
        Common build tasks for a PowerShell module.
        Script with the common build tasks definition. The configuration will be
        stored in the $IBHConfig variable.

[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases', '')]
param ()

# Load the build configuration
$IBHConfig = Get-IBHConfig -BuildRoot $BuildRoot

# Stop this build if we try to release the module itself. This is not supported at all.
if ($null -ne (Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object { $_.Command -eq 'Invoke-Build.ps1' -and $_.Arguments -like '*Task=Release*' }) -and $IBHConfig.ModuleName -eq 'InvokeBuildHelper')
    throw 'Release task is not supported for the module InvokeBuildHelper itself! Please use the sub-tasks Gallery and Repository.'

# Synopsis: The default task will verify, build and test the module. This task is intended to be used during the development of the target module.
task . Verify, Build, Test

# Synopsis: Release the module to the repository and the gallery. This task is used to publish a new module version.
task Release Verify, Build, Test, Repository, Gallery, ZipFile

# Synopsis: Build the C# solutions, if any exists. This includes clean, compile and deploy.
task Build Clean, Compile

# Synopsis: Test the module with pester and script analyzer. This includes schema tests, module unit tests and script analyzer rules.
task Test UnitTest, SchemaTest, AnalyzerTest

# Synopsis: Verify the build system itself, like the InvokeBuild and InvokeBuildHelper module version.
task Verify {

    if ($IBHConfig.VerifyTask.Enabled)
        # Ensure the module dependency on InvokeBuild is ok
        $ibActualVersion   = Get-Module -Name 'InvokeBuild' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Version'
        $ibRequiredVersion = [System.Version] $IBHConfig.VerifyTask.InvokeBuildVersion
        assert ($ibActualVersion -ge $ibRequiredVersion) "The InvokeBuild module version $ibActualVersion is outdated, please update to $ibRequiredVersion or later!"

        # Ensure the module dependency on InvokeBuildHelper itself is ok
        $ibhActualVersion   = Get-Module -Name 'InvokeBuildHelper' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Version'
        $ibhRequiredVersion = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $IBHConfig.VerifyTask.ModulePackageUrl -TimeoutSec 5 | Select-Object -Last 1 | ForEach-Object { [System.Version] $ }
        assert ($ibhActualVersion -ge $ibhRequiredVersion) "The InvokeBuildHelper module version $ibhActualVersion is outdated, please update to $ibhRequiredVersion or later!"
        Write-Warning 'Verify task is disabled, no meta tests before build!'

# Synopsis: Planned task for C# solution clean.
task Clean {

    if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IBHConfig.SolutionName))

        # Get the MSBuild command
        $msBuildCommand = Resolve-MSBuild

        # Define the solution name to compile
        $solutionFile = '{0}\{1}\{1}.sln' -f $IBHConfig.BuildRoot, $IBHConfig.SolutionName

        # Invoke the release build
        exec { & "$msBuildCommand" "$solutionFile" /p:Configuration=Release /t:Clean /v:minimal }


# Synopsis: Planned task for C# solution compile.
task Compile {

    if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IBHConfig.SolutionName))

        # Get the MSBuild command
        $msBuildCommand = Resolve-MSBuild

        # Define the solution name to compile
        $solutionFile = '{0}\{1}\{1}.sln' -f $IBHConfig.BuildRoot, $IBHConfig.SolutionName

        # Invoke the release build
        exec { & "$msBuildCommand" "$solutionFile" /p:Configuration=Release /t:Build /v:minimal }


# Synopsis: Run all pester unit tests for the PowerShell module.
task UnitTest {


    # Create output folder
    $outputPath = New-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildRoot -ChildPath 'out') -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'FullName'

    # Invoke the Pester unit tests
    $result = Invoke-IBHPesterUnitTest -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName -OutputPath $outputPath


    assert ($result.FailedCount -eq 0) ('{0} failure(s) in Pester Unit tests' -f $result.FailedCount)

# Synopsis: Run all pester integration tests for the PowerShell module.
task IntegrationTest {


    # Create output folder
    $outputPath = New-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildRoot -ChildPath 'out') -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'FullName'

    # Invoke the Pester integration tests
    $result = Invoke-IBHPesterIntegrationTest -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName -OutputPath $outputPath


    assert ($result.FailedCount -eq 0) ('{0} failure(s) in Pester Integration tests' -f $result.FailedCount)

# Synopsis: Test the PowerShell module schema.
task SchemaTest {


    # Create output folder
    $outputPath = New-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildRoot -ChildPath 'out') -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'FullName'

    # Invoke the module schema tests
    $result = Invoke-IBHModuleSchemaTest -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName -TextFileExtension $IBHConfig.SchemaTask.TextFileExtension -ExcludePath $IBHConfig.SchemaTask.ExcludePath -OutputPath $outputPath


    assert ($result.FailedCount -eq 0) ('{0} failure(s) in Module Schema tests' -f $result.FailedCount)

# Synopsis: Invoke the script analyzer for the PowerShell module.
task AnalyzerTest {


    # Create output folder
    $outputPath = New-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildRoot -ChildPath 'out') -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'FullName'

    # Invoke the script analyzer, run all defined rules
    $result = Invoke-IBHScriptAnalyzerTest -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName -Rule $IBHConfig.AnalyzerTestTask.ScriptAnalyzerRules -ExcludePath $IBHConfig.AnalyzerTestTask.ExcludePath -OutputPath $outputPath


    assert ($result.FailedCount -eq 0) ('{0} failure(s) in Script Analyzer tests' -f $result.FailedCount)

# Synopsis: Verify if the module is ready to be released.
task Approve {

    if ($IBHConfig.ApproveTask.Enabled)
        $moduleVersion = Get-IBHModuleVersion -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName

        $gitPendingFile = Get-IBHGitPendingFile
        assert ($gitPendingFile -eq 0) ('Module is not ready to release, {0} pending file(s) are present in the repo!' -f $gitPendingFile)

        $gitBranch = Get-IBHGitBranch
        assert ($gitBranch -eq $IBHConfig.ApproveTask.BranchName) ('Module is not ready to release, git branch should be on {0} but is {1}! (git checkout {0})' -f $IBHConfig.ApproveTask.BranchName, $gitBranch)

        $gitBehindBy = Get-IBHGitBehindBy
        assert ($gitBehindBy -eq 0) ('Module is not ready to release, git branch is behind by {0}! (git pull)' -f $gitBehindBy)

        $gitAheadBy = Get-IBHGitAheadBy
        assert ($gitAheadBy -eq 0) ('Module is not ready to release, git branch is ahead by {0}! (git push)' -f $gitAheadBy)

        $changeLogVersion = Test-IBHChangeLogVersion -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleVersion $moduleVersion -ReleaseDate ([DateTime]::Now)
        assert $changeLogVersion ('Module is not ready to release, does not contain the current version and/or date! (## {0} - {1:yyyy-MM-dd})' -f $moduleVersion, [DateTime]::Now)

        $gitLocalTag = Test-IBHGitLocalTag -ModuleVersion $moduleVersion
        assert $gitLocalTag ('Module is not ready to release, tag {0} does not exist or is not on the last commit! (git tag {0})' -f $moduleVersion)

        $gitRemoteTag = Test-IBHGitRemoteTag -ModuleVersion $moduleVersion
        assert $gitRemoteTag ('Module is not ready to release, tag {0} does not exist on origin! (git push --tag)' -f $moduleVersion)

        if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IBHConfig.SolutionName))
            $solutionVersion = Test-IBHSolutionVersion -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -SolutionName $IBHConfig.SolutionName -ModuleVersion $moduleVersion
            assert $solutionVersion ('Solution assembly info version does not match the module version {0}!' -f $moduleVersion)

        if ($IBHConfig.GalleryTask.Enabled)
            $galleryNames = Get-PSRepository | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
            assert ($galleryNames -contains $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.Name) ('Module is not ready to release, PowerShell Gallery {0} is not registered! (Register-PSRepository -Name "{0}" ...)' -f $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.Name)
        Write-Warning 'Approve task is disabled, no approval tests before release!'

# Synopsis: Release the module to the source code repository.
task Repository Build, Approve, {

    if ($IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.Enabled)
        $token = $null
        if ($null -ne $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.Token)
            $token = $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.Token
        elseif ($null -ne $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.TokenCallback)
            $token = & $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.TokenCallback

        assert ($null -ne $token -and $token -is [System.Security.SecureString]) 'Repository Token is missing, please set one of the following variables: $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.Token or $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.TokenCallback'

        $publishIBHRepository = @{
            BuildRoot       = $IBHConfig.BuildRoot
            ModuleName      = $IBHConfig.ModuleName
            ModuleVersion   = Get-IBHModuleVersion -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName
            RepositoryType  = $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.Type
            RepositoryUser  = $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.User
            RepositoryName  = $IBHConfig.RepositoryTask.Name
            RepositoryToken = $token
        Publish-IBHRepository @publishIBHRepository
        Write-Warning 'Repository task is disabled, no release to the repository!'

# Synopsis: Release the module to the PowerShell Gallery.
task Gallery Build, Approve, {

    if ($IBHConfig.GalleryTask.Enabled)
        $token = $null
        if ($null -ne $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.Token)
            $token = $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.Token
        elseif ($null -ne $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.TokenCallback)
            $token = & $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.TokenCallback

        assert ($null -ne $token -and $token -is [System.Security.SecureString]) 'Gallery Token is missing, please set one of the following variables: $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.Token or $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.TokenCallback'

        $publishIBHGallerySplat = @{
            BuildRoot     = $IBHConfig.BuildRoot
            ModuleName    = $IBHConfig.ModuleName
            ModuleVersion = Get-IBHModuleVersion -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName
            GalleryUser   = $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.User
            GalleryName   = $IBHConfig.GalleryTask.Name
            GalleryToken  = $token
        Publish-IBHGallery @publishIBHGallerySplat
        Write-Warning 'Gallery task is disabled, no release to the gallery!'

# Synopsis: Release the module to the local file system as zip file.
task ZipFile Build, Approve, {

    if ($IBHConfig.ZipFileTask.Enabled)
        $publishIBHZipFileSplat = @{
            BuildRoot     = $IBHConfig.BuildRoot
            ModuleName    = $IBHConfig.ModuleName
            ModuleVersion = Get-IBHModuleVersion -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName
        Publish-IBHZipFile @publishIBHZipFileSplat
        Write-Warning 'ZipFile task is disabled, no release to the local file system!'

# Synopsis: Deploy a beta version as revision to the local module repository.
task Deploy Build, {

    # Get the module version
    $sourceVersion = Get-IBHModuleVersion -BuildRoot $IBHConfig.BuildRoot -ModuleName $IBHConfig.ModuleName

    # Get the latest installed module version
    $targetVersion = Get-ChildItem -Path $IBHConfig.DeployTask.ModulePaths -Directory |
                         Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $IBHConfig.ModuleName } |
                             Get-ChildItem -Directory |
                                 ForEach-Object { [System.Version] $_.Name } |
                                     Sort-Object -Descending |
                                         Select-Object -First 1

    # No version found, start with 0.0.0
    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($targetVersion))
        $targetVersion = [System.Version] '0.0.0'

    # Increase the revision by one
    $targetVersion = [System.Version] ('{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}' -f $targetVersion.Major, $targetVersion.Minor, $targetVersion.Build, ($targetVersion.Revision + 1))

    # Define the output path
    foreach ($modulePath in $IBHConfig.DeployTask.ModulePaths)
        $sourcePath = '{0}\{1}\*' -f $IBHConfig.BuildRoot, $IBHConfig.ModuleName
        $targetPath = '{0}\{1}\{2}' -f $modulePath, $IBHConfig.ModuleName, $targetVersion
        $targetFile = '{0}\{1}.psd1' -f $targetPath, $IBHConfig.ModuleName

        $Host.UI.WriteLine((' {0} {1} -> {2}' -f $IBHConfig.ModuleName, $targetVersion, $targetPath))

        # Create the output folder
        New-Item -Path $targetPath -ItemType 'Directory' -Force | Out-Null

        # Deploy the module with recursive copy
        Copy-Item -Path $sourcePath -Destination $targetPath -Recurse -Force

        # Path the module definition
        $definition = Get-Content -Path $targetFile
        $definition = $definition -replace "ModuleVersion = '$sourceVersion'", "ModuleVersion = '$targetVersion'"
        $definition | Set-Content -Path $targetFile -Encoding 'UTF8'