
    Provides functions to intelligently upload and download xml IEF policies used for custom journeys in Azure AD B2C.
    Provides functions to intelligently upload and download xml IEF policies used for
    custom journeys in Azure AD B2C. The upload function will automatically replace
    occurrences of 'yourtenantname', 'ProxyIdentityExperienceFrameworkAppId' and
    'IdentityExperienceFrameworkAppId' (the latter appear in the extension xml provided by the Starter Policies)
    with the appropriate values from the tenant you are logged into. It will also replace any
    occurrences of '{<string>}' with values of proprties with name <string> in a json
    file optionally provided to the command. You can also have the upload inject a string into the name of every policy
    to allow for multiple policy sets in your tenant.
    The upload will dtermine sequence for uploading the files based on their <BasePolicy> specification.
    The upload will store the source of files updated as per above in a separate folder. a subsequent call to
    the upload function will only upload files with timestamps later than those in the separate folder.
    This module exports 2 functions:
    Their usage scenarios can be displayed with:
    Get-Help Load-IEFPolicies -Examples
    Author : Marius Rochon
    Version : 2.0.0
[PS] > Connect-IefPolicies -tenant myb2ctenant #(.onmicrosoft.com is not necessary)
[PS] > Import-IEFPolicies
Upload policies from the current work directory using conf.json file for configuration data, if it exists.
[PS] > Connect-IefPolicies -tenant myb2ctenant
[PS] > Export-IEFPolicies -prefix V10
Download IEF policies with names starting with 'B2C_1A_V10'