
Function  Set-ExcelRow {
        Fills values into a [new] row in an Excel spreadsheet. And sets row formats.
        Set-ExcelRow accepts either a Worksheet object or an Excel Package object returned by Export-Excel and the name of a sheet,
        and inserts the chosen contents into a row of the sheet.
        The contents can be a constant e.g. "42", a formula or a script block which is converted into a constant or a formula.
        The first cell of the row can optionally be given a heading.
         Set-ExcelRow -Worksheet $ws -Heading Total -Value {"=sum($columnName`2:$columnName$endrow)" }
        $Ws contains a worksheet object, and no Row number is specified so Set-ExcelRow will select the next row after the end
        of the data in the sheet. The first cell in the row will contain "Total", and each other cell will contain
            =Sum(xx2:xx99) - where xx is the column name, and 99 is the last row of data.
            Note the use of `2 to Prevent 2 becoming part of the variable "ColumnName"
        The script block can use $Worksheet, $Row, $Column (number), $ColumnName (letter), $StartRow/Column and $EndRow/Column
        Set-ExcelRow -Worksheet $ws -Heading Total -HeadingBold -Value {"=sum($columnName`2:$columnName$endrow)" } -NumberFormat 'Currency' -StartColumn 2 -Bold -BorderTop Double -BorderBottom Thin
        This builds on the previous example, but this time the label "Total" appears in column 2 and the formula fills from column 3 onwards;
        the formula and heading are set in bold face, and the formula is formatted for the local currency,
        and given a double line border above and single line border below.

    Param (
        #An Excel package object - e.g. from Export-Excel -passthru - requires a sheet name.
        #The name of the sheet to update in the package.
        $Worksheetname = "Sheet1",
        #A worksheet object instead of passing a name and package.
        [OfficeOpenXml.Excelworksheet] $Worksheet,
        #Row to fill right - first row is 1. 0 will be interpreted as first unused row.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $Row = 0 ,
        #Position in the row to start from.
        #Value, formula or script block to fill in. Script block can use $worksheet, $row, $Column [number], $ColumnName [letter(s)], $startRow, $startColumn, $endRow, $endColumn
        #Optional Row heading.
        $Heading ,
        #Set the heading in bold type.
        #Change the size of the heading type.
        [Int]$HeadingSize ,
        #Number format to apply to cells e.g. "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", "£#,##0.00;[Red]-£#,##0.00", "0.00%" , "##/##" , "0.0E+0" etc.
        #Style of border to draw around the row.
        #Color of the border
        #Style for the bottom border.
        #Style for the top border.
        #Style for the left border.
        #Style for the right border.
        #Colour for the text - if none specified it will be left as it it is.
        #Make text bold; use -Bold:$false to remove bold.
        #Make text italic; use -Italic:$false to remove italic.
        #Underline the text using the underline style in -UnderlineType; use -Underline:$false to remove underlining.
        #Should Underline use single or double, normal or accounting mode : default is single normal.
        [OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelUnderLineType]$UnderLineType = [OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelUnderLineType]::Single,
        #Strike through text; use -Strikethru:$false to remove Strike through.
        #Subscript or Superscript (or none).
        #Font to use - Excel defaults to Calibri.
        #Point size for the text.
        #Change background color.
        #Background pattern - solid by default.
        [OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle]$BackgroundPattern = [OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle]::Solid ,
        #Secondary color for background pattern.
        #Turn on text wrapping; use -WrapText:$false to turn off word wrapping.
        #Position cell contents to Left, Right, Center etc. default is 'General'.
        #Position cell contents to Top Bottom or Center.
        #Degrees to rotate text. Up to +90 for anti-clockwise ("upwards"), or to -90 for clockwise.
        [ValidateRange(-90, 90)]
        [int]$TextRotation ,
        #Set cells to a fixed hieght.
        #Hide the Row.
        #If Sepecified returns the range of cells which were affected.
        #If Specified, return a row object to allow further work to be done.
    begin {
        #if we were passed a package object and a worksheet name , get the worksheet.
        if ($ExcelPackage)     {$Worksheet   = $ExcelPackage.Workbook.worksheets[$Worksheetname] }

        #In a script block to build a formula, we may want any of corners or the columnname,
        #if row and start column aren't specified assume first unused row, and first column
        if (-not $StartColumn) {$StartColumn = $Worksheet.Dimension.Start.Column    }
        $startRow                            = $Worksheet.Dimension.Start.Row   + 1
        $endColumn                           = $Worksheet.Dimension.End.Column
        $endRow                              = $Worksheet.Dimension.End.Row
    process {
        if      ($Row  -eq 0 ) {$Row         = $endRow + 1 }
        Write-Verbose -Message "Updating Row $Row"
        #Add a row label
        if      ($Heading)     {
            $Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $StartColumn].Value = $Heading
            if ($HeadingBold) {$Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $StartColumn].Style.Font.Bold = $true}
            if ($HeadingSize) {$Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $StartColumn].Style.Font.Size = $HeadingSize}
            $StartColumn ++
        #Fill in the data
        if      ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Value')) {foreach ($column in ($StartColumn..$endColumn)) {
            #We might want the column name in a script block
            $columnName = [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelCellAddress]::new(1,$column).Address -replace "1",""
            if  ($Value -is [scriptblock] ) {
                #re-create the script block otherwise variables from this function are out of scope.
                $cellData = & ([scriptblock]::create( $Value ))
                Write-Verbose -Message $cellData
            else{$cellData = $Value}
            if  ($cellData -match "^=")      { $Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $column].Formula                    = ($cellData -replace '^=','') } #EPPlus likes formulas with no = sign; Excel doesn't care
            elseif ( [System.Uri]::IsWellFormedUriString($cellData , [System.UriKind]::Absolute)) {
                # Save a hyperlink : internal links can be in the form xl://sheet!E419 (use A1 as goto sheet), or xl://RangeName
                if ($cellData -match "^xl://internal/") {
                    $referenceAddress = $cellData -replace "^xl://internal/" , ""
                    $display          = $referenceAddress -replace "!A1$"    , ""
                    $h = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelHyperLink -ArgumentList $referenceAddress , $display
                    $Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $Column].HyperLink = $h
                else {$Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $Column].HyperLink = $cellData }
                $Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $Column].Style.Font.Color.SetColor([System.Drawing.Color]::Blue)
                $Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $Column].Style.Font.UnderLine = $true
            else                             { $Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $column].Value                      = $cellData                    }
            if  ($cellData -is [datetime])   { $Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $column].Style.Numberformat.Format  = 'm/d/yy h:mm'                } #This is not a custom format, but a preset recognized as date and localized.
            if  ($cellData -is [timespan])   { $Worksheet.Cells[$Row, $Column].Style.Numberformat.Format  = '[h]:mm:ss'                  }
        #region Apply formatting
        $params = @{}
        foreach ($p in @('Underline','Bold','Italic','StrikeThru','FontSize', 'FontShift','NumberFormat','TextRotation',
                        'WrapText', 'HorizontalAlignment','VerticalAlignment', 'Height', 'FontColor'
                        'BorderAround', 'BorderBottom', 'BorderTop', 'BorderLeft', 'BorderRight', 'BorderColor',
                        'BackgroundColor', 'BackgroundPattern', 'PatternColor')) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($p)) {$params[$p] = $PSBoundParameters[$p]}
        if ($params.Count) {
            $theRange = [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelAddress]::New($Row, $StartColumn, $Row, $endColumn)
            Set-ExcelRange -WorkSheet $Worksheet -Range $theRange @params
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Hide')) {$workSheet.Row($Row).Hidden = [bool]$Hide}
        #return the new data if -passthru was specified.
        if     ($passThru)     {$Worksheet.Row($Row)}
        elseif ($ReturnRange)  {$theRange}