
function Use-RegEx
        Uses a saved regular expression.
        Uses a saved regular expression, or an expression provided with -Parameter.
        Use-RegEx is normally called with an alias that is the name of a saved RegEx, for example:
        "abc" | Use-RegEx -Pattern '.'
        'true', 'false', 'neither' | ?<TrueOrFalse> # ?<TrueOrFalse> is a saved RegEx and alias to Use-RegEx
        $txt = "true or false or true or false"
        $m = $txt | ?<TrueOrFalse> -Count 1
        do {
            $m = $m | ?<TrueOrFalse> -Count 1
        } while ($m) # Looping over each match until non are found. ?<TrueOrFalse> is an alias to Use-RegEx

    [OutputType([Text.RegularExpressions.Match], [string], [PSObject])]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull", "", Justification="This is explicitly checking for null (lazy -If would miss 0)")]
    # One or more strings to match.
    [Alias('InputObject','Text', 'Matches','Input')]

    # If set, will return a boolean indicating if the regular expression matched

    # If set, will measure the number of matches.

    # The count of matches to return, or the number of matches split or replaced.
    [int]$Count = 0,

    # The starting position of the match
    [int]$StartAt = 0,

    # If set, will remove the regular expression matches from the text.

    # If set, will replace the text with a replacement string.
    # For more information about replacement strings, see:

    # If provided, will replace the match if any of the conditions exist.
        foreach ($kv in $_.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($kv.Key -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
                throw "Keys must be ScriptBlocks"
        return $true

    # If provided, will each match will be passed to the Replacer ScriptBlock.
    # The values returned from this script block will replace the match.

    # If set, will split the input text according to the expression.

    # If set, will get the text until the expression.

    # If -IncludeMatch and -Until are provided, will include the match with the result of -Until.
    # If -IncludeMatch and -Split are provided, will include the matches with the result of -Split.
    # If neither -Split or -Until is provided, this parameter is ignored.

    # If set, will trim returned strings.

    # If set, will extract capture groups into a custom object.

    # If provided, will transform each match with a replacement string.
    # For more information about replacement strings, see:

    # If provided, will cast named capture groups to a given type. This implies -Extract.
        foreach ($kv in $_.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($kv.Key -isnot [string]) {
                throw "Keys must be a string"
            if ($kv.Value -isnot [type] -and $kv.Value -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
                throw "Values must be a type or Script Block"
        return $true
    [Collections.IDictionary]$Coerce = @{},

    # If provided, will filter the extracted data of a match.

    # One or more conditions. If the condition is true, the value will be returned.
    # If the value is a script block, it will be executed.
    # If the value is a string, it will be treated as a Replacement string (like -Transform).
        foreach ($kv in $_.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($kv.Key -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
                throw "Keys must be ScriptBlocks"
        return $true
    [Collections.IDictionary]$If = @{},

    # The regular expression options, by default, IgnoreCase and IgnorePatternWhitespace
    $Option = 'IgnoreCase, IgnorePatternWhitespace',

    # If set, will go from right to left, instead of left to right.

    # The match timeout. By default, five seconds.
    $Timeout = "00:00:05",

    # Indicates that the cmdlet makes matches case-sensitive. By default, matches are not case-sensitive.

    # A regular expression.

    # A pattern generator. This script will generate a regular expression

    # Named parameters. These are only valid if the regex is using a Generator script.
    $Parameter = @{},

    # A list of arguments. These are only valid if the regex is using a Generator script.
    [PSObject[]]$ArgumentList = @()

    begin {
        # If we didn't have a regex library, create one.
        if (-not $script:_RegexLibrary) { $script:_RegexLibrary = @{} }

        # Then, determine what the name of the pattern in the library would be.
        $mySafeName =
            if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.' -and $MyInvocation.Line -match '\.\s{1,}\?\<(?<Name>\w+)\>') {
            } else {
                $MyInvocation.InvocationName -replace '\W', ''

        # Find the regex in the library.
        $regex = $script:_RegexLibrary[$mySafeName]

        # Now figure out if we'll be extracting later
        $isExtracting =
            $MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.' -or
            $Extract -or
            $coerce.Count -or

        # If -Where or -If was provided, we need to recreate the script blocks for $_ to work.
        if ($Where) { $where = [ScriptBlock]::Create($Where) }

        foreach ($coll in $if, $ReplaceIf, $Coerce) {
            if (-not $coll) { continue }
            foreach ($k in @($coll.Keys)) {
                $v = $coll[$k]
                if ($v -is [ScriptBlock]) { $v = [ScriptBlock]::Create($v) }
                if ($k -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                    $k = [ScriptBlock]::Create($k)
                $coll[$k] = $v

        #region [ScriptBlock]$ExtractMatch
        $extractMatch = { process {
            $m = $_
            $xm = [Ordered]@{}
            foreach ($g in $m.Groups) {
                $gcv =
                    foreach ($gc in $g.Captures) {
                        $gco = [psobject]::new($gc.Value)
                        $[PSNoteProperty]::new('StartIndex', $gc.Index))
                        $[PSNoteProperty]::new('EndIndex', $gc.Index + $gc.Length))
                        $[PSNoteProperty]::new('Input', $m.Result('$_')))
                if ($Coerce -and $Coerce.$($g.Name) -is [type]) {
                    $xm[$g.Name] = foreach ($v in $gcv) { $v -as $Coerce.$($g.Name) }
                } elseif ($Coerce -and $Coerce.$($g.Name) -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                    $xm[$g.Name] = foreach ($v in $gcv) { $_ = $v; & $Coerce.$($g.Name) $v }
                } else {
                    $xm[$g.Name] = $gcv # set it in $matches
            $xm.Match = $m
            $xm.PSTypeName = 'Irregular.Match.Extract'
        } }
        #endregion [ScriptBlock]$ExtractMatch

        #region [ScriptBlock]$FilterMatches
        $FilterMatches =
            { process {
                $m = $_
                if ($isExtracting -or $Where) {
                    $xm = $_ | & $extractMatch
                if ($where) {
                    $in = $this = $_ = $xm
                    $IsThere = & $where $in
                    if (-not $IsThere) { return }
                    $_ = $m
                if ($transform) {

                    return . $decorateString $m.Result($transform) ([Ordered]@{
                        StartIndex = $m.Index  ; EndIndex = $m.Index + $m.Length
                        Input = $m.Result('$_');
                if ($if.Count) {
                    $in = $_ = $xm
                    foreach ($ifCondition in $if.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $ifResult = & $ifCondition.Key $in
                        if ($ifResult) {
                            if ($ifCondition.Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                                $_ = $xm
                                & $ifCondition.Value $in
                            } elseif ($ifCondition.Value -is [string]) {
                                . $decorateString $m.Result($ifCondition.Value) ([Ordered]@{
                                    StartIndex = $m.Index ; EndIndex = $m.Index + $m.Length
                                    Input = $m.Result('$_');
                            } else {
                if ($isextracting) {
                    return $xm
                if ($['EndIndex'] -isnot [PSScriptProperty]) { # add on two script properties we might want:
                    $'EndIndex') # EndIndex
                    $[PSScriptProperty]::new('EndIndex', { $this.Index + $this.Length }))
                if ($['Input'] -isnot [PSScriptProperty]) {
                    $[PSScriptProperty]::new('Input', { $this.Result('$_') })) # and Input.

                if ($inputObject -and $inputObject -ne $m.Input) {
                    $[PSNoteProperty]::new('InputObject', $inputObject))
                } else {
                    $[PSAliasProperty]::new('InputObject', 'Input'))

                return $m
            } }
        #endregion [ScriptBlock]$FilterMatches

        #region [ScriptBlock]$DecorateString
        $DecorateString = {
            [Collections.IDictionary]$property = @{})
            if ($trim) {
                $string = $string.Trim()
            $psString = [PSObject]::new($string)
            foreach ($kv in $property.GetEnumerator()) {
                $[PSNoteProperty]::new($kv.Key, $kv.Value))
        #endregion [ScriptBlock]$DecorateString

    process {
        #region Prepare Input
        $in = $inputObject = $_
        if ($_.Input) { # First we want to see if the piped in object had an input property.
            $match = $_.Input # If it did, we're using it to cheat in the value to -Match.

        if ($in -is [IO.FileInfo]) { # If the input was a file,
            $match = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($in.FullName) # we want to match the file contents

        if ($in -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo]) { # If we were passed an external script
            $match = $in.ScriptContents # we want to match it's contents.

        if ($in -is [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]) { # If we're passed a function,
            $match = "$($in.ScriptBlock)" # we want to match the definition.

        if ($_ -is [Text.RegularExpressions.Match] -and -not $StartAt) { # If the input was a [Match] and we don't have a start
            if (-not $['EndIndex']) { # add on two script properties we might want:
                $ # EndIndex
                    [PSScriptProperty]::new('EndIndex', { $this.Match.Index + $this.Match.Length })
            if (-not $['Input']) {
                $ # and Input.
                    [PSScriptProperty]::new('Input', { $this.Match.Result('$_') })
        #endregion Prepare Input

        #region Initialize Regular Expression
        # If the saved RegEx is a generator
        if ($regex -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo] -or
            $regex -is [ScriptBlock]) {
            if ($generator -and $mySafeName -and $mySafeName -ne ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -replace '\W', '')) {
                Write-Error "Will not override ?<$mySafeName>" -ErrorId RegEx.No.Override -Category InvalidOperation

            $Generator =
                if ($regex -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo]) {
                } else {

        if ($Generator) { # (or one was provided)
            $regex = & $Generator @argumentList @Parameter # run the generator.

        if ($Pattern) { # If we've been provided a pattern
            # and it would overriding something
            if ($mySafeName -and $mySafeName -ne ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -replace '\W', '')) {
                Write-Error "Will not override ?<$mySafeName>" -ErrorId RegEx.No.Override -Category InvalidOperation

            if ($pattern -match '^\?\<(?<Name>\w+)\>' -and $script:_RegexLibrary) {
                $pattern = $script:_RegexLibrary.($matches.Name)

            # If we didn't have to warn them, we've propably piped in a [Regex] or the output of Write-Regex.
            $regex = [Regex]::new($Pattern, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace')

        if (-not $regex) { return } # If for any reason our regex is invalid, return.

        if ($RightToLeft) { # If we're going RightToLeft
            $Option = $Option -bor 'RightToLeft' # adjust the Regex options
            if ($StartAt -and $_.EndIndex -eq $startAt -and $_.Index -ne $null) { # and adjust the start if needed.
                $startAt = $_.Index
            if (-not $startAt -and $_.EndIndex) { return }

        if ($CaseSensitive) { # If we're using CaseSensitive,
            $option = $option -bxor 'IgnoreCase' # adjust the RegEx options.

        # Then recreate the regex with the new options and timeout
        $regex = [Regex]::new("$regex", $Option, $Timeout)

        if (-not $regex) { return } # If for any reason our regex is invalid, return.
        #endregion Initialize Regular Expression

        if (-not $Match) { # If we haven't been given any text to match
            $regex.pstypenames.add('Irregular.Regular.Expression') # decorate the Regex for the formatter.
            return $regex # and return it. This will let "true" -match (?<TrueOrFalse>) be valid PowerShell.
        $OriginalStartAt = $StartAt
        foreach ($m in $Match) { # Walk over each text we're supposed to match
            $$, $methodArgs = $null, $null
            if ($RightToLeft -and -not $OriginalStartAt) {
                $startAt = $m.Length
            if ($until) { # If we're matching until that point
                $matches = $regex.Match($m, $StartAt) # find the first match after StartAt.
                if (-not $matches.Success) { continue } # If the match failed, continue.
                if ($measure) {
                    if ($RightToLeft) {
                        $startAt - ($matches.Index - $matches.Length)
                    } else {
                        $matches.Index - $startAt
                $ei = # Determine the EndIndex
                    if ($IncludeMatch) { # ( if we're including the match
                        $matches.Index + $matches.Length # its the end of the match,
                    } else {
                        $matches.Index # otherwise, it's the start of the match).

                if ($startAt, ($ei - $startAt) -lt 0) { continue }

                # Then get the substring and decorate it with the following properties:
                . $DecorateString ($m.Substring($startAt, $ei - $startAt)) ([Ordered]@{
                    StartIndex = $startAt # | StartIndex| The Start Index |
                    EndIndex = $ei # | EndIndex| The End Index |
                    Input = $matches.Result('$_') # | Input | The Match Input String |
            elseif ($Split) {
                # If we're splitting, we get the matches.
                # (this lets us -IncludeMatch and sidestep a .NET bug when splitting -RightToLeft)
                $matches = @($regex.Matches($M,$StartAt) | & $filterMatches)
                $upTo = if ($Count) { $count } else {$matches.Count}
                $commonInfo = [Ordered]@{Input=$m;InputObject=$in}
                if ($RightToLeft) {
                    $s = if ($startAt -ne $m.Length) { $startAt } else { $m.Length }
                    for ($mc=0;$mc -lt $upTo;$mc++) {
                        $me = $matches[$mc].Index + $matches[$mc].Length
                        if ($me -lt $s) {
                            . $decorateString $m.Substring($me, $s - $me)
                        if ($IncludeMatch) {
                            . $decorateString $matches[$mc] ([Ordered]@{
                                StartIndex = $matches[$mc].Index
                                EndIndex = $matches[$mc].Index + $matches[$mc].Length
                            } + $commonInfo)
                        $s = $matches[$mc].Index

                    if ($s -gt 0) {
                        . $decorateString $m.Substring(0, $s)
                } else {
                    $s = $startAt
                    for ($mc=0;$mc -lt $upTo;$mc++) {
                        if ($matches[$mc].Index - $s) {
                            . $decorateString $m.Substring($s, $matches[$mc].Index - $s)
                        if ($IncludeMatch) {
                            . $decorateString $matches[$mc] ([Ordered]@{
                                StartIndex = $matches[$mc].Index
                                EndIndex = $matches[$mc].Index + $matches[$mc].Length
                            } + $commonInfo)

                        $s = $matches[$mc].Index + $matches[$mc].Length

                    if ($s -ne $m.Length) {
                        . $decorateString $m.Substring($s)
            elseif ($Remove -or $Replace -or $ReplaceEvaluator -or $ReplaceIf.Count) {
                $$ = 'Replace'
                $methodArgs = @(
                    if ($remove) { '' }
                    elseif ($Replace) { $Replace }
                    elseif ($ReplaceEvaluator) { $ReplaceEvaluator }
                    elseif ($ReplaceIf) {
                            $tm = $($args[0])
                            $xm = $($tm | & $extractMatch)
                            foreach ($kv in $ReplaceIf.GetEnumerator()) {
                                $_ = $xm
                                $kvR = & $kv.Key $xm
                                if ($kvR) {
                                    if ($kv.Value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                                        return "$(& $kv.Value $xm)"

                                    return $tm.Result("$($kv.Value)")
                            return "$tm"
                    if ($Count) { $Count } else { [int]::MaxValue }
            elseif ($IsMatch) {
                $$= 'IsMatch'
                $methodArgs = @($M;$StartAt)
            elseif ($Count) {
                $$ =0
                $methodArgs = @($M;$StartAt)
                $matches = $regex.Match.Invoke($methodArgs)
                if ($Measure) {
                    $t = 0
                while ($matches.Success -and $$ -lt $Count) {
                    if (-not $measure) {
                        $matches | & $filterMatches
                    } else {
                    $matches = $matches.NextMatch()
                if ($measure) { $t }
            else {
                $$ = 'Matches'
                $methodArgs = @($M;$StartAt)
            if ($regex.$$ -and $methodArgs) {
                if ($measure) {
                } else {
                    $regex.$$.Invoke($methodArgs) | & $filterMatches