
# Remove all MAPI Permission from a Mailbox from a specific User
# V0.1 04.10.2021 - Initial Version - Andres Bohren
# V0.2 10.03.2022 - Updates and Cleaning Code - Andres Bohren
# V0.3 28.12.2022 - Updates and Cleaning Code - Andres Bohren

# Remove-MAPIPermission
Function Remove-MAPIPermission {
    Simple way of removing MAPI Permissions from a Mailbox for the default Folders (Inbox, Calendar, Notes, Tasks, Contacts, SentItems, DeletedItems)
    Also takes care of the 'FolderVisible' Permission in the Root Folder of the Mailbox.
    Remove MAPI Permission from a specific User
    Remove-MAPIPermission.ps1 -Mailbox -User -Folder Inbox -RemoveSendOnBehalf $true
    The mailbox on which the permission will be removed
    The User which permissions will be removed
    Alias for Parameter User. The User which permissions will be removed
    A specific defaultfolder:
    - Inbox
    - Calendar
    - Notes
    - Tasks
    - Contacts
    - SentItems
    - DeletedItems
.PARAMETER ExcludeFolders
    A secific SubFolder to Exclude\Inbox\Subfolder1
    Can also be an Array of Folders
    $ExcludeFolders = @("\Inbox\Subfolder1","\Inbox\Subfolder2")
.PARAMETER IncludeSubfolders
    Boolean Value (True/False) if MAPI Permission are removed on all Subfolders
.PARAMETER DeleteRootFolderPermission
    Boolean Value (True/False) to remove MAPI Permission from Root Folder for Trustee
.PARAMETER RemoveSendOnBehalf
    Boolean Value (True/False) if the User will also be removed from the "SendOnBehalf" Permission
    Only works if the User is directly assigned. Will not work if he is in Member of an assigned Group.
    Remove-MAPIPermission.ps1 -Mailbox -User -Folder Inbox
    Remove-MAPIPermission.ps1 -Mailbox -User -Folder Calendar [-IncludeSubfolders $true] [-ExcludeFolders\Inbox\Subfolder1] [-RemoveSendOnBehalf $true] [-DeleteRootFolderPermission $true]
    $ExcludeFolders = @("\Inbox\Subfolder1","\Inbox\Subfolder2")
    Remove-MAPIPermission.ps1 -Mailbox -User -Folder Calendar [-IncludeSubfolders $true] [-ExcludeFolders $ExcludeFolders] [-RemoveSendOnBehalf $true] [-DeleteRootFolderPermission $true]

    [bool]$includeSubfolders = $false,
    [bool]$DeleteRootFolderPermission = $false,
    [bool]$RemoveSendOnBehalf = $false

    #Check Exchange Online Connection
    $Return = Test-ExchangeConnection
    If ($Return -eq $false)
        Write-host "Not connected to Exchange or Exchange Online. Please connect first to Exchange or Exchange Online." -ForegroundColor Red

    #Check if Mailbox exists
    Write-Host "Checking Parameter Mailbox: $Mailbox"
    $MBX = Get-Mailbox -Identity $Mailbox -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    If ($Null -eq $MBX)
        Write-Host "Please Enter a valid Mailbox Emailaddress ($Mailbox)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host "The script will be ended right now." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #Check if User (exists and has the Right Type)
    Write-Host "Checking Parameter User: $User"
    $FunctionResult = Get-RecipientType -Emailaddress $User
    If ($FunctionResult[0] -eq $false)
        Write-Host "User Recipient not found. Please Enter a valid User Emailaddress ($User)" -ForegroundColor Yellow        
        $readhost = Read-Host "Maybe it's a deleted Mailbox. Do you want to continue? (y/n)[n]?"
        if ($readhost -eq "y")
            #$TrusteeRecipientType = $FunctionResult[1]
            $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress = $User
            $TrusteeDisplayName = $User
            $TrusteeAlias = $User
        } Else {        
            Write-Host "The script will be ended right now." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    } else {
        $FunctionResult = Get-RecipientType -Emailaddress $User
        $TrusteeRecipientType = $FunctionResult[1]
        $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress = $FunctionResult[2]
        $TrusteeDisplayName = $FunctionResult[3]
        $TrusteeAlias = $FunctionResult[4]
    #Check Foldertype Input and Parse to foldername
    Write-Host "Checking Parameter Folder: $Folder"
    If ($Folder -ne $null)
        $Folderstats = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.FolderType -ne "CalendarLogging" -AND $_.FolderType -NotLike "Recoverable*" -AND $_.FolderType -NotLike "Yammer*" -AND $_.FolderType -NotLike "BirthdayCalendar"}        

        switch ($Folder) 
                $InboxObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Inbox"
                $CustomFolderName = $InboxObject.Name
                $CalendarObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Calendar"
                $CustomFolderName = $CalendarObject.Name
                $NotesObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Notes"
                $CustomFolderName = $NotesObject.Name
                $TaskObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Tasks"
                $CustomFolderName = $TaskObject.Name
                $ContactsObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "Contacts"
                $CustomFolderName = $ContactsObject.Name
                $ContactsObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "SentItems"
                $CustomFolderName = $ContactsObject.Name
                $ContactsObject = $folderstats | Where-Object FolderType -eq "DeletedItems"
                $CustomFolderName = $ContactsObject.Name
                Write-Host "The Parameter -Folder is incorrect. Accepted Values are: 'Inbox', 'Calendar', 'Notes', 'Tasks', 'Contacts','SentItems','DeletedItems'" -foregroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host "The script will be ended right now." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #Check $ExcludeFolder Variable
    #Check Format: Mailbox:\Folder\Subfolder
    Write-Host "Checking Parameter ExcludeFolder: $ExcludeFolder"
    Foreach ($ExcludeFolderEntry in $ExcludeFolder)
        Write-Debug "DEBUG: $ExcludeFolderEntry"
        If (($ExcludeFolderEntry -match "^.+:\\.+\\.+$") -eq $false)
            Write-Host "The Parameter -ExcludeFolder is incorrect. Correct Syntax: Mailbox:\Folder\Subfolder" -foregroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "The script will be ended right now." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #Root Folder Permission
    If ($DeleteRootFolderPermission -eq $true)
        #Remove View Permission from Root Folder
        Write-Host "Configure RootFolder Permission"

        $FolderPermissions = Get-MailboxFolderPermission $Mailbox":\"
        [bool]$RootPermissionFound = $false
        Foreach ($Line in $FolderPermissions)
            If ($Line.User -eq "Standard" -or $Line.User -eq "Default" -or $Line.User -eq "Anonymous")
                If ($Line.AccessRights -eq "FolderVisible")
                    Write-Host "Default or Anonymous User has 'FolderVisible' Permission" -ForegroundColor yellow
            } else {
                If ($Line.User.Displayname -eq $TrusteeDisplayName)
                    $RootPermissionFound = $true

        If ($RootPermissionFound -eq $true)
            #Add Prmission
            Write-Host "REMOVE: "$Mailbox":\ > FolderVisible > $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress" -ForegroundColor Green
            Remove-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $Mailbox":\" -User $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress -Confirm:$false | out-null

    #Remove Custom Permission from Folder
    Write-Host "Configure Folder <$Folder> Permission"
    $FolderPermissions = get-MailboxFolderPermission $Mailbox":\$CustomFolderName"

    #Check if User is already in the User Array for that Folder
    Foreach ($Line in $FolderPermissions)
        If ($Line.User.Displayname -eq $TrusteeDisplayName)
            $AccessRight = $Line.AccessRights
            Write-Host "REMOVE: "$Mailbox":\$CustomFolderName > $AccessRight > $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress" -ForegroundColor Green
            Remove-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $Mailbox":\$CustomFolderName" -User $User -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
            #Exit Foreach

    if ($includeSubfolders -eq $true)
        Write-Host "Configure SubFolders of <$Folder>"
        foreach ($SubFolder in $folderstats)
            $SubFolderIdentity = $SubFolder.identity
            if ($SubFolderIdentity -match "$Mailbox\\$CustomFolderName\\")

                #Check for Exclude Folder
                $ExcludeFolderMatch = $False
                Foreach ($ExcludeFolderEntry in $ExcludeFolder)
                    [regex]$pattern = ":\\"
                    $ExcludeFolderEntry2 = $pattern.replace($ExcludeFolderEntry, "\", 1) #Replace first ":\" with "\"

                    Write-Verbose "ExcludeFolderEntry: $ExcludeFolderEntry2 > SubFolderIdentity $SubFolderIdentity"

                    If ("$ExcludeFolderEntry2" -eq "$SubFolderIdentity")
                        $ExcludeFolderMatch = $True

                If ($ExcludeFolderMatch -eq $true)
                    Write-Host "Skipping excluded Folder: $SubFolderIdentity" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                } else {
                    $Foldername = $Subfolder.Identity.replace($Mailbox,$Mailbox +":")
                    $FolderId =  $Mailbox + ":" + $SubFolder.FolderId

                    $FolderPermissions = get-MailboxFolderPermission $FolderId
                    Foreach ($Line in $FolderPermissions)
                        If ($Line.User.Displayname -eq $TrusteeDisplayName)
                            $AccessRight = $Line.AccessRights
                            Write-Host "REMOVE: $FolderName > $AccessRight > $User" -ForegroundColor Green
                            Remove-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $FolderID -User $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress -Confirm:$false

    # SendOnBehalf
    If ($RemoveSendOnBehalf -eq $true)
        Write-Host "Configure SendOnBehalf"

        #Get Users in Send On Behalf and Add to Array
        $SOB = Get-Mailbox $Mailbox | Select-Object GrantSendOnBehalfTo
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SendOnBehalfArr = @()
        Foreach ($Entry in $SOB.GrantSendOnBehalfTo)
            $Recipient = Get-Recipient -Identity "$Entry" | Select-Object DisplayName,Alias,PrimarySmtpAddress
            $PrimarySmtpAddress = ($Recipient.PrimarySmtpAddress).ToString()
            If ($PrimarySmtpAddress -ne $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress)
                #Add to Array
                $SendOnBehalfArr.Add($PrimarySMTPAddress) | Out-Null

        Write-Host "REMOVE Send on Behalf to $Mailbox for $TrusteePrimarySMTPAddress" -ForegroundColor Green
        Set-Mailbox $Mailbox -GrantSendOnBehalfTo $SendOnBehalfArr