
## Basic Matching
|.|any single character|
|+|one or more of the preceeding pattern|
|?|zero or more of the preceeding pattern|
|\|escape sequence or [character class](#CharacterClasses) or backreference|
|[*anyofthese*]|Any of these characters|
|[^ *notoneofthese* ]|matches any character that's isnt one of these characters|
|[start-end]|(matches this range)|
|^|the begining of the line or string|
|$|the end of the line or string|
## Character classes <a name='CharacterClasses' />
Instead of writing really long sequences of characters, you can use Regular Expressions to match certain character classes:
|\w|any word character (basically, any letter)|
|\d|any decimal character (basically, any number (though not .))|
|\s|any whitespace characters (tabs, spaces, newlines)|
|\p{NAME}|any named group (these are useful, but advanced)|
Each of these character classes also has an opposite.
|\W|any NON-word character (basically, not letters or digits but a lot of punctutation and whitespace)|
|\D|any NON-decimal character (basically, any non-digit)|
|\S|any NON-whitespace characters (most characters)|
|\P{NAME}|NOT a named group ()|
## Groups
|(Pattern)|unnamed group|
|(? < GroupName > Pattern)|named group|
|(?:Pattern)|non-capturing group (this will match but you can't get it later)|
## Lookaround
|(?= Pattern)|lookahead|
|(?! Pattern)|negative lookahead|
|(?<= Pattern)|lookbehind|
|(?<! Pattern)|negative lookbehind|