
# Scan APIs

function New-ICQuery {





  $Credential = Get-ICCredential -CredentialId $CredentialId
  $TargetGroup = Get-ICTargetGroup -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
    Write-Host "Creating new Query ($query) in TargetGroup $ using credential $($ [$($Credential.username)]"
  $Endpoint = "queries"
  $data = @{
    value = $query
    targetId = $TargetGroupId
        name = $QueryName
  if ($credentialId) {
    $data['credentialId'] = $CredentialId
  if ($sshCredentialId) {
    $data['sshCredential'] = $sshCredentialId
  $body = @{
    data = $data
  _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -body $body -method POST

function Get-ICQuery ([String]$TargetGroupId) {
  $Endpoint = "queries"
  $filter =  @{
    limit = $resultlimit
    skip = 0
  if ($TargetGroupId) {
    $filter['where'] = @{ targetId = $TargetGroupId }
    Write-Verbose "Getting Queries for Target Group Id: $TargetGroupId"
  #Write-Verbose "Getting all Queries from TargetGroup $TargetGroup"
  _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$true

function Remove-ICQuery {
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

  $Endpoint = "queries/$QueryId"
  Write-Warning "Removing query [$HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint]."
  _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -method 'DELETE'

function Invoke-ICFindHosts {

    $TargetGroup = Get-ICTargetGroup -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
    $Queries = Get-ICQuery -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
    if (-NOT $Queries) {
        Throw "Target Group not found or does not have any Queries associated with it"
    $Endpoint = "targets/$TargetGroupId/Enumerate"
    $body = @{
        queries = @()
    if ($QueryId) {
        Write-Verbose "Starting Enumeration of $($ with Query $QueryId"
        $body['queries'] += $QueryId
        _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -body $body -method POST
    } else {
        $Queries | foreach {
            Write-Verbose "Starting Enumeration of $($ with Query $($"
            $body['queries'] += $Queries.Id
        _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -body $body -method POST

function Invoke-ICScan {


    $TargetGroup = Get-ICTargetGroup -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
    if (-NOT $TargetGroup) {
        Throw "TargetGroup with id $TargetGroupId does not exist!"
    if ($PerformDiscovery) {
        Write-Host "Performing discovery on $($"
        $stillactive = $true
        $UserTask = Invoke-ICFindHosts -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
        While ($stillactive) {
            Start-Sleep 10
            $taskstatus = Get-ICUserTask -UserTaskId $UserTask.userTaskId
            if ($taskstatus.status -eq "Active") {
                    Write-Host "Waiting on Discovery. Progress: $($taskstatus.progress)%"
            } elseif ($taskstatus.status -eq "Completed") {
                    $stillactive = $false
            } else {
                Throw "Something went wrong in enumeration. Last Status: $($taskstatus.status)"

    $Endpoint = "targets/$TargetGroupId/scan"
    Write-Verbose "Starting Scan of TargetGroup $($"
  $body = @{ options = $ScanOptions }
    _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -body $body -method POST

function Invoke-ICScanTarget {

        [String]$TargetGroupName = "OnDemand",

        [String]$CredentialName = "DefaultCredential",



  $body = @{
    target = $target

    # Select Target targetgroup
    if ($TargetGroupId) {
        $TargetGroup = Get-ICTargetGroup -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
        if (-NOT $TargetGroup) {
                    Throw "TargetGroup with id $TargetGroupid does not exist!"
        } else {
      $body['targetGroup'] = @{id = $targetGroupId}
    } else {
    Write-Verbose "Using Target Group Name [$TargetGroupName] -- will be created if it does not exist."
    $body['targetGroup'] = @{name = $TargetGroupName}

    # Select Credential
    if ($CredentialId) {
        $Credential = Get-ICCredential -CredentialId $credentialId
        if (-NOT $Credential) {
            Throw "Credential with id $credentialId does not exist!"
        } else {
      $body['credential'] = @{ id = $credentialId }
    } else {
    # Use Credentialname
    $Credential =  Get-ICCredential | where { $ -eq $CredentialName }
        if (-NOT $CredentialName) {
            Throw "Credential with name [$CredentialName] does not exist! Please create it or specify a different credential (referenced by id or name)"
      $body['credential'] = @{ name = $CredentialName }

  # Select Credential
  if ($sshCredentialId) {
      $body['sshcredential'] = @{ id = $credentialId }
  } elseif ($sshCredentialName) {
      $body['sshcredential'] = @{ name = $sshCredentialName }

  if ($ScanOptions) {
        $body['options'] = $ScanOptions
    target: '', // required
    targetGroup: { // optional
      id: null,
      name: '',
      scanAllAccessibleHosts: false
    credential: { // required id or name
      id: null,
      name: 'service'
    sshCredential: { // optional
      id: null,
      name: null
    options: {}

    # Initiating Scan
    $Endpoint = "targets/scan"
    Write-Verbose "Starting Scan of target $($target)"
    _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -body $body -method POST

function New-ICScanOptions {
    Write-Host 'ScanOption object properties should be set ($True or $False) and then passed into Invoke-ICScan or Add-ICScanSchedule'
    $options = @{
      EnableProcess = $true
        EnableAccount = $true
        EnableMemory = $true
        EnableModule = $true
        EnableDriver = $true
        EnableArtifact = $true
        EnableAutostart = $true
        EnableApplication = $true
        EnableHook = $true
        EnableNetwork = $true
        EnableLogDelete = $true
      EnableSurveyDelete = $true
        LowerPriority = $false
    return $options

function Add-ICScanSchedule {


    $TargetGroup = Get-ICTargetGroup -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
    if (-NOT $TargetGroup) {
        Throw "No such target group with id $TargetGroupId"
    $Endpoint = "scheduledJobs"
    Write-Verbose "Creating new schedule for TargetGroup: $($ with Cron Express: $CronExpression"
  $body = @{
        name = 'scan-scheduled'
        relatedId = $TargetGroupId
        schedule = $CronExpression
        data = @{
            targetId = $TargetGroupId
    if ($ScanOptions) {
        if ($ScanOptions.EnableProcess -eq $True) {
                $['options'] = $ScanOptions
        } else {
            Throw "ScanScheduleOptions format is invalid -- use New-ICScanScheduleOptions to create an options object"
    _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -body $body -method POST

function Get-ICScanSchedule ($TargetGroupId) {
  $Endpoint = "ScheduledJobs"
  $filter =  @{
    order = @("relatedId")
    limit = $resultlimit
    skip = 0
    if ($TargetGroupId) {
        $TargetGroups = Get-ICTargetGroup -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
        $ScheduledJobs = _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$true | where { $_.relatedId -eq $TargetGroupId}
    } else {
        $TargetGroups = Get-ICTargetGroup
        $ScheduledJobs = _ICGetMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -filter $filter -NoLimit:$true

    $ScheduledJobs | % {
        if ($_.relatedId) {
             $tgid = $_.relatedId
             $tg = $TargetGroups | where { $ -eq $tgid }
             if ($tg) {
                 $_ | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "targetGroup" -value $
             } else {
                 $_ | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -name "targetGroup" -value $Null

function Remove-ICScanSchedule {
    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'scheduleId')]
                ParameterSetName  = 'scheduleId',
                Position = 0,

                ParameterSetName  = 'TargetGroupId'

    $Schedules = Get-ICScanchedule
    if ($ScheduleId) {
        $schedule = $Schedules | where { $ -eq $ScheduleId}
    elseif ($TargetGroupId) {
        $schedule = $Schedules | where { $_.relatedId -eq $TargetGroupId}
        $ScheduleId    = $
    } else {
        throw "Incorrect input!"
    $tgname = $schedule.targetGroup
    if (-NOT $tgname) { throw "TargetGroupId not found!"}
    $Endpoint = "scheduledJobs/$ScheduleId"
    Write-Host "Unscheduling collection for Target Group $tgname"
    _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/$Endpoint -body $body -method DELETE

function Import-ICSurvey {
  # example script to upload a survey file to HUNT (2.10+)
  # Script to upload manual .bz2 file to hunt server.
    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
                ParameterSetName  = 'Path',
                Position = 0,
        [string[]]$Path, # <paths of the survey results (.bz2) files to upload>

                ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath',
                Position = 0,



          $TargetGroupName = "OfflineScans"

      $survey = "HostSurvey.json.gz"
      $surveyext = "*.json.gz"

      function Upload-ICSurveys ([String]$FilePath, [String]$ScanId){
          Write-Verbose "Uploading Surveys"
            $headers = @{
            Authorization = $Global:ICToken
                scanid = $ScanId
          try {
              $objects = Invoke-RestMethod $HuntServerAddress/api/survey -Headers $headers -Method POST -InFile $FilePath -ContentType "application/octet-stream"
          } catch {
              Write-Warning "Error: $_"
              throw "ERROR: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    if ($ScanId) {
        # Check for existing ScanId and use it
        $scans = Get-ICScan -NoLimit
        if ($ -contains $ScanId) {
            $TargetGroupName = ($Scans | where { $_.scanId -eq $ScanId}).targetList
        } else {
            Throw "No scan exists with ScanId $ScanId. Specify an existing ScanId to add this survey result to or use other parameters to generate one."
    elseif ($TargetGroupId) {
        # Check TargetGroupId and create new ScanId for that group
        Write-Host "Checking for existance of target group with TargetGroupId: '$TargetGroupId' and generating new ScanId"
        $TargetGroups = Get-ICTargetGroup
        if ($ -contains $TargetGroupId) {
            $TargetGroupName = ($TargetGroups | where { $ -eq $TargetGroupId }).name
        } else {
            Throw "No Target Group exists with TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId. Specify an existing TargetGroupId to add this survey to or use other parameters to generate one."
    else {
        Write-Host "No ScanId or TargetGroupId specified. Checking for existance of target group: '$TargetGroupName'"
          $TargetGroups = Get-ICTargetGroup
          if ($ -contains $TargetGroupName) {
              Write-Host "$TargetGroupName Exists."
            $TargetGroupId = ($targetGroups | where { $ -eq $TargetGroupName}).id
          } else {
            Write-Host "$TargetGroupName does not exist. Creating new Target Group '$TargetGroupName'"
            $g = Get-ICControllerGroup
            if ($ -eq 1) {
                $ControllerGroupId = $
            } else {
                $ControllerGroupId = $g[0].id
            $TargetGroupId = (New-ICTargetGroup -Name $TargetGroupName -ControllerGroupId $ControllerGroupId).id

    # Creating ScanId
    if (-NOT $ScanId) {
        $ScanName = "Offline-" + (get-date).toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmm")
        Write-Host "Creating scan named $ScanName [$TargetGroupName-$ScanName]..."
        $StartTime = _Get-ICTimeStampUTC
        $body = @{
            name = $scanName;
            targetId = $TargetGroupId;
            startedOn = $StartTime
        $newscan = _ICRestMethod -url $HuntServerAddress/api/scans -body $body -Method 'POST'
        Start-Sleep 1
        $ScanId = $

    Write-Host "Importing Survey Results into $TargetGroupName-$ScanName [ScanId: $ScanId] [TargetGroupId: $TargetGroupId]"

        # Resolve path(s)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') {
            $resolvedPaths = Resolve-Path -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
        } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'LiteralPath') {
            $resolvedPaths = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $LiteralPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path

                # Process each item in resolved paths
                foreach ($file in $resolvedPaths) {
                     Write-Host "Uploading survey [$file]..."
                     if ((Test-Path $file -type Leaf) -AND ($file -like $surveyext)) {
                         Upload-ICSurveys -FilePath $file -ScanId $ScanId
                   } else {
                       Write-Warning "$file does not exist or is not a $surveyext file"

  END {
      # TODO: detect when scan is no longer processing submissions, then mark as completed
      #Write-Host "Closing scan..."
      #Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{ Authorization = $token } -Uri "$HuntServerAddress/api/scans/$scanId/complete" -Method Post
