
.GUID 018057d7-7bab-4727-817c-e8c89ea01d53
.AUTHOR Jeffrey Snover
   Show the command line history and Invoke the selected items

   Show the command line history and Invoke the selected items
   Essentially this does:
    PS> Get-History -count:$count | Out-Gridview -Passthru | Invoke-History
   The benefit is that you can do searching and multiple selections.
   PS> Invoke-SelectedHistory -Whatif
   PS> ISH -count 200 -verbose
   Output of the selected command

# How many things from history should be shown?
[Parameter(Mandatory=0,position=0)][Int]$Count= 100   )

foreach($cmd in Get-History -Count:$count |Select Id,CommandLIne,ExecutionStatus,StartExecutionTIme |Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select 1 or more commands to invoke" )
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($cmd.commandline, "Invoke"))
        Invoke-History -Id $cmd.Id 