
  Return PsCustumObject form a query in sccm
  Run & Format a SCCM query to a powershell object usable whit all command & module (like Out-GridView)
 .Parameter Query_ID
  The ID of SCCM query
 .Parameter Property_List
  A list of property must be return by Invoke-FormatQuery
 .Parameter SiteCode
  The Site Code of SCCM Site
 .Parameter ProviderMachineName
  The ProviderMachineName of SCCM Site
 .Parameter limit_ID
  Id of collection to limit the query
  Invoke-FormatQuery "CO100567" @("Name,Site,Version") "SITE" "PROVIDER" "CO100342"

function Invoke-FormatQuery{
    $initParams = @{}
    if($null -eq (Get-Module ConfigurationManager)) {
        Import-Module "$($ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1" @initParams 
    if($null -eq (Get-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -Root $ProviderMachineName @initParams
    Set-Location "$($SiteCode):\" @initParams

    #get query data in variable & clear/set base variable
    if($limit_ID.Length -gt 2)
        $data = Invoke-CMQuery -Id $Query_ID -LimitToCollectionId $limit_ID
        $data = Invoke-CMQuery -Id $Query_ID
    $table_line = "" #temporary line contains property/value
    $table = @() #main table
    $table_temp = "" #temporary variable contain pre-formated string for hash table convertion
    $tot = $data.Count #nombre total des ligne a traité

    foreach($line in $data) #read all line of query result
        $table_line = "" #clear temp variable contain all property/value in on line
        $i++ #add 1 to display $i/$tot
        $per = [math]::Round(($i*100)/$tot,2) #calculer un pourcentage avec $i/$tot

        foreach($Property in $Property_List) #read all line of property list (variable past from function parameter)
            Write-Progress -PercentComplete $per -Activity "Formating SCCM Query Data $per`%" -Status "Formating the line $i`/$tot at Property: $Property " #display progress bar and update information
            if($Property -like "*SystemOUName*")
                $text1 = "$Property = {" #text for regex 1 parti
                $text2 = "`"};" #text for regex 2 parti

                $text1 = "$Property = `"" #text for regex 1 parti
                $text2 = "`";" #text for regex 2 parti
            $Regex = [Regex]::new("(?<=$text1`)(.*)(?=$text2`)") #regex tool for select 1 string between 2 other
            $Match = $Regex.Match($line)
            if($Property -like "*NetbiosName*"){$netname = $Match}
            $table_line += "$Property=$Match

$table_temp = @"

#prepare line to be convert to hash table
        $table_hash = ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $table_temp #convert the curent line into a hash table -> @{NetBiosName=BEAH-C;OSBuild=19044;AdSite=RDL}
        $table += [Pscustomobject]$table_hash #convert hash table to a custum object and add in to main table variable

return $table #return complette array of custum object (one per line)
function Out-FormatQuery($data,$Property_List){
    $table_line = "" #temporary line contains property/value
    $table = @() #main table
    $table_temp = "" #temporary variable contain pre-formated string for hash table convertion
    $tot = $data.Count #nombre total des ligne a traité

    foreach($line in $data) #read all line of query result
        $table_line = "" #clear temp variable contain all property/value in on line
        $i++ #add 1 to display $i/$tot
        $per = [math]::Round(($i*100)/$tot,2) #calculer un pourcentage avec $i/$tot

        foreach($Property in $Property_List) #read all line of property list (variable past from function parameter)
            Write-Progress -PercentComplete $per -Activity "Formating SCCM Query Data $per`%" -Status "Formating the line $i`/$tot at Property: $Property " #display progress bar and update information
            if($Property -like "*SystemOUName*")
                $text1 = "$Property = {" #text for regex 1 parti
                $text2 = "`"};" #text for regex 2 parti

                $text1 = "$Property = `"" #text for regex 1 parti
                $text2 = "`";" #text for regex 2 parti
            $Regex = [Regex]::new("(?<=$text1`)(.*)(?=$text2`)") #regex tool for select 1 string between 2 other
            $Match = $Regex.Match($line)
            if($Property -like "*NetbiosName*"){$netname = $Match}
            $table_line += "$Property=$Match

$table_temp = @"

#prepare line to be convert to hash table
        $table_hash = ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $table_temp #convert the curent line into a hash table -> @{NetBiosName=BEAH-C;OSBuild=19044;AdSite=RDL}
        $table += [Pscustomobject]$table_hash #convert hash table to a custum object and add in to main table variable

return $table #return complette array of custum object (one per line)

# Export functions
Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Invoke-FormatQuery','Out-FormatQuery')