
Add-Type -Path "$($PSScriptRoot)\EPPlus.dll"

. $PSScriptRoot\Export-Excel.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\New-ConditionalFormattingIconSet.ps1

function Import-Excel {
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory)]

    Process {

        $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path
        write-debug "target excel file $Path"

        $stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $Path,"Open","Read","ReadWrite"
        $xl = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $stream

        $workbook  = $xl.Workbook



        if(!$Header) {
            $Header = foreach ($Column in 1..$Columns) {

        foreach ($Row in 2..$Rows) {
            foreach ($Column in 0..($Columns-1)) {
                if($Header[$Column].Length -gt 0) {
                    $Name    = $Header[$Column]
                    $h.$Name = $worksheet.Cells[$Row,($Column+1)].Text

        $xl = $null

function Export-ExcelSheet {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $OutputPath = '.\',
        $Encoding = 'UTF8',
        $Extension = '.txt',
        $Delimiter = ';'

    $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path
    $xl = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $Path
    $workbook = $xl.Workbook

    $targetSheets = $workbook.Worksheets | Where {$_.Name -Match $SheetName}

    $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
    $params.NoTypeInformation = $true

    Foreach ($sheet in $targetSheets)
        Write-Verbose "Exporting sheet: $($sheet.Name)"

        $params.Path = "$OutputPath\$($Sheet.Name)$Extension"

        Import-Excel $Path -Sheet $($sheet.Name) | Export-Csv @params -Encoding $Encoding


function Add-WorkSheet {
        #TODO Use parametersets to allow a workbook to be passed instead of a package
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $ExcelPackage,
        [string] $WorkSheetname,
        [Switch] $NoClobber
    if($ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetname]) {
        if($NoClobber) {
            $AlreadyExists = $true
            Write-Error "Worksheet `"$WorkSheetname`" already exists."
        } else {
            Write-Debug "Worksheet `"$WorkSheetname`" already exists. Deleting"


function ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet {
        Reads an Excel file an converts the data to a delimited text file
        ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data
        Reads each sheet in TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt
        ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data sheet?0
        Reads and outputs sheets like Sheet10 and Sheet20 form TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $OutputPath = '.\',
        $Encoding = 'UTF8',
        $Extension = '.txt',
        $Delimiter = ';'

    $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path
    $stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $Path,"Open","Read","ReadWrite"
    $xl = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $stream
    $workbook = $xl.Workbook

    $targetSheets = $workbook.Worksheets | Where {$_.Name -like $SheetName}

    $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
    $params.NoTypeInformation = $true

    Foreach ($sheet in $targetSheets)
        Write-Verbose "Exporting sheet: $($sheet.Name)"

        $params.Path = "$OutputPath\$($Sheet.Name)$Extension"

        Import-Excel $Path -Sheet $($sheet.Name) | Export-Csv @params -Encoding $Encoding


function Export-MultipleExcelSheets {

    $parameters = @{}+$PSBoundParameters

    $parameters.Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)

    foreach ($entry in $InfoMap.GetEnumerator()) {
        Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting" -Status "$($entry.Key)"

        & $entry.Value | Export-Excel @parameters

    if($Show) {Invoke-Item $Path}