
Function Export-Excel {
            Export data to an Excel worksheet.
            Export data to an Excel file and where possible try to convert numbers so Excel recognizes them as numbers instead of text. After all. Excel is a spreadsheet program used for number manipulation and calculations. In case the number conversion is not desired, use the parameter '-NoNumberConversion *'.
        .PARAMETER Path
            Path to a new or existing .XLSX file
        .PARAMETER ExcelPackage
            An object representing an Excel Package - usually this is returned by specifying -Passthru allowing multiple commands to work on the same Workbook without saving and reloading each time.
        .PARAMETER WorkSheetName
            The name of a sheet within the workbook - "Sheet1" by default
        .PARAMETER ClearSheet
            If specified Export-Excel will remove any existing worksheet with the selected name. The Default behaviour is to overwrite cells in this sheet as needed (but leaving non-overwritten ones in place)
        .PARAMETER Append
            If specified data will be added to the end of an existing sheet, using the same column headings.
        .PARAMETER TargetData
            Data to insert onto the worksheet - this is often provided from the pipeline.
        .PARAMETER ExcludeProperty
            Speficies properties which may exist in the target data but should not be placed on the worksheet
        .PARAMETER Title
            Text of a title to be placed in Cell A1
        .PARAMETER TitleBold
            Sets the title in boldface type
        .PARAMETER TitleSize
            Sets the point size for the title
        .PARAMETER TitleBackgroundColor
            Sets the cell background to solid and the chose colour for the title cell
        .PARAMETER Password
            Sets password protection on the workbook
        .PARAMETER IncludePivotTable
            Adds a Pivot table using the data in the worksheet
        .PARAMETER PivotRows
            Name(s) columns from the spreadhseet which will prvoide the row name(s) in the pivot table
        .PARAMETER PivotColumns
            Name(s) columns from the spreadhseet which will prvoide the Column name(s) in the pivot table
        .PARAMETER PivotData
            Hash table in the form ColumnName = Average|Count|CountNums|Max|Min|Product|None|StdDev|StdDevP|Sum|Var|VarP to provide the data in the Pivot table
        .PARAMETER PivotTableDefinition,
            HashTable(s) with Sheet PivotTows, PivotColumns, PivotData, IncludePivotChart and ChartType values to make it easier to specify a definition or multiple Pivots.
        .PARAMETER IncludePivotChart,
             Include a chart with the Pivot table - implies Include Pivot Table.
        .PARAMETER NoLegend
            Exclude the legend from the pivot chart
        .PARAMETER ShowCategory
            Add category labels to the pivot chart
        .PARAMETER ShowPercent
            Add Percentage labels to the pivot chart
        .PARAMETER ConditionalText
            Applies a 'Conditional formatting rule' in Excel on all the cells. When specific conditions are met a rule is triggered.
        .PARAMETER NoNumberConversion
            By default we convert all values to numbers if possible, but this isn't always desirable. NoNumberConversion allows you to add exceptions for the conversion. Wildcards (like '*') are allowed.
        .PARAMETER BoldTopRow
            Makes the top Row boldface.
        .PARAMETER NoHeader
            Does not put field names at the top of columns
        .PARAMETER RangeName
            Makes the data in the worksheet a named range
        .PARAMETER TableName
            Makes the data in the worksheet a table with a name applies a style to it. Name must not contain spaces
        .PARAMETER TableStyle
            Selects the style for the named table - defaults to 'Medium6'
        .PARAMETER ExcelChartDefinition
            A hash table containing ChartType, Title, NoLegend, ShowCategory, ShowPecent, Yrange, Xrange and SeriesHeader for one or more [non-pivot] charts
        .PARAMETER HideSheet
            Name(s) of Sheet(s) to hide in the workbook
        .PARAMETER KillExcel
            Closes Excel - prevents errors writing to the file because Excel has it open
        .PARAMETER AutoNameRange
            Makes each column a named range
        .PARAMETER StartRow
            Row to start adding data. 1 by default. Row 1 will contain the title if any. Then headers will appear (Unless -No header is specified) then the data appears
        .PARAMETER StartColumn
            Column to start adding data - 1 by default
        .PARAMETER FreezeTopRow
            Freezes headers etc. in the top row
        .PARAMETER FreezeFirstColumn
            Freezes titles etc. in the left column
        .PARAMETER FreezeTopRowFirstColumn
             Freezes top row and left column (equivalent to Freeze pane 2,2 )
        .PARAMETER FreezePane
             Freezes panes at specified coordinates (in the form RowNumber , ColumnNumber)
        .PARAMETER AutoFilter
            Enables the 'Filter' in Excel on the complete header row. So users can easily sort, filter and/or search the data in the select column from within Excel.
        .PARAMETER AutoSize
            Sizes the width of the Excel column to the maximum width needed to display all the containing data in that cell.
        .PARAMETER Now
            The 'Now' switch is a shortcut that creates automatically a temporary file, enables 'AutoSize', 'AutoFiler' and 'Show', and opens the file immediately.
        .PARAMETER NumberFormat
            Formats all values that can be converted to a number to the format specified.
            # integer (not really needed unless you need to round numbers, Excel with use default cell properties)
            # integer without displaying the number 0 in the cell
            # number with 1 decimal place
            # number with 2 decimal places
            # number with 2 decimal places and thousand separator
            # number with 2 decimal places and thousand separator and money symbol
            # percentage (1 = 100%, 0.01 = 1%)
            # Blue color for positive numbers and a red color for negative numbers. All numbers will proceed a dollar sign '$'.
        .PARAMETER Show
            Opens the Excel file immediately after creation. Convenient for viewing the results instantly without having to search for the file first.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            If specified, Export-Excel returns an object representing the Excel package without saving the package first. To save it you need to call the save or Saveas method or send it back to Export-Excel
            Get-Process | Export-Excel .\Test.xlsx -show
            Export all the processes to the Excel file 'Test.xlsx' and open the file immediately.
            $ExcelParams = @{
                Path = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
                Show = $true
                Verbose = $true
            Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
            Write-Output -1 668 34 777 860 -0.5 119 -0.1 234 788 |
                Export-Excel @ExcelParams -NumberFormat '[Blue]$#,##0.00;[Red]-$#,##0.00'
            Exports all data to the Excel file 'Excel.xslx' and colors the negative values in 'Red' and the positive values in 'Blue'. It will also add a dollar sign '$' in front of the rounded numbers to two decimal characters behind the comma.
            $ExcelParams = @{
                Path = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
                Show = $true
                Verbose = $true
            Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
                Date = Get-Date
                Formula1 = '=SUM(F2:G2)'
                String1 = 'My String'
                String2 = 'a'
                IPAddress = ''
                Number1 = '07670'
                Number2 = '0,26'
                Number3 = '1.555,83'
                Number4 = '1.2'
                Number5 = '-31'
                PhoneNr1 = '+32 44'
                PhoneNr2 = '+32 4 4444 444'
                PhoneNr3 = '+3244444444'
            } | Export-Excel @ExcelParams -NoNumberConversion IPAddress, Number1
            Exports all data to the Excel file 'Excel.xslx' and tries to convert all values to numbers where possible except for 'IPAddress' and 'Number1'. These are stored in the sheet 'as is', without being converted to a number.
            $ExcelParams = @{
                Path = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
                Show = $true
                Verbose = $true
            Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
                Date = Get-Date
                Formula1 = '=SUM(F2:G2)'
                String1 = 'My String'
                String2 = 'a'
                IPAddress = ''
                Number1 = '07670'
                Number2 = '0,26'
                Number3 = '1.555,83'
                Number4 = '1.2'
                Number5 = '-31'
                PhoneNr1 = '+32 44'
                PhoneNr2 = '+32 4 4444 444'
                PhoneNr3 = '+3244444444'
            } | Export-Excel @ExcelParams -NoNumberConversion *
            Exports all data to the Excel file 'Excel.xslx' as is, no number conversion will take place. This means that Excel will show the exact same data that you handed over to the 'Export-Excel' function.
            $ExcelParams = @{
                Path = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
                Show = $true
                Verbose = $true
            Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
            Write-Output 489 668 299 777 860 151 119 497 234 788 |
                Export-Excel @ExcelParams -ConditionalText $(
                    New-ConditionalText -ConditionalType GreaterThan 525 -ConditionalTextColor DarkRed -BackgroundColor LightPink
            Exports data that will have a 'Conditional formatting rule' in Excel on these cells that will show the background fill color in 'LightPink' and the text color in 'DarkRed' when the value is greater then '525'. In case this condition is not met the color will be the default, black text on a white background.
            $ExcelParams = @{
                Path = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
                Show = $true
                Verbose = $true
            Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
            Get-Service | Select Name, Status, DisplayName, ServiceName |
                Export-Excel @ExcelParams -ConditionalText $(
                    New-ConditionalText Stop DarkRed LightPink
                    New-ConditionalText Running Blue Cyan
            Export all services to an Excel sheet where all cells have a 'Conditional formatting rule' in Excel that will show the background fill color in 'LightPink' and the text color in 'DarkRed' when the value contains the word 'Stop'. If the value contains the word 'Running' it will have a background fill color in 'Cyan' and a text color 'Blue'. In case none of these conditions are met the color will be the default, black text on a white background.
            $ExcelParams = @{
                Path = $env:TEMP + '\Excel.xlsx'
                Show = $true
                Verbose = $true
            Remove-Item -Path $ExcelParams.Path -Force -EA Ignore
            $Array = @()
            $Obj1 = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Member1 = 'First'
                Member2 = 'Second'
            $Obj2 = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Member1 = 'First'
                Member2 = 'Second'
                Member3 = 'Third'
            $Obj3 = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Member1 = 'First'
                Member2 = 'Second'
                Member3 = 'Third'
                Member4 = 'Fourth'
            $Array = $Obj1, $Obj2, $Obj3
            $Array | Out-GridView -Title 'Not showing Member3 and Member4'
            $Array | Update-FirstObjectProperties | Export-Excel @ExcelParams -WorkSheetname Numbers
            Updates the first object of the array by adding property 'Member3' and 'Member4'. Afterwards. all objects are exported to an Excel file and all column headers are visible.
            Get-Process | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Processes -IncludePivotTable -Show -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM
            Get-Process | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Processes -ChartType PieExploded3D -IncludePivotChart -IncludePivotTable -Show -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM
            Get-Service | Export-Excel 'c:\temp\test.xlsx' -Show -IncludePivotTable -PivotRows status -PivotData @{status='count'}
            $pt = [ordered]@{}
            $pt.pt1=@{ SourceWorkSheet = 'Sheet1';
                       PivotRows = 'Status'
                       PivotData = @{'Status'='count'}
                       IncludePivotChart = $true
                       ChartType = 'BarClustered3D'
            $pt.pt2=@{ SourceWorkSheet = 'Sheet2';
                       PivotRows = 'Company'
                       PivotData = @{'Company'='count'}
                       IncludePivotChart = $true
                       ChartType = 'PieExploded3D'
            Remove-Item -Path .\test.xlsx
            Get-Service | Select-Object -Property Status,Name,DisplayName,StartType | Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -AutoSize
            Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name,Company,Handles,CPU,VM | Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -AutoSize -WorkSheetname 'sheet2'
            Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -PivotTableDefinition $pt -Show
            This example defines two pivot tables. Then it puts Service data on Sheet1 with one call to Export-Excel and Process Data on sheet2 with a second call to Export-Excel
            The thrid and final call adds the two pivot tables and opens the spreadsheet in Excel
            Remove-Item -Path .\test.xlsx
            $excel = Get-Service | Select-Object -Property Status,Name,DisplayName,StartType | Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -PassThru
            $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"].Row(1).style.font.bold = $true
            $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"].Column(3 ).width = 29
            $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"].Column(3 ).Style.wraptext = $true
            Start-Process .\test.xlsx
            This example uses -passthrough - put service information into sheet1 of the work book and saves the excelPackageObject in $Excel
            It then uses the package object to apply formatting, and then saves the workbook and disposes of the object before loading the document in Excel.
            $excel = Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name,Company,Handles,CPU,PM,NPM,WS | Export-Excel -Path .\test.xlsx -ClearSheet -WorkSheetname "Processes" -PassThru
            $sheet = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Processes"]
            $sheet.Column(1) | Set-Format -Bold -AutoFit
            $sheet.Column(2) | Set-Format -Width 29 -WrapText
            $sheet.Column(3) | Set-Format -HorizontalAlignment Right -NFormat "#,###"
            Set-Format -Address $sheet.Cells["E1:H1048576"] -HorizontalAlignment Right -NFormat "#,###"
            Set-Format -Address $sheet.Column(4) -HorizontalAlignment Right -NFormat "#,##0.0" -Bold
            Set-Format -Address $sheet.Row(1) -Bold -HorizontalAlignment Center
            Add-ConditionalFormatting -WorkSheet $sheet -Range "D2:D1048576" -DataBarColor Red
            Add-ConditionalFormatting -WorkSheet $sheet -Range "G2:G1048576" -RuleType GreaterThan -ConditionValue "104857600" -ForeGroundColor Red
            foreach ($c in 5..9) {Set-Format $sheet.Column($c) -AutoFit }
            Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excel -WorkSheetname "Processes" -IncludePivotChart -ChartType ColumnClustered -NoLegend -PivotRows company -PivotData @{'Name'='Count'} -Show
            This a more sophisticated version of the previous example showing different ways of using Set-Format, and also adding conditional formatting.
            In the final command a Pivot chart is added and the workbook is opened in Excel.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Default", Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Table"  , Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "PackageDefault")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "PackageTable")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [String]$WorkSheetname = 'Sheet1',
        [OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle]$TitleFillPattern = 'None',
        [Int]$TitleSize = 22,
        [OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eChartType]$ChartType = 'Pie',
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PackageDefault')]
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ($_.Contains(' ')) {
                    throw 'Tablename has spaces.'
                elseif (-not $_) {
                    throw 'Tablename is null or empty.'
                elseif ($_[0] -notmatch '[a-z]') {
                    throw 'Tablename starts with an invalid character.'
                else {
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Table'        , Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PackageTable' , Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Table')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PackageTable')]
        [OfficeOpenXml.Table.TableStyles]$TableStyle = 'Medium6',
        [Int]$StartRow = 1,
        [Int]$StartColumn = 1,
        [String]$Numberformat = 'General',
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Now')]
        # [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'TableNow')]

    Begin {
        function Find-WorkSheet {
            param (

            $pkg.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object {$_.name -match $WorkSheetName}

        Function Add-CellValue {
                Save a value in an Excel cell.
                DateTime objects are always converted to a DateTime format in Excel. And formulas are always
                saved as formulas.
                Numerical values will be converted to numbers as defined in the regional settings of the local
                system. In case the parameter 'NoNumberConversion' is used, we don't convert to number and leave
                the value 'as is'. In case of conversion failure, we also leave the value 'as is'.

            Param (

            Switch ($CellValue) {
                {($_ -is [String]) -and ($_.StartsWith('='))} {
                    #region Save an Excel formula
                    $TargetCell.Formula = $_
                    Write-Verbose "Cell '$Row`:$ColumnIndex' header '$Name' add value '$_' as formula"

                {$_ -is [DateTime]} {
                    #region Save a date with an international valid format
                    $TargetCell.Value = $_
                    $TargetCell.Style.Numberformat.Format = 'm/d/yy h:mm'
                    Write-Verbose "Cell '$Row`:$ColumnIndex' header '$Name' add value '$_' as date"

                {(($NoNumberConversion) -and ($NoNumberConversion -contains $Name)) -or
                    ($NoNumberConversion -eq '*')} {
                    #regioon Save a value without converting to number
                    $TargetCell.Value = $_
                    Write-Verbose "Cell '$Row`:$ColumnIndex' header '$Name' add value '$($TargetCell.Value)' unconverted"

                Default {
                    #region Save a value as a number if possible
                    if (($Number = ConvertTo-Number $_) -ne $null) {
                        $TargetCell.Value = $Number
                        $targetCell.Style.Numberformat.Format = $Numberformat
                        Write-Verbose "Cell '$Row`:$ColumnIndex' header '$Name' add value '$($TargetCell.Value)' as number converted from '$_' with format '$Numberformat'"
                    else {
                        $TargetCell.Value = $_
                        Write-Verbose "Cell '$Row`:$ColumnIndex' header '$Name' add value '$($TargetCell.Value)' as string"

        Function Add-Title {
                Add a title row to the Excel worksheet.

            $ws.Cells[$Row, $StartColumn].Value = $Title
            $ws.Cells[$Row, $StartColumn].Style.Font.Size = $TitleSize

            if ($TitleBold) {
                #set title to Bold if -TitleBold was specified.
                #Otherwise the default will be unbolded.
                $ws.Cells[$Row, $StartColumn].Style.Font.Bold = $True
            $ws.Cells[$Row, $StartColumn].Style.Fill.PatternType = $TitleFillPattern

            #can only set TitleBackgroundColor if TitleFillPattern is something other than None
            if ($TitleBackgroundColor -AND ($TitleFillPattern -ne 'None')) {
                $ws.Cells[$Row, $StartColumn].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor($TitleBackgroundColor)
            elseif ($TitleBackgroundColor) {
                Write-Warning "Title Background Color ignored. You must set the TitleFillPattern parameter to a value other than 'None'. Try 'Solid'."

        Function ConvertTo-Number {
                Convert a value to a number

            Param (

            $R = $null

            if ([Double]::TryParse([String]$Value, [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::Any,
                    [System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo]::CurrentInfo, [Ref]$R)) {

        Function Stop-ExcelProcess {
                Stop the Excel process when it's running.

            Get-Process excel -ErrorAction Ignore | Stop-Process
            while (Get-Process excel -ErrorAction Ignore) {}
        Try {
            $script:Header = $null
            if ($append -and $clearSheet) {throw "You can't use -Append AND -ClearSheet."}
            if ($KillExcel) {

            if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys.Count -eq 0 -Or $Now) {
                $Path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() -replace '\.tmp', '.xlsx'
                $Show = $true
                $AutoSize = $true
                if (!$TableName) {
                    $AutoFilter = $true

            if ($ExcelPackage) {
                $pkg = $ExcelPackage
                $Path = $pkg.File
            Else {
                $Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)

                $targetPath = Split-Path $Path
                if (!(Test-Path $targetPath)) {
                    Write-Debug "Base path $($targetPath) does not exist, creating"
                    $null = mkdir $targetPath -ErrorAction Ignore
                elseif (Test-Path $Path) {
                    Write-Debug "Path '$Path' already exists"

                $pkg = New-Object OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage $Path

            [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet]$ws = $pkg | Add-WorkSheet -WorkSheetname $WorkSheetname -NoClobber:$NoClobber -ClearSheet:$ClearSheet  #Add worksheet doesn't take any action for -noClobber
            foreach ($format in $ConditionalFormat ) {
                $target = "Add$($format.Formatter)"
                $rule = ($ws.ConditionalFormatting).PSObject.Methods[$target].Invoke($format.Range, $format.IconType)
                $rule.Reverse = $format.Reverse

            if ($append) {
                $headerRange = $ws.Dimension.Address -replace "\d+$", "1"
                #if there is a title or anything else above the header row, specifying StartRow will skip it.
                if ($StartRow -ne 1) {$headerRange = $headerRange -replace "1", "$StartRow"}
                #$script:Header = $ws.Cells[$headerrange].Value
                #using a slightly odd syntax otherwise header ends up as a 2D array
                $ws.Cells[$headerRange].Value | foreach -Begin {$Script:header = @()} -Process {$Script:header += $_ }
                $row = $ws.Dimension.Rows
                Write-Debug -Message ("Appending: headers are " + ($script:Header -join ", ") + "Start row $row")
            elseif ($Title) {
                #Can only add a title if not appending
                $Row = $StartRow
                $Row ++ ; $startRow ++
            else {
                $Row = $StartRow

            $ColumnIndex = $StartColumn
            $firstTimeThru = $true
            $isDataTypeValueType = $false
            $pattern = 'string|bool|byte|char|decimal|double|float|int|long|sbyte|short|uint|ulong|ushort'
        Catch {
            if ($AlreadyExists) {
                #Is this set anywhere ?
                throw "Failed exporting worksheet '$WorkSheetname' to '$Path': The worksheet '$WorkSheetname' already exists."
            else {
                throw "Failed exporting worksheet '$WorkSheetname' to '$Path': $_"

    Process {
        if ($TargetData) {
            Try {
                if ($firstTimeThru) {
                    $firstTimeThru = $false
                    $isDataTypeValueType = $TargetData.GetType().name -match $pattern
                    Write-Debug "DataTypeName is '$($TargetData.GetType().name)' isDataTypeValueType '$isDataTypeValueType'"

                if ($isDataTypeValueType) {
                    $ColumnIndex = $StartColumn

                    Add-CellValue -TargetCell $ws.Cells[$Row, $ColumnIndex] -CellValue $TargetData

                    $ColumnIndex += 1
                    $Row += 1
                else {
                    #region Add headers
                    if (-not $script:Header) {
                        $ColumnIndex = $StartColumn
                        $script:Header = $TargetData.PSObject.Properties.Name | Where-Object {$_ -notin $ExcludeProperty}

                        if ($NoHeader) {
                            # Don't push the headers to the spread sheet
                            $Row -= 1
                        else {
                            foreach ($Name in $script:Header) {
                                $ws.Cells[$Row, $ColumnIndex].Value = $Name
                                Write-Verbose "Cell '$Row`:$ColumnIndex' add header '$Name'"
                                $ColumnIndex += 1

                    $Row += 1
                    $ColumnIndex = $StartColumn

                    foreach ($Name in $script:Header) {
                        #region Add non header values
                        Add-CellValue -TargetCell $ws.Cells[$Row, $ColumnIndex] -CellValue $TargetData.$Name

                        $ColumnIndex += 1
            Catch {
                throw "Failed exporting worksheet '$WorkSheetname' to '$Path': $_"

    End {
        Try {
            if ($AutoNameRange) {
                if (-not $script:header) {
                    $headerRange = $ws.Dimension.Address -replace "\d+$", "1"
                    #if there is a title or anything else above the header row, specifying StartRow will skip it.
                    if ($StartRow -ne 1) {$headerRange = $headerRange -replace "1", "$StartRow"}
                    #using a slightly odd syntax otherwise header ends up as a 2D array
                    $ws.Cells[$headerRange].Value | foreach -Begin {$Script:header = @()} -Process {$Script:header += $_ }
                $totalRows = $ws.Dimension.End.Row
                $totalColumns = $ws.Dimension.Columns
                foreach ($c in 0..($totalColumns - 1)) {
                    $targetRangeName = "$($script:Header[$c])"
                    $targetColumn = $c + $StartColumn
                    $theCell = $ws.Cells[($startrow + 1), $targetColumn, $totalRows , $targetColumn ]
                    $ws.Names.Add($targetRangeName, $theCell) | Out-Null

                    if ([OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.ExcelUtilities.ExcelAddressUtil]::IsValidAddress($targetRangeName)) {
                        Write-Warning "AutoNameRange: Property name '$targetRangeName' is also a valid Excel address and may cause issues. Consider renaming the property name."

            if ($Title) {
                $startAddress = $ws.Dimension.Start.address -replace "$($ws.Dimension.Start.row)`$", "$($ws.Dimension.Start.row + 1)"
            else {
                $startAddress = $ws.Dimension.Start.Address

            $dataRange = "{0}:{1}" -f $startAddress, $ws.Dimension.End.Address

            Write-Debug "Data Range '$dataRange'"

            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RangeName)) {
                $ws.Names.Add($RangeName, $ws.Cells[$dataRange]) | Out-Null

            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($TableName)) {
                $csr = $StartRow

                $csc = $StartColumn
                $cer = $ws.Dimension.End.Row
                $cec = $ws.Dimension.End.Column # was $script:Header.Count

                $targetRange = $ws.Cells[$csr, $csc, $cer, $cec]
                #if we're appending data the table may already exist: but excel doesn't like the result if I put
                # if ($ws.Tables[$TableName]) {$ws.Tables.Delete($TableName) }
                $tbl = $ws.Tables.Add($targetRange, $TableName)
                $tbl.TableStyle = $TableStyle

            if ($PivotTableDefinition) {
                foreach ($item in $PivotTableDefinition.GetEnumerator()) {
                    $targetName = $item.Key
                    $pivotTableName = $targetName #+ 'PivotTable'
                    #Make sure the Pivot table sheet doesn't already exist
                    try {     $pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Delete(    $pivotTableName) } catch {}
                    $wsPivot = $pkg | Add-WorkSheet -WorkSheetname $pivotTableName -NoClobber:$NoClobber
                    $pivotTableDataName = $targetName + 'PivotTableData'

                    if (!$item.Value.SourceWorkSheet) {
                        $pivotTable = $wsPivot.PivotTables.Add($wsPivot.Cells['A1'], $ws.Cells[$dataRange], $pivotTableDataName)
                    else {
                        $workSheet = Find-WorkSheet $item.Value.SourceWorkSheet

                        if ($workSheet) {
                            $targetStartAddress = $workSheet.Dimension.Start.Address
                            $targetDataRange = "{0}:{1}" -f $targetStartAddress, $workSheet.Dimension.End.Address

                            $pivotTable = $wsPivot.PivotTables.Add($wsPivot.Cells['A1'], $workSheet.Cells[$targetDataRange], $pivotTableDataName)

                    switch ($item.Value.Keys) {
                        "PivotRows" {
                            foreach ($Row in $item.Value.PivotRows) {
                                $null = $pivotTable.RowFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Row])

                        "PivotColumns" {
                            foreach ($Column in $item.Value.PivotColumns) {
                                $null = $pivotTable.ColumnFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Column])

                        "PivotData" {
                            $pivotData = $item.Value.PivotData
                            if ($PivotData -is [HashTable] -or $PivotData -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
                                $PivotData.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                                    $df = $pivotTable.DataFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$_])
                                    $df.Function = $PivotData.$_
                            else {
                                foreach ($Item in $PivotData) {
                                    $df = $pivotTable.DataFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Item])
                                    $df.Function = 'Count'

                            if ($PivotDataToColumn) {
                                $pivotTable.DataOnRows = $false

                        "IncludePivotChart" {
                            $ChartType = "Pie"
                            if ($item.Value.ChartType) {
                                $ChartType = $item.Value.ChartType

                            $chart = $wsPivot.Drawings.AddChart('PivotChart', $ChartType, $pivotTable)
                            $chart.SetPosition(0, 0, 4, 0)  #Changed position to top row, next to a chart which doesn't pivot on columns
                            $chart.SetSize(600, 400)
                            if ($chart.DataLabel) {
                                $chart.DataLabel.ShowCategory = [boolean]$item.value.ShowCategory
                                $chart.DataLabel.ShowPercent = [boolean]$item.value.ShowPercent
                            if ([boolean]$item.value.NoLegend) {$chart.Legend.Remove()}
                            if ($item.value.ChartTitle) {$chart.Title.Text = $item.value.chartTitle}

                    if($item.Value.NoTotalsInPivot) {
                        $pivotTable.RowGrandTotals = $false

            if ($IncludePivotTable -or $IncludePivotChart) {
                #changed so -includePivotChart Implies -includePivotTable.
                $pivotTableName = $WorkSheetname + 'PivotTable'
                #Make sure the Pivot table sheet doesn't already exist
                try {     $pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Delete(    $pivotTableName) } catch {}
                $wsPivot = $pkg | Add-WorkSheet -WorkSheetname $pivotTableName -NoClobber:$NoClobber

                $wsPivot.View.TabSelected = $true

                $pivotTableDataName = $WorkSheetname + 'PivotTableData'

                $pivotTable = $wsPivot.PivotTables.Add($wsPivot.Cells['A1'], $ws.Cells[$dataRange], $pivotTableDataName)

                if ($PivotRows) {
                    foreach ($Row in $PivotRows) {
                        $null = $pivotTable.RowFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Row])

                if ($PivotColumns) {
                    foreach ($Column in $PivotColumns) {
                        $null = $pivotTable.ColumnFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Column])

                if ($PivotData) {
                    if ($PivotData -is [HashTable] -or $PivotData -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
                        $PivotData.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                            $df = $pivotTable.DataFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$_])
                            $df.Function = $PivotData.$_
                    else {
                        foreach ($Item in $PivotData) {
                            $df = $pivotTable.DataFields.Add($pivotTable.Fields[$Item])
                            $df.Function = 'Count'
                    if ($PivotDataToColumn) {
                        $pivotTable.DataOnRows = $false

                if($NoTotalsInPivot) {
                    $pivotTable.RowGrandTotals = $false

                if ($IncludePivotChart) {
                    $chart = $wsPivot.Drawings.AddChart('PivotChart', $ChartType, $pivotTable)
                    if ($chart.DataLabel) {
                        $chart.DataLabel.ShowCategory = $ShowCategory
                        $chart.DataLabel.ShowPercent = $ShowPercent
                    $chart.SetPosition(0, 26, 2, 26)  # if Pivot table is rows+data only it will be 2 columns wide if has pivot columns we don't know how wide it will be
                    if ($NoLegend) {


            if ($Password) {

            if ($AutoFilter) {
                $ws.Cells[$dataRange].AutoFilter = $true

            if ($FreezeTopRow) {
                $ws.View.FreezePanes(2, 1)

            if ($FreezeTopRowFirstColumn) {
                $ws.View.FreezePanes(2, 2)

            if ($FreezeFirstColumn) {
                $ws.View.FreezePanes(1, 2)

            if ($FreezePane) {
                $freezeRow, $freezeColumn = $FreezePane
                if (-not $freezeColumn -or $freezeColumn -eq 0) {
                    $freezeColumn = 1

                if ($freezeRow -gt 1) {
                    $ws.View.FreezePanes($freezeRow, $freezeColumn)
            if ($BoldTopRow) {
                if ($Title) {
                    $range = $ws.Dimension.Address -replace '\d+', '2'
                else {
                    $range = $ws.Dimension.Address -replace '\d+', '1'

                $ws.Cells[$range].Style.Font.Bold = $true
            if ($AutoSize) {

            foreach ($Sheet in $HideSheet) {
                $pkg.Workbook.WorkSheets[$Sheet].Hidden = 'Hidden'

            $chartCount = 0
            foreach ($chartDef in $ExcelChartDefinition) {
                $ChartName = 'Chart' + (Split-Path -Leaf ([System.IO.path]::GetTempFileName())) -replace 'tmp|\.', ''
                $chart = $ws.Drawings.AddChart($ChartName, $chartDef.ChartType)
                $chart.Title.Text = $chartDef.Title

                if ($chartDef.NoLegend) {

                if ($chart.Datalabel -ne $null) {
                    $chart.Datalabel.ShowCategory = $chartDef.ShowCategory
                    $chart.Datalabel.ShowPercent = $chartDef.ShowPercent

                $chart.SetPosition($chartDef.Row, $chartDef.RowOffsetPixels, $chartDef.Column, $chartDef.ColumnOffsetPixels)
                $chart.SetSize($chartDef.Width, $chartDef.Height)

                $chartDefCount = @($chartDef.YRange).Count
                if ($chartDefCount -eq 1) {
                    $Series = $chart.Series.Add($chartDef.YRange, $chartDef.XRange)

                    $SeriesHeader = $chartDef.SeriesHeader
                    if (-not $SeriesHeader) {
                        $SeriesHeader = 'Series 1'

                    $Series.Header = $SeriesHeader
                else {
                    for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $chartDefCount; $idx += 1) {
                        $Series = $chart.Series.Add($chartDef.YRange[$idx], $chartDef.XRange)

                        if ($chartDef.SeriesHeader.Count -gt 0) {
                            $SeriesHeader = $chartDef.SeriesHeader[$idx]

                        if (-not $SeriesHeader) {
                            $SeriesHeader = "Series $($idx)"

                        $Series.Header = $SeriesHeader
                        $SeriesHeader = $null

            if ($ConditionalText) {
                foreach ($targetConditionalText in $ConditionalText) {
                    $target = "Add$($targetConditionalText.ConditionalType)"

                    $Range = $targetConditionalText.Range
                    if (-not $Range) {
                        $Range = $ws.Dimension.Address

                    $rule = ($ws.Cells[$Range].ConditionalFormatting).PSObject.Methods[$target].Invoke()

                    if ($targetConditionalText.Text) {
                        if ($targetConditionalText.ConditionalType -match 'equal|notequal|lessthan|lessthanorequal|greaterthan|greaterthanorequal') {
                            $rule.Formula = $targetConditionalText.Text
                        else {
                            $rule.Text = $targetConditionalText.Text

                    $rule.Style.Font.Color.Color = $targetConditionalText.ConditionalTextColor
                    $rule.Style.Fill.PatternType = $targetConditionalText.PatternType
                    $rule.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.Color = $targetConditionalText.BackgroundColor

            if ($CellStyleSB) {
                $TotalRows = $ws.Dimension.Rows
                $LastColumn = (Get-ExcelColumnName $ws.Dimension.Columns).ColumnName
                & $CellStyleSB $ws $TotalRows $LastColumn

            if ($PassThru) {
            else {
                if ($ReturnRange) {


                if ($Show) {
                    Invoke-Item $Path
        Catch {
            throw "Failed exporting worksheet '$WorkSheetname' to '$Path': $_"

function New-PivotTableDefinition {
        [Alias("PivtoTableName")]#Previous typo - use alias to avoid breaking scripts
        [OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eChartType]$ChartType = 'Pie',

    $parameters = @{} + $PSBoundParameters

    @{$PivotTableName = $parameters}