
function Remove-Directory {
            Removes the given Path including the complete content
            Removes the given Path including the complete content

        .PARAMETER Path
            Path to delete

            Remove-Directory -Path C:\DeleteThis

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [string]$Path  = $null
    Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $Path

function Get-ShortGUID {
            Gives a short GUID like 3jhCD75fUWjQek8XRmMg
            Gives a short GUID like 3jhCD75fUWjQek8XRmMg

    $RandomChar = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random | % {[char]$_})
    [regex]::Replace([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([guid]::NewGuid().toByteArray()), "[/+=]", $RandomChar)

function Get-FreePortFromRange
            Provides the next free port from a range
            Provides the next free port from a range of port numbers passed to the function

        .PARAMETER PortRange
            Specifies the range of ports which should be checked for a not used port

        .PARAMETER IpAddress
            Specifies the IpAddress which should be checked for a not used port from the range specified
            Get-FreePortFromRange -PortRange (8000..8100)

            Get-FreePortFromRange -PortRange (8000..8100) -IpAddress ""

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [array]$PortRange  = $null,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
        [string]$IpAddress = $null

    Begin {
        if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Nettcpip)) {
            throw "Nettcpip Module not available"

        if (!(Get-Module Nettcpip))
            Import-Module Nettcpip -ErrorAction Stop            
    Process {
        $PortsInUse = @()
        if($IpAddress) {
            Get-NetTCPConnection -State "Listen" -LocalAddress $IpAddress | ForEach-Object { $PortsInUse += $_.LocalPort }
        } else {
            Get-NetTCPConnection -State "Listen" | ForEach-Object { $PortsInUse += $_.LocalPort }
        foreach ($Port in $PortRange) {
            if ($PortsInUse -notcontains $Port) {
                return $Port
        return $null
    End { 