
function Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment {
    Restore Intune Device Compliance Policy Assignments
    Restore Intune Device Compliance Policy Assignments from JSON files per Device Compliance Policy from the specified Path.
    Root path where backup files are located, created with the Invoke-IntuneBackupDeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment function
    .PARAMETER RestoreById
    If RestoreById is set to true, assignments will be restored to Intune Device Management Scripts that match the id.
    If RestoreById is set to false, assignments will be restored to Intune Device Management Scripts that match the file name.
    This is necessary if the Device Management Script was restored from backup, because then a new Device Management Script is created with a new unique ID.
    Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment -Path "C:\temp" -RestoreById $true

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$RestoreById = $false,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("v1.0", "Beta")]
        [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"

    # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
    if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
        Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
        Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet

    # Get all policies with assignments
    $deviceCompliancePolicies = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\Device Compliance Policies\Assignments"
    foreach ($deviceCompliancePolicy in $deviceCompliancePolicies) {
        $deviceCompliancePolicyAssignments = Get-Content -LiteralPath $deviceCompliancePolicy.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
        $deviceCompliancePolicyId = ($deviceCompliancePolicyAssignments[0]).id.Split("_")[0]

        # Create the base requestBody
        $requestBody = @{
            assignments = @()

        # Add assignments to restore to the request body
        foreach ($deviceCompliancePolicyAssignment in $deviceCompliancePolicyAssignments) {
            $requestBody.assignments += @{
                "target" = $

        # Convert the PowerShell object to JSON
        $requestBody = $requestBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        # Get the Device Compliance Policy we are restoring the assignments for
        try {
            if ($restoreById) {
                $deviceCompliancePolicyObject = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceCompliancePolicies -DeviceCompliancePolicyId $deviceCompliancePolicyId
            else {
                $deviceCompliancePolicyObject = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceCompliancePolicies | Get-MSGraphAllPages | Where-Object displayName -eq "$($deviceCompliancePolicy.BaseName)"
                if (-not ($deviceCompliancePolicyObject)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Error retrieving Intune Compliance Policy for $($deviceCompliancePolicy.FullName). Skipping assignment restore" -Verbose
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Error retrieving Intune Device Compliance Policy for $($deviceCompliancePolicy.FullName). Skipping assignment restore" -Verbose
            Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Continue

        # Restore the assignments
        try {
            $null = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod POST -Content $requestBody.toString() -Url "deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies/$($" -ErrorAction Stop
                "Action" = "Restore"
                "Type"   = "Device Compliance Policy Assignments"
                "Name"   = $deviceCompliancePolicyObject.displayName
                "Path"   = "Device Compliance Policies\Assignments\$($deviceCompliancePolicy.Name)"
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "$($deviceCompliancePolicyObject.displayName) - Failed to restore Device Compliance Policy Assignment(s)" -Verbose
            Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Continue