it the the xml object array
            $xmlObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
            $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value $Class
            $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Attribute
            $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $var_A
            $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $var_R
            $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $var_G
            $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $var_B
            $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $Hex
            $xmlObjects += $xmlObj        
            $x = $x + 1        

        #-Get Font
        $xmlObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
        $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value "Other"
        $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name –Value $xml.StorableColorTheme.Name
        $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FontFamily –Value $xml.StorableColorTheme.FontFamily
        $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FontSize –Value $xml.StorableColorTheme.FontSize
        $xmlObjects += $xmlObj

        #-Return xml object array

            Gets an ISE theme
            Gets an ISE them from either the registry or xml file
        .PARAMETER File
            An ISE theme xml filename
         .PARAMETER ThemeName
            The name of an ISE theme stored in the registry
            PS C:\> $Theme = Get-FileName | Get-ISETheme
            Gets the ISE theme information from the supplied xml file and assigns it to Theme
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Get-ISETheme

#-- Get-ImportedISETheme
Function Get-ImportedISETheme {
    #-Get theme values from registry
    $Themes = Get-Item registry::HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\Hosts\PowerShellISE\ColorThemes | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property

    #-Get name and xml content and return it as an object
    $Themes | ForEach-Object {
        $ThemeName = $_
        $Theme = Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\Hosts\PowerShellISE\ColorThemes -Name $ThemeName
        $Theme | ForEach-Object {
            $xml = $_.$ThemeName

        $hash = @{ThemeName = $_; XML = $xml}                                    
        $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
            Returns imported themes
            Returns imported themes from the registry
            PS C:\> $Themes = Get-ImportedISETheme
            Gets the imported ISE themes from the registry and assigns it to Themes
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Get-ImportedISETheme

#-- Set-ISETheme
Function Set-ISETheme {




    Process {
        #-Determine if a file, object or theme name was passed and retrieve the theme accordingly
        If ($ThemeObject) {
           $xmlObjects = $ThemeObject 
        } Else {
            If ($File) {
                $xmlObjects = Get-ISETheme -File $File
            } Else {
                $xmlObjects = Get-ISETheme -ThemeName $ThemeName
        #-Set Base colors
        $xmlObjects | ForEach-Object {
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("ErrorForegroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.ErrorForegroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("ErrorBackgroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.ErrorBackgroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("WarningForegroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.WarningForegroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("WarningBackgroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.WarningBackgroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("VerboseForegroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.VerboseForegroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("VerboseBackgroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.VerboseBackgroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("DebugForegroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.DebugForegroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("DebugBackgroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.DebugBackgroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("ConsolePaneBackgroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.ConsolePaneBackgroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("ConsolePaneTextBackgroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.ConsolePaneTextBackgroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("ConsolePaneForegroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.ConsolePaneForegroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("ScriptPaneBackgroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor = $_.Hex}
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Base") -and $_.Attribute.Contains("ScriptPaneForegroundColor")) {$psISE.Options.ScriptPaneForegroundColor = $_.Hex}
        $xmlObjects | ForEach-Object {
            #-Set TokenColors
            If ($_.Class -eq "TokenColors") {
                $psISE.Options.TokenColors.item($_.Attribute) = $_.Hex
            #-Set ConsoleTokenColors
            If ($_.Class -eq "ConsoleTokenColors") {
                $psISE.Options.ConsoleTokenColors.item($_.Attribute) = $_.Hex
            #-Set XmlTokenColors
            If ($_.Class.Contains("XmlTokenColors")) {
                If ($_.Attribute.Length -gt 2) {
                    $psISE.Options.XmlTokenColors.item($_.Attribute) = $_.Hex #[$_.Attribute] = $_.Hex

            #-Set Font
            If ($_.Class.Contains("Other") -and !$ThemeObject) {
                $psISE.Options.FontName = $_.FontFamily
                $psISE.Options.FontSize = $_.FontSize
            Applies ISE theme to current session
            Applies ISE theme to current session
        .PARAMETER File
            An ISE theme xml filename
         .PARAMETER ThemeName
            The name of an ISE theme stored in the registry
            PS C:\> Get-FileName | Set-ISETheme
            Gets the ISE theme information from the supplied xml file and assigns it to Theme
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Set-ISETheme

#-- Import-ISEThemeFile
Function Import-ISEThemeFile {



    Process {
        # Get fullname if gci object passed
        If ($FileName.FullName) {
            [string]$FileName = $FileName.FullName

        #-Create xml variable from file name
        [xml]$xml = get-content $FileName
        #Create xml string variable from file name
        [string]$xmlString = get-content $FileName

        #-Get theme name for registry value name
        $ThemeName = $xml.StorableColorTheme.Name

        #-Set value data to the xml string
        Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\Hosts\PowerShellISE\ColorThemes -Name $ThemeName -Value $xmlString -Type String

        #-Apply theme to current session if called
        If ($ApplyTheme) {
            Set-ISETheme -ThemeName $ThemeName

            Imports an ISE theme xml file into the registry
            Imports an ISE theme xml file into the registry and applies it
            to the current session if ApplyTheme is passed
        .PARAMETER File
            An ISE theme xml filename
         .PARAMETER ApplyTheme
            Switch for applying the theme after importing it.
            PS C:\> Import-ISEThemeFile "C:\ISEthemes\.StorableColorTheme.ps1xml"
            Imports ISE theme to the registry
            PS C:\> Get-FileName | Import-ISEThemeFile -ApplyTheme
            Imports piped in ISE theme to the registry and applies the theme to the current session
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Import-ISEThemeFile

#-- Export-ISEThemeFile
Function Export-ISEThemeFile {



    Process {
        # Determine whether exporting current theme or a saved theme
        If ($ISETheme) {
            $Theme = Get-ISETheme -ThemeName $ISETheme
            $XmlTheme = $Theme
        } Else {
            $XmlTheme = Get-CurrentISETheme

        # Set the File Name
        $FilePath = Get-SaveFile

        # Trim the extension if found
        If ($FilePath.Length -gt  26) {
            If ($FilePath.Substring($FilePath.Length - 26) -ieq ".StorableColorTheme.ps1xml") {
                $FilePath = $FilePath.Substring(0,$FilePath.Length - 26)

        # Set ThemeName for ISE import
        $ThemeName = $FilePath.Substring($FilePath.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
        # Set file extension
        $FilePath = "$FilePath.StorableColorTheme.ps1xml"
        # Create The Document
        $XmlWriter = New-Object System.XMl.XmlTextWriter($filePath,[Text.Encoding]::Unicode) 

        # Set The Formatting
        $xmlWriter.Formatting = "Indented"
        $xmlWriter.Indentation = "4"
        # Write the XML Decleration

        # Write Root Element

        # Write Keys
        ForEach ($Attribute in $XmlTheme) {
            #Write Base Colors Keys
            If ($Attribute.Class -eq "Base") {

            # Write TokenColors Keys
            If ($Attribute.Class -eq "TokenColors") {

            # Write ConsoleTokenColors Keys
            If ($Attribute.Class -eq "ConsoleTokenColors") {

            # Write XmlTokenColors Keys
            If ($Attribute.Class -eq "XmlTokenColors") {
        $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- Closing Keys

        # Write Values

        ForEach ($Attribute in $XmlTheme) {
            # Write Base Colors Values
            If ($Attribute.Class -eq "Base") {
                $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- Closing Color

            # Write TokenColors Values
            If ($Attribute.Class -eq "TokenColors") {
                $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- Closing Color

            # Write ConsoleTokenColors Values
            If ($Attribute.Class -eq "ConsoleTokenColors") {
                $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- Closing Color

            # Write XmlTokenColors Values
            If ($Attribute.Class -eq "XmlTokenColors") {
                $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- Closing Color
         $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- Closing Values

        #Write Name and Font Attribu
        If ($Attribute.Class -eq "Other") {
        # Write Close Tag for Root Element
        $xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # <-- Closing StorableColorTheme
        # End the XML Document
        # Finish The Document
        $xmlWriter.Flush | out-null

        If ($SaveToISE) {
            Import-ISEThemeFile $FilePath

            Exports an ISE theme to an xml file
            Exports an ISE theme to an xml file and saves in the registry
            if SaveToISE is passed
        .PARAMETER RegistryTheme
            Optionally supply an ISE theme name to export that theme
         .PARAMETER SaveToISE
            After exporting, save the theme to the registry
            PS C:\> Export-ISEThemeFile -ISETheme "Monokai"
            Exports ISE theme to an xml file
            PS C:\> Export-ISEThemeFile -SaveToISE
            Exports the current ISE theme and saves it in the ISE for future reference
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Import-ISEThemeFile

#-- Remove-ISETheme
Function Remove-ISETheme {


    Process {
        Remove-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\Hosts\PowerShellISE\ColorThemes -Name $ThemeName

            Deletes an ISE theme from the ISE
            Deletes an ISE theme from the ISE
        .PARAMETER ThemeName
            An ISE theme name
            PS C:\> Remove-ISETheme "Monokai"
            Deletes an ISE theme from the ISE
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

} #end function Remove-ISETheme

Function Set-ISEColor {





        [int]$Degree = 20

    Begin{$XmlTheme = Get-CurrentISETheme; $Subtract = $Degree / 2}

    Process {
        $NewColors = @()

        If ($Cooler) {
            ForEach ($Attribute in $XmlTheme) {
                # Rewrite new color values to NewColors
                If ($Attribute.Class -ne "Other") {
                    $var_A = $Attribute.A
                    If (($Attribute.R - $Subtract) -ge 0) {$var_R = $Attribute.R - $Subtract} Else {$var_R = $Attribute.R}
                    $var_G = $Attribute.G
                    If (($Attribute.B + $Degree) -lt 255) {$var_B = $Attribute.B + $Degree} Else {$var_B = $Attribute.B}
                    #-Convert ARGB values to Hex
                    $Hex = Convert-ARGBToHex "$var_A,$var_R,$var_G,$var_B"

                    #-Create new xml object and add it the the xml object array
                    $xmlObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value $Attribute.Class
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Attribute.Attribute
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $var_A
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $var_R
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $var_G
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $var_B
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $Hex
                    $NewColors += $xmlObj

        If ($Warmer) {
            ForEach ($Attribute in $XmlTheme) {
                # Write Base Colors Values
                If ($Attribute.Class -ne "Other") {
                    $var_A = $Attribute.A 
                    If (($Attribute.R + $Degree) -lt 255) {$var_R = $Attribute.R + $Degree} Else {$var_R = $Attribute.R}
                    $var_G = $Attribute.G
                    If (($Attribute.B - $Subtract) -ge 0) {$var_B = $Attribute.B - $Subtract} Else {$var_B = $Attribute.B}
                    #-Convert ARGB values to Hex
                    $Hex = Convert-ARGBToHex "$var_A,$var_R,$var_G,$var_B"
                    #-Create new xml object and add it the the xml object array
                    $xmlObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value $Attribute.Class
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Attribute.Attribute
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $var_A
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $var_R
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $var_G
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $var_B
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $Hex
                    $NewColors += $xmlObj                              

        If ($Greener) {
            ForEach ($Attribute in $XmlTheme) {
                # Write Base Colors Values
                If ($Attribute.Class -ne "Other") {
                    $var_A = $Attribute.A
                    If (($Attribute.R - $Subtract) -ge 0) {$var_R = $Attribute.R - ($Subtract / 2)} Else {$var_R = $Attribute.R}
                    If (($Attribute.G + $Degree) -lt 255) {$var_G = $Attribute.G + $Degree} Else {$var_G = $Attribute.G}
                    If (($Attribute.B - $Subtract) -ge 0) {$var_B = $Attribute.B - ($Subtract / 2)} Else {$var_B = $Attribute.B}
                    #-Convert ARGB values to Hex
                    $Hex = Convert-ARGBToHex "$var_A,$var_R,$var_G,$var_B"
                    #-Create new xml object and add it the the xml object array
                    $xmlObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value $Attribute.Class
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Attribute.Attribute
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $var_A
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $var_R
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $var_G
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $var_B
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $Hex
                    $NewColors += $xmlObj                              

        If ($Darker) {
            ForEach ($Attribute in $XmlTheme) {
                # Write Base Colors Values
                If ($Attribute.Class -ne "Other") {
                    $var_A = $Attribute.A
                    If (($Attribute.R - $Degree) -ige 0) {$var_R = $Attribute.R - $Degree} Else {$var_R = $Attribute.R}
                    If (($Attribute.G - $Degree) -ige 0) {$var_G = $Attribute.G - $Degree} Else {$var_G = $Attribute.G}
                    If (($Attribute.B - $Degree) -ige 0) {$var_B = $Attribute.B - $Degree} Else {$var_B = $Attribute.B}
                    #-Convert ARGB values to Hex
                    $Hex = Convert-ARGBToHex "$var_A,$var_R,$var_G,$var_B"
                    #-Create new xml object and add it the the xml object array
                    $xmlObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value $Attribute.Class
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Attribute.Attribute
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $var_A
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $var_R
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $var_G
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $var_B
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $Hex
                    $NewColors += $xmlObj                              

        If ($Lighter) {
            ForEach ($Attribute in $XmlTheme) {
                # Write Base Colors Values
                If ($Attribute.Class -ne "Other") {
                    $var_A = $Attribute.A
                    If (($Attribute.R + $Degree) -lt 255) {$var_R = $Attribute.R + $Degree} Else {$var_R = $Attribute.R}
                    If (($Attribute.G + $Degree) -lt 255) {$var_G = $Attribute.G + $Degree} Else {$var_G = $Attribute.G}
                    If (($Attribute.B + $Degree) -lt 255) {$var_B = $Attribute.B + $Degree} Else {$var_B = $Attribute.B}
                    #-Convert ARGB values to Hex
                    $Hex = Convert-ARGBToHex "$var_A,$var_R,$var_G,$var_B"
                    #-Create new xml object and add it the the xml object array
                    $xmlObj = New-Object -Type PSObject
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Class –Value $Attribute.Class
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Attribute –Value $Attribute.Attribute
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name A –Value $var_A
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name R –Value $var_R
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name G –Value $var_G
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name B –Value $var_B
                    $xmlObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hex –Value $Hex
                    $NewColors += $xmlObj                              


    End {Set-ISETheme -ThemeObject $NewColors}
            Changes ISE Theme colors according to switch
            Changes ISE Theme colors according to switch. It does this
            by adding or subtracting values in the ARGB table
        .PARAMETER Cooler
            Increases blue color values and decreases red by half
        .PARAMETER Warmer
            Increases red color values and decreases blue by half
        .PARAMETER Greener
            Increases green color values and decreases blue and red by a quarter
        .PARAMETER Darker
            Decreases all color values
        .PARAMETER Lighter
            Increases all color values
        .PARAMETER Degree
            Amount to add or subtract. Default value: 20
            PS C:\> Set-ISEColor -Cooler
            Deletes an ISE theme from the registry
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

}#end function Set-ISEThemeWarmth

#-- Select-ISETheme
Function Select-ISETheme {
    # Code Generated By: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2014 v4.1.46
    # Generated On: 3/18/2014 10:19 AM
    # Generated By: Jeff Pollock
            Selects and applies an ISE theme from the registry.
            Selects and applies an ISE theme from the registry.
            PS C:\> Select-ISETheme
            Selects an ISE theme from the registry
            Part of the ISEColorThemeCmdlets.ps1 Script by Jeff Pollock

    #region Application Functions

    function OnApplicationLoad {
        return $true #return true for success or false for failure

    function OnApplicationExit {
        $script:ExitCode = 0 #Set the exit code for the Packager

    #endregion Application Functions

    # Generated Form Function
    function Open-Theme_Selector_psf {

        #region Import the Assemblies
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a')
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.DirectoryServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a')
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
        [void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.ServiceProcess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a')
        #endregion Import Assemblies

        #region Generated Form Objects
        $formISEThemeSelector = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'
        $buttonExit = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'
        $buttonSelectTheme = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'
        $listboxThemes = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox'
        $InitialFormWindowState = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState'
        $formISEThemeSelector.Icon = [Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon((Get-Command powershell).Path) 
        #endregion Generated Form Objects

        # User Generated Script
            Set-ISETheme -ThemeName $listboxThemes.SelectedItem

            if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter") {$buttonSelectTheme_Click}

            if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter") {
                Set-ISETheme -ThemeName $listboxThemes.SelectedItem
            #TODO: Initialize Form Controls here
            $Themes = Get-ImportedISETheme | Select-Object ThemeName
            $Themes | ForEach-Object {
                Set-ListBox $listboxThemes $_.ThemeName -Append
        #region Control Helper Functions
        function Set-ListBox 
                This functions helps you load items into a ListBox or CheckedListBox.
                Use this function to dynamically load items into the ListBox control.
            .PARAMETER ListBox
                The ListBox control you want to add items to.
            .PARAMETER Items
                The object or objects you wish to load into the ListBox's Items collection.
            .PARAMETER DisplayMember
                Indicates the property to display for the items in this control.
            .PARAMETER Append
                Adds the item(s) to the ListBox without clearing the Items collection.
                Set-ListBox $ListBox1 "Red", "White", "Blue"
                Set-ListBox $listBox1 "Red" -Append
                Set-ListBox $listBox1 "White" -Append
                Set-ListBox $listBox1 "Blue" -Append
                Set-ListBox $listBox1 (Get-Process) "ProcessName"

            Param (
            if(-not $Append)
            if($Items -is [System.Windows.Forms.ListBox+ObjectCollection])
            elseif ($Items -is [Array])
                foreach($obj in $Items)
            $listBox.DisplayMember = $DisplayMember    
        # --End User Generated Script--
        #region Generated Events
            #Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue
            $formISEThemeSelector.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState
            #Remove all event handlers from the controls
            catch [Exception]
            { Write-Error "Error: $_"}
        #endregion Generated Events

        #region Generated Form Code
        # formISEThemeSelector
        $formISEThemeSelector.ClientSize = '228, 278'
        $formISEThemeSelector.FormBorderStyle = 'None'
        $formISEThemeSelector.Name = "formISEThemeSelector"
        $formISEThemeSelector.Text = "Theme Selector"
        $formISEThemeSelector.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
        $formISEThemeSelector.MinimizeBox = $False
        $formISEThemeSelector.MaximizeBox = $False
        $formISEThemeSelector.BackColor =  $PopupColor
        # buttonExit
        $buttonExit.Location = '117, 233'
        $buttonExit.Name = "buttonExit"
        $buttonExit.Size = '96, 30'
        $buttonExit.TabIndex = 2
        $buttonExit.Text = "E&xit"
        $buttonExit.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
        # buttonSelectTheme
        $buttonSelectTheme.Location = '14, 233'
        $buttonSelectTheme.Name = "buttonSelectTheme"
        $buttonSelectTheme.Size = '96, 30'
        $buttonSelectTheme.TabIndex = 1
        $buttonSelectTheme.Text = "&Select"
        $buttonSelectTheme.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
        # listboxThemes
        $listboxThemes.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, 12pt"        
        $listboxThemes.FormattingEnabled = $True
        $listboxThemes.ItemHeight = 17
        $listboxThemes.Location = '14, 15'
        $listboxThemes.Name = "listboxThemes"
        $listboxThemes.Size = '199, 220'
        $listboxThemes.TabIndex = 0


        #endregion Generated Form Code


        #Save the initial state of the form
        $InitialFormWindowState = $formISEThemeSelector.WindowState
        #Init the OnLoad event to correct the initial state of the form
        #Clean up the control events
        #Show the Form
        return $formISEThemeSelector.ShowDialog()

    } #End Function

    #Call OnApplicationLoad to initialize
    if((OnApplicationLoad) -eq $true)
        $BackgroundColor = $psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor
        IF ($BackgroundColor.A -lt 235) {$BackgroundColor.A = $BackgroundColor.A + 20}
        IF ($BackgroundColor.R -lt 235) {$BackgroundColor.R = $BackgroundColor.R + 20}
        IF ($BackgroundColor.G -lt 235) {$BackgroundColor.G = $BackgroundColor.G + 20}
        IF ($BackgroundColor.B -lt 235) {$BackgroundColor.B = $BackgroundColor.B + 20}
        $PopupColor = Convert-ARGBToHex "$($BackgroundColor.A),$($BackgroundColor.R),$($BackgroundColor.G),$($BackgroundColor.B)"
        #Call the form
        Open-Theme_Selector_psf | Out-Null
        #Perform cleanup
} #end function Select-ISETheme

function Add-ISEThemeMenu {
# [cmdletbinding()]
# Param (
# [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
# [string] $MenuName,
# [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
# [string] $ShortcutDirectory
# )

    Process {
        $parentAdded = $psISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.SubMenus.Add("ISE Color Themes",$null,$null)       

        $Functions = @()

        $OutputObj  = New-Object -Type PSObject
        $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FunctionName –Value "Theme Selector"
        $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Scriptblock" –Value "Select-ISETheme" #ShortcutKey "ALT+SHIFT+W"
        $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ShortcutKey –Value "CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+T"
        $Functions += $OutputObj 

        $Options = "darker|lighter|warmer|cooler|greener"
        $OptionArray = $Options.Split("|")

        $ShortcutKey = 0

        $optionArray | ForEach-Object {
            $OutputObj  = New-Object -Type PSObject
            $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FunctionName –Value "Set $_"
            $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Scriptblock" –Value "Set-ISEColor -$_" #ShortcutKey "ALT+SHIFT+W"
            $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ShortcutKey –Value "ALT+SHIFT+$ShortcutKey"
            $Functions += $OutputObj 

            $ShortcutKey += 1

        $Functions | ForEach-Object {
            $functionname = $_.FunctionName.ToString()
            $parentAdded.Submenus.Add($functionname,$sb,$_.ShortcutKey) | out-null

        If (!(Test-Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\Hosts\PowerShellISE\ColorThemes")) {
            New-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\Hosts\PowerShellISE" -Name ColorThemes –Force | out-null

        $ThemeMenu = $ParentAdded.SubMenus.Add("Imported Themes",$null,$null)
        $Themes = @()
        $ImportedThemes = Get-ImportedISETheme        

        $ImportedThemes | ForEach-Object {           
            $OutputObj  = New-Object -Type PSObject
            $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FunctionName" –Value $_.ThemeName
            $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Scriptblock" –Value "Set-ISETheme -ThemeName $($_.ThemeName)"
            $Themes += $OutputObj           

        $OutputObj  = New-Object -Type PSObject
        $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FunctionName" –Value "Import CSE Themes"
        $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Scriptblock" –Value "Import-GroupISETheme"
        $Themes += $OutputObj

        $Themes | ForEach-Object {
            $functionname = $_.FunctionName.ToString()
            $ThemeMenu.Submenus.Add($functionname,$sb,$null) | out-null

Function Import-GroupISETheme {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        [string] $Directory
    Get-ChildItem $Directory -Filter *.ps1xml | Select-Object fullname | Import-ISEThemeFile     

# Add the "ISE Color Themes" menu to the Add-ons menu.