
#requires -version 4.0

The list is a simple text file with the complete path to scripts you are working on.

Function Add-CurrentProject {
Add the file to the current project list file
This command adds the current file path to the current project list. The list is simply a text file with full file names to a group of scripts that you might be working on. The ISEScriptingGeek module uses a built-in variable, $currentProjectList.

[string]$List = $currentProjectList

#add the current file path to the list if it isn't already there
If ((Get-Content -path $CurrentProjectList) -notcontains $psise.CurrentFile.FullPath) {
    $psise.CurrentFile.FullPath | Out-File -FilePath $list -Encoding ascii -Append
else {
    write-warning "$($psise.CurrentFile.FullPath) already in $list"

} #Add-CurrentProject

Function Edit-CurrentProject {
Edit the current project list file
Open the current project list in the PowerShell ISE to view or edit. You will need to manually remove items. The list is simply a text file with full file names to a group of scripts that you might be working on. The ISEScriptingGeek module uses a built-in variable, $currentProjectList.

if (Test-Path $_) {
else {
   Throw "Cannot validate path $_"

psedit $list

} #Edit-CurrentProject

Function Import-CurrentProject {
Open files from the project list
Read the current project list and open each file in the ISE. The list is simply a text file with full file names to a group of scripts that you might be working on. The ISEScriptingGeek module uses a built-in variable, $currentProjectList.

if (Test-Path $_) {
else {
   Throw "Cannot validate path $_"

#get the list of file paths filtering out any blank lines
$items = Get-Content -Path $list | where {$_}

foreach ($item in $items) {
  if (Test-Path $item) {
    psedit $item
  else {
    write-warning "Can't find $item"

} #Import-CurrentProject