
Function Invoke-AsSystem {
    Will run a scriptblock with in the context of NT Authority\SYSTEM.
    The function installs a service and runs it under the NT Authority\SYSTEM credentials.
    The PROCESS script block to invoked as a service.
    The BEGIN script block to invoked as a service.
    The END script block to invoked as a service.
    Objects passed on the pipeline to the function will be serialized temporarily to disk with the Export-CliXml cmdlet.
    The parameter specifies how many levels of objects passed in on the pipeline are included in the XML representation.
    The default value is 3.
    Invoke-AsSystem -Process {whoami /all}
    This gives us the whoami /all result from the execution context as NT Authority\SYSTEM
    "C:\System Volume Information" | Invoke-AsSystem {Get-ChildItem $_ -Force -Recurse}
    Pass a path into Invoke-AsSyetm through the pipeline.

        [int]$Depth = 3
    begin {
        Function Test-Elevated {
            $prp=new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($wid)
    $code = @"
using System;
using System.ServiceProcess;
namespace GetRandom.Powershell.InvokeAsSystemSvc
    class TempPowershellService : ServiceBase
        static void Main()
            ServiceBase.Run(new ServiceBase[] { new TempPowershellService() });
        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
            string[] clArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
                string argString = String.Format(
                    "-command .{{import-clixml '{0}' | .'{1}' | export-clixml -Path '{2}' -Depth {3}}}",
                System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("powershell", argString).WaitForExit();
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(clArgs[4], "success");
            catch (Exception e)
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(clArgs[4], "fail\r\n" + e.Message);
        protected override void OnStop()

        if( -not (Test-Elevated)) {
            throw "Process is not running as an eleveated process. Please run as elevated."
        $serviceNamePrefix = "MyTempPowershellSvc"
        $timeStamp = get-date -Format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss
        $serviceName = "{0}-{1}" -f $serviceNamePrefix,$timeStamp
        $tempPSexe   = "{0}.exe" -f $serviceName,$timeStamp
        $tempPSout   = "{0}.out" -f $serviceName,$timeStamp
        $tempPSin    = "{0}.in"  -f $serviceName,$timeStamp
        $tempPSscr   = "{0}.ps1" -f $serviceName,$timeStamp
        $tempPScomplete   = "{0}.end" -f $serviceName,$timeStamp
        $servicePath = Join-Path $env:temp $tempPSexe
        $outPath     = Join-Path $env:temp $tempPSout
        $inPath      = Join-Path $env:temp $tempPSin
        $scrPath     = Join-Path $env:temp $tempPSscr
        $completePath     = Join-Path $env:temp $tempPScomplete
        $serviceImagePath = "`"{0}`" `"{1}`" `"{2}`" `"{3}`" `"{4}`" {5}" -f $servicePath,$inPath,$scrPath,$outPath,$completePath,$depth
        Add-Type $code -ReferencedAssemblies "System.ServiceProcess" -OutputAssembly $servicePath -OutputType WindowsApplication | Out-Null
        $objectsFromPipeline = new-object Collections.ArrayList
        $script = "BEGIN {{{0}}}`nPROCESS {{{1}}}`nEND {{{2}}}" -f $Begin.ToString(),$Process.ToString(),$End.ToString()
        $script.ToString() | Out-File -FilePath $scrPath -Force    
    process {
        $objectsFromPipeline | Export-Clixml -Path $inPath -Depth $Depth
        New-Service -Name $serviceName -BinaryPathName $serviceImagePath -DisplayName $serviceName -Description $serviceName -StartupType Manual | out-null
        $service = Get-Service $serviceName
        $service | Start-Service 
        while ( -not (test-path $completePath)) {
            Write-Progress -Activity "Executing"
            start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
        $service | Stop-Service -Force 
        do {
            Write-Progress -Activity "Stopping temporary services $serviceName"
            $service = Get-Service $serviceName
        } while($service.Status -ne "Stopped")
        $wmiSvcObj = Get-WmiObject win32_service -Filter "name='$serviceName'"
        $wmiSvcObj.delete() | Out-Null
        Import-Clixml -Path $outPath
        Remove-Item $servicePath  -Force -ErrorAction Continue
        Remove-Item $inPath       -Force -ErrorAction Continue
        Remove-Item $outPath      -Force -ErrorAction Continue
        Remove-Item $scrPath      -Force -ErrorAction Continue
        Remove-Item $completePath -Force -ErrorAction Continue