
function Import-RegEx
        Imports Regular Expressions
        Imports saved Regular Expressions.
        Import-RegEx -Name NextWord

    [OutputType([nullable], [PSObject])]
    # The path to one or more files or folders containing regular expressions.
    # Files should be named $Name.regex.txt

    # If provided, will get regular expressions from any number of already imported modules.

    # One or more direct patterns to import

    # The Name of the Regular Expression.

    # If set, will output the imported regular expressions.

    begin {
        if (-not $script:_RegexLibrary) { $script:_RegexLibrary = @{}}
        if (-not $script:_RegexLibraryMetaData) { $script:_RegexLibraryMetaData = @{}}

        $SavedCaptureReferences = [Regex]::new(@'
(?<!\() # Not preceeded by a (
\?\<(?<CaptureName>\w+)\> # ?<CaptureName>
        \((?<Arguments> # An open parenthesis
        (?> # Followed by...
            [^\(\)]+| # any number of non-parenthesis character OR
            \((?<Depth>)| # an open parenthesis (in which case increment depth) OR
            \)(?<-Depth>) # a closed parenthesis (in which case decrement depth)
        )*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
        )\) # followed by a closing parenthesis
        \{(?<Arguments> # An open bracket
        (?> # Followed by...
            [^\{\}]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR
            \{(?<Depth>)| # an open bracket (in which case increment depth) OR
            \}(?<-Depth>) # a closed bracket (in which case decrement depth)
        )*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
        )\} # followed by a closing bracket
, 'IgnoreCase, IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:01')

        $replaceSavedCapture = {
            $m = $args[0]
            $startsWithCapture = '(?<StartsWithCapture>\A\(\?\<(?<FirstCaptureName>\w+))>'
            $regex = $script:_RegexLibrary.($m.Groups["CaptureName"].ToString())
            if (-not $regex) { return $m }
            $regex =
                if ($regex -isnot [Regex]) {
                    if ($m.Groups["Arguments"].Success) {
                        $args = @($m.Groups["Arguments"].ToString() -split '(?<!\\),')
                        & $regex @args
                    } else {
                        & $regex
                } else {
            if ($m.Groups["NewCaptureName"].Success) {
                if ($regex -match $startsWithCapture -and
                    $matches.FirstCaptureName -ne $m.Groups['NewCaptureName']) {
                    $repl= $regex -replace $startsWithCapture, "(?<$($m.Groups['NewCaptureName'])>"
                    $repl.Substring(0, $repl.Length - 1)
                } else {
            } else {

        filter importRegexPattern {
            process {
                $c = 0
                $rxLines =
                    @(if ($_ -is [IO.FileInfo]) {
                    } elseif ($_ -is [string]) {
                        $_ -split '(?>\r\n|\n)'
                    } elseif ($_.Pattern) {
                        $_.Pattern -split '(?>\r\n|\n)'

                $name =
                    if ($_ -is [IO.FileInfo]) {
                        if ($_.Directory.Name -ne 'RegEx') {
                            $dirPart = ($_.Directory.FullName.Substring($importPath.Length) -replace '(?:\\|/)RegEx(?:\\|/)','')
                            if (-not $dirPart) { $dirPart = $_.Directory.Name } 
                            $dirPart + '_' + $_.Name -replace '\.regex\.txt$', ''
                        } else {
                            $_.Name -replace '\.regex\.txt$', ''
                    } elseif ($_ -is [string] -and $_ -match '(?<StartsWithCapture>\A\(\?\<(?<FirstCaptureName>\w+))>') {
                    } else {

                $description =
                    @(for (;$c -lt $rxLines.Length;$c++) {
                        if ($rxLines[$c] -notlike '#*') { break }
                    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine

                $rx =
                    @(for (;$c -lt $rxLines.Length;$c++) {
                    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine

                $regex =
                        PSTypeName   = 'Irregular.RegEx'
                        Name = $name ; Description = $description
                        Pattern = $rx; Path = $in.FullName
                        IsGenerator = $false;IsPattern = $true

                $regex =
                    if ($regex.IsPattern -as [bool] -and $SavedCaptureReferences.IsMatch($rx)) {
                        $firstReplaceTry = $savedCaptureReferences.Replace($rx, $replaceSavedCapture)
                        if ($firstReplaceTry -ne $rx -and -not $savedCaptureReferences.IsMatch($firstReplaceTry)) {
                            $regex.Pattern = $firstReplaceTry
                        } else {
                            $regex.Pattern  = if ($firstReplaceTry) { $firstReplaceTry } else { $rx }
                    } else {

                return $regex

        filter importRegexFile {
            process {
                $in = $_
                $nameOk = $_.Name -match '^(?<Name>.*?)\.regex\.((?<IsGenerator>ps1)|(?<IsPattern>txt))$'
                if (-not $nameOk) {
                $n = $matches.Name
                if ($Name -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')) {
                    :FoundIt do {
                        foreach ($pn in $name) {
                            if ($n -like $pn) {
                                break FoundIt
                    } while ($false)

                if ($matches.IsGenerator) {
                    $findDescription = [Regex]::new(@'
\.Description # Description Start
\s{0,} # Optional Whitespace
(?<Content>(.|\s)+?(?=(\.\w+|\#\>|\z))) # Anything until the next .\word or \comment
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace')
                    $generatorScript =
                        $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($in.FullName, 'ExternalScript')

                    $matched = $findDescription.Match($generatorScript.ScriptContents)

                    $gn = $(
                        if ($in.Directory.Name -eq 'RegEx') {
                        } else {
                            $dirPart = 
                                ($in.Directory.FullName.Substring($importPath.Length) -replace 
                            if (-not $dirPart) { $dirPart = $in.Directory.Name } 
                            $dirPart + '_' + $n
                    return [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                            PSTypeName   = 'Irregular.RegEx'
                            Name = $gn   ; Description = $matched.Groups["Content"].ToString();
                            Pattern = ''; Path = $in.FullName
                            IsGenerator = $true;IsPattern = $false

                $_ | importRegexPattern

        filter importIntoLibrary  {
            process {
                $regex = $_
                $script:_RegexLibrary[$regEx.Name] =
                    if ($regex.IsGenerator) {
                        $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($regex.Path, 'ExternalScript')
                    } else {
                        try {
                                ("(?<$($regex.Name)>", $($regex.Pattern -join [Environment]::NewLine), ')' -join [Environment]::NewLine),
                                'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05.00')
                        } catch {
                            Write-Error -Message "Could not import $($regex.Name): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Exception $_.Exception -TargetObject $_
                $script:_RegexLibraryMetaData[$regex.Name] = $regex
                if ($pattern -and -not $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.ExportedAliases."?<$($regex.Name)>") {
                    $tempModule =
                        New-Module -Name "?<$($regex.Name)>" -ScriptBlock {
                            Set-Alias "?<$args>" Use-RegEx; Export-ModuleMember -Alias *
                        } -ArgumentList $ |
                            Import-Module -Global -PassThru
                    if (-not $script:_RegexTempModules) {
                        $script:_RegexTempModules = [Collections.Queue]::new()
                if ($PassThru) { $regex }

    process {
        #region Determine the Path List
        $pathList =
            & {
                if ($Pattern) { return }
                if ($FilePath) { # If any file paths were provided
                    foreach ($fp in $filePath){ # resolve them
                    return # and use just this pathlist.
                if ($FromModule) { # If -FromModule was passed,
                    $loadedModules = Get-Module # get all loaded modules.
                    $loadedModuleNames =
                        foreach ($lm in $loadedModules) { # get their names
                    $OkModules =
                        foreach ($fm in $fromModule) { # filter the ones that are OK
                            $loadedModuleNames -like $fm

                    foreach ($lm in $loadedModules) {
                        if ($OkModules -contains $lm.Name) {
                            $lm | Split-Path
                } else {
                    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.File | Split-Path
                    # Otherwise, any valid module directory for Irregular will work.
                    $splitChar = if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') { ':' } else {';'}
                    foreach ($_ in $env:PSModulePath -split $splitChar) {
                        $_ + [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar + 'Irregular'
        #endregion Determine the Path List

        $tryTryAgain = [Collections.Queue]::new() # Create a queue to store retries

        #region Get RegEx files
        $pathList = $pathList | Select-Object -Unique
        foreach ($p in $pathList) {
            $p = "$p"
            if ([IO.Directory]::Exists($p) -or [IO.File]::Exists($p)) {
                @(if ([IO.File]::Exists($p)) {
                    $ImportPath = ([IO.FileInfo]$p).Directory.FullName
                } elseif ([IO.Directory]::Exists($p)) {
                    $ImportPath = $p
                    ([IO.DirectoryInfo]"$p").EnumerateFiles('*', 'AllDirectories')
                })  |
                    importRegexFile |

        if ($Pattern) {
            $Pattern |
                importRegexPattern |

        $patience = 1kb
        @(while ($tryTryAgain.Count) {
            $tryAgain = $tryTryAgain.Dequeue()
            $countBefore = $tryTryAgain.Count
            $tryAgain | importRegexPattern
            $countAfter = $tryTryAgain.Count
            if ($countAfter -gt $countBefore) {
            if ($patience -le 0) {
                Write-Error "Patience Exceeded. Expressions most likely have circular references" -ErrorId Irregular.Import.Lost.Patience
        }) | importIntoLibrary
        #endregion Get RegEx files