
This sample script demostrates how to integrate the InStor.PowerShell module in your automation solution to provision volumes for Microsoft hosts. The following cmdlets are used in this sample script:
For other cmdlets which are not covered in this sample, please refer to User Guide or Examples for more information.

function Task([object] $information){
    Write-Host $information -ForegroundColor Green

function Info([Object] $info){
    Write-Host $info -ForegroundColor Yellow

function Error([Object] $error){
    Write-Host $error -ForegroundColor Red

function ASSERT_NOTNULL([Object] $obj){
    if($null -eq $obj){
        throw "NULL for the object($obj)"         
        Write-Verbose "ASSERT: Object is not null"
#Retrieve the FC WWPN or iSCSI initiator ports from Windows host server.
function Get-WinHostInitiator{
        [String] $HostName,        
        [PSCredential] $Credential,
        [String] $ConnectionType
    Write-Verbose ("$CmdletName.ENTER: HostName=$HostName, ConnectionType=$ConnectionType")

    $cmd=Get-Command -Name Get-InitiatorPort
    Write-Verbose("$CmdletName`: Get-InitiatorPort")
        return Get-InitiatorPort -CimSession $pcname|%{if($_.ConnectionType -eq "Fibre Channel"){$_.PortAddress.ToUpper()}else{$_.NodeAddress}}
        return Get-InitiatorPort -ConnectionType $ConnectionType -CimSession $pcname|%{if($_.ConnectionType -eq "Fibre Channel"){$_.PortAddress.ToUpper()}else{$_.NodeAddress}}
Task "[1] Import the PowerShell Client Module for InStor.PowerShell"
Info "You can get the module from PowerShell Gallery."
Info "To get the module from PowerShell Gallery, you can just issue ""Find-Module -Name InStor.PowerShell|Install-Module -Force"";"
Info "For this sample script, the module is just saved to local folder and is imported directly using Import-Module cmdlet."
Import-Module C:\InStor.PowerShell_V1.0.0.0.Build_20190104\InStor.PowerShell\\InStor.PowerShell.psd1
$module = Get-Module -Name InStor.PowerShell
if ($module) {
    Info "The Module InStor.PowerShell has been imported."
    Info "Detailed information about InStor.PowerShell Module:"
else {
    Error "The Module InStor.PowerShell has not been imported."

Info "Inspur mcs storage credential information."
$instorUsername = "superuser"
$instorPassword = "Passw0rd."

Info "Host that is connected to the Storage system."
$computerName="win-ps-test01"        # The Windows Host server with iSCSI enabled.

$domainAdmin="administrator"        # Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action on the windows host $computerName.

Task "[2] Connect to the MCS Storage , create a volume and map to the host."
$conn = New-InStorConnection -StorUrl $instorUrl -UserName $instorUsername -Password $instorPassword
Info "Successfully connect to the mcs storage"

Task "[2.1] Get the Storage Pool named 'Pool1600'."
$pool0 = Get-InStorPool -Conn $conn -PoolName "Pool160"
Info "Successfully get storage pool named Pool160."

Task "[2.2] Get the host initiators from Windows host"
$ssDomainPsw=ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $domainPassword
$credential=New-Object PSCredential $domainAdmin,$ssDomainPsw
$iSCSIPort=(Get-WinHostInitiator -HostName $computerName -ConnectionType iSCSI)
Info "iSCSI:$iSCSIPort"
Task "[2.3] Create a Host with iSCSI on the Storage "
$winHost = New-InStorHost -Conn $conn -Name $computerName -Iscsiname $iSCSIPort -WinHostName $computerName -PsCredential $credential -Portals @("") 
Info "Successfully create host."

Task "[2.4]Create Volume"
$psVolume = New-InStorVolume -Conn $conn -Mdiskgrp $ -Name "PsDemoVolume" -Size 4 -Unit "gb"
Info "Successfully create volume."

Task "[2.5]Maps volume to host"
$volHostmap = New-InStorVolHostMap -Conn $conn -Host $ -Vdisk $
Info "Successfully create hostmapping"

Task "[3]Mount the volume on Windows host"
Update-HostStorageCache -CimSession $computerName
$disk=Get-Disk -CimSession $computerName -UniqueId $psVolume.vdisk_UID

Info "Disk found on Windows host $computerName with following information:"
$disk|Format-Table "id", "name", "mdisk_grp_name","capacity","vdisk_UID","status" -AutoSize
Task "[3.1] Bring the Disk Online if the disk is Offline"
if($disk.OperationalStatus -eq "Offline"){
    Info "The disk is offline by default and will bring the disk Online"
    Set-Disk -CimSession $computerName -UniqueId $disk.UniqueId -IsOffline $False
    $disk=Get-Disk -CimSession $computerName -UniqueId $disk.UniqueId    
    if($disk.OperationalStatus -eq "Online"){
        Info "Succeed to bring the disk Online"
        $disk|Format-Table "id", "name", "mdisk_grp_name","capacity","vdisk_UID","status" -AutoSize
        Info "Fail to bring the disk online"
        return $false

Task "[3.2] Initialize the disk"
if($disk.PartitionStyle -eq "RAW"){
    Info "The partition style of the disk is detected to be RAW, and will initialize this disk to MBR partition style"
    Initialize-Disk -CimSession $computerName -UniqueId $disk.UniqueId -PartitionStyle MBR -Confirm:$False
    $disk=Get-Disk -CimSession $computerName -UniqueId $disk.UniqueId    
    if($disk.PartitionStyle -ne "RAW"){
        Info "Succeed to initialize the disk to $($disk.PartitionStyle)"
        $disk|Format-Table Number,ProvisioningType,OperationalStatus,AllocatedSize,UniqueId,PartitionStyle,IsOffline,IsReadOnly,PSComputerName -AutoSize
    Info "Ignored for the partition style of the disk is detected to be $($disk.PartitionStyle)"

Task "[3.3] Format the Disk and Mount with a DriveLetter"
$partition=New-Partition -DiskNumber $disk.Number -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize -CimSession $computerName
$partition|Format-Table PartitionNumber,Offset,Size,IsActive,DriveLetter,PSComputerName -AutoSize
Format-Volume -DriveLetter $partition.DriveLetter -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "Compressed" -Force -Confirm:$False -CimSession $computerName
Get-Volume -DriveLetter $partition.DriveLetter -CimSession $computerName|Format-Table DriveLetter,DriveType,FileSystem,HealthStatus,Size,SizeRemaining,FileSystemLabel,PSComputerName -AutoSize

#Task "[4] Remove the volume $($"
#Remove-InStorVolume -Conn $conn -Force -Vdisk $