
.GUID e00eab9b-d7d9-4cf3-a14f-8b14daf0545e
.AUTHOR Erik Whitesides
Update ProjectURI and LicenseURI

Script to issue a windows or microsoft update job to remote machines.
Script to issue a windows or microsoft update job to remote machines.
-installs the Nuget package provider
-installs PSWindowsupdate module from psgallery
-builds the update command
-sends the update command to the remote computer
-the update command tells the remote machine to run Invoke-WUJob on itself
-Invoke-WUJob then creates a Scheduled Task called PSWindowsUpdate and configures the job as the SYSTEM user.
-This allows us to bypass the need to run Enable-WURemoting and expose additional ports/change settings.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
The name of one or more computers to send the update job to.
Switch to indicate that the update process start immediately.
Parameter to indicate the time at which to start the update process.
Takes a [datetime] object. Validation ensures it is in the future.
.\Install-MSUpdates.ps1 -ComputerName 'serverA' -UpdateSource 'MicrosoftUpdate' -Now
This will schedule a microsoft update job on serverA immediately.
.\Install-MSUpdates.ps1 -ComputerName $AllComputers -UpdateSource 'WindowsUpdate' -At (Get-Date).AddHours(1)
This will run windows updates on the array $AllComputers in one hour.



    [ValidateScript({$_ -gt (Get-Date)})]




ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
    Try {
        if (!$Credential) {
            $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Computer
        else {
            Try   {$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Computer -Credential $Credential}
            Catch {$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Computer -UseSSL -Credential $Credential}
        Write-Verbose "PSSession to $Computer created"

        #Install Package Manager
        Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {Install-PackageProvider -Name $Using:PackageProvider -Force | Out-Null}
        Write-Verbose "Package Provider $PackageProvider installed"

        #Install Update Module
        Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {Install-Module -Name $Using:UpdateModule -Repository $Using:RepositorySource -Force}
        Write-Verbose "$UpdateModule from $RepositorySource installed"

        #Build Script Parameter for Invoke-WUJob
        $Script = "ipmo $UpdateModule;Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll -AutoReboot -$UpdateSource -UpdateType Software"

        #Build Parameters for Invoke-WUJob
        if ($Now) {
            $ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Invoke-WUJob -Script '$Script' -RunNow -Confirm:`$false")
        if ($At) {
            $AtDateString = $At.ToString()
            $ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Invoke-WUJob -Script '$Script' -TriggerDate (Get-Date '$AtDateString') -Confirm:`$false")

        #Send Update Command
        Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
        if ($Now) {
            Write-Verbose "Update task has been scheduled on $Computer for $(Get-Date)"
        if ($At) {
            Write-Verbose "Update task has been scheduled on $Computer for $(Get-Date $At)"
    Catch {
    Finally {
        Try {
            if ($Session) {
                Remove-PSSession -Session $Session
                Write-Verbose "PSSession to $Computer closed"
        Catch {