
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<helpItems schema="maml" xmlns="http://msh">
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshBaseline -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshBaseline cmdlet adds the new baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshBaseline cmdlet adds the new baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The name of the new baseline.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the baselines to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The name of the new baseline.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
Add-IshBaseline -IshSession $ishSession -Name "My first baseline"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Create a baseline ishobject, that holds no baseline entries</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Find-IshBaseline -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Find-IshBaseline cmdlet finds baselines using MetadataFilter that are provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Find-IshBaseline cmdlet finds baselines using MetadataFilter that are provided.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
Find-IshBaseline -IshSession $ishSession -RequestedMetadata (Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "NAME")</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve all baselines</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
Find-IshBaseline -IshSession $ishSession -MetadataFilter (Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHBASELINEACTIVE" -ValueType Element -Value "FALSE")</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve all active baselines</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshBaseline -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshBaseline cmdlet retrieves the metadat of baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshBaseline cmdlet retrieves the metadat of baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The baseline identifiers for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The baseline identifiers for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$baselineIds = @("GUID-17443161-9CAD-4A9A-A3D3-F2942EDB0534","GUID-F1361489-66F3-4E27-A5D1-71C97025815A")
Get-IshBaseline -IshSession $ishSession -Id $baselineIds -RequestedMetadata (Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "NAME")</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve metadata from the identified baselines</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshBaseline -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshBaseline cmdlet removes the baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshBaseline cmdlet removes the baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the baseline to remove</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the baselines to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the baseline to remove</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$baselineId = "GUID-17443161-9CAD-4A9A-A3D3-F2942EDB0534"
Remove-IshBaseline -IshSession $ishSession -Id $baselineId</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve metadata from the identified baseline</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshBaseline -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshBaseline cmdlet updates the baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshBaseline cmdlet updates the baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the user group to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the user group</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>User groups for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the user group to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the user group</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>User groups for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>User groups for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$baselineId = "GUID-17443161-9CAD-4A9A-A3D3-F2942EDB0534"
Set-IshBaseline -IshSession $ishSession -Id $baselineId -Metadata (Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHBASELINEACTIVE" -ValueType Element -Value "FALSE")</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Make the identified baseline inactive</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshBaselineItem -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshBaselineItem cmdlet retrieves the baseline entries of baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshBaselineItem cmdlet retrieves the baseline entries of baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The baseline identifiers for which to retrieve the baseline entries</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to retrieve the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The baseline identifiers for which to retrieve the baseline entries</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to retrieve the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to retrieve the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshBaselineItem -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$baselineIds = @("GUID-17443161-9CAD-4A9A-A3D3-F2942EDB0534","GUID-F1361489-66F3-4E27-A5D1-71C97025815A")
Get-IshBaselineItem -IshSession $ishSession -Id $baselineIds</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Returns the baseline entries for the identified baselines including the baseline identifier</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshBaselineItem -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshBaselineItem cmdlet removes the baseline entries of baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshBaselineItem cmdlet removes the baseline entries of baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to remove the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The logical identifier of the content object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshBaselineItemsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to remove the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to remove the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The logical identifier of the content object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$baselineIds = @("GUID-17443161-9CAD-4A9A-A3D3-F2942EDB0534","GUID-F1361489-66F3-4E27-A5D1-71C97025815A")
$ishObjects = Get-IshBaseline -IshSession $ishSession -Id $baselineIds
Remove-IshBaselineItem -IshSession $ishSession -IshObject $ishObjects -LogicalId "GUID-12345678-ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-1234567890AB"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Removes the LogicalId as baseline entry for the identified baselines</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshBaselineItem -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshBaselineItem cmdlet creates or updates the baseline entries of baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshBaselineItem cmdlet creates or updates the baseline entries of baselines that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to create or update the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The logical identifier of the content object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version of the content object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshBaselineItemsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to create or update the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the baselines for which to create or update the baseline entries. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The logical identifier of the content object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The version of the content object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$baselineIds = @("GUID-17443161-9CAD-4A9A-A3D3-F2942EDB0534","GUID-F1361489-66F3-4E27-A5D1-71C97025815A")
$ishObjects = Get-IshBaseline -IshSession $ishSession -Id $baselineIds
Set-IshBaselineItem -IshSession $ishSession -IshObject $ishObjects -LogicalId "GUID-12345678-ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-1234567890AB" -Version "999"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add or update the version of the baseline entry identified by the given LogicalId for the identified baselines</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: New-IshDitaGeneralizedXml -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The New-IshDitaGeneralizedXml cmdlet generalizes all files that are passed through the pipeline or via the -FilePath parameter. Both the specialized input xml file and resulting generalized xml output file are validated. Note that a DOCTYPE needs to be present in the input xml file and resulting generalized xml output file are validated.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The New-IshDitaGeneralizedXml cmdlet generalizes all files that are passed through the pipeline or via the -FilePath parameter. Both the specialized input xml file and resulting generalized xml output file are validated. Note that a DOCTYPE needs to be present in the input xml file and resulting generalized xml output file are validated.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: FilesGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: SpecializedCatalogLocation -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The filepath of the catalog with the specialized DTDs. Best is to make a separate folders with all the specialized DTD files together + a catalog with relative locations to the specialized DTD files.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: GeneralizedCatalogLocation -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The filepath of the catalog with the generalized/standard DTDs. Best is to make a separate folders with all the generalized DTD files together + a catalog with relative locations to the generalized DTD files.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: GeneralizationCatalogMappingLocation -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The location of a generalization mapping file. This mapping file defines the relation between the specialized dtd rootelements/public ids and the corresponding generalized dtd rootelements/public ids. It is of the following form: &lt;generalizationcataloglookup&gt; &lt;match rootelement="learningSummary" dtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Learning Summary//EN" generalizedrootelement="topic" generalizeddtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" generalizeddtdsystemid="dita-oasis/1.1/topic.dtd" /&gt; &lt;match rootelement="learningContent" generalizedrootelement="topic" generalizeddtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" generalizeddtdsystemid="dita-oasis/1.1/topic.dtd" /&gt; ... &lt;/generalizationcataloglookup&gt; The rootelement, dtdpublicid or dtdsystemid attributes are used to match the specialized xml rootelement or dtd, while the generalizedrootelement, generalizeddtdpublicid or generalizeddtdsystemid are used to specify the corresponding generalized rootelement/dtd. Note that: 1) At least one of the specialized attributes is required 2) The generalizedrootelement is required 3) Either the generalizeddtdpublicid or generalizeddtdsystemid is required</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: AttributesToGeneralizeToProps -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array of attributes that are specialized from the DITA "props" attribute (and need to be generalized to it).</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: AttributesToGeneralizeToBase -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array of attributes that are specialized from the DITA "base" attribute (and need to be generalized to it).</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: File -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named" aliases="Files">
            <maml:para>Array of FileInfo objects that is passed through the pipeline. This parameter holds the specialized xml input files to generalize.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">FileInfo[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: FileLocationGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: SpecializedCatalogLocation -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The filepath of the catalog with the specialized DTDs. Best is to make a separate folders with all the specialized DTD files together + a catalog with relative locations to the specialized DTD files.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: GeneralizedCatalogLocation -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The filepath of the catalog with the generalized/standard DTDs. Best is to make a separate folders with all the generalized DTD files together + a catalog with relative locations to the generalized DTD files.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: GeneralizationCatalogMappingLocation -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The location of a generalization mapping file. This mapping file defines the relation between the specialized dtd rootelements/public ids and the corresponding generalized dtd rootelements/public ids. It is of the following form: &lt;generalizationcataloglookup&gt; &lt;match rootelement="learningSummary" dtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Learning Summary//EN" generalizedrootelement="topic" generalizeddtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" generalizeddtdsystemid="dita-oasis/1.1/topic.dtd" /&gt; &lt;match rootelement="learningContent" generalizedrootelement="topic" generalizeddtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" generalizeddtdsystemid="dita-oasis/1.1/topic.dtd" /&gt; ... &lt;/generalizationcataloglookup&gt; The rootelement, dtdpublicid or dtdsystemid attributes are used to match the specialized xml rootelement or dtd, while the generalizedrootelement, generalizeddtdpublicid or generalizeddtdsystemid are used to specify the corresponding generalized rootelement/dtd. Note that: 1) At least one of the specialized attributes is required 2) The generalizedrootelement is required 3) Either the generalizeddtdpublicid or generalizeddtdsystemid is required</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: AttributesToGeneralizeToProps -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array of attributes that are specialized from the DITA "props" attribute (and need to be generalized to it).</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: AttributesToGeneralizeToBase -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array of attributes that are specialized from the DITA "base" attribute (and need to be generalized to it).</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named" aliases="FileLocation">
            <maml:para>FilePath can be used to specify one specialized input xml file location.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: SpecializedCatalogLocation -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The filepath of the catalog with the specialized DTDs. Best is to make a separate folders with all the specialized DTD files together + a catalog with relative locations to the specialized DTD files.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: GeneralizedCatalogLocation -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The filepath of the catalog with the generalized/standard DTDs. Best is to make a separate folders with all the generalized DTD files together + a catalog with relative locations to the generalized DTD files.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: GeneralizationCatalogMappingLocation -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The location of a generalization mapping file. This mapping file defines the relation between the specialized dtd rootelements/public ids and the corresponding generalized dtd rootelements/public ids. It is of the following form: &lt;generalizationcataloglookup&gt; &lt;match rootelement="learningSummary" dtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Learning Summary//EN" generalizedrootelement="topic" generalizeddtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" generalizeddtdsystemid="dita-oasis/1.1/topic.dtd" /&gt; &lt;match rootelement="learningContent" generalizedrootelement="topic" generalizeddtdpublicid="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" generalizeddtdsystemid="dita-oasis/1.1/topic.dtd" /&gt; ... &lt;/generalizationcataloglookup&gt; The rootelement, dtdpublicid or dtdsystemid attributes are used to match the specialized xml rootelement or dtd, while the generalizedrootelement, generalizeddtdpublicid or generalizeddtdsystemid are used to specify the corresponding generalized rootelement/dtd. Note that: 1) At least one of the specialized attributes is required 2) The generalizedrootelement is required 3) Either the generalizeddtdpublicid or generalizeddtdsystemid is required</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: AttributesToGeneralizeToProps -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array of attributes that are specialized from the DITA "props" attribute (and need to be generalized to it).</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: AttributesToGeneralizeToBase -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array of attributes that are specialized from the DITA "base" attribute (and need to be generalized to it).</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named" aliases="FileLocation">
          <maml:para>FilePath can be used to specify one specialized input xml file location.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named" aliases="FileLocation">
          <maml:para>FilePath can be used to specify one specialized input xml file location.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>This is an alias of the FilePath parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: File -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named" aliases="Files">
          <maml:para>Array of FileInfo objects that is passed through the pipeline. This parameter holds the specialized xml input files to generalize.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">FileInfo[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named" aliases="Files">
          <maml:para>Array of FileInfo objects that is passed through the pipeline. This parameter holds the specialized xml input files to generalize.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>This is an alias of the File parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">FileInfo[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array of FileInfo objects that is passed through the pipeline. This parameter holds the specialized xml input files to generalize.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: FileInfo -->
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code># This sample script will process all DITA xml files in the input folder and will generalize all DITA files either to Topic or Map.
# Note that ditabase and ditaval are not supported.
# Note that the xmls in the input folder needs to have a DOCTYPE.
Write-Host "Setting current directory..."
[string]$currentScriptDirectory = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Set-Location $currentScriptDirectory
# Input folder with the specialized xmls to generalize.
$inputfolder = "Data-GeneralizeDitaXml\InputFiles"
# Output folder with the generalize xmls. The successfully generalized files will get a .gen extension, the failed ones will get .err with a .log file next to them why they failed.
$outputfolder = "Data-GeneralizeDitaXml\OutputFiles" # !This folder will be deleted if it already exists!
# Location of the catalog xml that contains the specialized dtds
$specializedCatalogLocation = "Data-GeneralizeDitaXml\SpecializedDTDs\catalog-alldita12dtds.xml"
# Location of the catalog xml that contains the "base" dtds
$generalizedCatalogLocation = "Data-GeneralizeDitaXml\GeneralizedDTDs\catalog-dita12topic&amp;maponly.xml";
# File that contains a mapping between the specialized dtd and the according generalized dtd.
$generalizationCatalogMappingLocation = "Data-GeneralizeDitaXml\generalization-catalog-mapping.xml"
# If you would have specialized attributes from the DITA 1.2 "props" attribute, specify those attributes here to generalize them to the "props" attribute again. Here just using modelyear, market, vehicle as an example
$attributesToGeneralizeToProps = @("modelA", "modelB", "modelC")
# If you would have specialized attributes from the DITA 1.2 "base" attribute, specify those attributes here to generalize them to the "base" attribute again. Here just using basea, baseb, basec as an example
$attributesToGeneralizeToBase = @("basea", "baseb", "basec")
if (Test-Path $outputfolder)
    Remove-Item $outputfolder -Recurse
# First we will copy all the files of the inputfolder to the outputfolder recursively
Copy-Item -Path $inputfolder -Destination $outputfolder -recurse -force
# Read all the xml files to process from the outputfolder
$filesToProcess = get-childItem $outputfolder -include *.xml -recurse
# Generalize all the files in the outputfolder
# The successfully generalized files will get a .gen extension, the failed ones will get .err with a .log file next to them why they failed.
$filesToProcess | New-IshDitaGeneralizedXml `
                        -SpecializedCatalogLocation $SpecializedCatalogLocation `
                       -GeneralizedCatalogLocation $GeneralizedCatalogLocation `
                       -GeneralizationCatalogMappingLocation $GeneralizationCatalogMappingLocation `
                       -AttributesToGeneralizeToProps $attributesToGeneralizeToProps `
                       -AttributesToGeneralizeToBase $attributesToGeneralizeToBase</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Generalize all DITA xml files in a certain directory</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$generalizesamplesrootfolder = "C:\\temp\\";
$specializedCatalogLocation = $generalizesamplesrootfolder + "SpecializedDTDs\\catalog-dita-1.2.xml";
$generalizedCatalogLocation = $generalizesamplesrootfolder + "GeneralizedDTDs\\catalog-dita-1.1.xml";
$generalizationCatalogMappingLocation = $generalizesamplesrootfolder + "generalization-catalog-mapping.xml";
$attributesToGeneralizeToProps = @("complexity", "visibility") # array containing 2 elements
$attributesToGeneralizeToBase = @(); # @() = empty array
New-IshDitaGeneralizedXml -SpecializedCatalogLocation $SpecializedCatalogLocation `
-GeneralizedCatalogLocation $GeneralizedCatalogLocation `
-GeneralizationCatalogMappingLocation $GeneralizationCatalogMappingLocation `
-FilePath $FilePath `
-AttributesToGeneralizeToProps $attributesToGeneralizeToProps `
-AttributesToGeneralizeToBase $attributesToGeneralizeToBase</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Generalize one DITA xml file</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshDocumentObj -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshDocumentObj cmdlet adds the new document object(s) (which include illustrations) that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters This commandlet allows to create all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Add-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshDocumentObj cmdlet adds the new document object(s) (which include illustrations) that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters This commandlet allows to create all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Add-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroupFilePath -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId of the DocumentObj by IshFolder object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshType.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: ISHNone, ISHNotFound, ISHModule, ISHMasterDoc, ISHLibrary, ISHTemplate, ISHIllustration, ISHPublication, ISHUser, ISHUserGroup, ISHUserRole, ISHBaseline, ISHOutputFormat, ISHEDT, ISHFolder, ISHTranslationJob, ISHConfiguration, ISHRevision, ISHFeatures</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ISHType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumeration of all possible object types.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNone</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNotFound</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHModule</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHMasterDoc</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHLibrary</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHTemplate</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHIllustration</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHPublication</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUser</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUserGroup</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUserRole</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHBaseline</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutputFormat</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHEDT</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHTranslationJob</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHConfiguration</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHRevision</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHFeatures</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The LogicalId of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Version of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Lng -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Language of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Resolution -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Resolution of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The unique identifier of the Electronic Document Type for the content (e.g. EDTPDF, EDTXML, EDTHTML,...) of the new object.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The path to the file containing data for the DocumentObj</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroupFileContent -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId of the DocumentObj by IshFolder object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshType.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: ISHNone, ISHNotFound, ISHModule, ISHMasterDoc, ISHLibrary, ISHTemplate, ISHIllustration, ISHPublication, ISHUser, ISHUserGroup, ISHUserRole, ISHBaseline, ISHOutputFormat, ISHEDT, ISHFolder, ISHTranslationJob, ISHConfiguration, ISHRevision, ISHFeatures</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ISHType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumeration of all possible object types.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNone</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNotFound</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHModule</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHMasterDoc</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHLibrary</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHTemplate</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHIllustration</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHPublication</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUser</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUserGroup</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUserRole</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHBaseline</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutputFormat</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHEDT</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHTranslationJob</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHConfiguration</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHRevision</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHFeatures</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The LogicalId of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Version of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Lng -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Language of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Resolution -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Resolution of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The unique identifier of the Electronic Document Type for the content (e.g. EDTPDF, EDTXML, EDTHTML,...) of the new object.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FileContent -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>String with XML content of the DocumentObj</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId of the DocumentObj by IshFolder object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshObjectss that need to be added.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The FolderId of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The FolderId of the DocumentObj by IshFolder object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshType -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshType.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: ISHNone, ISHNotFound, ISHModule, ISHMasterDoc, ISHLibrary, ISHTemplate, ISHIllustration, ISHPublication, ISHUser, ISHUserGroup, ISHUserRole, ISHBaseline, ISHOutputFormat, ISHEDT, ISHFolder, ISHTranslationJob, ISHConfiguration, ISHRevision, ISHFeatures</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ISHType</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumeration of all possible object types.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNone</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNotFound</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHModule</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHMasterDoc</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHLibrary</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHTemplate</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHIllustration</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHPublication</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUser</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUserGroup</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHUserRole</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHBaseline</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutputFormat</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHEDT</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHTranslationJob</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHConfiguration</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHRevision</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHFeatures</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The LogicalId of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Version of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Lng -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Language of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Resolution -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Resolution of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata of the DocumentObj.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The unique identifier of the Electronic Document Type for the content (e.g. EDTPDF, EDTXML, EDTHTML,...) of the new object.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The path to the file containing data for the DocumentObj</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FileContent -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>String with XML content of the DocumentObj</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshObjectss that need to be added.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The IshObjectss that need to be added.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "" -IshUserPassword ""
Write-Host "`r`nCreate a logical, version, language level"
$ditaFileContent = @"
&lt;? xml version="1.0" ?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd"&gt;
&lt;topic&gt;&lt;title&gt;Enter the title of your topic here.&lt;? ish-replace-title?&gt;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;shortdesc&gt;Enter a short description of your topic here(optional).&lt;/shortdesc&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;This is the start of your topic.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/topic&gt;
$ishMetadataFields = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FTITLE" -Level "Logical" -Value "Example ISHModule" |
                     Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FCHANGES" -Level "Version" -Value "Changes text field" |
                     Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FSTATUS" -Level "Lng" -Value "Draft" |
                     Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FAUTHOR" -Level "Lng" -Value "admin"
# add object
$ishObject = Add-IshDocumentObj -IshSession $ishSession `
             -FolderId "0" `
             -IshType "ISHModule" `
             -Lng "en" `
             -Metadata $ishMetadataFields `
             -Edt "EDTXML" `
       -FileContent $ditaFileContent
$ishObject.ObjectRef| Format-Table</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add Module without providing LogicalId, Version and using FileContent parameter</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "" -IshUserPassword ""
Write-Host "`r`nCreate a logical, version, language level"
$timestamp = get-date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss"
$logicalId = "MYGUID-$timestamp"
$ditaFilePath = "c:\temp\Task.dita" # Template which is used to create a language level
$ishMetadataFields = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FTITLE" -Level "Logical" -Value "Example ISHModule" `
     | Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FCHANGES" -Level "Version" -Value "Changes text field" `
     | Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FSTATUS" -Level "Lng" -Value "Draft" `
     | Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FAUTHOR" -Level "Lng" -Value "admin"
# add object
$ishObject = Add-IshDocumentObj -IshSession $ishSession `
        -FolderId "0" ` #use valid FolderId
        -LogicalId $logicalId `
        -IshType "ISHModule" `
        -Version "1" `
        -Lng "en" `
        -Metadata $ishMetadataFields `
        -Edt "EDTXML" `
        -FilePath $ditaFilePath
$ishObject.ObjectRef| Format-Table</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add Module with providing LogicalId and Version</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "" -IshUserPassword ""
Write-Host "`r`nCreate a logical, version, language level"
$ditaFilePath = "c:\temp\Task.dita" # Template which is used to create a language level
$ishMetadataFields = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FTITLE" -Level "Logical" -Value "Example ISHModule" `
     | Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FCHANGES" -Level "Version" -Value "Changes text field" `
     | Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FSTATUS" -Level "Lng" -Value "Draft" `
     | Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FAUTHOR" -Level "Lng" -Value "admin"
# add object
$ishObject = Add-IshDocumentObj -IshSession $ishSession `
        -FolderId "0" ` #use valid FolderId
        -IshType "ISHModule" `
        -Lng "en" `
        -Metadata $ishMetadataFields `
        -Edt "EDTXML" `
        -FilePath $ditaFilePath
$ishObject.ObjectRef| Format-Table</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add Module without providing LogicalId and Version</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Find-IshDocumentObj -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Find-IshDocumentObj cmdlet finds document objects (which include illustrations) using MetadataFilter, TypeFilter and StatusFilter that are provided This commandlet allows to find all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Find-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Find-IshDocumentObj cmdlet finds document objects (which include illustrations) using MetadataFilter, TypeFilter and StatusFilter that are provided This commandlet allows to find all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Find-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshTypeFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The folder type filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ISHType[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The status type filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshTypeFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The folder type filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ISHType[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The status type filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshDocumentObj -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>Retrieves the metadata and optionally blob of document objects</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Gets IshObject entries through logical id filtering or language card ids, optionally providing the blob.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Uses DocumentObj25 API to retrieve ishobjects.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshDocumentObj cmdlet retrieves metadata of the document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters. This commandlet allows to retrieve all types of objects(Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication(outputs). For publication(outputs) you need to use Get-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The logical identifiers of the document objects for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The status filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IncludeData -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Switch patameter that specifies if the return objects should hold the blob (ishdata) sections, potentially conditionally published if IshFeature was passed</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFeature -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The condition context to use for conditional filtering. If no context is provided, the elements containing ishcondition attributes will always remain in the data content. You can use the Set-IshFeature cmdlet to create a condition context.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFeature[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The status filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IncludeData -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Switch patameter that specifies if the return objects should hold the blob (ishdata) sections, potentially conditionally published if IshFeature was passed</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFeature -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The condition context to use for conditional filtering. If no context is provided, the elements containing ishcondition attributes will always remain in the data content. You can use the Set-IshFeature cmdlet to create a condition context.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFeature[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The logical identifiers of the document objects for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The status filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IncludeData -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Switch patameter that specifies if the return objects should hold the blob (ishdata) sections, potentially conditionally published if IshFeature was passed</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFeature -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The condition context to use for conditional filtering. If no context is provided, the elements containing ishcondition attributes will always remain in the data content. You can use the Set-IshFeature cmdlet to create a condition context.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFeature[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Move-IshDocumentObj -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Move-IshDocumentObj cmdlet moves document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters from one repository folder to another folder. This commandlet allows to move all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Move-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Move-IshDocumentObj cmdlet moves document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters from one repository folder to another folder. This commandlet allows to move all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Move-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The logical identifiers of the document objects to move</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FromFolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The folder identifier where the objects are currently located</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FromIshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshFolder object where the objects are currently located</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ToFolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The folder identifier where to move the document objects to</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ToIshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshFolder object where to move the document objects to</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FromFolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The folder identifier where the objects are currently located</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FromIshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshFolder object where the objects are currently located</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ToFolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The folder identifier where to move the document objects to</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ToIshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshFolder object where to move the document objects to</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the object to move. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The logical identifiers of the document objects to move</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FromFolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The folder identifier where the objects are currently located</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FromIshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshFolder object where the objects are currently located</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ToFolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The folder identifier where to move the document objects to</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ToIshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshFolder object where to move the document objects to</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the object to move. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the object to move. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshDocumentObj -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshDocumentObj cmdlet removes the document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters This commandlet allows to remove all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Remove-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshDocumentObj cmdlet removes the document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters This commandlet allows to remove all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Remove-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The logical identifier of the document object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version of the document object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Lng -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The language of the document object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Resolution -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The resolution of the document object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the document object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the document object is removed.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the document object is not removed.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Force -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>When the Force switch is set, after deleting the language object, the version object and logical object will be deleted if they don't have any language objects anymore</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the document object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the document object is removed.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the document object is not removed.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the objects to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Force -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>When the Force switch is set, after deleting the language object, the version object and logical object will be deleted if they don't have any language objects anymore</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The logical identifier of the document object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The version of the document object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Lng -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The language of the document object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Resolution -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The resolution of the document object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The required current metadata of the document object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the document object is removed.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the document object is not removed.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the objects to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Force -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>When the Force switch is set, after deleting the language object, the version object and logical object will be deleted if they don't have any language objects anymore</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the objects to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshDocumentObj -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshDocumentObj cmdlet updates the document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters This commandlet allows to update all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Set-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshDocumentObj cmdlet updates the document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters This commandlet allows to update all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Set-IshPublicationOutput.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The logical identifier of the object to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version of the object to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Lng -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The language of the object to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Resolution -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The resolution of the object to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the document object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the document object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The unique identifier of the Electronic Document Type of the output (e.g. EDTPDF, EDTXML, EDTHTML,...)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The location of the file on the filesystem containing new content (xml, jpg, etc.) for the object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the document object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The logical identifier of the object to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The version of the object to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Lng -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The language of the object to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Resolution -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The resolution of the object to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the document object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The required current metadata of the document object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The unique identifier of the Electronic Document Type of the output (e.g. EDTPDF, EDTXML, EDTHTML,...)</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The location of the file on the filesystem containing new content (xml, jpg, etc.) for the object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshDocumentObjData -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshDocumentObjData cmdlet retrieves the data/blob of the document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters and saves them to the given Windows folder. This commandlet allows to retrieve all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Get-IshPublicationOutputData.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshDocumentObjData cmdlet retrieves the data/blob of the document objects that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters and saves them to the given Windows folder. This commandlet allows to retrieve all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Get-IshPublicationOutputData.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Folder on the Windows filesystem where to store the retrieved data files</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFeature -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The condition context to use for conditional filtering. If no context is provided, the elements containing ishcondition attributes will always remain in the data content. You can use the Set-IshFeature cmdlet to create a condition context.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFeature[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Folder on the Windows filesystem where to store the retrieved data files</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFeature -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The condition context to use for conditional filtering. If no context is provided, the elements containing ishcondition attributes will always remain in the data content. You can use the Set-IshFeature cmdlet to create a condition context.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFeature[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: FileInfo -->
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$ishMetadataFilterFields = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FTITLE" -Level "Logical" -FilterOperator "Like" -Value "%topic%" |
                           Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FAUTHOR" -Level "Lng" -FilterOperator "Equal" -Value "admin" |
                           Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FSTATUS" -Level "Lng" -FilterOperator "Equal" -Value "To be translated"
$ishRequestedFields = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FTITLE" -Level "logical" |
                      Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "VERSION" -Level "version" |
                      Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "DOC-LANGUAGE" -Level "lng"
$fileList = Find-IshDocumentObj -IshSession $ishSession -MetadataFilter $ishMetadataFilterFields `
-IshTypeFilter "ISHModule" `
-RequestedMetadata $ishRequestedFields |
Get-IshDocumentObjData -IshSession $ishSession `
-FolderPath "c:\temp\export"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Download modules to a temp location</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshDocumentObjFolderLocation -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshDocumentObjFolderLocation cmdlet returns the repository location of a document object in a form of a separated string e.g. "General\Folder1\Folder2" This commandlet allows to retrieve the location of all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Get-IshPublicationOutputFolderLocation.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshDocumentObjFolderLocation cmdlet returns the repository location of a document object in a form of a separated string e.g. "General\Folder1\Folder2" This commandlet allows to retrieve the location of all types of objects (Illustrations, Maps, etc. ), except for publication (outputs). For publication (outputs) you need to use Get-IshPublicationOutputFolderLocation.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The LogicalId of the DocumentObj object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Object for which to retrieve the folder location. This object can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The LogicalId of the DocumentObj object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Object for which to retrieve the folder location. This object can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Object for which to retrieve the folder location. This object can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: String -->
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$folderPath = Get-IshDocumentObjFolderLocation -IshSession $ishSession -LogicalId "GUID-8C8F01ED-9785-47DE-9A00-1F8AAFD94E7D"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve location of the DocumentObj</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshEDT -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshEDT cmdlet adds the new EDTs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshEDT cmdlet adds the new EDTs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Name for the new EDT</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>MetaData - xml structure that will be used for the new EDT</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>IshObject - contains EDT data that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Name for the new EDT</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>MetaData - xml structure that will be used for the new EDT</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>IshObject - contains EDT data that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>IshObject - contains EDT data that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$metadata = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-CANDIDATE" -Level "none" -Value "XML" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-FILE-EXTENSION" -Level "none" -Value "XML" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-MIME-TYPE" -Level "none" -Value "text/xml"
$edt = Add-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession -Name "MYEDT" -Metadata $metadata</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add a new EDT</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Find-IshEDT -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Find-IshEDT cmdlet finds EDT objects using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Find-IshEDT cmdlet finds EDT objects using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$ishMetadataFilterFields = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-FILE-EXTENSION" -Level "None" -FilterOperator "Like" -Value "%xml%"
$ishRequestedFields = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "NAME" -Level "None"
$edtList = Find-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession `
      -ActivityFilter "None" `
      -MetadataFilter $ishMetadataFilterFields `
      -RequestedMetadata $ishRequestedFields</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Find EDTs with names containing "edt" text</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshEDT -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshEDT cmdlet retrieves the metadata of the EDTs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshEDT cmdlet retrieves the metadata of the EDTs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Id - string array with IDs of the EDTs</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Id - string array with IDs of the EDTs</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$metadata = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-CANDIDATE" -Level "none" -Value "XML" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-FILE-EXTENSION" -Level "none" -Value "XML" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-MIME-TYPE" -Level "none" -Value "text/xml"
$edt = Add-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession `
 -Name "MYEDT" `
 -Metadata $metadata
$edtId = $edt[0].IshRef
$ishRequestedFields = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "NAME" -Level "None"
$edtRetrieve = Get-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession `
 -Id @($edtId) `
 -ActivityFilter "None" `
 -RequestedMetadata $ishRequestedFields</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve Name of added EDT</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshEDT -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshEDT cmdlet removes the EDTs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshEDT cmdlet removes the EDTs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Id - element name of the EDT to be removed</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshObject array containing EDTs that needs to be deleted. Pipeline</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Id - element name of the EDT to be removed</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshObject array containing EDTs that needs to be deleted. Pipeline</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The IshObject array containing EDTs that needs to be deleted. Pipeline</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$metadata = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-CANDIDATE" -Level "none" -Value "XML" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-FILE-EXTENSION" -Level "none" -Value "XML" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-MIME-TYPE" -Level "none" -Value "text/xml"
$edt = Add-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession `
 -Name "MYEDT" `
 -Metadata $metadata
#Remove EDT using pipeline
$edt | Remove-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Remove added EDT</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshEDT -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshEDT cmdlet updates the EDTs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshEDT cmdlet updates the EDTs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>EDT Element Name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>EDT Element Name</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The required current metadata of the object. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the objects for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$edtName = "MYEDT"
$metadata = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-CANDIDATE" -Level "none" -Value "XML" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-FILE-EXTENSION" -Level "none" -Value "XML" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-MIME-TYPE" -Level "none" -Value "text/xml"
$edtAdd = Add-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession -Name $edtName -Metadata $metadata
$metadataUpdate = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "NAME" -Level "none" -Value ($edtName + " updated")
$requiredCurrentMetadata = Set-IshRequiredCurrentMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-FILE-EXTENSION" -Level "none" -Value "XML"
Set-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession -RequiredCurrentMetadata $requiredCurrentMetadata -Metadata $metadataUpdate</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add EDT and update name</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
Set-IshEDT -IshSession $ishSession -Id EDTXML -Metadata (Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EDT-CANDIDATE" -Level None -ValueType Value -Value "xml, dita, ditamap")</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Adding .map and .ditamap to the EDTXML object. By adding these, tools like Content-Importer/DITA2Trisoft can import .xml, .dita and .ditamap files and they will all be assigned EDTXML as Electronic Document Type.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshEvent -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>Gets EventMonitor entries with filtering options.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Uses EventMonitor25 API to retrieve ishevents showing progress of background task events from the centralized log system.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>This table oriented API maps straight through to database column names regarding ishfield usage.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: EventTypes -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>String array containing the event types to retrieve (e.g. EXPORTFORPUBLICATION, PUSHTRANSLATIONS,...)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ProgressStatusFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The enumeration indicating which overall status the event must have (e.g. All, Success, Failed,...)</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Busy, Success, Warning, Failed, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ProgressStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>EventMonitor Events Status Filter</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Busy</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Success</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Warning</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Failed</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: ModifiedSince -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>A date limiting the events that will be retrieved based on the last modification date of the events</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">DateTime</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
          <dev:defaultValue>23/04/2017 0:00:00</dev:defaultValue>
        <!-- Parameter: UserFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Enumeration indicating if only events of the current user or all events must be retrieved</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Current, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">UserFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>EventMonitor Events User Filter</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Current</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Filter on metadata to limit the objects on which metadata has to be returned</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>XML structure indicating which metadata has to be retrieved.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: EventLevel -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Possible values for the level of an event detail.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Exception, Warning, Configuration, Information, Verbose, Debug</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">EventLevel</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Possible values for the level of an event detail</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Exception</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Warning</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Configuration</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Information</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Verbose</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Debug</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter set: IshEventsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Filter on metadata to limit the objects on which metadata has to be returned</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>XML structure indicating which metadata has to be retrieved.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: EventLevel -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Possible values for the level of an event detail.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Exception, Warning, Configuration, Information, Verbose, Debug</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">EventLevel</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Possible values for the level of an event detail</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Exception</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Warning</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Configuration</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Information</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Verbose</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Debug</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshEvent -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshEvents that need to be handled.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshEvent[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: EventTypes -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>String array containing the event types to retrieve (e.g. EXPORTFORPUBLICATION, PUSHTRANSLATIONS,...)</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ProgressStatusFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The enumeration indicating which overall status the event must have (e.g. All, Success, Failed,...)</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Busy, Success, Warning, Failed, All</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ProgressStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>EventMonitor Events Status Filter</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Busy</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Success</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Warning</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Failed</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: ModifiedSince -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>A date limiting the events that will be retrieved based on the last modification date of the events</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">DateTime</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
        <dev:defaultValue>23/04/2017 0:00:00</dev:defaultValue>
      <!-- Parameter: UserFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Enumeration indicating if only events of the current user or all events must be retrieved</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Current, All</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">UserFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>EventMonitor Events User Filter</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Current</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Filter on metadata to limit the objects on which metadata has to be returned</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>XML structure indicating which metadata has to be retrieved.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: EventLevel -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Possible values for the level of an event detail.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Exception, Warning, Configuration, Information, Verbose, Debug</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">EventLevel</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Possible values for the level of an event detail</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Exception</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Warning</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Configuration</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Information</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Verbose</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Debug</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshEvent -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshEvents that need to be handled.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshEvent[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The IshEvents that need to be handled.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshEvent -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The IshEvent is one entry on the EventMonitor detail are, also holding progress top-level information.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$requestedMetadata = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTID" -Level "Progress" |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTTYPE" -Level "Progress"
Get-IshEvent -IshSession $ishSession -EventTypes @("EXPORTFORPUBLICATION","SYNCHRONIZETOLIVECONTENT") -RequestedMetadata $requestedMetadata</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Gets all top-level (progress) ishevents filtered to publish and synchronize events.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$requestedMetadata = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTID" -Level "Progress" |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTTYPE" -Level "Progress" |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTDATATYPE" -Level "Detail"
$metadataFilter = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTDATATYPE" -Level "Detail" -FilterOperator "NotEqual" -Value "10"
Get-IshEvent -IshSession $ishSession -EventTypes @("EXPORTFORPUBLICATION","SYNCHRONIZETOLIVECONTENT") -RequestedMetadata $requestedMetadata -MetadataFilter $metadataFilter</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Gets up to detail ishevents filtered to publish and synchronize events and the eventdatatype should differ from 10.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$requestedMetadata = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTID" -Level "Progress" |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTTYPE" -Level "Progress" |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "EVENTDATATYPE" -Level "Detail"
$metadataFilter = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "ACTION" -Level "Detail" -FilterOperator In -Value "Request started, Start execution, Execution completed"
Get-IshEvent -IshSession $ishSession -EventTypes @("EXPORTFORPUBLICATION") -RequestedMetadata $requestedMetadata -MetadataFilter $metadataFilter</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Gets up to detail ishevents filtered to publish events and filters to only have the queue event, processing started and processing ended. This allows calculation of lead times and through put.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshFeature -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshFeature cmdlet creates a new IshFeature based on the parameters provided. When IshFeature[] object is passed through the pipeline then the new feature is added based on the parameters provided</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshFeature cmdlet creates a new IshFeature based on the parameters provided. When IshFeature[] object is passed through the pipeline then the new feature is added based on the parameters provided</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The condition name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Value -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The condition value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFeature -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The set of condition names and values</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFeature[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The condition name</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Value -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The condition value</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFeature -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The set of condition names and values</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFeature[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The set of condition names and values</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshFeature -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Stores a single feature part of the context that will be used as input by ConditionFilter to make an @ishcondition true. For example BLUETOOTH=Y</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshField -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshField cmdlet sets/merges the IshFields * If an IshObject[] array parameter is provided (either explicit or via the pipeline), the MergeFields are merged according to the ValueAction parameter to all the IshFields of all the objects, and the objects are returned * If an IshFields object is provided (either explicit or via the pipeline), the MergeFields are merged according to the ValueAction parameter to the IshFields object and the resulting fields are returned * If none of the above applies, the fields in the MergeFields are returned</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshField cmdlet sets/merges the IshFields * If an IshObject[] array parameter is provided (either explicit or via the pipeline), the MergeFields are merged according to the ValueAction parameter to all the IshFields of all the objects, and the objects are returned * If an IshFields object is provided (either explicit or via the pipeline), the MergeFields are merged according to the ValueAction parameter to the IshFields object and the resulting fields are returned * If none of the above applies, the fields in the MergeFields are returned Best practice is to supply IshSession for future functionality.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: MergeField -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshField[] to merge</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ValueAction -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Whether the fields in the mergefields parameter will be prepended, appended or overwrite the values in the provided IshFields or IshObject objects</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Overwrite, Prepend, Append</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueAction</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>If two fields should be first, should the second value overwrite the first or prepend/append it</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Overwrite</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Prepend</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Append</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Objects to merge the fields in</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFieldGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: MergeField -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshField[] to merge</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ValueAction -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Whether the fields in the mergefields parameter will be prepended, appended or overwrite the values in the provided IshFields or IshObject objects</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Overwrite, Prepend, Append</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueAction</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>If two fields should be first, should the second value overwrite the first or prepend/append it</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Overwrite</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Prepend</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Append</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Fields to merge the mergefields in</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: MergeField -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshField[] to merge</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ValueAction -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Whether the fields in the mergefields parameter will be prepended, appended or overwrite the values in the provided IshFields or IshObject objects</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Overwrite, Prepend, Append</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueAction</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>If two fields should be first, should the second value overwrite the first or prepend/append it</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Overwrite</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Prepend</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Append</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Objects to merge the fields in</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Fields to merge the mergefields in</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Objects to merge the fields in</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Fields to merge the mergefields in</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshField -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Holds one field metadata entry described by a name, optional level and value</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshFolder -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshFolder cmdlet adds the new folders that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters. Query and Reference folders are not supported.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshFolder cmdlet adds the new folders that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters. Query and Reference folders are not supported.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ParentFolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the parent folder where the new folder will be created</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FolderType -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Type of the new Folder</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: ISHNone, ISHModule, ISHMasterDoc, ISHLibrary, ISHTemplate, ISHIllustration, ISHPublication, ISHReference, ISHQuery</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolderType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumeration of folder types.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNone</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHModule</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHMasterDoc</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHLibrary</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHTemplate</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHIllustration</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHPublication</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReference</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHQuery</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderName -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Name of the new Folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: OwnedBy -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The name of the UserGroup that will be the owner of the new folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ReadAccess -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the UserGroups that have ReadAccess to the new folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFoldersGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ParentFolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the parent folder where the new folder will be created</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshFolder array that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ParentFolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the parent folder where the new folder will be created</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FolderType -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Type of the new Folder</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: ISHNone, ISHModule, ISHMasterDoc, ISHLibrary, ISHTemplate, ISHIllustration, ISHPublication, ISHReference, ISHQuery</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolderType</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumeration of folder types.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNone</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHModule</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHMasterDoc</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHLibrary</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHTemplate</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHIllustration</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHPublication</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReference</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHQuery</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderName -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Name of the new Folder</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: OwnedBy -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The name of the UserGroup that will be the owner of the new folder</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ReadAccess -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the UserGroups that have ReadAccess to the new folder</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshFolder array that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The IshFolder array that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshFolder -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$folderName = "New folder created by powershell"
$parentFolderId = "7775" # provide a valid parent folder Id
$ishFolders = Add-IshFolder -IshSession $ishSession `
        -ParentFolderId $parentFolderId `
        -FolderType "ISHModule" `
        -FolderName $folderName `
        -ReadAccess @("") `
        -OwnedBy ""</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add a folder using input parameters</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshFolder -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshFolder cmdlet retrieves metadata for the folders by providing one of the following input data: - FolderPath string with the separated full folder path - FolderIds array containing identifiers of the folders - BaseFolder enum value referencing the specified root folder - IshFolder[] array passed through the pipeline Query and Reference folders are not supported.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshFolder cmdlet retrieves metadata for the folders by providing one of the following input data: - FolderPath string with the separated full folder path - FolderIds array containing identifiers of the folders - BaseFolder enum value referencing the specified root folder - IshFolder[] array passed through the pipeline Query and Reference folders are not supported.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderIdGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Unique folder identifier</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Depth -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of up to Depth of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">int</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderPathGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Separated string with the full folder path, e.g. "General\Project\Topics"</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Depth -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of up to Depth of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">int</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Folders for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Depth -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of up to Depth of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">int</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: BaseFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: BaseFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The BaseFolder enumeration to get subfolders for the specified root folder</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Data, System, Favorites, EditorTemplate</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">BaseFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumerations of basefolders</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">System</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Favorites</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">EditorTemplate</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Depth -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of up to Depth of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">int</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Separated string with the full folder path, e.g. "General\Project\Topics"</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Unique folder identifier</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: BaseFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The BaseFolder enumeration to get subfolders for the specified root folder</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Data, System, Favorites, EditorTemplate</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">BaseFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumerations of basefolders</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">System</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Favorites</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">EditorTemplate</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Folders for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Depth -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of up to Depth of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">int</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Unique folder identifier</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Folders for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshFolder -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$requestedMetadata = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FNAME" -Level "None"
$folderId = 7598 # provide a real folder identifier
[Trisoft.ISHRemote.Objects.IshFolders]$ishFoldersRetrieve = Get-IshFolder -IshSession $ishSession `
-FolderIds @($folderId) `
-RequestedMetaData $requestedMetadata
[Trisoft.ISHRemote.Objects.IshFields]$ishFields = $ishFoldersRetrieve.Folders[0].IshFields
$retrievedFolderName = $ishFields.GetFieldValue("FNAME", "None", "Value")</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Get folder name using Id</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Move-IshFolder -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Move-IshFolder cmdlet moves folders that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters to a different folder.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Move-IshFolder cmdlet moves folders that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters to a different folder.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The folder identifier where the folder is currently located</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ToFolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The folder identifier where to move the folder to</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFoldersGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ToFolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The folder identifier where to move the folder to</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolders -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the folders to move. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The folder identifier where the folder is currently located</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ToFolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The folder identifier where to move the folder to</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolders -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the folders to move. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the folders to move. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshFolder -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshFolder -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshFolder cmdlet removes the repository folders that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters Query and Reference folders are not supported.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshFolder cmdlet removes the repository folders that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters Query and Reference folders are not supported.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderIdGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Identifier of the folder to be removed</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderPathGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Full path to the folder that needs to be removed. Use the IshSession.FolderPathSeparator.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFoldersGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the folders to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Full path to the folder that needs to be removed. Use the IshSession.FolderPathSeparator.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Identifier of the folder to be removed</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the folders to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Recurse -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Perform recursive retrieval of the provided incoming folder(s)</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the folders to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
Remove-IshFolder -IshSession $ishSession -FolderId "674580"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Remove folder with specified Id</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshFolder -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshFolder cmdlet updates the folders that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshFolder cmdlet updates the folders that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Identifier of the folder to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: NewFolderName -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>New name of the folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ReadAccess -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>String array with the user groups that have read access to this folder. When the string array is empty, all users have read access to the folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderPathGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Separated string with the full folder path</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: NewFolderName -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>New name of the folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ReadAccess -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>String array with the user groups that have read access to this folder. When the string array is empty, all users have read access to the folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: BaseFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: BaseFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The eBaseFolder enumeration to get subfolder(s) for the specified root folder</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Data, System, Favorites, EditorTemplate</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">BaseFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumerations of basefolders</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">System</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Favorites</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">EditorTemplate</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: NewFolderName -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>New name of the folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ReadAccess -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>String array with the user groups that have read access to this folder. When the string array is empty, all users have read access to the folder</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Folder for which to update the metadata. This folder can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Separated string with the full folder path</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: BaseFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The eBaseFolder enumeration to get subfolder(s) for the specified root folder</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Data, System, Favorites, EditorTemplate</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">BaseFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumerations of basefolders</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">System</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Favorites</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">EditorTemplate</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Identifier of the folder to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: NewFolderName -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>New name of the folder</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ReadAccess -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>String array with the user groups that have read access to this folder. When the string array is empty, all users have read access to the folder</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Folder for which to update the metadata. This folder can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Identifier of the folder to update</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Folder for which to update the metadata. This folder can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshFolder -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$folderId = 655993 # provide real folder Id
$newFolderName = "Updated Folder Name"
$updatedFolder = Set-IshFolder -IshSession $ishSession `
-FolderId $folderId `
-NewFolderName $newFolderName</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Update name of a folder with provided FolderId</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshFolderContent -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshFolderContent cmdlet returns all document objects or publication outputs stored inside a given folder. You can provide filters to reduce the amount of objects returned, but if you don't provide any: * The cmdlet will return an object for all the latest versions in all language and resolution for a document object folder * The cmdlet will return an object for all the latest versions for all output formats and all language combinations for a publication folder</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshFolderContent cmdlet returns all document objects or publication outputs stored inside a given folder. You can provide filters to reduce the amount of objects returned, but if you don't provide any: * The cmdlet will return an object for all the latest versions in all language and resolution for a document object folder * The cmdlet will return an object for all the latest versions for all output formats and all language combinations for a publication folder</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderIdGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Identifier of the folder for which to retrieve the content</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: VersionFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no filter is supplied, latest version objects will be returned.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguagesFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The langauges filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no languages filter is supplied, all object languages will be returned.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderPathGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Separated string with the full folder path</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: VersionFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no filter is supplied, latest version objects will be returned.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguagesFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The langauges filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no languages filter is supplied, all object languages will be returned.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: BaseFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: BaseFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The eBaseFolder enumeration to get subfolder(s) for the specified root folder</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Data, System, Favorites, EditorTemplate</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">BaseFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumerations of basefolders</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">System</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Favorites</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">EditorTemplate</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: VersionFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no filter is supplied, latest version objects will be returned.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguagesFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The langauges filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no languages filter is supplied, all object languages will be returned.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: VersionFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no filter is supplied, latest version objects will be returned.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguagesFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The langauges filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no languages filter is supplied, all object languages will be returned.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Folder for which to retrieve the content. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Separated string with the full folder path</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Identifier of the folder for which to retrieve the content</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: BaseFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The eBaseFolder enumeration to get subfolder(s) for the specified root folder</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Data, System, Favorites, EditorTemplate</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">BaseFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumerations of basefolders</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">System</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Favorites</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">EditorTemplate</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: VersionFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The version filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no filter is supplied, latest version objects will be returned.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LanguagesFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The langauges filter to limit the amount of objects returned. When no languages filter is supplied, all object languages will be returned.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Folder for which to retrieve the content. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Folder for which to retrieve the content. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$folderId = 7775 #use correct folder id
$ishObjects = Get-IshFolderContent -IshSession $ishSession -FolderId $folderId</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve contents of a given folder</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshFolderLocation -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshFolderLocation cmdlet returns the repository location of the folder objects in the form of a separated string e.g. "General\Folder1\Folder2"</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshFolderLocation cmdlet returns the repository location of the folder objects in the form of a separated string e.g. "General\Folder1\Folder2"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderIdGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Identifier of the folder for which to retrieve the location</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: FolderPathGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Separated string with the full folder path</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: BaseFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: BaseFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The eBaseFolder enumeration to get subfolder(s) for the specified root folder</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Data, System, Favorites, EditorTemplate</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">BaseFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumerations of basefolders</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">System</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Favorites</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">EditorTemplate</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Folder that is passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Separated string with the full folder path</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Identifier of the folder for which to retrieve the location</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: BaseFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The eBaseFolder enumeration to get subfolder(s) for the specified root folder</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Data, System, Favorites, EditorTemplate</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">BaseFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumerations of basefolders</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">System</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Favorites</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">EditorTemplate</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Folder that is passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Identifier of the folder for which to retrieve the location</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Folder that is passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: String -->
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$folderId = 7775 #provide valid folder identifier
$folderPath = Get-IshFolderLocation -IshSession $ishSession `
-FolderId $folderId</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve folder location using provided Id</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshLovValue -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshLovValue cmdlet adds the new values that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters to the specified List of Values</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshLovValue cmdlet adds the new values that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters to the specified List of Values</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LovId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier (element name) of the list of values where the new lov value will be created</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Label -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The label of the new lov value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Description -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The description of the new lov value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LovValueId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier (element name) of the new lov value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshLovValueGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshLovValue -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The lov value to create. This lov value can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshLovValue</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LovId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier (element name) of the list of values where the new lov value will be created</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Label -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The label of the new lov value</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Description -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The description of the new lov value</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshLovValue -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The lov value to create. This lov value can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshLovValue</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LovValueId -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier (element name) of the new lov value</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The lov value to create. This lov value can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshLovValue -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$lovValue = Add-IshLovValue -IshSession $ishSession -LovId "DILLUSTRATIONTYPE" -Label "New image type" -Description "New image type description"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Adding a Value into the List of Values</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshLovValue -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshLovValue cmdlet retrieves all values of the specified list of values</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshLovValue cmdlet retrieves all values of the specified list of values</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LovId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The element name of the List of Values for which to retrieve values.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LovId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The element name of the List of Values for which to retrieve values.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshLovValue -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$lovValues = Get-IshLovValue -IshSession $ishSession -LovId 'DILLUSTRATIONTYPE'</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve all values from List of Values</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshLovValue -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshLovValue cmd-let removes the values that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters from the specified List of Values</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshLovValue cmd-let removes the values that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters from the specified List of Values</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LovId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The element name of the List of Values to delete Value from</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LovValueId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The element name of the value to remove</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshLovValueGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshLovValue -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>LovValue object to remove</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshLovValue</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LovId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The element name of the List of Values to delete Value from</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LovValueId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The element name of the value to remove</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshLovValue -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>LovValue object to remove</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshLovValue</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>LovValue object to remove</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$lovValue = Add-IshLovValue -IshSession $ishSession -LovId "DILLUSTRATIONTYPE" -Label "New image type" -Description "New image type description"
Remove-IshLovValue -IshSession $ishSession -LovId $lovId -LovValueId $lovValue.IshRef</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add and remove a value</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshLovValue -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshLovValue cmdlet updates the value that is passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters in the specified List of Values.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshLovValue cmdlet updates the value that is passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters in the specified List of Values.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LovId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The element name of the List of Values</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LovValueId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The element name of the value to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Label -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Label of the Value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Description -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Description of the Value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Active -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Active parameter indicates if the value is still active. Making it mandatory since uninitialized boolean is 'false' which will be used in update.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">bool</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshLovValueGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshLovValue -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Lov value to update. This lov value can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshLovValue</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LovId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The element name of the List of Values</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LovValueId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The element name of the value to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Label -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Label of the Value</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Description -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Description of the Value</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Active -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Active parameter indicates if the value is still active. Making it mandatory since uninitialized boolean is 'false' which will be used in update.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">bool</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshLovValue -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Lov value to update. This lov value can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshLovValue</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Lov value to update. This lov value can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshLovValue -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Stores reference for "ishlovvalueref", "ishref", "label", "description", "active"</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$lovValue1 = Add-IshLovValue -IshSession $ishSession -LovId "DILLUSTRATIONTYPE" -Label "New image type" -Description "New image type description"
$lovValue2 = Set-IshLovValue -IshSession $ishSession -LovId "DILLUSTRATIONTYPE" -LovValueId $lovValue1.IshRef -Label "Updated new image type" -Active $true -Description "Updated description"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Add and update Value</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshMetadataField -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession cmdlet return the value of a field with a certain name, level and value type.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession cmdlet return the value of a field with a certain name, level and value type. Best practice is to supply IshSession for future functionality.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFieldGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The fields container object, accepts multiple ISHFields objects</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The objects container object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for folder handling</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshEventGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshEvent -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for event handling</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshEvent[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Level -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The fields container object, accepts multiple ISHFields objects</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The objects container object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for folder handling</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshEvent -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for event handling</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshEvent[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The fields container object, accepts multiple ISHFields objects</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The objects container object</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for folder handling</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for event handling</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: String -->
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential Admin
Get-IshUser -IshSession $ishSession | Get-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "USERNAME"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieves your username from the return IshUser object. The Get-IshMetadataField defaults to level None and type value.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshMetadataField -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession cmdlet creates value fields based on the parameters provided When IshFields object is passed through the pipeline then new value field is added according to the parameters provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession cmdlet creates value fields based on the parameters provided When IshFields object is passed through the pipeline then new value field is added according to the parameters provided.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFieldGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: Value -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: Value -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The objects container object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFolderGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: Value -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for folder handling</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshEventGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: Value -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field value</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshEvent -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for event handling</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshEvent[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Level -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: Value -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field value</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The objects container object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for folder handling</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshEvent -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for event handling</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshEvent[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The objects container object</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for folder handling</maml:para>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The objects container object, specialized for event handling</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshEvent -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The IshEvent is one entry on the EventMonitor detail are, also holding progress top-level information.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshField -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Holds one field metadata entry described by a name, optional level and value</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshFolder -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential Admin
Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "USERNAME"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Creates an IshFields structure holding one IshMetadataField with name USERNAME and defaults to level None.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshMetadataFilterField -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshMetadataFilterField cmdlet creates filter fields based on the parameters provided When IshFields object is passed through the pipeline then new filter field is added according to the parameters provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshMetadataFilterField cmdlet creates filter fields based on the parameters provided When IshFields object is passed through the pipeline then new filter field is added according to the parameters provided.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: FilterOperator -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The filter operator to use</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Equal, NotEqual, In, NotIn, Like, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual, Between, Empty, NotEmpty</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">FilterOperator</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>When filtering information having certain value(s), you need operators per field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Equal</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">NotEqual</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">In</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">NotIn</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Like</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">GreaterThan</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">LessThan</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">GreaterThanOrEqual</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">LessThanOrEqual</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Between</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Empty</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">NotEmpty</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: Value -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value to use for filtering</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Level -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: FilterOperator -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The filter operator to use</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Equal, NotEqual, In, NotIn, Like, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual, Between, Empty, NotEmpty</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">FilterOperator</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>When filtering information having certain value(s), you need operators per field</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Equal</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">NotEqual</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">In</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">NotIn</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Like</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">GreaterThan</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">LessThan</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">GreaterThanOrEqual</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">LessThanOrEqual</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Between</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Empty</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">NotEmpty</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: Value -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The value to use for filtering</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshField -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Holds one field metadata entry described by a name, optional level and value</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential Admin
Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "USERNAME"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Creates an IshFields structure holding one IshMetadataFilterField with name USERNAME and defaults to level None, FilterOperator Equal and type Value.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshOutputFormat -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshOutputFormat cmdlet adds the new output formats that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshOutputFormat cmdlet adds the new output formats that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Name for the new OutputFormat</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>EDT for the new OutputFormat</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>MetaData - xml structure that will be used for the new OutputFormat</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>IshObject - contains OutputFormat data that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Name for the new OutputFormat</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>EDT for the new OutputFormat</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>MetaData - xml structure that will be used for the new OutputFormat</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>IshObject - contains OutputFormat data that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>IshObject - contains OutputFormat data that needs to be created. Pipeline</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$metadata = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHRESOLUTIONS" -Level "none" -Value "Low" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHSINGLEFILE" -Level "none" -Value "TRUE" -ValueType Element |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHCLEANUP" -Level "none" -Value "TRUE" -ValueType Element |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHKEEPDTDSYSTEMID" -Level "none" -Value "TRUE" -ValueType Element |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHPUBRESOLVEVARIABLES" -Level "none" -Value "TRUE" -ValueType Element
$outputFormat = Add-IshOutputFormat -IshSession $ishSession `
-Name "MyOutputFormat" `
-Metadata $metadata</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Adding a new output format</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Find-IshOutputFormat -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Find-IshOutputFormat cmdlet finds output format objects using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Find-IshOutputFormat cmdlet finds output format objects using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$ishMetadataFilterFields = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHOUTPUTFORMATNAME" -Level "None" -FilterOperator "Like" -Value "%PDF%"
$outputFormats = Find-IshOutputFormat -IshSession $ishSession `
-MetadataFilter $ishMetadataFilterFields</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Find output formats with specific names</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshOutputFormat -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshOutputFormat cmdlet retrieves the metadata of the output formats that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshOutputFormat cmdlet retrieves the metadata of the output formats that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the element names of the output formats</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Output formats for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the element names of the output formats</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Output formats for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Output formats for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$requestedMetadata = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHOUTPUTFORMATNAME" -Level "none"
$name = Get-IshOutputFormat -IshSession $ishSession -Id "GUID-2A69335D-F025-4963-A142-5E49988C7C0C" -RequestedMetadata $requestedMetadata |
        Get-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHOUTPUTFORMATNAME" -Level None -ValueType Value</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve name of the existing output format</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshOutputFormat -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshOutputFormat cmdlet removes the output formats that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshOutputFormat cmdlet removes the output formats that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Id - element name of the OutputFormat to be removed</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshObject array containing OutputFormats that needs to be deleted. Pipeline</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Id - element name of the OutputFormat to be removed</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshObject array containing OutputFormats that needs to be deleted. Pipeline</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The IshObject array containing OutputFormats that needs to be deleted. Pipeline</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$metadata = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHRESOLUTIONS" -Level "none" -Value "Low" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHSINGLEFILE" -Level "none" -Value "TRUE" -ValueType Element |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHCLEANUP" -Level "none" -Value "TRUE" -ValueType Element |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHKEEPDTDSYSTEMID" -Level "none" -Value "TRUE" -ValueType Element |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHPUBRESOLVEVARIABLES" -Level "none" -Value "TRUE" -ValueType Element
$outputFormatAdd = Add-IshOutputFormat -IshSession $ishSession `
-Name "MyOutputFormat" `
-Metadata $metadata
Remove-IshOutputFormat -IshSession $ishSession -Id $outputFormatAdd[0].IshRef</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Remove added output format</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshOutputFormat -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshOutputFormat cmdlet updates the output formats that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshOutputFormat cmdlet updates the output formats that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The element name of the output format</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The unique identifier of the Electronic Document Type of the output (e.g. EDTPDF, EDTXML, EDTHTML,...)</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the output format</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Output formats for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The element name of the output format</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Edt -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The unique identifier of the Electronic Document Type of the output (e.g. EDTPDF, EDTXML, EDTHTML,...)</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the output format</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Output formats for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Output formats for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$metadataUpdate = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHOUTPUTFORMATNAME" -Level "none" -Value "PDF (A4 Manual) updated"
$outputFormatUpdate = Set-IshOutputFormat -IshSession $ishSession `
-Id "GUID-2A69335D-F025-4963-A142-5E49988C7C0C" `
-Edt "EDTPDF" `
-Metadata $metadataUpdate</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Update name of the existing Output format</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshPublicationOutput -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet add the new publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet add the new publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId for the PublicationOutput object.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId of the PublicationOutput by IshFolder object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The LogicalId of the Publication.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The Version of the Publication.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The requested OutputFormat for the new PublicationOutput.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The requested language combination for the new PublicationOutput.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata for the new PublicationOutput.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshObjects that need to be added.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId for the PublicationOutput object.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The FolderId of the PublicationOutput by IshFolder object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshObjects that need to be added.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FolderId -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The FolderId for the PublicationOutput object.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">long</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshFolder -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The FolderId of the PublicationOutput by IshFolder object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshFolder</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the Folder API holding folder reference like "ishfolderref", "ishfoldertype", "ishfields"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The LogicalId of the Publication.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The Version of the Publication.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The requested OutputFormat for the new PublicationOutput.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The requested language combination for the new PublicationOutput.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata for the new PublicationOutput.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The IshObjects that need to be added.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$metaDataCreate = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHFALLBACKLNGDEFAULT' -Level 'lng' -Value 'en' |
                  Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHFALLBACKLNGIMAGES' -Level 'lng' -Value 'en' |
                  Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHFALLBACKLNGRESOURCES' -Level 'lng' -Value 'en'
Add-IshPublicationOutput -IshSession $ishSession `
-LogicalId "GUID-7EB6F836-A801-4DB3-A54A-22C207BAF671" `
-Version "1" `
-OutputFormat "GUID-2A69335D-F025-4963-A142-5E49988C7C0C" `
-LanguageCombination "en" `
-Metadata $metaDataCreate</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Creating a new publication output</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Find-IshPublicationOutput -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Find-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet finds all publication outputs using the StatusFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Find-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet finds all publication outputs using the StatusFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The status filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The status filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$requestedMetadataRetrieve = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHOUTPUTFORMATREF' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBLNGCOMBINATION' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTATUS' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBLISHER' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTARTDATE' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBENDDATE' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'VERSION' -Level "Version"
$metadataFilterRetrieve = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTATUS' -Level 'Lng' -ValueType "Value" -FilterOperator "Equal" -Value "To Be Published"
$publicationOutputs = Find-IshPublicationOutput -IshSession $ishSession -StatusFilter "ishnostatusfilter" -MetadataFilter $metadataFilterRetrieve -RequestedMetadata $requestedMetadataRetrieve</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Finding publication outputs</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshPublicationOutput -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet retrieves the metadata of the publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet retrieves the metadata of the publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The LogicalId of the publication output objects.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The status filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The LogicalId of the publication output objects.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: StatusFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The status filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: ISHReleasedStates, ISHReleasedOrDraftStates, ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates, ISHNoStatusFilter</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">StatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Enumeration matching the API status filters for IshObjects</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHReleasedOrDraftStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHOutOfDateOrReleasedStates</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">ISHNoStatusFilter</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$requestedMetadataRetrieve = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHOUTPUTFORMATREF' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBLNGCOMBINATION' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTATUS' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBLISHER' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTARTDATE' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBENDDATE' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'VERSION' -Level "Version"
$metadataFilterRetrieve = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTATUS' -Level 'Lng' -ValueType "Value" -FilterOperator "Equal" -Value "Draft"
$publicationOutput = Get-IshPublicationOutput -IshSession $ishSession `
-LogicalId @("GUID-412E3A98-9AA8-484E-A1AA-3DE3B58947BD", "GUID-F66C1BB5-076D-455C-B055-DAC5D61AB3D9") `
-StatusFilter "ishreleasedordraftstates" `
-RequestedMetadata $requestedMetadataRetrieve `
-MetadataFilter $metadataFilterRetrieve</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieving publication outputs</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Publish-IshPublicationOutput -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Publish-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet publishes all publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Publish-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet publishes all publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The logical identifier of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The output format (GUID) of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The language combination of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is published.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not published.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the publications outputs to publish. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is published.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not published.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the publications outputs to publish. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The logical identifier of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The version of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The output format (GUID) of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The language combination of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is published.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not published.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the publications outputs to publish. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$ishobjects = Publish-IshPublicationOutput -IshSession $ishSession `
-LogicalId "GUID-F66C1BB5-076D-455C-B055-DAC5D61AB3D9" `
-Version "1" `
-OutputFormat "GUID-2A69335D-F025-4963-A142-5E49988C7C0C" `
-LanguageCombination "en"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Publishing a publication output</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshPublicationOutput -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet removes the publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet removes the publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The LogicalId of the publication output</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version of the publication output</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The output format of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The language combination of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is removed.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not removed.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Force -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>When the Force switch is set, after deleting the publication output object, the publication version object and publication logical object will be deleted if they don't have any publication outputs anymore. Be carefull using this option, as it will delete the publication (version) and baseline if there are no outputformats left!!</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is removed.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not removed.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Force -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>When the Force switch is set, after deleting the publication output object, the publication version object and publication logical object will be deleted if they don't have any publication outputs anymore. Be carefull using this option, as it will delete the publication (version) and baseline if there are no outputformats left!!</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The LogicalId of the publication output</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The version of the publication output</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The output format of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The language combination of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is removed.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not removed.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Force -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>When the Force switch is set, after deleting the publication output object, the publication version object and publication logical object will be deleted if they don't have any publication outputs anymore. Be carefull using this option, as it will delete the publication (version) and baseline if there are no outputformats left!!</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
# Remove publication output
Remove-IshPublicationOutput -IshSession $ishSession `
-LogicalId "GUID-F66C1BB5-076D-455C-B055-DAC5D61AB3D9" `
-Version "1" `
-OutputFormat "PDF (A4 Manual)" `
-LanguageCombination "en"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Removing a publication output</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshPublicationOutput -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet updates the publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshPublicationOutput cmdlet updates the publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The LogicalId of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The output format of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The language combination of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the publication output object.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Publication outputs for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Publication outputs for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The LogicalId of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The version of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The output format of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The language combination of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the publication output object.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Publication outputs for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
# Update a publication output
$metadataUpdate = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHFALLBACKLNGDEFAULT' -Level 'lng' -Value 'bg' |
                  Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHFALLBACKLNGIMAGES' -Level 'lng' -Value 'bg' |
                  Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHFALLBACKLNGRESOURCES' -Level 'lng' -Value 'bg'
Set-IshPublicationOutput -IshSession $ishSession `
-LogicalId "GUID-F66C1BB5-076D-455C-B055-DAC5D61AB3D9" `
-Version "1" `
-OutputFormat "GUID-2A69335D-F025-4963-A142-5E49988C7C0C" `
-LanguageCombination "en" `
-MetaData $metadataUpdate</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Updating publication outputs</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Stop-IshPublicationOutput -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Stop-IshPublicationOutputcmdlet cancels publishes of all publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Stop-IshPublicationOutputcmdlet cancels publishes of all publication outputs that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The logical identifier of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Version -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The version of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The output format (GUID) of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The language combination of the publication output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository. If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is cancelled. If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not cancelled.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs to cancel. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository. If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is cancelled. If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not cancelled.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs to cancel. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The logical identifier of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Version -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The version of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: OutputFormat -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The output format (GUID) of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LanguageCombination -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The language combination of the publication output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The required current metadata of the publication output. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository. If the metadata is still the same, the publication output is cancelled. If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the publication output is not cancelled.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs to cancel. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$ishobjects = Stop-IshPublicationOutput-IshSession $ishSession `
-LogicalId "GUID-F66C1BB5-076D-455C-B055-DAC5D61AB3D9" `
-Version "1" `
-OutputFormat "GUID-2A69335D-F025-4963-A142-5E49988C7C0C" `
-LanguageCombination "en"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Cancelling publish of a publication output</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>function Add-Properties {
param ($ishObject)
  [xml]$metadataXml = $ishObject.IshFields.ToXml()
  foreach($field in $metadataXml.SelectNodes("/ishfields/ishfield")) {
    $ishObject = $ishObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $field.GetAttribute("name") -Value ($field.InnerText) -PassThru -Force
  Write-Output $ishObject
$requestedMetadata = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBLNGCOMBINATION' -Level Lng |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTATUS' -Level Lng |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBLISHER' -Level Lng |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTARTDATE' -Level Lng |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBENDDATE' -Level Lng |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'VERSION' -Level Version |
                     Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FTITLE' -Level Logical
$ishObjects = Find-IshPublicationOutput -IshSession $ishSession -MetadataFilter $metadataFilter -RequestedMetadata $requestedMetadata
$ishObjectsToCancel = $ishObjects | ForEach-Object { Add-Properties $_ } |
                      Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple -Title "Select one or more entries to Cancel publishing on"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Finding all publications that are currently in progress. For now auxiliary function Add-Properties promotes ishfields in a simple way to become NoteProperties on the root ishobject.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Passing them in PowerShell ISE to Out-GridView for pipeline handling downstream.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshPublicationOutputData -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshPublicationOutputData cmdlet retrieves the data/blob of the publication output that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters and saves them to the given Windows folder.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshPublicationOutputData cmdlet retrieves the data/blob of the publication output that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters and saves them to the given Windows folder.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs for which to retrieve the data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Folder on the Windows filesystem where to store the retrieved data files</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs for which to retrieve the data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FolderPath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Folder on the Windows filesystem where to store the retrieved data files</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the publication outputs for which to retrieve the data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: FileInfo -->
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$requestedMetadataRetrieve = Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHOUTPUTFORMATREF' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBLNGCOMBINATION' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTATUS' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBLISHER' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTARTDATE' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBENDDATE' -Level "Lng" |
                             Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'VERSION' -Level "Version"
$metadataFilterRetrieve = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -IshSession $ishSession -Name 'FISHPUBSTATUS' -Level 'Lng' -ValueType "Value" -FilterOperator "Equal" -Value "Draft"
$publicationOutputs = Find-IshPublicationOutput -IshSession $ishSession -StatusFilter "ishnostatusfilter" -MetadataFilter $metadataFilterRetrieve -RequestedMetadata $requestedMetadataRetrieve
$fileInfoArray = $publicationOutputs | Get-IshPublicationOutputData -IshSession $ishSession -FolderPath "c:\temp\export"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Downloading publication outputs</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshPublicationOutputFolderLocation -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshPublicationOutputFolderLocation cmdlet returns the repository location of the publication output in the form of a separated string e.g. "General\Folder1\Folder2"</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshPublicationOutputFolderLocation cmdlet returns the repository location of the publication output in the form of a separated string e.g. "General\Folder1\Folder2"</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The LogicalId of the PublicationOutput object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Publication output for which to retrieve the content data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LogicalId -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The LogicalId of the PublicationOutput object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Publication output for which to retrieve the content data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Publication output for which to retrieve the content data. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: String -->
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$folderLocation = Get-IshPublicationOutputFolderLocation -IshSession $ishSession -LogicalId "GUID-412E3A98-9AA8-484E-A1AA-3DE3B58947BD"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve location of the PublicationOutput</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshRequestedMetadataField cmdlet creates a field with a certain name, level and value type When IshFields object is passed through the pipeline then the new field is added to that object.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshRequestedMetadataField cmdlet creates a field with a certain name, level and value type When IshFields object is passed through the pipeline then the new field is added to that object.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Level -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field name</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Level -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The field level</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Logical, Version, Lng, Progress, Detail, Data</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">Level</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Which card or table level should the field be present on. The int assignment allows sorting so Logical before Version before Language.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Logical</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Version</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Lng</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Progress</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Detail</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Data</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: ValueType -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The value type</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: Value, Element, Id, All</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ValueType</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Which data type to retrieve from the database for the specified field</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Value</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Element</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Id</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">All</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: IshField -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>The fields container object</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshField -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Holds one field metadata entry described by a name, optional level and value</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential Admin
Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "USERNAME"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Creates an IshFields structure holding one IshRequestedMetadataField with name USERNAME and defaults to level None.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: New-IshSession -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The New-IshSession cmdlet creates a new IshSession object using the parameters that are provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The New-IshSession cmdlet creates a new IshSession object using the parameters that are provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The object contains the service endpoint proxies, and api contract information like multi-value seperator, date format, etc</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ActiveDirectoryAuthGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: WsBaseUrl -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager web services main URL. Note that the URL is case-sensitive and should end with an ending slash! For example: ""</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Timeout -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml Defaults to 20 seconds.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutIssue -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutService -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF for ISHWS proxies. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: UserNamePasswordAuthGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: WsBaseUrl -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager web services main URL. Note that the URL is case-sensitive and should end with an ending slash! For example: ""</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshUserName -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Username to login into SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshPassword -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Password to login into SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Timeout -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml Defaults to 20 seconds.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutIssue -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutService -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF for ISHWS proxies. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: PSCredentialAuthGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: WsBaseUrl -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager web services main URL. Note that the URL is case-sensitive and should end with an ending slash! For example: ""</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: PSCredential -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Standard PowerShell Credential class</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">PSCredential</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Timeout -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml Defaults to 20 seconds.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutIssue -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutService -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF for ISHWS proxies. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: WsBaseUrl -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager web services main URL. Note that the URL is case-sensitive and should end with an ending slash! For example: ""</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: PSCredential -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Standard PowerShell Credential class</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">PSCredential</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshUserName -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Username to login into SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshPassword -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Password to login into SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Timeout -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml Defaults to 20 seconds.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: TimeoutIssue -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: TimeoutService -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF for ISHWS proxies. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshSession -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Building a session for the chosen service based on username/password authentication. The username/password will be used to build a NetworkCredential object to pass for authentication to the service.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl ""</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Building a session for the chosen service based on Active Directory authentication. An implicit NetworkCredential object will be passed for authentication to the service.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Iteratively the New-IshSession line with PSCredential parameter holding a string representation will prompt you for a password.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 4 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin" -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 30)</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Building a session for the chosen service based on username/password authentication. The Timeout parameter, expressed as TimeSpan object, controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 5 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin" -TimeoutIssue (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 120) -TimeoutService (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 600)</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Building a session for the chosen service based on username/password authentication. The Timeout parameters, expressed as TimeSpan objects, control Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token or working with proxies.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 6 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "MYPASSWORD" -AsPlainText -Force
$mycredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("MYISHUSERNAME", $securePassword)
New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential $mycredentials</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Extensive automation example based on the PSCredential parameter. Responsibility of the plain text password is yours.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 7 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>When ISHDeploy Enable-ISHIntegrationSTSInternalAuthentication was executed on the server, the web services are directed to a secondary Secure Token Service (STS). This happens through the '/Internal/' postfix which in essence points to a different connectionconfiguration.xml for initialization.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 8 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin" -IgnoreSslPolicyErrors</dev:code>
          <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Test-IshSession -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Test-IshSession cmdlet creates a new IshSession object using the parameters that are provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Test-IshSession cmdlet internal creates a minimal IshSession object using the parameters that are provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>Tests the WebServices (ISHWS-activation), SecureTokenServices (ISHSTS-activation) and validates the credentials in the 'InfoShare' database (ConnectionString-activation).</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ActiveDirectoryAuthGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: WsBaseUrl -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager web services main URL. Note that the URL is case-sensitive and should end with an ending slash! For example: ""</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Timeout -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml Defaults to 20 seconds.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutIssue -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutService -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF for ISHWS proxies. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: UserNamePasswordAuthGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: WsBaseUrl -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager web services main URL. Note that the URL is case-sensitive and should end with an ending slash! For example: ""</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshUserName -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Username to login into SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshPassword -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Password to login into SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Timeout -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml Defaults to 20 seconds.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutIssue -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutService -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF for ISHWS proxies. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: PSCredentialAuthGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: WsBaseUrl -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager web services main URL. Note that the URL is case-sensitive and should end with an ending slash! For example: ""</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: PSCredential -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Standard PowerShell Credential class</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">PSCredential</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Timeout -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml Defaults to 20 seconds.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutIssue -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: TimeoutService -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF for ISHWS proxies. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: WsBaseUrl -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager web services main URL. Note that the URL is case-sensitive and should end with an ending slash! For example: ""</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: PSCredential -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Standard PowerShell Credential class</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">PSCredential</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshUserName -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Username to login into SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshPassword -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Password to login into SDL Knowledge Center Content Manager</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Timeout -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml Defaults to 20 seconds.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: TimeoutIssue -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: TimeoutService -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Timeout value expressed as TimeSpan, that controls Send/Receive timeouts of WCF for ISHWS proxies. Defaults to maximum timespan.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">TimeSpan</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: Boolean -->
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Building a session for the chosen service based on username/password authentication. The username/password will be used to build a NetworkCredential object to pass for authentication to the service.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl ""</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Building a session for the chosen service based on Active Directory authentication. An implicit NetworkCredential object will be passed for authentication to the service.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Iteratively the Test-IshSession line with PSCredential parameter holding a string representation will prompt you for a password.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 4 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin" -Timeout (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 30)</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Building a session for the chosen service based on username/password authentication. The Timeout parameter, expressed as TimeSpan object, controls Send/Receive timeouts of HttpClient when downloading content like connectionconfiguration.xml.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 5 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin" -TimeoutIssue (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 120) -TimeoutService (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 600)</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Building a session for the chosen service based on username/password authentication. The Timeout parameters, expressed as TimeSpan objects, control Send/Receive timeouts of WCF when issuing a token or working with proxies.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 6 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "MYPASSWORD" -AsPlainText -Force
$mycredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("MYISHUSERNAME", $securePassword)
Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential $mycredentials</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Extensive automation example based on the PSCredential parameter. Responsibility of the plain text password is yours.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 7 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>When ISHDeploy Enable-ISHIntegrationSTSInternalAuthentication was executed on the server, the web services are directed to a secondary Secure Token Service (STS). This happens through the '/Internal/' postfix which in essence points to a different connectionconfiguration.xml for initialization.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 8 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin" -IgnoreSslPolicyErrors</dev:code>
          <maml:para>IgnoreSslPolicyErrors presence indicates that a custom callback will be assigned to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback. Defaults false of course, as this is creates security holes! But very handy for Fiddler usage though.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 9 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Test-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "admin" -IshPassword "admin" -IgnoreSslPolicyErrors -Verbose
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing</dev:code>
          <maml:para>These lines of code activate and hence test the WebServices (ISHWS-activation), SecureTokenServices (ISHSTS-activation) and validates the credentials in the 'InfoShare' database (ConnectionString-activation). The extra .ASP line triggers WebClient (ISHCM-activation) and the COM+ application (Trisoft-InfoShare-Author).</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshSetting -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>This cmdlet can be used to get a configuration setting from the repository. Depending on the parameters you use, the setting will be returned differently. If you provide: * A requested metadata parameter with the fields to get, the setting will be return as IshFields * A fieldname and no filepath, the setting will be returned as string * A fieldname and a filepath, the setting will be saved to the file. If the file is already present, providing -Force will allow you to overwrite the file</maml:para>
      <maml:para>This cmdlet can be used to get a configuration setting from the repository. Depending on the parameters you use, the setting will be returned differently. If you provide: * A requested metadata parameter with the fields to get, the setting will be return as IshFields * A fieldname and no filepath, the setting will be returned as string * A fieldname and a filepath, the setting will be saved to the file. If the file is already present, providing -Force will allow you to overwrite the file</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FieldName -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The settings field to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>File on the Windows filesystem where to save the retrieved setting</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Force -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>When set, will override the file when it already exists</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: RequestedMetadataGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FieldName -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The settings field to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>File on the Windows filesystem where to save the retrieved setting</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Force -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>When set, will override the file when it already exists</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: FileInfo -->
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- OutputType: String -->
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- OutputType: IshField -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Holds one field metadata entry described by a name, optional level and value</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
    $wsBaseUrl = '',
    $userName = 'admin',
    $password = 'admin',
    $settingsFolderPath = 'D:\temp'
$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl $wsBaseUrl -IshUserName $userName -IshPassword $password
$settingsFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath ((Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddHHmmss) + "=" + $wsBaseUrl.Replace(":","-").Replace("/","-") + "=" + (Get-IshVersion $ishSession).ToString())
Write-Verbose "Saving in $settingsFolderPath"
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath "Admin.XMLInboxConfiguration.xml"
Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName "FINBOXCONFIGURATION" -FilePath $filePath
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath "Admin.XMLBackgroundTaskConfiguration.xml"
Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName "FISHBACKGROUNDTASKCONFIG" -FilePath $filePath
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath "Admin.XMLChangeTrackerConfig.xml"
Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName "FISHCHANGETRACKERCONFIG" -FilePath $filePath
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath "Admin.XMLExtensionConfiguration.xml"
Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName "FISHEXTENSIONCONFIG" -FilePath $filePath
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath "Admin.XMLPluginConfig.xml"
Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName "FISHPLUGINCONFIGXML" -FilePath $filePath
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath "Admin.XMLStatusConfiguration.xml"
Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName "FSTATECONFIGURATION" -FilePath $filePath
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath "Admin.XMLTranslationConfiguration.xml"
Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName "FTRANSLATIONCONFIGURATION" -FilePath $filePath
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $settingsFolderPath -ChildPath "Admin.XMLWriteObjPluginConfig.xml"
Get-IshSetting -IshSession $ishSession -FieldName "FISHWRITEOBJPLUGINCFG" -FilePath $filePath
Write-Host "Done, see $settingsFolderPath"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve all Settings xml configuration entries and save them in a folder to desk allowing file-to-file comparison with EnterViaUI folder.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshSetting -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>This cmdlet can be used to set a configuration setting in the repository. Depending on the parameters you use, the value to set is read from different inputs. If you provide: * A metadata parameter with the fields to set, all fields and values will be read from the IshFields and set * A fieldname and a value, the value will be set for the given field * A fieldname and a filepath, the value will be read from the file and set for the given field</maml:para>
      <maml:para>This cmdlet can be used to set a configuration setting in the repository. Depending on the parameters you use, the value to set is read from different inputs. If you provide: * A metadata parameter with the fields to set, all fields and values will be read from the IshFields and set * A fieldname and a value, the value will be set for the given field * A fieldname and a filepath, the value will be read from the file and set for the given field</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: IshFieldsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata with the fields and values to set</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the setting. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: ValueGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FieldName -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The settings field to set</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Value -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The value to set</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the setting. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: FileGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: FieldName -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The settings field to set</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>File on the Windows filesystem where to read the setting from</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The required current metadata of the setting. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata with the fields and values to set</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FieldName -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The settings field to set</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Value -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The value to set</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: FilePath -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>File on the Windows filesystem where to read the setting from</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequiredCurrentMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The required current metadata of the setting. This parameter can be used to avoid that users override changes done by other users. The cmdlet will check whether the fields provided in this parameter still have the same values in the repository:</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is still the same, the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>If the metadata is not the same anymore, an error is given and the metadata will be set.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshFields -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Container object to group multiple IshField entries, eaching holding one field metadata entry described by a name, optional level and value</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Should not be used as cmdlet parameter, single IshField and IshField[] are more PowerShell friendly.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshTimeZone -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>This cmdlet returns the time zone information of the web/app server. This cmdlet can also be used to measure the latency between the client and the server.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>This cmdlet returns the time zone information of the web/app server. This cmdlet can also be used to measure the latency between the client and the server. ClientElapsed - either Min, Average or Max - indicates the time taken to execute the web service call measured from the client. AppServerElapsed - either Min, Average or Max - indicates the time taken to execute the database query measured on the web/app server. DbServerElapsed - either Min, Average or Max - indicates the time taken to execute the database query measured on the database server. By performing multiple calls using the Count parameter you will get a better idea on variation on the calls. Client and app server network latency is calculated through: ClientElapsed - AppServerElapsed. App server and db server network latency is calculated through: AppServerElapsed - DbServerElapsed.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Count -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The amount off get timezone webservice call you wish to perform.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">int</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Count -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The amount off get timezone webservice call you wish to perform.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">int</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshApplicationSetting -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Holds a single result of the GetTimeZone call containing network timestamps</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshApplicationSettings -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Container holding multiple results of GetTimeZone calls containing network timestamps allowing basic network statistics verification and calculation</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential Admin
Get-IshTimeZone -IshSession $ishSession </dev:code>
          <maml:para>Creates an IshApplicationSetting structure some timings but especially holds the TimeZoneInfo of the targeted application server.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential Admin
Get-IshTimeZone -IshSession $ishSession -Count 2</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Creates an IshApplicationSettings structure holds the TimeZoneInfo of the targeted application server. But especially holds time difference between client requests, application-server requests and database-server requests.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Compare-IshTypeFieldDefinition -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>This cmdlet compares two IshTypeFieldDefinition sets.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>This cmdlet compares two IshTypeFieldDefinition sets allowing system compares (or even a compare with the deprecated TriDKXmlSetup format). The result is an IshTypeFieldDefinition with a Compare property indicating equal, different, left only or right only. Note that fields FDESCRIPTION and FCHANGES can have either type String or LongText, you can consider this false positives - this will only affect field filter operators.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: LeftIshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The reference object of type IshSession</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: LeftIshTypeFieldDefinition -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The reference object of type IshTypeFieldDefinition array</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshTypeFieldDefinition[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RightIshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The difference object of type IshSession</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: RightIshTypeFieldDefinition -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The difference object of type IshTypeFieldDefinition array</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshTypeFieldDefinition[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IncludeIdentical -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Display characteristics of compared objects that are equal. By default, only characteristics that differ between the left and right objects are displayed.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ExcludeDifferent -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Stop displaying characteristics of compared objects that are different.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ExcludeLeftUnique -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Stop displaying characteristics of compared objects that are unique in the left reference object.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: ExcludeRightUnique -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>Stop displaying characteristics of compared objects that are unique in the right difference object.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: LeftIshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The reference object of type IshSession</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: LeftIshTypeFieldDefinition -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The reference object of type IshTypeFieldDefinition array</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshTypeFieldDefinition[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RightIshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The difference object of type IshSession</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: RightIshTypeFieldDefinition -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The difference object of type IshTypeFieldDefinition array</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshTypeFieldDefinition[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IncludeIdentical -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Display characteristics of compared objects that are equal. By default, only characteristics that differ between the left and right objects are displayed.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ExcludeDifferent -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Stop displaying characteristics of compared objects that are different.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ExcludeLeftUnique -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Stop displaying characteristics of compared objects that are unique in the left reference object.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: ExcludeRightUnique -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>Stop displaying characteristics of compared objects that are unique in the right difference object.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshTypeFieldDefinitionCompare -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Object holding the denormalized ISHType (like ISHMasterDoc, ISHEvent,...) with field information (like FTITLE, PROGRESS,..) including a compare result.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSessionA = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$ishSessionB = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
Compare-IshTypeFieldDefinition -LeftIshSession $ishSessionA -RightIshSession $ishSessionB</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Compares incoming IshSession entries that are not equal, so indicating differences, left only and right only.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSessionA = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$ishSessionB = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
Compare-IshTypeFieldDefinition -LeftIshSession $ishSessionA -RightIshSession $ishSessionB -ExcludeLeftUnique</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Compares incoming IshSession entries that are not equal, so indicating differences and right only changes compared to the $ishSessionA reference.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$ishTypeFieldDefinitions = Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition -TriDKXmlSetupFilePath $tempFilePath
Compare-IshTypeFieldDefinition -LeftIshTypeFieldDefinition $ishTypeFieldDefinitions -RightIshSession $ishSession -ExcludeLeftUnique</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Compares provided reference TriDKXmlSetup export file with incoming IshSession and that lists differences and right only changes.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 4 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$ishTypeFieldDefinitions = Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition
Compare-IshTypeFieldDefinition -LeftIshSession $ishSession -RightIshTypeFieldDefinition $ishTypeFieldDefinitions -IncludeIdentical -ExcludeDifferent</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Compares incoming IshSession and IshTypeFieldDefinitions (TriDKXmlSetup export file made available through Resource entry). The IncludeIdentical flag will also return matching rows, while the ExcludeDifferent flag will not return rows with differences.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 5 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -PSCredential "Admin"
$ishTypeFieldDefinitions = Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition
Compare-IshTypeFieldDefinition -LeftIshTypeFieldDefinition $ishTypeFieldDefinitions -RightIshSession $ishSession -IncludeIdentical |
Where-Object -Property Name -NotLike "FTEST*" |
          <maml:para>Compares reference IshTypeFieldDefinitions (TriDKXmlSetup export file made available through Resource entry) with incoming IshSession. The IncludeIdentical flag will also return matching rows, while the Where-Object clause filters out fields with a certain name. The PowerShell Out-GridView does a nice visual rendering in PowerShell ISE.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>This cmdlet retuns the system Type and Field definitions as IshTypeFieldDefinition objects.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>This cmdlet will use Settings25.RetrieveFieldSetupByIshType when available. It can be used to load the deprecated TriDKXmlSetup format into IshTypeFieldDefinition objects.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: TriDKXmlSetupFilePath -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>File on the Windows filesystem where to load the TriDKXmlSetup full export from</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: TriDKXmlSetupFilePath -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>File on the Windows filesystem where to load the TriDKXmlSetup full export from</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshTypeFieldDefinition -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Object holding the denormalized ISHType (like ISHMasterDoc, ISHEvent,...) with field information (like FTITLE, PROGRESS,..).</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition | Where-Object -Property ISHType -eq "ISHUser"</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Without IshSession the latest internal resource string will be loaded (based on Full-Export). The Where-Object allows filtering on chosen properties.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition -IshSession $ishSession</dev:code>
          <maml:para>When ServerVersion -ge 13.0.0 the definition of your targeted IshSession is retrieved, otherwise the best matching internal resource string will be loaded (based on Full-Export).</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>Get-IshTypeFieldDefinition -IshSession $ishSession |
Where-Object -Property ISHType -eq ISHUser |
Where-Object -Property AllowOnCreate -eq $true |
Where-Object -Property IsMandatory -eq $true</dev:code>
          <maml:para>What are the fields I should pass when creating a new user through Add-IshUser.</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshUser -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshUser cmdlet adds the new users that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshUser cmdlet adds the new users that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The name of the new user.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the new user.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the users to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the users to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The name of the new user.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the new user.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the users to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$metadata = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name FISHUSERLANGUAGE -Level None -ValueType Element -Value "VLANGUAGEEN" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name FUSERGROUP -Level None -ValueType Element -Value "VUSERGROUPDEFAULTDEPARTMENT" |
            Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name PASSWORD -Level None -Value "SomethingSecret"
$ishObject = Add-IshUser -IshSession $ishSession -Name "NewUserName" -Metadata $metadata</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Adding a user</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Find-IshUser -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Find-IshUser cmdlet finds users using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Find-IshUser cmdlet finds users using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshUser -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshUser cmdlet retrieves the metadata of users that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshUser cmdlet retrieves the metadata of users that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The user identifiers for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Users for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: MyMetadataGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The user identifiers for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Users for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Users for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshUser -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshUser cmdlet removes the users that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshUser cmdlet removes the users that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the user to remove</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the users to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the user to remove</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the users to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the users to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshUser -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshUser cmdlet updates the users that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshUser cmdlet updates the users that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the user to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the user</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Users for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the user to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the user</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Users for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Users for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshUserGroup -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshUserGroup cmdlet adds the new user groups that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshUserGroup cmdlet adds the new user groups that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The name of the new user group.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set on the new user group.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the user groups to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the user groups to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The name of the new user group.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set on the new user group.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the user groups to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Find-IshUserGroup -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Find-IshUserGroup cmdlet finds user groups using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Find-IshUserGroup cmdlet finds user groups using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
Find-IshUserGroup -IshSession $ishSession -RequestedMetadata (Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHUSERGROUPNAME")</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve all user groups</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshUserGroup -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshUserGroup cmdlet retrieves the metadat of user groups that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshUserGroup cmdlet retrieves the metadat of user groups that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The user group identifiers for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the user groups for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The user group identifiers for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the user groups for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the user groups for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshUserGroup -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshUserGroup cmdlet removes the user groups that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshUserGroup cmdlet removes the user groups that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the user group to remove</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the user groups to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the user group to remove</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the user groups to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the user groups to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshUserGroup -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshUserGroup cmdlet updates the user groups that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshUserGroup cmdlet updates the user groups that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the user group to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the user group</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>User groups for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the user group to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the user group</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>User groups for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>User groups for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Add-IshUserRole -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Add-IshUserRole cmdlet adds the new user roles that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Add-IshUserRole cmdlet adds the new user roles that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Name -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The name of the new user role.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the new user role.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the user roles to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the user roles to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Name -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The name of the new user role.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the new user role.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the user roles to create. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Find-IshUserRole -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Find-IshUserRole cmdlet finds user roles using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Find-IshUserRole cmdlet finds user roles using ActivityFilter and MetadataFilter that are provided.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
Find-IshUserRole -IshSession $ishSession -RequestedMetadata (Set-IshRequestedMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name "FISHUSERROLENAME")</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Retrieve all user roles</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshUserRole -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-IshUserRole cmdlet retrieves the metadata of user roles that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-IshUserRole cmdlet retrieves the metadata of user roles that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The user role identifiers for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
            <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
        <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
        <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the user roles for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: ActivityFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The activity filter to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
          <maml:para>Possible values: None, Active, Inactive</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">ActivityFilter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>List of value like Events can be hidden upon Find/Retrieval with these filters</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">None</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Active</command:parameterValue>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">Inactive</command:parameterValue>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The user role identifiers for which to retrieve the metadata</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: MetadataFilter -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata filter with the filter fields to limit the amount of objects returned. Default is no filtering.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: RequestedMetadata -->
      <command:parameter required="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata fields to retrieve</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the user roles for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the user roles for which to retrieve the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Remove-IshUserRole -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Remove-IshUserRole cmdlet removes the user roles that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Remove-IshUserRole cmdlet removes the user roles that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the user role to remove</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Array with the user roles to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the user role to remove</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Array with the user roles to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Array with the user roles to remove. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
    <command:returnValues />
  <!-- Cmdlet: Set-IshUserRole -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Set-IshUserRole cmdlet updates the user roles that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Set-IshUserRole cmdlet updates the user roles that are passed through the pipeline or determined via provided parameters</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: ParameterGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: Id -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The identifier of the user role to update</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
        <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The metadata to set for the user role</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter set: IshObjectsGroup -->
        <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
        <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
            <maml:para>User roles for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: Id -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The identifier of the user role to update</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">string</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: Metadata -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The metadata to set for the user role</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshField[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <!-- Parameter: IshObject -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByValue)" position="named">
          <maml:para>User roles for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshObject[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>User roles for which to update the metadata. This array can be passed through the pipeline or explicitly passed via the parameter.</maml:para>
      <!-- OutputType: IshObject -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Generic pipeline object for the API holding various references (logical id, card id,...), object type, ishfields (metadata ) and optionally ishdata (file/blob)</maml:para>
  <!-- Cmdlet: Get-IshVersion -->
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
        <maml:para>The Get-Version cmdlet gets the version information of the InfoShare application.</maml:para>
      <maml:para>The Get-Version cmdlet gets the version information of the InfoShare application.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter set: __AllParameterSets -->
        <!-- Parameter: IShSession -->
        <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
            <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
            <maml:uri />
              <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
              <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
      <!-- Parameter: IShSession -->
      <command:parameter required="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="false" position="named">
          <maml:para>The IshSession variable holds the authentication and contract information. This object can be initialized using the New-IshSession cmdlet.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true">IshSession</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
            <maml:para>Client session object to the InfoShare server instance required for every remote operation as it holds the web service url and authentication.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Furthermore it tracks your security token, provides direct client access to the web services API.</maml:para>
            <maml:para>Gives access to contract parameters like seperators, date formats, batch and chunk sizes.</maml:para>
    <command:inputTypes />
      <!-- OutputType: IshVersion -->
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:para>Stores a version number. It knows how to parse InfoShare version numbers regarding compatibility and build information</maml:para>
        <maml:title>---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>$ishSession = New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl "" -IshUserName "username" -IshUserPassword "userpassword"
$version = Get-Version -IshSession $ishSession
Write-Host $version</dev:code>
          <maml:para>Get version example</maml:para>