
function ModuleRoot
    $MyInvocation.ScriptName | Split-Path -Parent

$PublicCmdlets = Join-Path (ModuleRoot | Split-Path -Parent) "Public"
$PrivateCmdlets = Join-Path (ModuleRoot | Split-Path -Parent) "Private"
. $PublicCmdlets\Get-ISComponent.ps1
. $PublicCmdlets\Invoke-ISNuGetCommand.ps1

    Installs a component from nuget based on name
    The Install-ISComponent cmdlet will install a nuget package by package name.
    List of package names to install.
.PARAMETER InstallDirectory
    The directory to install the package to.
    Defaults to the ComponentStore setting. Usually C:\Program Files\IntelliSearch.
    Flag to allow pre-release packages.
    C:\PS> Install-ISComponent -Name "IntelliSearch.Server.CrawlerManager"
    ComponentName ComponentVersion
    ------------- ----------------
    IntelliSearch.Server.CrawlerManager.6.0.0 6.0.0
    This will install the latest version of the IntelliSearch.Server.CrawlerManager component.
    C:\PS> Install-ISComponent -Name "IntelliSearch.Server.CrawlerManager" -PreRelease
    ComponentName ComponentVersion
    ------------- ----------------
    IntelliSearch.Server.CrawlerManager.6.0.0-Beta.13 6.0.0-Beta.13
    This will install the latest pre-release version of the IntelliSearch.Server.CrawlerManager component.
        An object representing an IntelliSearch component.

function Install-ISComponent
    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [String[]] $Name,

            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 1,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ -IsValid -PathType:Container})]
        [String] $InstallDirectory = $IS_Settings.ComponentStore,

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [switch] $PreRelease

        #region Set up NuGet
        $NugetSources = Invoke-ISNuGetCommand -Action "sources" -Arguments @{ 'Format' = "Short"; '-NonInteractive' = $null}
        if ($NugetSources | Select-String -Pattern "D")
            $NuGetArguments = @{
                'enable'          = $null
                'Name'            = "IntelliSearch"
                '-NonInteractive' = $null
            Invoke-ISNuGetCommand -Action "sources" -Arguments $NugetArguments | Out-Null
        #endregion Set up NuGet

        foreach ($aName in $Name)
            $NuGetArguments = @{
                $aName            = $null
                '-NonInteractive' = $null
                'OutputDirectory' = $InstallDirectory
                'Source'          = "IntelliSearch"
            if ($Prerelease)
                $NugetArguments.Add("-PreRelease", $null)
            # Execute the built command
            Write-Verbose -Message ("Attempting to install {0} with NuGet" -f $aName)
            $NugetResult = Invoke-ISNuGetCommand -Action "install" -Arguments $NuGetArguments -ErrorAction:Stop

            foreach ($nugetLine in $NugetResult)
                Write-Verbose $nugetLine

            switch -regex ($NugetResult)
                "(?:Added package ')(?<InstalledName>.*)(?:' to folder)"
                    Write-Verbose "Package installed"
                    $InstalledName = $Matches.InstalledName
                '(?:Package \")(?<InstalledName>.*)(?:\" is already installed.)'
                    Write-Verbose "Package already installed."
                    $InstalledName = $Matches.InstalledName
                    Write-Error "NuGet output unknown. Could not find the installed package." -ErrorAction:Stop

            Write-Verbose "Found package name: $($InstalledName)"
            Get-ISComponent -Name $InstalledName
