
#requires -version 3.0

this function will make a best effort to convert help from an existing cmdlet to comment
based help. This is handy when building a proxy function.
Converted help will be opened in a new ISE Tab.

Function ConvertTo-CommentHelp {


Add-Type -AssemblyName "microsoft.visualbasic" -ErrorAction Stop 
$Prompt = "Enter the name of a cmdlet. Leave blank to cancel"
$Default = ""
$Title = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
[string]$command = [microsoft.visualbasic.interaction]::InputBox($Prompt,$Title,$Default)

if ($command) {
Try {

    $help = get-help -Name $command -full -errorAction Stop
Catch {
    Throw $_
    #bail out
Else {

If ($help) {
$myHelp = @"
$(foreach ($param in $help.parameters.parameter) {
".Parameter $($`n"
$(($help.inputTypes | out-string).trim())
$(($help.returnValues | out-string).trim())
$($help.alertSet.alert | foreach {"$($_.text)`n"})
$(foreach ($item in $help.examples.example) {
 $(($item.remarks| out-string).trimEnd())
$(($help.relatedLinks | out-string).Trim())

$myHelp | Out-ISETab
} #if $help
