
# Add-MAPIPermission
# V0.1 04.10.2021 - Initial Version - Andres Bohren
# V0.2 10.03.2022 - Updates and Cleaning Code - Andres Bohren
# V0.3 28.12.2022 - Updates and Cleaning Code - Andres Bohren

Function Add-MAPIPermission {    

    Simple way of adding MAPI Permissions to a Mailbox for the default Folders (Inbox, Calendar, Notes, Tasks, Contacts)
    Also takes care of the 'FolderVisible' Permission in the Root Folder of the Mailbox.
    Adding Exchange MAPI Folderpermissions
    Add-MAPIPermission.ps1 -Mailbox -Trustee -AccessRight Reviewer -Folder Inbox [-IncludeSubfolders $false] [-SendOnBehalf $true]
    - Inbox
    - Calendar
    - Notes
    - Tasks
    - Contacts
    The mailbox on which the permission will be set
    Mailboxuser which will be authorised to access the MailboxFolder
    A specific defaultfolder:
    - Inbox
    - Calendar
    - Notes
    - Tasks
    - Contacts
.PARAMETER AccessRight
.PARAMETER IncludeSubfolders
    Boolean Value (True/False) if MAPI Permission is applied on all Subfolders
    Boolean Value (True/False) if the Trustee is also granted the "SendOnBehalf" Permission
    Add-MAPIPermission.ps1 -Mailbox -Trustee -AccessRight Reviewer -Folder Calendar [-includeSubfolders $true]
    Add-MAPIPermission.ps1 -Mailbox -Trustee -AccessRight Reviewer -Folder Inbox [-includeSubfolders $false] [-SendOnBehalf $true]

        [bool]$IncludeSubfolders = $false,
        [bool]$SendOnBehalf = $false

    #Check Exchange Online Connection
    $Return = Test-ExchangeConnection
    If ($Return -eq $false)
        Write-host "Not connected to Exchange or Exchange Online. Please connect first to Exchange or Exchange Online." -ForegroundColor Red

    #Check if Mailbox exists
    Write-Host "Checking Parameter Mailbox: $Mailbox"
    $MBX = Get-Mailbox -Identity $Mailbox
    If ($Null -eq $MBX)
        Write-Host "Please Enter a valid Mailbox Emailaddress ($Mailbox)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "The script will be ended right now." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #Check if Trustee (exists and has the Right Type)
    Write-Host "Checking Parameter Trustee: $Trustee"    
    $FunctionResult = Get-RecipientType -Emailaddress $Trustee
    If ($FunctionResult[0] -eq $false)
        Write-Host "Trustee Recipient not found. Please Enter a valid Trustee Emailaddress ($Trustee)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "The script will be ended right now." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    } else {        
        $TrusteeRecipientType = $FunctionResult[1]
        $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress = $FunctionResult[2]
        $TrusteeDisplayName = $FunctionResult[3]
        $TrusteeAlias = $FunctionResult[4]

    #Check Foldertype Input and Parse to foldername
    Write-Host "Checking Parameter Folder: $Folder"
    If ($Folder -ne $null)
        $folderstats = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.FolderType -ne "CalendarLogging" -AND $_.FolderType -NotLike "Recoverable*" -AND $_.FolderType -NotLike "Yammer*" -AND $_.FolderType -NotLike "BirthdayCalendar"}

        switch ($Folder) 
                $InboxObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Inbox"
                $CustomFolderName = $InboxObject.Name
                $CalendarObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Calendar"
                $CustomFolderName = $CalendarObject.Name
                $NotesObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Notes"
                $CustomFolderName = $NotesObject.Name
                $TaskObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Tasks"
                $CustomFolderName = $TaskObject.Name
                $ContactsObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Contacts"
                $CustomFolderName = $ContactsObject.Name
                Write-Host "The Parameter -Folder is incorrect. Accepted Values are: 'Inbox', 'Calendar', 'Notes', 'Tasks', 'Contacts'" -foregroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host "The script will be ended right now." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #Check Access Right Parameter
    Write-Host "Checking Parameter AccessRight: $AccessRight"
    switch ($AccessRight)
        "Reviewer" {} 
        "Contributor" {}
        "Author" {}
        "Editor" {}
        "NonEditingAuthor" {}
        "Owner" {}
        "PublishingEditor" {}
        "PublishingAuthor" {}
        default {
            Write-Host "The Parameter -AccessRight is incorrect. Accepted Values are 'Reviewer', 'Contributor', 'Author', 'Editor', 'NonEditingAuthor', 'Owner', 'PublishingEditor', 'PublishingAuthor' " -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "The script will be ended right now." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    #Root Folder Permission
    Write-Host "Configure RootFolder Permission"
    $FolderPermissions = Get-MailboxFolderPermission $Mailbox":\"
    [bool]$RootPermissionFound = $false
    Foreach ($Line in $FolderPermissions)
        If ($Line.User -eq "Standard" -or $Line.User -eq "Default" -or $Line.User -eq "Anonymous")
            If ($Line.AccessRights -eq "FolderVisible")
                Write-Host "Default or Anonymous User has 'FolderVisible' Permission" -foregroundColor yellow
        } else {
            If ($Line.User.Displayname -eq $TrusteeDisplayName)
                $RootPermissionFound = $true
    If ($RootPermissionFound -eq $false)
        #Add Prmission
        Write-Host "ADD: "$Mailbox":\ > FolderVisible > $Trustee" -ForegroundColor Green
        Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $Mailbox":\" -User $Trustee -AccessRights "FolderVisible" | out-null

    #Set/Add Custom Permission to Folder
    Write-Host "Configure Folder <$Folder> Permission"
    $FolderPermissions = get-MailboxFolderPermission $Mailbox":\$CustomFolderName"
    #Check if Trustee is already in the Trustee Array for that Folder
    Foreach ($Line in $FolderPermissions)
        If ($Line.User.Displayname -eq $TrusteeDisplayName)
            Write-Host "SET: "$Mailbox":\$CustomFolderName > $AccessRight > $Trustee" -ForegroundColor Green
            Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $Mailbox":\$CustomFolderName" -User $Trustee -AccessRights $AccessRight -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
            #Exit Foreach
    #Trustee is not in the Trustee List Array for that Folder
    if ($UserMBXFolderIsNotSet)
        Write-Host "ADD: "$Mailbox":\$CustomFolderName > $AccessRight > $Trustee" -ForegroundColor Green
        Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $Mailbox":\$CustomFolderName" -User $Trustee -AccessRights $AccessRight | Out-Null

    if ($includeSubfolders -eq $true)
        Write-Host "Configure SubFolders of <$Folder>"
        foreach ($SubFolder in $folderstats)
            if ($SubFolder.identity -match "$Mailbox\\$CustomFolderName\\")
                $NormalizedSubfolder = $SubFolder.identity.replace($Mailbox,$Mailbox +":")
                $NormalizedSubfolder = $NormalizedSubfolder -replace([char]63743,"/")
                $FolderPermissions = get-MailboxFolderPermission $NormalizedSubfolder
                Foreach ($Line in $FolderPermissions)
                    If ($Line.User.Displayname -eq $TrusteeDisplayName)
                        Write-Host "SET: $NormalizedSubfolder > $AccessRight > $Trustee" -ForegroundColor Green
                        Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $NormalizedSubfolder -User $Trustee -AccessRights $AccessRight -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
                if ($UserMBXSubFolderIsNotSet)
                    #Folder should not be a Holiday-Calendar/Logging
                    switch ($NormalizedSubfolder) 
                        {$_ -match "Feiertage "} {}
                        {$_ -match "Festività "} {}
                        {$_ -match " holidays "} {}
                        {$_ -match " fériés "} {}
                        default {
                            Write-Host "ADD: $NormalizedSubfolder > $AccessRight > $Trustee" -ForegroundColor Green
                            Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $NormalizedSubfolder -User $Trustee -AccessRights $AccessRight | Out-Null

    # SendOnBehalf
    #Parameter SendOnBehalf ist True
    If ($SendOnBehalf -eq $true)
        Write-Host "Configure SendOnBehalf"

        #Get Users in Send On Behalf and Add to Array
        $SOB = Get-Mailbox $Mailbox | Select-Object GrantSendOnBehalfTo
        #Check if User is already on the List
        [Bool]$SOBAlreadyMember = $False
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SendOnBehalfArr = @()
        Foreach ($Entry in $SOB.GrantSendOnBehalfTo)
            $Recipient = Get-Recipient -Identity "$Entry" | Select-Object DisplayName,Alias,PrimarySmtpAddress
            $PrimarySmtpAddress = ($Recipient.PrimarySmtpAddress).ToString()
            If ($PrimarySmtpAddress -eq $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress)
                #Trustee is already Member
                $SOBAlreadyMember = $true
                Write-Host "$TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress is already Member of Send on Behalf for $Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            } else {
                #Add to Array
                $SendOnBehalfArr.Add($PrimarySMTPAddress) | Out-Null

        If ($SOBAlreadyMember -eq $false)
            $SendOnBehalfArr.Add($Trustee) | Out-Null
            Write-Host "Setting Send on Behalf to $Mailbox for $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress" -ForegroundColor Green
            Set-Mailbox $Mailbox -GrantSendOnBehalfTo $SendOnBehalfArr