
Describe "Copy-Worksheet" {
    $path1 = "TestDrive:\Test1.xlsx"
    $path2 = "TestDrive:\Test2.xlsx"
    Remove-Item -Path $path1, $path2  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $ProcRange = Get-Process | Export-Excel $path1 -DisplayPropertySet -WorkSheetname Processes -ReturnRange

    if ((Get-Culture).NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol -eq "£") { $OtherCurrencySymbol = "$" }
    else { $OtherCurrencySymbol = "£" }
        Date             = Get-Date
        Formula1         = '=SUM(F2:G2)'
        String1          = 'My String'
        Float            = [math]::pi
        IPAddress        = ''
        StrLeadZero      = '07670'
        StrComma         = '0,26'
        StrEngThousand   = '1,234.56'
        StrEuroThousand  = '1.555,83'
        StrDot           = '1.2'
        StrNegInt        = '-31'
        StrTrailingNeg   = '31-'
        StrParens        = '(123)'
        strLocalCurrency = ('{0}123.45' -f (Get-Culture).NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol )
        strOtherCurrency = ('{0}123.45' -f $OtherCurrencySymbol )
        StrE164Phone     = '+32 (444) 444 4444'
        StrAltPhone1     = '+32 4 4444 444'
        StrAltPhone2     = '+3244444444'
        StrLeadSpace     = ' 123'
        StrTrailSpace    = '123 '
        Link1            = [uri]"https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel"
        Link2            = "https://github.com/dfinke/ImportExcel"     # Links are not copied correctly, hopefully this will be fixed at some future date
    } | Export-Excel  -NoNumberConversion IPAddress, StrLeadZero, StrAltPhone2 -WorkSheetname MixedTypes -Path $path2
    Context "Simplest copy" {
        BeforeAll {
            Copy-ExcelWorkSheet -SourceWorkbook $path1 -DestinationWorkbook $path2
            $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $path2
            $ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Processes"]
        it "Inserted a worksheet " {
            $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets.count                            | Should     be 2
            $ws                                                         | Should not benullorEmpty
            $ws.Dimension.Address                                       | should be $ProcRange
    Context "Mixed types using a package object" {
        BeforeAll {
            Copy-ExcelWorkSheet -SourceWorkbook $excel -DestinationWorkbook $excel -DestinationWorkSheet "CopyOfMixedTypes"
            Close-ExcelPackage -ExcelPackage $excel
            $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $path2
            $ws = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets[3]
        it "Copied a worksheet, giving the expected name, number of rows and number of columns " {
            $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets.count                            | Should     be 3
            $ws                                                         | Should not benullorEmpty
            $ws.Name                                                    | Should     be "CopyOfMixedTypes"
            $ws.Dimension.Columns                                       | Should     be  22
            $ws.Dimension.Rows                                          | Should     be  2
        it "Copied the expected data into the worksheet " {
            $ws.Cells[2, 1].Value.Gettype().name                        | Should     be  'DateTime'
            $ws.Cells[2, 2].Formula                                     | Should     be  'SUM(F2:G2)'
            $ws.Cells[2, 5].Value.GetType().name                        | Should     be  'String'
            $ws.Cells[2, 6].Value.GetType().name                        | Should     be  'String'
            $ws.Cells[2, 18].Value.GetType().name                       | Should     be  'String'
           ($ws.Cells[2, 11].Value -is [valuetype] )                    | Should     be  $true
           ($ws.Cells[2, 12].Value -is [valuetype] )                    | Should     be  $true
           ($ws.Cells[2, 13].Value -is [valuetype] )                    | Should     be  $true
            $ws.Cells[2, 11].Value                                      | Should     beLessThan 0
            $ws.Cells[2, 12].Value                                      | Should     beLessThan 0
            $ws.Cells[2, 13].Value                                      | Should     beLessThan 0
            if ((Get-Culture).NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator -EQ ",") {
               ($ws.Cells[2, 8].Value -is [valuetype] )                 | Should     be  $true
                $ws.Cells[2, 9].Value.GetType().name                    | Should     be  'String'
            elseif ((Get-Culture).NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator -EQ ".") {
               ($ws.Cells[2, 9].Value -is [valuetype] )                 | Should     be  $true
                $ws.Cells[2, 8].Value.GetType().name                    | Should     be  'String'
           ($ws.Cells[2, 14].Value -is [valuetype] )                    | Should     be  $true
            $ws.Cells[2, 15].Value.GetType().name                       | Should     be  'String'
            $ws.Cells[2, 16].Value.GetType().name                       | Should     be  'String'
            $ws.Cells[2, 17].Value.GetType().name                       | Should     be  'String'
           ($ws.Cells[2, 19].Value -is [valuetype] )                    | Should     be  $true
           ($ws.Cells[2, 20].Value -is [valuetype] )                    | Should     be  $true

    Context "Copy worksheet should close all files" {
        BeforeAll {
            $xlfile = "TestDrive:\reports.xlsx"
            $xlfileArchive = "TestDrive:\reportsArchive.xlsx"

            Remove-Item $xlfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Remove-Item $xlfileArchive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            $sheets = echo 1.1.2019 1.2.2019 1.3.2019 1.4.2019 1.5.2019

            $sheets | ForEach-Object {
                "Hello World" | Export-Excel $xlfile -WorksheetName $_

        it "Should copy and remove sheets " {
            $targetSheets = echo 1.1.2019 1.4.2019

            $targetSheets | ForEach-Object {
                Copy-ExcelWorkSheet -SourceWorkbook $xlfile -DestinationWorkbook $xlfileArchive -SourceWorkSheet $_ -DestinationWorkSheet $_

            $targetSheets | ForEach-Object { Remove-WorkSheet -FullName $xlfile -WorksheetName $_ }

            (Get-ExcelSheetInfo -Path $xlfile ).Count | Should Be 3

    Context "Copy worksheet should support piped input" {
        BeforeAll {
            $xlfile = "TestDrive:\reports.xlsx"
            $xlfileArchive = "TestDrive:\reportsArchive.xlsx"

            Remove-Item $xlfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Remove-Item $xlfileArchive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            $sheets = echo 1.1.2019 1.2.2019 1.3.2019 1.4.2019 1.5.2019

            $sheets | ForEach-Object {
                "Hello World" | Export-Excel $xlfile -WorksheetName $_
            $e = Open-ExcelPackage $xlfile
            $e.Workbook.Worksheets | Copy-ExcelWorkSheet -DestinationWorkbook $xlfileArchive
            Close-ExcelPackage -NoSave $e
        it "Should copy sheets piped into the command " {
            $excel = Open-ExcelPackage $xlfileArchive
            $excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Count                            | should      be 5
            $excel.Workbook.Worksheets['1.3.2019'].Cells['A1'].Value    | should      be 'Hello World'