
# General function for getting various objects (files, processes, memory injects, autostarts, etc.) from HUNT
function Get-ICObject {
  $Files = @(
  $filter =  @{
    order = "scannedOn desc" # "hostCompletedOn desc"
    limit = $resultlimit
    skip = 0
    where = @{ and = @() }
  switch ( $Type ) {
    "Process" {   $Endpoint = 'boxprocessinstances' }
    "Module" { $Endpoint = 'boxmoduleinstances' }
    "Driver" { $Endpoint = 'boxdriverinstances' }
    "MemScan" {  $Endpoint = 'Boxmemscaninstances' }
    "Artifact" {   $Endpoint = 'boxartifactinstances' }
    "Autostart" {  $Endpoint = 'boxautostartinstances' }
    "Script" {     $Endpoint = 'BoxScriptInstances' }
    "Connection" { $Endpoint = 'BoxConnectionInstances'
                    if (-NOT $where) {
                        $filter.where['and'] += @{ state = "ESTABLISHED"}
    "Host" {   $Endpoint = 'boxhosts'
                $filter['order'] = 'completedOn desc'
    "Account" {    $Endpoint = 'BoxAccountInstancesByHost'
    "Application" {    $Endpoint = 'BoxApplicationInstances'
    "File" {
            If (-NOT $Where) {
                Write-Warning "Not Accepted: You should provide a filter for this query to reduce strain on the database."
            $Files | % { Get-ICObject -Type $_ -BoxId $BoxId -where $where -NoLimit:$NoLimit }
    Default { }
  if ($Endpoint) {

    if ($BoxId) {
      $filter['where']['and'] += @{ boxId = $BoxId }
    } else {
      $BoxId = (Get-ICBox -Last7 -Global).id
      $filter['where']['and'] += @{ boxId = $BoxId }
    if ($where.count -gt 0) {
      $where.GetEnumerator() | % {
        $filter['where']['and'] += @{ $($_.key) = $($_.value) }

    _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$NoLimit

function Get-ICApplication {

  $Endpoint = "BoxApplicationInstances"
  $filter =  @{
    limit = $resultlimit
    skip = 0
    where = @{ and = @() }

  if ($BoxId) {
    $filter['where']['and'] += @{ boxId = $BoxId }
  } else {
    $BoxId = (Get-ICBox -Last90 -Global).id
    $filter['where']['and'] += @{ boxId = $BoxId }
  if ($where.count -gt 0) {
    $where.GetEnumerator() | % {
      $filter['where']['and'] += @{ $($_.key) = $($_.value) }

  # KB filter now redundant since Bothan update
  # $filter['where']['and'] += @{ name = @{ nilike = "%KB/d%" }}
  # $filter['where']['and'] += @{ name = @{ nilike = "Update for%" }}

  $apps = _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$NoLimit
  $apps | Sort-Object hostname, applicationId -unique | Sort-Object scannedOn -Descending

function Get-ICVulnerability {

  if (-NOT $BoxId) {
    $BoxId = (Get-ICBox -Last90 -Global).id
  $apps = Get-ICApplications -BoxId $BoxId -where $where -NoLimit:$NoLimit

  $Endpoint = "ApplicationAdvisories"
  $filter =  @{
    limit = $resultlimit
    skip = 0
  $appvulns = _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$NoLimit | sort-object applicationId, cveId -unique

  if ($apps -AND $appvulns) {
    $appids = $apps.applicationid | sort-object -unique
    $appvulns = $appvulns | where { $appids -contains $_.applicationId }
    $apps = $apps | where { $appvulns.applicationId -contains $_.applicationId }

    Write-Verbose "Found $($appids.count) applications and $($appvulns.count) associated advisories. Enriching details for export..."
    $appvulns | % {
      $vuln = $_
      Write-Verbose "Vulnerable App: $($vuln.ApplicationName) cveId: $($vuln.cveId) App id: $($vuln.applicationId)"

      if ($vuln.cveId) {
        $Endpoint = "Cves/$($vuln.cveId)"
        $filter =  @{
          limit = $resultlimit
          skip = 0
              $cve = _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$true
        if ($cve) {
          $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "rules" -value $cve.rules
                    $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "cwes" -value $cve.cwes
                    $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "reference" -value $cve.reference.url
          if ([bool]($ -match "baseMetricV3")) {
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "cvsstype" -value 3.0
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "severity" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV3.severity
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "impactScore" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV3.impactScore
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "exploitabilityScore" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV3.exploitabilityScore
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "attackVector" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV3.cvssv3.attackVector
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "attackComplexity" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV3.cvssv3.attackComplexity
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "authentication" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV3.cvssv3.authentication
          } else {
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "cvsstype" -value 2.0
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "severity" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV2.severity
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "impactScore" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV2.impactScore
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "exploitabilityScore" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV2.exploitabilityScore
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "attackVector" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV2.cvssv2.accessVector
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "attackComplexity" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV2.cvssv2.accessComplexity
            $vuln | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "authentication" -value $cve.impact.baseMetricV2.cvssv2.authentication
    $applicationvulnerabilities = Join-Object -Left $apps -Right $appvulns -LeftJoinProperty 'applicationid' -RightJoinProperty 'applicationid' -Type OnlyIfInBoth
    #-RightProperties cveId, description, baseScoreV2, baseScoreV3, published, modified

    Write-Host "DONE: Exporting $($applicationvulnerabilities.count) Vulnerabilities"
    Write-Output $applicationvulnerabilities

# Get Full FileReport on an object by sha1
function Get-ICFileDetail {

    Write-Verbose "Requesting FileReport on file with SHA1: $sha1"
    $Endpoint = "FileReps/$sha1"
  _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter
    #$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name 'avpositives' -Value $_.avResults.positives
    #$object | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name 'avtotal' -Value $

# Get Account objects
function Get-ICAlert {

  $Endpoint = "AlertDetails"

  $filter =  @{
    limit = $resultlimit
    skip = 0
    where = @{
      and = @()
  if (-NOT $IncludeArchived) {
    $filter.where['and'] += @{ archived = $FALSE }
  if ($where.count -gt 0) {
    $where.GetEnumerator() | % {
      $filter['where']['and'] += @{ $($_.key) = $($_.value) }

  _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$NoLimit

function Get-ICReport {

  $filter =  @{
    order = @("createdOn DESC","id")
    limit = $resultlimit
    skip = 0

  if ($ReportId) {
    $Endpoint = "Reports/$ReportId"
  } else {
    $Endpoint = "Reports"
    $filter['fields'] = @("id","name","createdOn","type","hostCount")

  _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$NoLimit

function Get-ICActivityTrace {

  if (-NOT $StartTime) { $StartTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) }
  if (-NOT $EndTime) { $EndTime = Get-Date }

  $Endpoint = "activity"
  $filter =  @{
    limit = $resultlimit
    skip = 0
    order = @("eventTime desc")
    where = @{
      and = @(
        @{ eventTime = @{
          between = @(
            (Get-Date $StartTime -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
            (Get-Date $EndTime -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

  if ($SHA1) {
    $filter['where']['and'] += @{ fileRepId = $SHA1 }
  elseif ($AccountId) {
    $filter['where']['and'] += @{ accountId = $AccountId }
  elseif ($HostId) {
    $filter['where']['and'] += @{ hostId = $HostId }

  if ($where.count -gt 0) {
    $where.GetEnumerator() | % {
      $filter['where']['and'] += @{ $($_.key) = $($_.value) }

  if ($enriched) {

  } else {
    _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$NoLimit
