
Function Write-InfluxUDP {
            Send metrics to the Influx UDP listener (UDP must be enabled in influxdb.conf).

            Use to send data in to an Influx database via UDP by providing a hashtable of tags and values.

        .PARAMETER Measure
            The name of the measure to be updated or created.

        .PARAMETER Tags
            A hashtable of tag names and values.

        .PARAMETER Metrics
            A hashtable of metric names and values.

            IP address for InfluxDB UDP listener.
        .PARAMETER Port
            Port for InfluxDB UDP listener.

            Write-InfluxUDP -Measure WebServer -Tags @{Server='Host01'} -Metrics @{CPU=100; Memory=50} -IP -Port 8089
            This command will submit the provided tag and metric data for a measure called 'WebServer' via the endpoint 'udp://'
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]


        $IP = '',
        $Port = 8089
    if ($TimeStamp) {
        $timeStampNanoSecs = $Timestamp | ConvertTo-UnixTimeNanosecond
    } else {
        $null = $timeStampNanoSecs
    if ($Tags) {
        $TagData = foreach($Tag in $Tags.Keys) {
            "$($Tag | Out-InfluxEscapeString)=$($Tags[$Tag] | Out-InfluxEscapeString)"
        $TagData = $TagData -Join ','
        $TagData = ",$TagData"

    $Body = foreach($Metric in $Metrics.Keys) {
        if ($Metrics[$Metric]) {
            $MetricValue = if ($Metrics[$Metric] -isnot [ValueType]) { 
                '"' + $Metrics[$Metric] + '"'
            } else {
                $Metrics[$Metric] | Out-InfluxEscapeString
            "$($Measure | Out-InfluxEscapeString)$TagData $($Metric | Out-InfluxEscapeString)=$MetricValue $timeStampNanoSecs"

    if ($Body) {
        $Body = $Body -Join "`n"
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($IP):$Port","$Body")) {
            $Body | Invoke-UDPSendMethod -IP $IP -Port $Port