
Function Copy-TerraformBinary {

    $installPath = (Get-TerraformConfiguration).TFPath

    if (-not (Test-Path $installPath -PathType Container)) {
        if (-not (New-Item -Path $installPath -ItemType 'directory')) {
            throw "Failed to create $($installPath) preference directory"

    $binary = 'terraform'
    if ($isWindows) {
        $binary += '.exe'
    $binaryVersion = 'terraform_{0}' -f $TFVersion
    if ($IsWindows) {
        $binaryVersion += '.exe'
    $destPath = (Join-Path $installPath $binaryVersion)

    $tmpPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
    [string] $guid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()

    $tmpfolder = (Join-Path $tmpPath $guid)

    Expand-Archive -Path $zipPath -DestinationPath $tmpFolder
    Copy-Item -Path $tmpfolder/$binary -Destination $destPath -Force

    # TODO: Is Powershelly way?
    if (-not $IsWindows) {
        & chmod +x $destPath
Function Get-TerraformBinary {
        [switch]$SkipChecksum = $False

    $platform = Get-TerraformPlatform
    $archiveName = 'terraform_{0}_{1}' -f $TFVersion, $platform
    $zipUrl = '{0}/{1}/terraform_{1}_{2}' -f (Get-TerraformConfiguration).ReleaseUrl, $TFVersion, $platform
    $shaUrl = '{0}/{1}/terraform_{1}_SHA256SUMS' -f (Get-TerraformConfiguration).ReleaseUrl, $TFVersion
    $shaSigUrl = '{0}/{1}/terraform_{1}_SHA256SUMS.sig' -f (Get-TerraformConfiguration).ReleaseUrl, $TFVersion

    $tmpPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
    [string] $guid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()

    $zipPath = (Join-Path $tmpPath "$($guid).zip")
    $shaPath = (Join-Path $tmpPath "$($guid)_SHA256SUMS")
    $shaSigPath = (Join-Path $tmpPath "$($guid)_SHA256SUMS.sig")

    try {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $zipUrl -OutFile $zipPath
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Unable to request $($zipUrl)"
        throw $_

    try {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $shaUrl -OutFile $shaPath
    } catch {
        throw "Unable to request $($shaUrl)"

    try {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $shaSigUrl -OutFile $shaSigPath
    } catch {
        throw "Unable to request $($shaSigUrl)"

    if ( -not (Test-TerraformArchiveChecksum -SkipChecksum:$SkipChecksum -ArchiveName $archiveName -ZipPath $zipPath -SHAPath $shaPath -SHASigPath $shaSigPath) ) {
        throw 'Terraform Archive failed Checksum test.'
    return $zipPath
function Get-TerraformLatestRelease {
    $headers = @{
        Accept = 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
    $latest = $
    return $latest
Function Get-TerraformPath {

    if ($isWindows) {
        $fileExt = '.exe'
    return Join-Path (Get-TerraformConfiguration).TFPath "terraform_$($TFVersion)$($fileExt)"
function Get-TerraformPlatform {

    if ($IsWindows) {
        return 'windows'

    if ($IsLinux) {
        return 'linux'

    if ($IsMacOS) {
        return 'darwin'
    throw 'Unknown platform.'
Function Install-TerraformBinary {
        [switch]$SkipChecksum = $False,
        [switch]$SkipCodeSignature = $False

    $zipPath = Get-TerraformBinary -TFVersion $TFVersion -SkipChecksum:$SkipChecksum

    try {
        Copy-TerraformBinary -ZipPath $zipPath
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Unable to copy binary from $zipPath."
        throw $_

    if (-not (Test-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion)) {
        throw "Failed to install Terraform $($TFversion) binary."

    if ( -not (Test-TerraformCodeSignature -TFVersion $TFVersion -SkipCodeSignature:$SkipCodeSignature)) {
        Uninstall-Terraform -TFVersion $TFVersion
        throw "Terraform $($TFversion) fail to pass Code Signature test. Uninstalling."
function Test-TerraformArchiveChecksum {
    param (
        [switch]$SkipChecksum = $False


    if ($SkipChecksum -or (Get-TerraformConfiguration).SkipChecksum) {
        Write-Verbose 'Skipping Terraform Archive Checksum test.'
        return $true

    gpg --list-keys (Get-TerraformConfiguration).HashiCorpPGPKeyId # 2>&1 | Out-Null
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        gpg --quiet --keyserver (Get-TerraformConfiguration).PGPKeyServer --recv (Get-TerraformConfiguration).HashiCorpPGPKeyId
        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
            throw 'Unable to retrieve HashiCorp key'

    gpg --verify $SHASigPath $SHAPath
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        throw "Unable to verify signature on $($SHAPath)"
    if (-not ((Get-TerraformConfiguration).SquelchChecksumWarning) -and ($output | Select-String 'WARNING: This key is not certified' -Quiet)) {
        Write-Warning @'
The HashiCorp key has been installed but not certified. Run either of the following

    - Confirm-TerraformHashiCorpKey
    - Set-TerraformSquelchChecksumWarning $true


    $SHASum = (Get-FileHash $ZipPath).Hash
    $HashiCorpSHASum = (Get-Content $shaPath | Select-String $ArchiveName).ToString().Split()[0]
    if ($SHASum -ne $HashiCorpSHASum ) {
        throw "Unable to verify SHASUM with $($SHAPath)"

    Write-Verbose "Terraform archive $($zipPath) passed checksum test"
    return $true
Function Test-TerraformCodeSignature {
    if ($SkipCodeSignature -or (Get-TerraformConfiguration).SkipCodeSignature) {
        Write-Verbose 'Skipping Code Signature test'
        return $true
    if ($IsWindows) {
        # HashiCorp started signing with version 0.12.24
        # TODO return true and throw a Warning
        $tfThumbprint = (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath (Get-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion)).SignerCertificate.Thumbprint
        return $tfthumbprint -eq (Get-TerraformConfiguration).HashiCorpWindowsThumbprint
    if ($IsMacOs) {
        # $tfThumbprint = codesign --verify -d --verbose=2 (Get-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion) | Select-String TeamIdentifier).ToString().Split('=')[1]
        # return $tfthumbprint -eq (Get-TerraformConfiguration).HashiCorpTeamIdentifier
        codesign --verify -d --verbose=2 (Get-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion)
        return $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0
    if ($IsLinux) {
        Write-Verbose 'CodeSignature check at runtime is not supported on Linux.'
        return $true
    Write-Error 'Unable to test terraform CodeSignature. Unknown platform.'
    throw $_
Function Test-TerraformPath {
    Write-Verbose "Testing path for Terraform version $($TFVersion) "
    return Test-Path (Get-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion) -PathType leaf
        Helper function to sign the Hashi Corp PHP key.
        Helper function to sign the Hashi Corp PHP key.

        Runs gpg to sign a HasiCorp PGP key.
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Confirm-TerraformHashicorpKey.
        None. Confirm-TerraformHashicorpKey returns nothing.
        Online version:

Function Confirm-TerraformHashicorpKey {
    & gpg --sign-key (Get-TerraformConfiguration).HashiCorpPGPKeyId
function Get-TerraformConfiguration {
        Install a version of terraform.
        Install a version of terraform.
    .PARAMETER TFVersion
        The version of terraform to install.
    .PARAMETER SkipChecksum
        Skip release archive checksum verification.
    .PARAMETER SkipCodeSignature
        Skip code signature verifcation.
        Install-Terraform -TFVersion 0.14.7

        Installs terraform version 0.14.7
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Install-Terraform.
        None. Install-Terraform returns nothing.
        Online version:

Function Install-Terraform {
        [switch]$SkipChecksum = $False,
        [switch]$SkipCodeSignature = $False

    if (-not $TFVersion) {
        $TFVersion = Get-TerraformLatestRelease

    if (Test-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion) {
        Write-Verbose "Terraform $($TFversion) already installed."
    Write-Verbose "Installing terraform version $($TFVersion)"
    Install-TerraformBinary -TFVersion $TFVersion -SkipChecksum:$SkipChecksum -SkipCodeSignature:$SkipCodeSignature

Function Invoke-Terraform {
        Run terraform version based on user preference.
        Run terraform version based on user preference.
        Additional parameters are passed to the terraform binary.
    .PARAMETER TFVersion
        Override preferred version of terraform to run.
    .PARAMETER SkipCodeSignature
        Skip code signature verifcation.
        Invoke-Terraform -TFVersion 0.14.7

        Runs terraform version 0.14.7

        Runs terraform version based on user preference or default preference.
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Invoke-Terraform.
        None. Invoke-Terraform returns nothing.
        Online version:

        [switch]$SkipCodeSignature = $False

    # HACK:
    # Due to positional parameters the first unnamed parameter
    # is passed to $TFVersion. This catches non version parameters
    # intended to pass to the terraform run.
    if (-not ($TFVersion -match '^0\.\d\d?\.\d\d?$')) {
        # Build $TFargs and null $TFVersion for default preference
        $TFargs = @($TFVersion) + $args
        $TFVersion = $null
    } else {
        $TFArgs = $args

    if ((Test-Path .terraform-version) -and (-not $TFVersion)) {
        $TFVersion = Get-Content .terraform-version
        # TODO regex validate the version
        Write-Verbose "Found .terraform-version $TFVersion"

    # If Version still isn't set
    if (-not $TFVersion) {
        $TFVersion = (Get-TerraformConfiguration).TFVersion

    if (-not (Test-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion)) {
        Write-Warning "Terraform version $($TFVersion) not found."

        if ((Get-TerraformConfiguration).AutoDownload) {
            Write-Verbose "Auto downloading terraform version $($TFVersion)"
            Install-Terraform -TFVersion $TFVersion
        } else {
            Write-Error @"
Terraform version $($TFVersion) not installed. Run either

    - Install-Terraform -TFVersion $($TFVersion)
    - Set-TerraformAutoDownload `$true

            throw ''

    if (-not (Test-TerraformCodeSignature -TFVersion $TFVersion -SkipCodeSignature:$SkipCodeSignature)) {
        throw 'Unable to confirm Code Signature of terraform binary'

    & (Get-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion) $TFargs

Set-Alias -Name terraform -Value Invoke-Terraform
        Set auto download configuration.
        Set auto download configuration.
    .PARAMETER AutoDownload
        Either true or false.
        Set-TerraformAutoDownload $true

        Sets auto download configuration to true
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Set-TerraformAutoDownload.
        None. Set-TerraformAutoDownload returns nothing.
        Online version:

function Set-TerraformAutoDownload {
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    begin {
        Write-Debug -Message 'Beginning'
        $configurationPath = Get-ConfigurationPath

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($configurationPath, "Setting AutoDownload configuration to $($AutoDownload)")) {
            Write-Verbose "Setting AutoDownload configuration to $($AutoDownload)"
            Set-TerraformConfiguration @{ AutoDownload = $AutoDownload } -Confirm:$False
    end {
        Write-Debug -Message 'Ending'
function Set-TerraformConfiguration {
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    begin {
        Write-Debug -Message 'Beginning'
        $configurationPath = Get-ConfigurationPath
    process {
        # Merge existing configuration with updates
        $existingConfiguration = Import-Configuration
        $existingConfiguration.keys | Where-Object {
            $_ -notin $Configuration.keys
        } | ForEach-Object {
            $Configuration.Add($_, $existingConfiguration.Item($_) )

        # Drop keys not defined by default configuration
        $remove = $Configuration.keys | Where-Object {
            $_ -notin $existingConfiguration.keys
        $remove | ForEach-Object {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($configurationPath, "Setting Configuration configuration to $($Configuration | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)")) {
            Write-Verbose "Setting configuration to $($Configuration | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)"
            $Configuration | Export-Configuration

    end {
        Write-Debug -Message 'Ending'
        Set squelch checksum warning configuration.
        Set squelch checksum warning configuration.
    .PARAMETER SquelchChecksumWarning
        Either true or false.
        Set-TerraformSquelchChecksumWarning $true

        Set squelch checksum warning configuration to true
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Set-TerraformSquelchChecksumWarning.
        None. Set-TerraformSquelchChecksumWarningreturns nothing.
        Online version:

function Set-TerraformSquelchChecksumWarning {
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    begin {
        Write-Debug -Message 'Beginning'
        $configurationPath = Get-ConfigurationPath

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($configurationPath, "Setting SquelchChecksumWarning configuration to $($SquelchChecksumWarning)")) {
            Write-Verbose "Setting SquelchChecksumWarning configuration to $($SquelchChecksumWarning)"
            Set-TerraformConfiguration @{ SquelchChecksumWarning = $SquelchChecksumWarning } -Confirm:$False

    end {
        Write-Debug -Message 'Ending'
        Set configuration version for terraform.
        Set configuration version for terraform.
    .PARAMETER TFVersion
        The preferred version.
        Set-TerraformVersion -TFVersion 0.14.7

        Sets configuration version for terraform to 0.14.7
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Set-TerraformVersion.
        None. Set-TerraformVersion returns nothing.
        Online version:

Function Set-TerraformVersion {
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    begin {
        Write-Debug -Message 'Beginning'
        $configurationPath = Get-ConfigurationPath

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($configurationPath, "Setting TFVesion configuration version to $($TFVersion)")) {
            Write-Verbose "Setting TFVersion configuration version to $($TFVersion)"
            Set-TerraformConfiguration @{ TFVersion = $TfVersion } -Confirm:$False

    end {
        Write-Debug -Message 'Ending'

Set-Alias -Name Switch-Terraform -Value Set-TerraformVersion
        Uninstall a version of terraform.
        Unnstall a version of terraform.
    .PARAMETER TFVersion
        The version of terraform to uninstall.
        Uninstall-Terraform -TFVersion 0.14.7

        Uninstalls terraform version 0.14.7
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Uninstall-Terraform.
        None. Uninstall-Terraform returns nothing.
        Online version:

Function Uninstall-Terraform {

    if (Test-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion) {
        Write-Verbose "Uninstalling terraform version $($TFVersion)"
        Remove-Item (Get-TerraformPath -TFVersion $TFVersion) -Force
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Unable to uninstall terraform. Version ($TFVersion) not found."
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{
    'Invoke-WebRequest:Verbose' = $false
    'Invoke-WebRequest:Debug'   = $false

$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'