
function New-TimeStampFileName 
      Creates a filename where a time stamp in the name is needed
      Allows you to create a filename with a time stamp. You provide the base name, extension, date format and it should do the rest. It should be setup to be a plug-n-play function that can be used in or out of another script.
      This is the primary name of the file. It will be followed by the date/time stamp.
      .PARAMETER FileType
      The extension. ig. csv, txt, log
      .PARAMETER StampFormat
      Describe parameter -StampFormat.
      New-TimeStampFileName -baseNAME TestFile -FileType log -StampFormat 1
      This creates a file TestFile-1910260715.log
      New-TimedStampFileName -baseNAME TestFile -FileType log -StampFormat 2
      This creates a file TestFile-20191026.log
      New-TimedStampFileName -baseNAME TestFile -FileType log -StampFormat 3
      This creates a file TestFile-299071531.log
      New-TimedStampFileName -baseNAME TestFile -FileType log -StampFormat 4
      This creates a file TestFile-2019-10-26T07.16.33.3394199-04.00.log
      (1) YYMMDDHHmm (Two digit year followed by two digit month day hours minutes. This is good for the report that runs more than once a day) -example 1703162145
      (2) YYYYMMDD (Four digit year two digit month day. This is for the once a day report) -example 20170316
      (3) jjjHHmmss (Julian day then hours minutes seconds. Use this when you are testing, troubleshooting or creating. You won't have to worry about overwrite or append errors) -example 160214855
      (4) (Four digit year two digit month and day "T" starts the time section two digit hour minute seconds then milliseconds finish with an hours from UTC -example 2019-04-24T07:23:51.3195398-04:00
      Old #4: YY/MM/ (Two digit year/month/day _ Hours:Minutes. This can only be used inside a log file) -example 17/03/16_21:52
      Any authorized file name for the base and an extension that has some value to you.
      example output - Filename-20181005.bat

    [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'Prefix of file or log name')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'Extention of file. txt, csv, log')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = 'Formatting Choice 1 to 4')]

  switch ($StampFormat){
      $DateStamp = Get-Date -UFormat '%y%m%d%H%M'
    } # 1703162145 YYMMDDHHmm
      $DateStamp = Get-Date -UFormat '%Y%m%d'
    } # 20170316 YYYYMMDD
      $DateStamp = Get-Date -UFormat '%j%H%M%S'
    } # 160214855 jjjHHmmss
      $DateStamp = Get-Date -Format o | ForEach-Object -Process {$_ -replace ':', '.'}
      # 2019-09-02T14:09:02.1593508-04:00

      Write-Verbose -Message 'No time format selected'

  ('{0}-{1}-{2}' -f $baseNAME,$DateStamp,$FileType)

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