
#requires -version 2.0

Function New-PSDriveHere {

Create a new PSDrive at the current location.
This function will create a new PSDrive at the specified location. The default is the current location, but you can specify any PSPath. The function will take the last word of the path and use it as the name of the new PSDrive. If you prefer to use the first word of the location, use -First. If you prefer to specify a totally different name, then use the -Name parameter.
.Parameter Path
The path for the new PSDrive. The default is the current location.
.Parameter Name
The name for the new PSDrive. The default is the last word in the specified location,
unless you use -First.
.Parameter First
Use the first word of the current location for the new PSDrive.
.Parameter SetLocation
Set location to this new drive.
PS C:\users\jeff\Documents\Enterprise Mgmt Webinar> new-psdrivehere
Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root CurrentLocation
---- --------- --------- -------- ---- ---------------
Webinar 146.57 FileSystem C:\users\jeff\Documents\Enter...
PS C:\users\jeff\Documents\Enterprise Mgmt Webinar> new-psdrivehere -first
Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root CurrentLocation
---- --------- --------- -------- ---- ---------------
Enterprise 146.57 FileSystem C:\users\jeff\Documents\Enter...
PS C:\> new-psdrivehere HKLM:\software\microsoft
Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root CurrentLocation
---- --------- --------- -------- ---- ---------------
microsoft Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\micr...
PS C:\> new-psdrivehere -Path "\\jdh-nvnas\files\powershell" -Name PSFiles
Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root CurrentLocation
---- --------- --------- -------- ---- ---------------
PSFiles FileSystem \\jdh-nvnas\files\powershell
PS C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\DeepDive> new-psdrivehere . DeepDive -setlocation
Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root CurrentLocation
---- --------- --------- -------- ---- ---------------
DeepDive 130.53 FileSystem C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\DeepDive
PS DeepDive:\>
Set a new PSDrive and change to it.
None. You cannot pipe to this function.
 NAME: New-PSDriveHere
 AUTHOR: Jeffery Hicks
 LASTEDIT: Octber 15, 2011
Learn more about PowerShell:


[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]



#get the specified location
$location=Get-Item -Path $path

#did the user specify a name?
if ($Name) {
        Write-Verbose "Name parameter used for $name"    
} #if $name
else {    
        if ($first) {
        else {
        #Make sure name contains valid characters. This function
        #should work for all but the oddest named folders.

        if ($location.Name -match $pattern) {
        else {
            #The location has something odd about it so bail out
            Write-Warning "$path doesn't meet the criteria"
    } #else $name not specified

    #verify a PSDrive doesn't already exist
    Write-Verbose "Testing $($name):"
    If (-not (Test-Path -path "$($name):")) {
        Write-Verbose "Creating PSDrive for $name"
        New-PSDrive -Name $name -PSProvider $location.PSProvider -Root $Path `
        -Description "Created $(get-date)" -scope Global  
        if ($SetLocation) {
            Write-Verbose "Setting location to $($name):"
            set-location -Path "$($name):"
    else {
        Write-Warning "A PSDrive for $name already exists"

} #function

#create an alias for the function
Set-Alias -Name npsd -Value New-PSDriveHere