
# this file defines the UI elements that should be visible for a given scenario.

# You can create as many of these configuration files as you need.
# For example, create a "beginners" level UI, or a specialized UI appearance
# with only a subset of available features.

# To be accessible to ISESteroids, place this file in the "Level" subfolder inside
# of the ISESteroids program folder.

# All files that you place there will appear in the menu "Level".
# The menu picks up the file name, so be sure to apply a meaningful name to your
# configuration files.

# In the menu "Level", you can choose which file you would like to apply.

    Tooltip = @"
Focuses on the basic features. Perfect for PowerShell beginners.

    WelcomeMessage = @"
Focuses on the most important features.
Here are some hints to get you started:
Click any command or language element. The help panel will explain it to you.
Press CTRL+J in the editor to open your code snippet selector.
It provides many useful examples.
Once you are hungry for more, open the menu "Level" (it is blinking right now),
and choose a higher level for more features.

    Difficulty = 1
    MinimumDifficultyForSnippets = 1
    MaximumDifficultyForSnippets = 3
    ToggleButtonNavigationBar = $false
    AddOnVariableMonitor = $true
    AddOnVariableMonitorShowCallStack = $false
    AddOnCompletionText = $false
    AddOnScriptFixer = $false
    AddOnVersionControl = $false
    ToolBlankScriptFromTemplate = $false
    ToolCodeIndent = $true
    ToolNoLineMarker = $false
    ToolSimpleLineMarker = $false
    ToolAdvancedLineMarker = $false
    ToolTrackerMargin = $false
    ToolAutoIndent = $false
    ToolVisibleWhitespace = $false
    ToolLineWrap = $false
    ToolIntelliSelect = $false
    ToolDuplicateLine = $false
    ToolMoveLineUp = $false
    ToolMoveLineDown = $false
    ToolExpandOutlining = $false
    ToolToggleOutliningLevel1 = $false
    ToolToggleOutliningLevel2 = $false
    ToolToggleOutliningCurrentRegion = $false
    ToolOutliningToggleComments = $false
    ToolCreateNewSnippet = $false
    ToolOpenProfileScript = $true
    ToolShowBookmarks = $false
    ToolToggleLiteralView = $false
    ToolPrint = $true
    ToolCreateXPSDocument = $false
    ToolHelp = $true
    ToolToggleBlockComment = $false
    ToolSelectTheme = $true
    ToolRestartISE = $false
    ToolShowSettings = $false
    ToolToggleScriptMap = $false
    ToolCreateApplication = $false
    MenuMyCommands = $false
    MenuDebug = $false
    MenuAddOns = $false
    MenuFile = $false
    ContextMenuCloneView = $false
    ContextMenuDebuggerBreakpoints = $false
    ContextMenuProfiling = $false
    ContextMenuCustomCommandOnTokenLevel = $false
    AdvancedFeatureDecompile = $false
    AdvancedFeatureExportFunctionToModule = $false
    AdvancedFeatureNewUntitledDocument = $false
    AdvancedFeatureFunctionFromSelection = $false
    AdvancedFeatureEnableThemeAdjustment = $false
    AdvancedFeatureMultipleVariableRename = $false
    CustomFileTypes = $false
    FunctionReferences = $false
    FunctionGap = $false
    DebuggerMargin = $false
    CommunityPane = $false
    RiskAssessment = $false
    DigitalSigning = $false
    SourceCodeTools = $false
    PowerShellTestModes = $false
    CreateCodeSnippets = $false
    EditCodeSnippets = $false