
Function Save-AllNamedFile { 
        Saves all Files in a PowerShell ISE Tab that already have a filename
        This uses $PSISE.CurrentFiles to save all files that have been edited in the session
        This will save the file in the location determined by the $PSISE.CurrentFile.FullPath for each open file
        (uses $PSISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.Files to find them all) and then does a where loop
        (Which should be in a PSDrive for ease of access because you do use PSDrives right??)
        Also as I would expect that your using Git for Source control (You are using source control right??)
        this will also commit the file saves to Git on the basis that the files you have been working on are stored
        in either the root of the directory of a Git Repo or is in a subdirectory and will traverse upwards until the
        function finds the directory that contains the Git Repo Store i.e the folder that contains a hidden subfolder called .git
        If not then you NEED to learn Git and start to use it - this function makes it so much simpler to deal with as well!
        Place into your Profile the following
        if ($host.Name -eq "Windows PowerShell ISE Host") {
        $MyMenu = $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.Add("PSISE_Addons",$null,$null)
        $MyMenu.Submenus.Add("Save & Commit Current ISE File", { Save-CurrentISEFile }, "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S") | Out-Null
        $MyMenu.Submenus.Add("Save & Commit all files that have been named", { Save-AllNamedFile }, "Ctrl+Shift+S") | Out-Null
        $MyMenu.Submenus.Add("Save & Commit all unnamed files", { Save-AllUnnamedFile -GeneralModuleDetails $psd1 }, "Ctrl+Alt+S") | Out-Null
        Now you can run this function using Ctrl+Alt+S and the sister function to this one, Save-AllNamedFile with Ctrl+Shift+S and it's other more popular sister
        Save-CurrentISEFile using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S
        Updated Saved PowerShell scripts/module files and Git Commits
        This Function drastically makes Source control with git much easier to deal with and ensures that you never miss a small
        change to a script
        Ryan Yates -
        Jeff Hicks Blog about extending the ISE with Addons as can be found at
        Neaten this up and build a V2 version

    #Requires -Version 4.0
    param ()
    If ($host.Name -ne 'Windows PowerShell ISE Host')
    { Write-Warning 'Unable to be used in the console please use this in PowerShell ISE'}
    else {
        $oldlocation = Get-Location
        {-Not $_.IsUntitled -and -not $_.IsSaved}).Foreach(
            {$ ; 
            $displayname = $($_.DisplayName.Replace('*','')) ; 
            Set-Location $_.FullPath.Replace($DisplayName,'') ; 
                if((test-path .\.git\) -eq $true) 
                { git add $displayname ; 
                    $CustomCommit = Request-YesOrNo -title 'Pre-Commit Message' -message 'Do you want to provide a Custom Commit Message'
                    if($CustomCommit) {$CustomCommitMessage = Get-CustomCommitMessage -filename $displayname ; git commit -m $CustomCommitMessage }
                    else { git commit -m "Saving file $displayname at $(get-date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") and commiting to Repo"} 
                else {
                do {Set-Location .. } until ((Test-Path .\.git\) -eq $true) } ;
                $gitfolder = Get-Item .\ ; 
                $gitfile = $_.FullPath.Replace("$($gitfolder.FullName)","").TrimStart('\') ; 
                git add $gitfile ;
                $CustomCommit = Request-YesOrNo -title 'Pre-Commit Message' -message 'Do you want to provide a Custom Commit Message'
                if($CustomCommit) {$CustomCommitMessage = Get-CustomCommitMessage -filename $displayname ; git commit -m $CustomCommitMessage }
                else { git commit -m "Saving file $gitfile at $(get-date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") and commiting to Repo"} ;
    #Correct Location for the Set-Location as in the Else loop from the 1st If
    Set-Location $oldlocation
