
function Invoke-MetasysMethod {
        Invokes methods of the Metasys REST API

        This function allows you to invoke various methods of the Metasys REST API.
        Once a session is established (on the first invocation) the session state
        is maintained in the terminal session. This allows you to make additional
        calls with less boilerplate text for each call.

        The payloads from Metasys as Powershell objects.

        Invoke-MetasysMethod -Reference thesun:thesun

        This will prompt you for a hostname and your credentials and then attempt
        to look up the id of the object with the specified reference

        Invoke-MetasysMethod -Path /objects/$id

        After retrieving an id of an object (like in the previous example) and
        string it in variable $id, this example will read the default view of the

        Invoke-MetasysMethod -Path /alarms

        This will read the first page of alarms from the site.

        Invoke-MetasysMethod -Method Put -Path /objects/$id/commands/adjust -Body '[72.5]'

        This example will send the adjust command to the specified object (assuming
        a valid id is stored in $id).



    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
        # The hostname or ip address of the site you wish to interact with
        # The username of the account you wish to use on this Site
        # A switch used to force Login. This isn't normally needed except
        # when you wish to switch accounts or switch sites. By using this
        # switch you will be prompted for the site or your credentials if
        # not supplied on the command line.
        # The relative path to an endpont. For example: /alarms
        # All of the relative paths are listed in the API Documentation
        # Path and Reference are mutally exclusive.
        # Session information is stored in environment variables. To force a
        # cleanup use this switch to remove all environment variables. The next
        # time you invoke this function you'll need to provide credentials and
        # a SiteHost.
        # The json payload to send with your request.
        # The HTTP Method you are sending.
        [string]$Method = "Get",
        # The version of the API you intent to use
        [Int]$Version = 3,
        # NOTE: Insecure. DO NOT use in production. This switch will cause
        # all checks of the certificate to be skipped.
        # A short cut for looking up the id of an object.
        # Rather than just returning the content, return the full web response
        # object will include extra like the response headers.

    class MetasysEnvVars {
        static [string] getSiteHost() {
            return $env:METASYS_SITE_HOST

        static [void] setSiteHost([string]$siteHost) {
            $env:METASYS_SITE_HOST = $siteHost

        static [int] getVersion() {
            return $env:METASYS_VERSION

        static [void] setVersion([int]$version) {
            $env:METASYS_VERSION = $version

        static [string] getExpires() {
            return $env:METASYS_EXPIRES

        static [void] setExpires([string]$expires) {
            $env:METASYS_EXPIRES = $expires

        static [string] getToken() {
            return $env:METASYS_SECURE_TOKEN

        static [void] setToken([string]$token) {
            $env:METASYS_SECURE_TOKEN = $token

        static [string] getLast() {
            return $env:METASYS_LAST_RESPONSE

        static [void] setLast([string]$last) {
            $env:METASYS_LAST_RESPONSE = $last

        static [void] clear() {
            $env:METASYS_SECURE_TOKEN = $null
            $env:METASYS_SITE_HOST = $null
            $env:METASYS_VERSION = $null
            $env:METASYS_LAST_RESPONSE = $null
            $env:METASYS_EXPIRES = $null

        static [System.Boolean] getDefaultSkipCheck() {
            return $env:METASYS_SKIP_CHECK_NOT_SECURE


    Set-StrictMode -Version 2

    # In Windows Powershell the $IsMacOS variable doesn't exist so calls to check
    # it's value fail. This function wraps the call.

    function isMacOS {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
            return $IsMacOS

        return $False

    function buildUri {
        param (
            [string]$siteHost = [MetasysEnvVars]::getSiteHost(),
            [int]$version = [MetasysEnvVars]::getVersion(),
            [string]$baseUri = "api",

        $uri = [System.Uri] ("https://" + $siteHost + "/" + ([System.IO.Path]::Join($baseUri, "v" + $version, $path)))
        return $uri

    function buildRequest {
        param (
            [string]$method = "Get",
            [string]$body = $null,
            [string]$token = [MetasysEnvVars]::getToken()

        return @{
            Method               = $method
            Uri                  = buildUri -path $Path
            Body                 = $body
            Authentication       = "bearer"
            Token                = ConvertTo-SecureString $token
            SkipCertificateCheck = $SkipCertificateCheck
            ContentType          = "application/json"

    function executeRequest {
        param (
            [string]$method = "Get",
            [string]$body = $null,
            [string]$token = [MetasysEnvVars]::getToken()

        return Invoke-RestMethod @(buildRequest -uri (buildUri -path $Path) -method $Method -body $Body)

    function find-internet-user {
        param (

        if (!(isMacOS)) {

        $cred = Invoke-Expression "security find-internet-password -s $siteHost 2>/dev/null"
        if ($cred) {
            $userNameLine = $cred | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith(" ""acct") }
            if ($userNameLine) {
                $userName = $userNameLine.Split('=')[1].Trim('"')
                return $userName

    function find-internet-password {
        param (

        if (!(isMacOS)) {

        $passwordEntry = Invoke-Expression "security find-internet-password -s $siteHost -a $userName -w 2>/dev/null"
        if ($passwordEntry) {
            return ConvertTo-SecureString $passwordEntry -AsPlainText

    function add-internet-password {

        if (!(isMacOS)) {

        $plainText = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $password -AsPlainText

        Invoke-Expression "security add-internet-password -U -s $siteHost -a $userName -w $plainText -c mgw1 "


    If (($Version -lt 2) -or ($Version -gt 3)) {
        Write-Error -Message "Version out of range. Should be 2 or 3"

    if ($Clear.IsPresent) {
        return # end the program

    if (!$SkipCertificateCheck.IsPresent) {
        $SkipCertificateCheck =[MetasysEnvVars]::getDefaultSkipCheck()

    # Login Region

    $ForceLogin = $false

    if ([MetasysEnvVars]::getExpires()) {
        $expiration = [Datetime]::Parse([MetasysEnvVars]::getExpires())
        if ([Datetime]::now -gt $expiration) {
            # Token is expired, require login
            $ForceLogin = $true
        else {
            # attempt to renew the token to keep it fresh
            $refreshRequest = @{
                Method               = "Get"
                Uri                  = buildUri -path "/refreshToken"
                Authentication       = "bearer"
                Token                = ConvertTo-SecureString -String ([MetasysEnvVars]::getToken())
                SkipCertificateCheck = $SkipCertificateCheck
            try {
                $refreshResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @refreshRequest
                [MetasysEnvVars]::setToken( (ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $refreshResponse.accessToken) )

            catch {
                # refreshing doesn't seem to work


    if (($Login) -or (![MetasysEnvVars]::getToken()) -or ($ForceLogin) -or ($SiteHost -and ($SiteHost -ne [MetasysEnvVars]::getSiteHost()))) {
        if (!$SiteHost) {
            $SiteHost = Read-Host -Prompt "Site host"

        if (!$UserName) {
            # attempt to find a user name in keychain
            $UserName = find-internet-user($SiteHost)

            if (!$UserName) {
                $UserName = Read-Host -Prompt "UserName"

        $password = find-internet-password $SiteHost $UserName

        if (!$password) {
            $password = Read-Host -Prompt "Password" -AsSecureString

            ## Attempt to store credentials
            add-internet-password $SiteHost  $UserName  $password

        $jsonObject = @{
            username = $UserName
            password = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $password -AsPlainText
        $json = (ConvertTo-Json $jsonObject)

        $loginRequest = @{
            Method               = "Post"
            Uri                  = buildUri -siteHost $SiteHost -version $Version -path "login"
            Body                 = $json
            ContentType          = "application/json"
            SkipCertificateCheck = $SkipCertificateCheck

        try {
            $loginResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @loginRequest
            $secureToken = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $loginResponse.accessToken -AsPlainText
            [MetasysEnvVars]::setToken((ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $secureToken))
        catch {
            Write-Host "An error occurred:"
            Write-Host $_

    if ($Path -and $Reference) {
        Write-Warning "-Path and -Reference are mutually exclusive"

    if (!$Path -and !$Reference) {

    if ($Reference) {
        $Path = "/objectIdentifiers?fqr=" + $Reference
        $request = buildRequest -uri (buildUri -path $Path)

    if ($Path) {
        $request = buildRequest -uri (buildUri -path $Path) -method $Method -body $Body

    $responseObject = Invoke-WebRequest @request
    $response = $null
    if ($FullWebResponse.IsPresent) {
        $response = $responseObject
    else {
        if ($responseObject -and $responseObject.Content) {
            $response = ConvertFrom-Json ([String]::new($responseObject.Content))
    Write-Verbose ("Http Status: " + $responseObject.StatusCode)
    [MetasysEnvVars]::setLast((ConvertTo-Json $response -Depth 15))
    return $response


function Invoke-MetasysGet {
    param([Parameter(Position = 0)][string]$Path)
    Invoke-MetasysMethod -Path $Path
function Invoke-MetasysPatch {
    param([Parameter(Position = 0)][string]$Path, [Parameter(Position = 1)][string]$Body)
    Invoke-MetasysMethod -Method Patch -Body $Body -Path $Path

function Invoke-MetasysPut {
    param([Parameter(Position = 0)][string]$Path, [Parameter(Position = 1)][string]$Body)
    Invoke-MetasysMethod -Method Put -Body $Body -Path $Path

function Invoke-MetasysGetObject {
        Reads the default view of a Metasys object

        This function allows you to read a Metasys object given the specified
        Reference. You will be prompted for a site host and your credentials unless a
        session has already been established.

        The object payload returned by the server.

        Invoke-MetasysGet-Object -Reference thesun:thesun

        This will prompt you for the Site host and your credentials and read the default view of this object.



        # The fully qualified references of a Metasys object
        [Parameter(Position = 0)][string]$Reference
    $id = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("idFor:" + $Reference)
    if (!$id) {
        $id = Invoke-MetasysGet -Path ("/objectIdentifiers?fqr=" + $Reference)
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("idFor:" + $Reference, $id)
    Invoke-MetasysGet ("/objects/" + $id)

New-Alias -Name mget -Value Invoke-MetasysGet
New-Alias -Name mpatch -Value Invoke-MetasysPatch
New-Alias -Name mput -Value Invoke-MetasysPut
New-Alias -Name mget-object -Value Invoke-MetasysGetObject

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-MetasysMethod', 'Invoke-MetasysGet', 'Invoke-MetasysPut', 'Invoke-MetasysGetObject'
Export-ModuleMember -Alias 'mget', 'mpatch', 'mput', 'mget-object'