
Function Remove-WorkSheet {
        Removes one or more worksheets from one or more workbooks
        C:\> Remove-WorkSheet -Path Test1.xlsx -WorksheetName Sheet1
        Removes the worksheet named 'Sheet1' from 'Test1.xlsx'
        C:\> Remove-WorkSheet -Path Test1.xlsx -WorksheetName Sheet1,Target1
        Removes the worksheet named 'Sheet1' and 'Target1' from 'Test1.xlsx'
        C:\> Remove-WorkSheet -Path Test1.xlsx -WorksheetName Sheet1,Target1 -Show
        Removes the worksheets and then launches the xlsx in Excel
        C:\> dir c:\reports\*.xlsx | Remove-WorkSheet
        Removes 'Sheet1' from all the xlsx files in the c:\reports directory

        # [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [String[]]$WorksheetName = "Sheet1",

    Process {
        if (!$FullName) {
            throw "Remove-WorkSheet requires the and Excel file"

        $pkg = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $FullName

        if ($pkg) {
            foreach ($wsn in $WorksheetName) {

            Close-ExcelPackage -ExcelPackage $pkg -Show:$Show