
Function Convert-AliasDefinition {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ToDefinition')]

        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Enter a string to convert')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ToAlias')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ToDefinition')]

    #make sure we are using the ISE
    if ($ -match 'ISE') {
        Try {
            #get alias if it exists otherwise throw an exception that
            #will be caught
            if ($ToAlias) {
                #get alias by definition and convert to name
                $alias = Get-Alias -Definition $Text -ErrorAction Stop
                #there might be multiples so use the first one found
                if ($alias -is [array]) {
                    $replace = $alias[0].name
                else {
                    $replace = $
            else {
                #get alias by name and convert to definition

                #if the text is ?, this is a special character so
                #we'll just assume it is Where-Object
                if ($Text -eq '?') {
                    $Replace = 'Where-Object'
                else {
                    $alias = Get-Alias -Name $Text -ErrorAction Stop
                    $replace = $alias.definition
            } #Else ToDefinition

        } #close Try

        Catch {
            Write-Host "Nothing for for $text" -ForegroundColor Cyan

        #make changes if an alias was found
        If ($replace) {
            #Insert the replacement

    } #if ISE
    else {
        Write-Warning 'You must be using the PowerShell ISE'

} #end function