
function New-ConditionalText {
        Creates an object which describes a conditional formatting rule for single valued rules.
        Some Conditional formatting rules don't apply styles to a cell (IconSets and Databars).
        Some take two parameters (Between).
        Some take none (ThisWeek, ContainsErrors, AboveAverage etc).
        The others take a single parameter (Top, BottomPercent, GreaterThan, Contains etc).
        This command creates an object to describe the last two categories, which can then be passed to Export-Excel.
      .PARAMETER Range
        The range of cells that the conditional format applies to; if none is specified the range will be apply to all the data in the sheet.
      .PARAMETER ConditionalType
        One of the supported rules; by default "ContainsText" is selected.
      .PARAMETER Text
        The text (or other value) to use in the rule. Note that Equals, GreaterThan/LessThan rules require text to wrapped in double quotes.
      .PARAMETER ConditionalTextColor
        The font color for the cell - by default: "DarkRed".
      .PARAMETER BackgroundColor
        The fill color for the cell - by default: "LightPink".
      .PARAMETER PatternType
        The background pattern for the cell - by default: "Solid"
        $ct = New-ConditionalText -Text 'Ferrari'
        Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excel -ConditionalTest $ct -show
        The first line creates a definition object which will highlight the word
        "Ferrari" in any cell. and the second uses Export-Excel with an open package
        to apply the format and save and open the file.
        $ct = New-ConditionalText -Text "Ferrari"
        $ct2 = New-ConditionalText -Range $worksheet.Names["FinishPosition"].Address -ConditionalType LessThanOrEqual -Text 3 -ConditionalTextColor Red -BackgroundColor White
        Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excel -ConditionalText $ct,$ct2 -show
        This builds on the previous example, and specifies a condition of <=3 with
        a format of red text on a white background; this applies to a named range
        "Finish Position". The range could be written -Range "C:C" to specify a
        named column, or -Range "C2:C102" to specify certain cells in the column.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '',Justification='Does not change system State')]
            "LessThan",        "LessThanOrEqual",      "GreaterThan",    "GreaterThanOrEqual",
            "Equal",           "NotEqual",
            "Top",             "TopPercent",           "Bottom",         "BottomPercent",
            "ContainsText",    "NotContainsText",      "BeginsWith",     "EndsWith",
            "ContainsBlanks",  "NotContainsBlanks",    "ContainsErrors", "NotContainsErrors",
            "DuplicateValues", "UniqueValues",
            "Tomorrow",        "Today",                "Yesterday",      "Last7Days",
            "NextWeek",        "ThisWeek",             "LastWeek",
            "NextMonth",       "ThisMonth",            "LastMonth",
            "AboveAverage",    "AboveOrEqualAverage",  "BelowAverage",  "BelowOrEqualAverage"

    $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Text                 = $Text
        ConditionalTextColor = $ConditionalTextColor
        ConditionalType      = $ConditionalType
        PatternType          = $PatternType
        Range                = $Range
        BackgroundColor      = $BackgroundColor
