
Add-Type -Path "$($PSScriptRoot)\EPPlus.dll"

. $PSScriptRoot\AddConditionalFormatting.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Charting.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\ColorCompletion.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\ConvertFromExcelData.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\ConvertFromExcelToSQLInsert.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\ConvertToExcelXlsx.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Copy-ExcelWorkSheet.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Export-Excel.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Export-ExcelSheet.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-ExcelColumnName.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-ExcelSheetInfo.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-ExcelWorkbookInfo.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-HtmlTable.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-Range.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Get-XYRange.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Import-Html.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\InferData.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Invoke-Sum.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\New-ConditionalFormattingIconSet.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\New-ConditionalText.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\New-ExcelChart.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\New-PSItem.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Open-ExcelPackage.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Pivot.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Send-SQLDataToExcel.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Set-CellStyle.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Set-Column.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Set-Row.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\SetFormat.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\TrackingUtils.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\Update-FirstObjectProperties.ps1

New-Alias -Name Use-ExcelData -Value "ConvertFrom-ExcelData"

if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) {
    . $PSScriptRoot\Plot.ps1

    Function New-Plot {


else {
    Write-Warning 'PowerShell 5 is required for plot.ps1'
    Write-Warning 'PowerShell Excel is ready, except for that functionality'

Function Import-Excel {
        Create custom objects from the rows in an Excel worksheet.
        The Import-Excel cmdlet creates custom objects from the rows in an Excel worksheet. Each row represents one object. All of this is possible without installing Microsoft Excel and by using the .NET library ‘EPPLus.dll’.
        By default, the property names of the objects are retrieved from the column headers. Because an object cannot have a blanc property name, only columns with column headers will be imported.
        If the default behavior is not desired and you want to import the complete worksheet ‘as is’, the parameter ‘-NoHeader’ can be used. In case you want to provide your own property names, you can use the parameter ‘-HeaderName’.
        Specifies the path to the Excel file.
    .PARAMETER WorksheetName
        Specifies the name of the worksheet in the Excel workbook to import. By default, if no name is provided, the first worksheet will be imported.
    .PARAMETER DataOnly
        Import only rows and columns that contain data, empty rows and empty columns are not imported.
    .PARAMETER HeaderName
        Specifies custom property names to use, instead of the values defined in the column headers of the TopRow.
        In case you provide less header names than there is data in the worksheet, then only the data with a corresponding header name will be imported and the data without header name will be disregarded.
        In case you provide more header names than there is data in the worksheet, then all data will be imported and all objects will have all the property names you defined in the header names. As such, the last properties will be blanc as there is no data for them.
    .PARAMETER NoHeader
        Automatically generate property names (P1, P2, P3, ..) instead of the ones defined in the column headers of the TopRow.
        This switch is best used when you want to import the complete worksheet ‘as is’ and are not concerned with the property names.
    .PARAMETER StartRow
        The row from where we start to import data, all rows above the StartRow are disregarded. By default this is the first row.
        When the parameters ‘-NoHeader’ and ‘-HeaderName’ are not provided, this row will contain the column headers that will be used as property names. When one of both parameters are provided, the property names are automatically created and this row will be treated as a regular row containing data.
    .PARAMETER Password
        Accepts a string that will be used to open a password protected Excel file.
        Import data from an Excel worksheet. One object is created for each row. The property names of the objects consist of the column names defined in the first row. In case a column doesn’t have a column header (usually in row 1 when ‘-StartRow’ is not used), then the unnamed columns will be skipped and the data in those columns will not be imported.
        | File: Movies.xlsx - Sheet: Actors |
        | A B C |
        |1 First Name Address |
        |2 Chuck Norris California |
        |3 Jean-Claude Vandamme Brussels |
        PS C:\> Import-Excel -Path 'C:\Movies.xlsx' -WorkSheetname Actors
        First Name: Chuck
        Address : California
        First Name: Jean-Claude
        Address : Brussels
        Notice that column 'B' is not imported because there's no value in cell 'B1' that can be used as property name for the objects.
        Import the complete Excel worksheet ‘as is’ by using the ‘-NoHeader’ switch. One object is created for each row. The property names of the objects will be automatically generated (P1, P2, P3, ..).
        | File: Movies.xlsx - Sheet: Actors |
        | A B C |
        |1 First Name Address |
        |2 Chuck Norris California |
        |3 Jean-Claude Vandamme Brussels |
        PS C:\> Import-Excel -Path 'C:\Movies.xlsx' -WorkSheetname Actors -NoHeader
        P1: First Name
        P3: Address
        P1: Chuck
        P2: Norris
        P3: California
        P1: Jean-Claude
        P2: Vandamme
        P3: Brussels
        Notice that the column header (row 1) is imported as an object too.
        Import data from an Excel worksheet. One object is created for each row. The property names of the objects consist of the names defined in the parameter ‘-HeaderName’. The properties are named starting from the most left column (A) to the right. In case no value is present in one of the columns, that property will have an empty value.
        | File: Movies.xlsx - Sheet: Movies |
        | A B C D |
        |1 The Bodyguard 1992 9 |
        |2 The Matrix 1999 8 |
        |3 |
        |4 Skyfall 2012 9 |
        PS C:\> Import-Excel -Path 'C:\Movies.xlsx' -WorkSheetname Movies -HeaderName 'Movie name', 'Year', 'Rating', 'Genre'
        Movie name: The Bodyguard
        Year : 1992
        Rating : 9
        Genre :
        Movie name: The Matrix
        Year : 1999
        Rating : 8
        Genre :
        Movie name:
        Year :
        Rating :
        Genre :
        Movie name: Skyfall
        Year : 2012
        Rating : 9
        Genre :
        Notice that empty rows are imported and that data for the property 'Genre' is not present in the worksheet. As such, the 'Genre' property will be blanc for all objects.
        Import data from an Excel worksheet. One object is created for each row. The property names of the objects are automatically generated by using the switch ‘-NoHeader’ (P1, P@, P#, ..). The switch ‘-DataOnly’ will speed up the import because empty rows and empty columns are not imported.
        | File: Movies.xlsx - Sheet: Movies |
        | A B C D |
        |1 The Bodyguard 1992 9 |
        |2 The Matrix 1999 8 |
        |3 |
        |4 Skyfall 2012 9 |
        PS C:\> Import-Excel -Path 'C:\Movies.xlsx' -WorkSheetname Movies –NoHeader -DataOnly
        P1: The Bodyguard
        P2: 1992
        P3: 9
        P1: The Matrix
        P2: 1999
        P3: 8
        P1: Skyfall
        P2: 2012
        P3: 9
        Notice that empty rows and empty columns are not imported.
        Import data from an Excel worksheet. One object is created for each row. The property names are provided with the ‘-HeaderName’ parameter. The import will start from row 2 and empty columns and rows are not imported.
        | File: Movies.xlsx - Sheet: Actors |
        | A B C D |
        |1 Chuck Norris California |
        |2 |
        |3 Jean-Claude Vandamme Brussels |
        PS C:\> Import-Excel -Path 'C:\Movies.xlsx' -WorkSheetname Actors -DataOnly -HeaderName 'FirstName', 'SecondName', 'City' –StartRow 2
        FirstName : Jean-Claude
        SecondName: Vandamme
        City : Brussels
        Notice that only 1 object is imported with only 3 properties. Column B and row 2 are empty and have been disregarded by using the switch '-DataOnly'. The property names have been named with the values provided with the parameter '-HeaderName'. Row number 1 with ‘Chuck Norris’ has not been imported, because we started the import from row 2 with the parameter ‘-StartRow 2’.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, Position=0, Mandatory)]
        [ValidateScript({(Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) -and ($_ -match '.xls$|.xlsx$')})]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='B', Mandatory)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='C', Mandatory)]
        [ValidateRange(1, 9999)]

    Begin {
        Function Add-Property {
                Add the property name and value to the hashtable that will create a new object for each row.

            Param (

            Try {
                $NewRow.$Name = $Value
                Write-Verbose "Import cell '$($Worksheet.Cells[$R, $P.Column].Address)' with property name '$Name' and value '$Value'"
            Catch {
                throw "Failed adding the property name '$Name' with value '$Value': $_"

        Function Get-PropertyNames {
                Create objects containing the column number and the column name for each of the different header types.

            Param (

            Try {
                if ($NoHeader) {
                    $i = 0
                    foreach ($C in $Columns) {
                        $C | Select-Object @{N='Column'; E={$_}}, @{N='Value'; E={'P' + $i}}
                elseif ($HeaderName) {
                    $i = 0
                    foreach ($H in $HeaderName) {
                        $H | Select-Object @{N='Column'; E={$Columns[$i]}}, @{N='Value'; E={$H}}
                else {
                    if ($StartRow -eq 0) {
                        throw 'The top row can never be equal to 0 when we need to retrieve headers from the worksheet.'

                    foreach ($C in $Columns) {
                        $Worksheet.Cells[$StartRow,$C] | where {$_.Value} | Select-Object @{N='Column'; E={$C}}, Value
            Catch {
                throw "Failed creating property names: $_"

    Process {
        Try {
            #region Open file
            $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).ProviderPath
            Write-Verbose "Import Excel workbook '$Path' with worksheet '$Worksheetname'"

            $Stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $Path, 'Open', 'Read', 'ReadWrite'

            if ($Password) {
                $Excel = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage

                Try {
                Catch {
                    throw "Password '$Password' is not correct."
            else {
                $Excel = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $Stream

            #region Select worksheet
            if ($WorksheetName) {
                if (-not ($Worksheet = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetName])) {
                    throw "Worksheet '$WorksheetName' not found, the workbook only contains the worksheets '$($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets)'. If you only wish to select the first worksheet, please remove the '-WorksheetName' parameter."
            else {
                $Worksheet = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Select-Object -First 1

            #region Set the top row
            if (((-not ($NoHeader -or $HeaderName)) -and ($StartRow -eq 0))) {
                $StartRow = 1

            if (-not ($AllCells = $Worksheet.Cells | where {($_.Start.Row -ge $StartRow)})) {
                Write-Warning "Worksheet '$WorksheetName' in workbook '$Path' is empty after StartRow '$StartRow'"
            else {
                #region Get rows and columns
                if ($DataOnly) {
                    $CellsWithValues = $AllCells | where {$_.Value}

                    $Columns = $CellsWithValues.Start.Column | Sort-Object -Unique
                    $Rows = $CellsWithValues.Start.Row | Sort-Object -Unique
                else {
                    $LastColumn = $AllCells.Start.Column | Sort-Object -Unique | Select-Object -Last 1
                    $Columns = 1..$LastColumn

                    $LastRow = $AllCells.Start.Row | Sort-Object -Unique | Select-Object -Last 1
                    $Rows = $StartRow..$LastRow | where {($_ -ge $StartRow) -and ($_ -gt 0)}

                #region Create property names
                if ((-not $Columns) -or (-not ($PropertyNames = Get-PropertyNames -Columns $Columns -StartRow $StartRow))) {
                    throw "No column headers found on top row '$StartRow'. If column headers in the worksheet are not a requirement then please use the '-NoHeader' or '-HeaderName' parameter."

                if ($Duplicates = $PropertyNames | Group-Object Value | where Count -GE 2) {
                    throw "Duplicate column headers found on row '$StartRow' in columns '$($Duplicates.Group.Column)'. Column headers must be unique, if this is not a requirement please use the '-NoHeader' or '-HeaderName' parameter."

                #region Filter out rows with data in columns that don't have a column header
                if ($DataOnly -and (-not $NoHeader)) {
                    $Rows = $CellsWithValues.Start | where {$PropertyNames.Column -contains $_.Column} |
                        Sort-Object Row -Unique | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Row

                #region Filter out the top row when it contains column headers
                if (-not ($NoHeader -or $HeaderName)) {
                    $Rows = $Rows | where {$_ -gt $StartRow}

                if (-not $Rows) {
                    Write-Warning "Worksheet '$WorksheetName' in workbook '$Path' contains no data in the rows after top row '$StartRow'"
                else {
                    #region Create one object per row
                    foreach ($R in $Rows) {
                        Write-Verbose "Import row '$R'"
                        $NewRow = [Ordered]@{}

                        foreach ($P in $PropertyNames) {
                            Add-Property -Name $P.Value -Value $Worksheet.Cells[$R, $P.Column].Value

        Catch {
            throw "Failed importing the Excel workbook '$Path' with worksheet '$Worksheetname': $_"
        Finally {
            $Excel = $null

function Add-WorkSheet {
        #TODO Use parametersets to allow a workbook to be passed instead of a package
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $ExcelPackage,
        [string] $WorkSheetname,
        [switch] $ClearSheet,
        [Switch] $NoClobber

    $ws = $ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorkSheetname]
    if($ClearSheet -and $ws) {$ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Delete($WorkSheetname) ; $ws = $null }
    if(!$ws) {
        Write-Verbose "Add worksheet '$WorkSheetname'"

    return $ws

function ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet {
        Reads an Excel file an converts the data to a delimited text file
        ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data
        Reads each sheet in TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt
        ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data sheet?0
        Reads and outputs sheets like Sheet10 and Sheet20 form TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $OutputPath = '.\',
        [ValidateSet('ASCII', 'BigEndianUniCode','Default','OEM','UniCode','UTF32','UTF7','UTF8')]
        $Encoding = 'UTF8',
        [ValidateSet('.txt', '.log','.csv')]
        $Extension = '.csv',
        [ValidateSet(';', ',')]
        $Delimiter = ';'

    $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path
    $stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $Path,"Open","Read","ReadWrite"
    $xl = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $stream
    $workbook = $xl.Workbook

    $targetSheets = $workbook.Worksheets | Where {$_.Name -like $SheetName}

    $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
    $params.NoTypeInformation = $true

    Foreach ($sheet in $targetSheets)
        Write-Verbose "Exporting sheet: $($sheet.Name)"

        $params.Path = "$OutputPath\$($Sheet.Name)$Extension"

        Import-Excel $Path -Sheet $($sheet.Name) | Export-Csv @params


function Export-MultipleExcelSheets {

    $parameters = @{}+$PSBoundParameters

    $parameters.Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)

    foreach ($entry in $InfoMap.GetEnumerator()) {
        Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting" -Status "$($entry.Key)"

        & $entry.Value | Export-Excel @parameters

    if($Show) {Invoke-Item $Path}