
Function New-Inputbox {

Display a Visual Basic style inputbox.
This function will display a graphical Inputbox, like the one from VisualBasic
and VBScript. You must specify a messag prompt. You can specify a title, the
default is "Input". You can also specify a default value. The inputbox will write
whatever is entered into it to the pipeline. If you click Cancel the inputbox
will still write a string to the pipeline with a length of 0. It is recommended
that you validate input.
PS C:\> $c = New-Inputbox -prompt "Enter the Netbios name of a domain computer." -title "Enter a computername" -default $env:computername
PS C:\> get-service -computer $c
Last Updated:
Version : 0.9


Param (
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory,HelpMessage="Enter a message prompt")]

Try { 
    Add-Type -AssemblyName "microsoft.visualbasic" -ErrorAction Stop 
Catch {
    Write-Warning "There was a problem creating the inputbox"
    Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message

} #end New-Inputbox