
Run Docker commands and get PSObjects not strings
For Docker commands that return tabular data - images, ps and history -
Invoke-DockerPSObject runs the Docker command, converts the results to PSObjects
and returns them. It also converts the Docker date time info from a string to
a DateTime object and size info from string to a number in KB so you can sort &
filter by these properties.
For Docker commands that do not return tabular data, it runs the Docker command
and returns the results as-is.
Note: Invoke-DockerPSObject uses the docker --format parameter in order to get
the data and do the conversion. If you run a Docker command and pass in the
--format parameter Invoke-DockerPSObject will not convert, returning results as-is.

'Invoke-DockerPSObject' is a lot to type so an alias is created for it: id
id ps -a

ID Image Command CreatedAt Status Ports Names
-- ----- ------- --------- ------ ----- -----
a8b0bd9c9387 hello-world "/hello" 10/11/2018 11:01:41 AM Exited (0) 5 seconds ago zen_khorana

# notice the CreatedAt field output is a proper DateTime?

(id ps -a)[0].CreatedAt.AddDays(-5)
Saturday, October 6, 2018 11:01:41 AM
(id ps -a | ? Names -match '^hello-world_').Names | % { id rm $_ }
# deletes all container names starting with hello-world_
(id images | Measure-Object -Sum -Property SizeKB).Sum
# Get the total size of all the images

function Invoke-DockerPSObject {
  # Note: no arguments defined; we use $args

  #region Identify subcommand type to process
  # note: only do this for these docker subcommands: images, ps and history
  # otherwise data is not tabular/possible to convert to PSObjects
  # also, don't do this if user has passed in their own --format parameter
  $ProcessedSubCmds = 'images', 'ps', 'history'
  Write-Verbose "Subcommands processed by this utility: $ProcessedSubCmds"
  $SubCmd = $args[0]
  Write-Verbose "Subcommand passed this time: $SubCmd"
  Write-Verbose "Full list of user parameters passed: $args"

  #region If not a subcommand to convert to PSObjects, just run and return results
  # we don't process every Docker request; for ones we don't we just run docker with user args without
  # modificatino and return as-is
  # these are the Docker requests we skip:
  # - not a valid sub command (not in: images, ps, history)
  # - contains special formatting (even if valid sub command)
  # - is a help request
  if ($ProcessedSubCmds -notcontains $SubCmd -or $args -contains '--format' -or $args -contains '--help' -or $args -contains '-h') {
    Write-Verbose "Subcommand '$SubCmd' output does not get converted to PSObjects"
    Invoke-DockerExe @args

  #region Run Docker, get PSObjects, convert date info to proper datetime field, add SizeKB and add custom type (for Format.ps1xml)
  $args += '--format', '{{ json . }}'
  Write-Verbose "Parameters to pass to docker.exe when invoking: $args"
  $Results = Invoke-DockerExe @args

  # explicit null check to improve mock testing
  if ($null -ne $Results) {
    # convert Results from json to PSObjects
    $Results | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
      # add unique type name based on Docker command type to PSObject for matching in Invoke-Docker-PSObject.Format.ps1xml file
      $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Invoke-DockerPSObject.' + $SubCmd)
      # convert preexisting CreatedAt field to DateTime (or ensure it already is one)
      $_.CreatedAt = Convert-DockerDateToPSDate -DockerDate ($_.CreatedAt)
      # add field SizeKB based on converted value in Size
      Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SizeKB -Value (Convert-DockerSizeToPSSize -DockerSize $_.Size)