
Function script:Invoke-DropboxApiRequest {
    [CmdletBinding()] param(
        [string] $AuthToken,
        [string] $Endpoint,
        [object] $Body

    $response = Invoke-WebRequest `
        -Method Post `
        -Uri "$Endpoint" `
        -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $AuthToken"} `
        -ContentType "application/json" `
        -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Body)

    if ($response.Content){
        return ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content

    return $response

Function Invoke-DropboxApiDownload {
    [CmdletBinding()] param(
        [string] $AuthToken,
        [object] $Path,
        [string] $OutFile

    $OutFile = Join-Path (pwd) $OutFile
    $dir = ([System.IO.FileInfo]$OutFile).Directory
    if (!$dir.Exists) { 

    $response = Invoke-WebRequest `
        -Method Post `
        -Uri "" `
        -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $AuthToken"; "Dropbox-API-Arg" = "{`"path`": `"$Path`"}"} `
        -ContentType "" `
        -OutFile $OutFile

    return $response

Function Get-DropboxFileRevisions {
    [CmdletBinding()] param(
        [string] $AuthToken,
        [string] $Path = ""

    $body = @{
        "path" = $Path;
        "limit" = 100
    return Invoke-DropboxApiRequest -Endpoint "files/list_revisions" -Body $body -AuthToken $AuthToken


Function Get-DropboxDirectoryContents {
    [CmdletBinding()] param(
        [string] $AuthToken,
        [string] $Path = "",
        [string] $Cursor = $null

    $body = @{
        "path" = $Path;
        "recursive" = $true;
        "include_deleted" = $true;

    $continueUrlPart = ""
    if ($Cursor) {
        $continueUrlPart = "/continue"
        $body = @{
            "cursor" = $Cursor

    $content = Invoke-DropboxApiRequest -Endpoint "files/list_folder$continueUrlPart" -Body $body -AuthToken $AuthToken
    return $content

    Takes a Dropbox folder structure and converts it into a git repository.
    The provided path and all subfolders and files will be analyzed, and a git repository will be created
    that represents the historical information of the Dropbox revision history.
    Paths can be excluded using a wildcard format.
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
    A Dropbox auth token that can be obtained by following the instructions at
    The path in your Dropbox account that you wish to convert to a git repository.
    This is relative to your root folder, and should begin with a forward-slash (/).
    If you wish to convert your entire Dropbox account to a git repository, leave this parameter empty - do not use a single slash.
    .PARAMETER PathExcludes
    A list of wildcard patterns that will be compared against each file in Dropbox in the path.
    If the Dropbox path name matches any of these patterns, it will be ignored.
    To only convert files within a directory named MyFiles while excluding any subfolders:
    Invoke-ConvertDropboxToGit -AuthToken "<token>" -Path "/MyFiles" -PathExcludes "/MyFiles/*/*"

Function Invoke-ConvertDropboxToGit {
    [CmdletBinding()] param(
        [string] $AuthToken = $(Read-Host -prompt @"
        Enter your Dropbox access token. To get a token, follow the steps at
        [string] $Path = "",
        [string[]] $PathExcludes = (new-object string[] 0)

    $history = @{}
    $head = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    $cursor = $null
    $hasMore = $true
    $objectCount = 0
    while ($hasMore -eq $true){
        # Dropbox's API returns up to 2000 file listings at once.
        # If there are more than that, a cursor is returned which can be passed to another call
        # in order to get more results. Loop until we've found all the file listings.
        $content = Get-DropboxDirectoryContents -Path $Path -Cursor $cursor -AuthToken $AuthToken

        $objectCount = $objectCount + $content.entries.Count
        Write-Host "Got $objectCount file listings so far"

        foreach ($fileEntry in $content.entries) {
            # We only care about files, not directories. "deleted" represents a deleted file.
            if ($fileEntry.".tag" -eq "file" -or $fileEntry.".tag" -eq "deleted"){
                # Examine the file's path to see if it should be excluded.
                $matchedExcludes = $PathExcludes | where {$fileEntry.path_lower -like $_}
                if (!$matchedExcludes -or $matchedExcludes.Count -eq 0) {
                    # If the file passed the exclusion filter, grab the metadata about the revisions of the file.
                    [object[]]$revisions = Get-DropboxFileRevisions -Path $fileEntry.path_lower -AuthToken $AuthToken
                    Write-Host "Got metadata for $($fileEntry.path_lower)"

                    # Store the file's metadata in $head, and then
                    # store data about each revision of the file into a dictionary keyed by the date of the file.
                    # When we're done grabbing metadata, will will loop through this dictionary in order of its keys
                    # to construct our git repo.
                    $null = $head.Add($fileEntry)

                    foreach ($oldEntry in $revisions.entries) {
                        if (!$history.ContainsKey($oldEntry.client_modified)){
                            $null = $history.Add($oldEntry.client_modified, (New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))
                        $null = $history[$oldEntry.client_modified].Add($oldEntry)

        $cursor = $content.cursor
        $hasMore = $content.has_more

    if ($objectCount -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning "No files were found. Exiting."

    # The name of the folder created is always static.
    # TODO: Allow an output to be passed as a parameter?
    $dirName = "DropboxHistoryBuild $((Get-Date -Format u).Replace(':', '-'))"
    md -Name "$dirName"

    # Unfortunately, we have to change our working directory because git doesn't allow you to target commands to other directories.
    cd "./$dirName"
    git init 

    $userInfos = @{}
    # Loop over our dictionary of revisions in order of the key (which is the date of the revision)
    foreach ($entry in $history.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Key) {
        # Go out to Dropbox and download the revision of each file that corresponds to this date.
        foreach ($revisionEntry in $entry.Value) {
            $outFile = Join-Path "." $revisionEntry.path_display
            Invoke-DropboxApiDownload -Path "rev:$($revisionEntry.rev)" -OutFile $outFile -AuthToken $AuthToken
        $date = (([DateTime]$entry.Key).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
        git add -A

        $authorId = $entry.Value[0].sharing_info.modified_by
        if ($authorId) {
            if (!$userInfos.ContainsKey($authorId)) {
                # If we haven't seen this userId yet, make a request to get their name and email for the commit metadata.
                $userInfos[$authorId] = Invoke-DropboxApiRequest -Endpoint "users/get_account" -Body @{"account_id" = "$authorId"}  -AuthToken $AuthToken
            $userInfo = $userInfos[$authorId]

            git commit -m "Revisions made $date" --date $date --author "$($ <$($>"
        else {
            git commit -m "Revisions made $date" --date $date


    # All file revisions commits have now been made.
    # We will make on last pass through $head and delete every file that Dropbox reports as being deleted.
    # We have to do this at the end because dropbox doesn't report deletion times - only a boolean on if a file is deleted or not.
    # It's not ideal, but it's what we have to work with.
    foreach ($entry in $head){
        $outFile = Join-Path "." $entry.path_display
        if ($entry.".tag" -eq "deleted"){
            rm $outFile
    git add -A
    git commit -m "All Dropbox Deletions - Dropbox does not report deletion times."
    git tag dropbox-final

    # Move our current directory back up to where we were before we started. We're done!
    cd ..