
function Import-ISETheme {
    Imports PowerShell ISE themes into the Windows registry for the current user.
    Imports PowerShell ISE themes into the Windows registry for the current user. This command supports verbose output for debugging purposes. Simply add on the -Verbose PowerShell common parameter.
    .Parameter Path
    A FileInfo object. Use Get-ChildItem to obtain a FileInfo object.
    Get-ChildItem -Path c:\users\ArtofShell\Downloads -Recurse -Include *.ps1xml | Import-ISETheme
    This function was written by Trevor Sullivan @ Art of Shell.

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
            try {
                Test-Path -Path $PSItem.FullName -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw 'Invalid path -- please try a different path'
        [System.IO.FileInfo[]] $Path

    process {
        if ($input) {
            $Path = $input

        foreach ($Item in $Path) {
            $Theme = @{
                Path = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\Hosts\PowerShellISE\ColorThemes'
                Name = $PSItem.Name.Split('.')[0]
                Value = (Get-Content -Path $PSItem.FullName -Raw)
            Write-Verbose -Message ('Adding new theme: {0}, value: {1}' -f $Theme.Name, $Theme.Value)
            $null = New-ItemProperty @Theme

New-Alias -Name imiset -Value Import-ISETheme -Description 'Short-hand for Import-ISETheme command in the ISEThemes PowerShell module.' -Force -ErrorAction Ignore