
function Write-RegEx
        Writes a regular expression
        Helps to simplifify writing regular expressions
        Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Any -Repeat
        Write-Regex -CharacterClass Digit -Repeat -Name Digits
        # A regular expression for a quoted string (with \" and `" as valid escape sequences)
        Write-RegEx -Pattern '"' |
                Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Any -Repeat -Lazy -Before (
                    Write-RegEx -Pattern '"' -NotAfter '\\|`'
                ) |
                Write-RegEx -Pattern '"'
        # A regular expression for an email address.
        Write-RegEx -Description "Matches an Email Address" |
            Write-RegEx -Name UserName -Pattern (
                Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Word -Comment "Match the username, which starts with a word character" |
                    Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Word -LiteralCharacter '-.' -Min 0 -Comment "and can contain any number of word characters, dashes, or dots"
            ) |
            Write-RegEx -LiteralCharacter '@' -Comment "Followed by an @"|
            Write-RegEx -Name Domain -Pattern (
                Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Word -Comment "The domain starts with a word character" |
                    Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Word -LiteralCharacter '-' -Min 0 -Comment "and can contain any words with dashes," |
                    Write-RegEx -NoCapture -Pattern (
                        Write-RegEx -LiteralCharacter '.' -Comment "followed by at least one suffix (which starts with a dot),"|
                            Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Word -Comment "followed by a word character," |
                            Write-RegEx -CharacterClass Word -LiteralCharacter '-' -Min 0 -Comment "followed by any word characters or dashes"
                    ) -Min 1
        # Writes a pattern for multiline comments
        Write-RegEx -Pattern \<\# |
            Write-RegEx -Name Block -Until \#\> |
            Write-RegEx -Pattern \#\>

    [OutputType([Regex], [PSObject])]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull", "", Justification="This is explicitly checking for null (lazy -If would miss 0)")]
    # One or more regular expressions.

    # If provided, will name the capture

    # One or more character classes.
        'Any', '.',
        'Word', '\w',
        'NonWord', '\W',
        'Whitespace', '\s',
        'NonWhitespace', '\S',
        'Digit', '\d',
        'NonDigit', '\D',
        'Escape', '\e',
        'Tab', '\t',
        'CarriageReturn', '\r',
        'NewLine', '\n',
        'VerticalTab', '\v',
        'FormFeed', '\f',
        'UpperCaseLetter', '\p{Lu}',
        'LowerCaseLetter', '\p{Ll}',
        'TitleCaseLetter', '\p{Lt}',
        'ModifierLetter' , '\p{Lm}',
        'OtherLetter' , '\p{Lo}',
        'Letter' , '\p{L}',
        'NonSpacingMark' ,'\p{Mn}',
        'CombiningMark' ,'\p{Mc}',
        'EnclosingMark' , '\p{Me}',
        'Mark' , '\p{M}',
        'Number' , '\p{N}',
        'NumberDecimalDigit' , '\p{Nd}',
        'NumberLetter' , '\p{Nl}',
        'NumberOther' , '\p{No}',
        'PunctuationConnector' , '\p{Pc}',
        'PunctuationDash' , '\p{Pd}',
        'PunctuationOpen' , '\p{Ps}',
        'PunctuationClose' , '\p{Pe}',
        'PunctuationInitialQuote' , '\p{Pi}',
        'PunctuationFinalQuote' , '\p{Pf}',
        'PunctuationOther' , '\p{Po}',
        'Punctuation' , '\p{P}',
        'SymbolMath' ,'\p{Sm}',
        'SymbolCurrency' ,'\p{Sc}',
        'SymbolModifier' ,'\p{Sk}',
        'SymbolOther' ,'\p{So}',
        'Symbol' , '\p{S}',
        'SeparatorSpace' ,'\p{Zs}',
        'SeparatorLine' , '\p{Zl}',
        'SeparatorParagraph' , '\p{Zp}',
        'Separator' , '\p{Z}',
        'Control' , '\p{C}',
        'NonUpperCaseLetter', '\P{Lu}',
        'NonLowerCaseLetter', '\P{Ll}',
        'NonTitleCaseLetter', '\P{Lt}',
        'NonModifierLetter' , '\P{Lm}',
        'NonOtherLetter' , '\P{Lo}',
        'NonLetter' , '\P{L}',
        'NonNonSpacingMark' ,'\P{Mn}',
        'NonCombiningMark' ,'\P{Mc}',
        'NonEnclosingMark' , '\P{Me}',
        'NonMark' , '\P{M}',
        'NonNumber' , '\P{N}',
        'NonNumberDecimalDigit' , '\P{Nd}',
        'NonNumberLetter' , '\P{Nl}',
        'NonNumberOther' , '\P{No}',
        'NonPunctuationConnector' , '\P{Pc}',
        'NonPunctationDash' , '\P{Pd}',
        'NonPunctationOpen' , '\P{Ps}',
        'NonPunctationClose' , '\P{Pe}',
        'NonPunctationInitialQuote' , '\P{Pi}',
        'NonPunctationFinalQuote' , '\P{Pf}',
        'NonPunctuationOther' , '\P{Po}',
        'NonPunctuation' , '\P{P}',
        'NonSymbolMath' ,'\P{Sm}',
        'NonSymbolCurrency' ,'\P{Sc}',
        'NonSymbolModifier' ,'\P{Sk}',
        'NonSymbolOther' ,'\P{So}',
        'NonSymbol' , '\P{S}',
        'NonSeparatorSpace' ,'\P{Zs}',
        'NonSeparatorLine' , '\P{Zl}',
        'NonSeparatorParagraph' , '\P{Zp}',
        'NonSeparator' , '\P{Z}',
        'NonControl' , '\P{C}'

    # If provided, will match any number of specific literal characters.

    # If provided, will match any number of unicode characters.
    # Note: Unless the RegEx is case-sensitive, this will match both uppercase and lowercase.
    # To make a RegEx explicitly case-sensitive, use Write-Regex -Modifier IgnoreCase -Not
    [Alias('UC', 'UnicodeCharacters')]

    # If provided, will match digits up to a value.

    # The name or number of a backreference (a reference to a previous capture)

    # A negative lookbehind (?<!). This pattern that must not match after the current position..

    # A negative lookahead (?!). This pattern must not match before the current position.

    # A positive lookbehind (?<=). This pattern that must match after the current position.

    # A positive lookahead (?=). This pattern that must match before the current position.

    # If set, will match repeated occurances of a character class or pattern

    # If set, repeated occurances will be matched greedily.
    # A greedy match is the last possible match that completes a condition.
    # For example when you run "abcabc" -match 'a.*c' (a greedy match)
    # $matches will be abcabc

    # If set, repeated occurances will be matched lazily.
    # A lazy match is the first possible match that completes a conidition.
    # For example, when you run "abcabc" -match 'a.*?c' (a lazy match)
    # $matches will be abc

    # The minimum number of repetitions.

    # The maximum number of repetitions.

    # If provided, inserts a Regular Expression conditional.

    # If the pattern provided in -If is true, it will attempt to continue to match with the pattern provided in -Then

    # If the pattern provided in -If if false, it will attempt to continue to match the with the pattern provided in -Else.

    # If provided, will match all content until any of these conditions or the end of the string are found.

    # A comment (yes, they exist in Regular Expressions)

    # A description. This will be added to the top of the expression as a comment.

    # If set and -CharacterClass is provided, will match anything but the provided set of character classes.
    # If set and -Expression is provided, will match anything that does not contain the expression
    # If set and neither -Expression or -CharacterClass is provided, will do an empty lookbehind (this will always fail)
    # If set and -Modifier is provided, will negate the modifier.

    # If set, will match any of a number of character classes, or any number of patterns.

    # The start anchor.
        'Boundary', '\b',
        'NotBoundary', '\B',
        'LineStart', '^',
        'LineEnd', '$',
        'StringStart', '\A',
        'StringEnd', '\z',
        'LastLineEnd', '\Z'

    # The end anchor.
        'Boundary', '\b',
        'NotBoundary', '\B',
        'LineStart', '^',
        'LineEnd', '$',
        'StringStart', '\A',
        'StringEnd', '\z',
        'LastLineEnd', '\Z'

    # Regular expression modifiers. These affect the way the expression is interpreted.
    # Modifiers can be turned off by passing -Modifier and -Not.
    # If -NoCapture is provided, modifiers will only apply to the current group.
        'Singleline', 's',
        'IgnoreCase', 'i',
        'IgnorePatternWhitespace', 'x',
        'ExplicitCapture', 'n'

    # If set, will make the pattern optional

    # If set, will make the pattern atomic. This will allow one and only one match.

    # # If set, will make the pattern non-capturing. This will omit the group from the resulting match.

    # A regular expression that occurs before the generated regular expression.

    # The timeout of the regular expression. By default, 5 seconds.
    $TimeOut = '00:00:05',

    # If provided, will match between a given string or pair of strings.

    # The escape sequence used with -Between. By default, a slash.
    $EscapeSequence = '\\',

    # If set, comments in the regular expression will not be normalized.
    # By default, all comments that do not start on the beginning are normalized to start at the same column.

    # Named parameters. These are only valid if the regex is using a Generator script.
    $Parameter = @{},

    # A list of arguments. These are only valid if the regex is using a Generator script.
    [PSObject[]]$ArgumentList = @()

    begin {
        $ccLookup = @{}

        foreach ($paramName in 'CharacterClass', 'StartAnchor', 'EndAnchor', 'Modifier') {
            $vvl =
                foreach ($attr in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[$paramName].Attributes) {
                   if (-not $attr.ValidValues) { continue }

            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $vvl.Count; $i+= 2) {
                $ccLookup[$vvl[$i]] = $vvl[$i + 1]
                $ccLookup[$vvl[$i + 1]] = $vvl[$i + 1]

        $SavedCaptureReferences = [Regex]::new(@'
(?<!\() # Not preceeded by a (
\?\<(?<CaptureName>\w+)\> # ?<CaptureName>
        \((?<Arguments> # An open parenthesis
        (?> # Followed by...
            [^\(\)]+| # any number of non-parenthesis character OR
            \((?<Depth>)| # an open parenthesis (in which case increment depth) OR
            \)(?<-Depth>) # a closed parenthesis (in which case decrement depth)
        )*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
        )\) # followed by a closing parenthesis
        \{(?<Arguments> # An open bracket
        (?> # Followed by...
            [^\{\}]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR
            \{(?<Depth>)| # an open bracket (in which case increment depth) OR
            \}(?<-Depth>) # a closed bracket (in which case decrement depth)
        )*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
        )\} # followed by a closing bracket
, 'IgnoreCase, IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:01')

        $replaceSavedCapture = {
            $m = $args[0]
            $startsWithCapture = '(?<StartsWithCapture>\A\(\?\<(?<FirstCaptureName>\w+))>'
            $regex = $script:_RegexLibrary.($m.Groups["CaptureName"].ToString())
            if (-not $regex) { return $m }
            $regex =
                if ($regex -isnot [Regex]) {
                    if ($m.Groups["Arguments"].Success) {
                        $args = @($m.Groups["Arguments"].ToString() -split '(?<!\\),')
                        & $regex @args
                    } else {
                        & $regex
                } else {
            if ($m.Groups["NewCaptureName"].Success) {
                if ($regex -match $startsWithCapture -and
                    $matches.FirstCaptureName -ne $m.Groups['NewCaptureName']) {
                    $repl= $regex -replace $startsWithCapture, "(?<$($m.Groups['NewCaptureName'])>"
                    $repl.Substring(0, $repl.Length - 1) + [Environment]::NewLine
            } else {
                "$regex" + [Environment]::NewLine

        $startsWithCapture = [Regex]::new(
            'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:01')
    process {
        $myParams = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
        #region Generate RegEx
        $regex = . {

            $theOC = 0

            if ($PrePattern) { # If we've been provided a pre-expression, this goes first.
                $prePattern -join ''
            if ($Description) {
                if ($prePattern -and -not $prePattern[-1].EndsWith([Environment]::NewLine)) {
                @(foreach ($l in $Description -split ([Environment]::NewLine)) {
                    "# $($l.TrimStart('#'))"
                }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine)

            if ($Between) {
                if ($between.Length -gt 2) {
                    Write-Error 'Can pass only one or two -Between'
                $firstBetween, $secondBetween = $between
                $escapePattern =
                    if ($EscapeSequence) {
                        if ($EscapeSequence -ne ($firstBetween * 2)) {
                        } else {

                    } else { '' }

                "(?:" + $escapePattern + $firstBetween

                if (-not $pattern) {
                    if (-not $secondBetween) {
                        $secondBetween = $firstBetween
                    if ($escapeSequence -ne ($firstBetween * 2)) {
                        $pattern = "(?:.|\s)*?(?=\z|${escapePattern}${secondBetween})"
                    } else {
                        $pattern = "(?:$escapeSequence|[^$firstBetween])*(?=\z|$secondBetween)"

            if ($Modifier) {
                $modifiers =
                        if ($not) { '-' }
                        foreach ($m in $Modifier) {
                    ) -join ''

            if ($Atomic) {
                "(?>" + [Environment]::NewLine + (' ' * $theOc * 2)

            if ($NoCapture) {
                if ($modifiers) {
                } else {
            } elseif ($modifiers) {

            if ($Name) { # If the capture has a name, add it.
                "(?<$Name>"; $theOC++

            if ($StartAnchor) { # Then add start anchors

            if ($NotAfter) { # Then put negative lookbehind

            if ($After) { # and positive lookbehind.

            if ($Backreference) { # Then add backrefencees
                if ($backreference -as [int] -ne $null) {
                    "\$($backreference -as [int])"
                } else {

            if ($DigitMax) {
                # Matching number ranges is annoying.
                # In order to do so, we need to match specific strings up to a given point.

                $digitMaxStr = "$DigitMax"
                $digitCount = $DigitMaxStr.Length
                $numberRangePattern = @(
                    $firstDigitStr = $digitMaxStr.Substring(0,1)
                    $firstDigitInt = $firstDigitStr -as [int]
                    # It can be the maximum value at that digit, e.g 2[0-5][0-5]

                        for ($di2 = 1; $di2 -lt $digitCount; $di2++) {
                            $intD = $digitMaxStr.Substring($di2,1) -as [int]
                            if ($intD) {
                            } else {
                    ) -join ''

                    # or the range of values beneath that digit, e.g [0-1]\d\d
                    if ($firstDigitInit - 1) {
                            "[0-$($firstDigitInt - 1)]"
                            for ($di2 = 1; $di2 -lt $digitCount; $di2++) {'\d' }
                        ) -join ''

                    $remainingDigits = $digitCount - 1
                    if ($remainingDigits -ge 1) {

                ) -join '|'

                $pattern += "(?>$numberRangePattern)"

            if ($Pattern) {
                $Pattern =
                    foreach ($expr in $Pattern) { # Now handle any expressions they passed in.
                        $SavedCaptureReferences.Replace($expr, $replaceSavedCapture)

                if ($Or -and $Pattern.Length -gt 1) { # (join multiples with | if -Of is passed)
                    $joinWith = (' ' * $theOc * 2) + '|' + [Environment]::NewLine + (' ' * $theOc * 2)
                    if ($atomic) {
                        $pattern -join $joinWith
                    } else {
                        "(?:$($Pattern -join $joinWith))"
                elseif ($Not) { "\A((?!($($Pattern -join ''))).)*\Z" } # (create an antipattern if -Not is passed)
                elseif ($pattern.Length -gt 1 -and # If more than one pattern was passed
                    ($repeat -or $greedy -or $lazy -or $optional -or ($min -ge 0))) { # and we're interested in repetitions
                    "(?:$($pattern))" # put the pattern in a non-capturing group[
                else { $Pattern }

            if ($until) {
                if ($until -notlike '\z*') {
                    $until = @("\z") + $until
                "(?:.|\s){0,}?(?=$($until -join '|'))"

            # If we're passed in a character class, literal character, or UnicodeCharacter.
            if ($CharacterClass -or $LiteralCharacter -or $UnicodeCharacter) {
                $cout =
                    @(foreach ($cc in $CharacterClass) { # find them in the lookup table

                $lc = @($literalCharacter -replace '[\p{P}\p{S}]', '\$0')
                $charSet = @(
                    $cout +
                    $lc +
                    foreach ($uc in $unicodeCharacter) {
                        "\u{0:x4}" -f $uc
                ) -ne ''

                if ($not) # If -Not was passed
                    "[^$($charSet -join '')]" # it can be any character that is not in any of the character classes.
                # If we have more than one character class
                elseif ($charSet.Length -gt 1 -or ($literalCharacter -and $literalCharacter[0].Length -gt 1))
                    "[$($charSet -join '')]" # It can be any of the character classes
                else # Unless there was only one character class (in this case, put it inline)

            if ($If -and $Then) { # If they passed us a coniditional, embed it
                if ($Else) {
                    "(?($if)($($then -join ''))|($($else -join '')))"
                } else {
                    "(?($if)($($then -join '')))"

            if ($Greedy) { # If the regex was "Greedy", pass the greedy quantifier (*)

            if ($Repeat) { # If the regex was Repeated, pass the one or more quantifier (+)

            if ($myParams.ContainsKey('Min') -and -not $theOc) { # If the regex has a minimum,
                "{$min,$(if($max) { $max})}"    # pass the repeitions range quantifier ({min,[max]})

            if ($Optional -and -not $theOc) {

            if ($Lazy) {

            if ($NotBefore) { # If we've got a negative lookahead
                "(?!$notbefore)" # add it.

            if ($Before) {   # If we've got a positive lookahead
                "(?=$before)"    # add it

            if ($not -and # If we're passed -Not,
                -not ($CharacterClass -or
                    $Pattern -or
                    $modifier -or
                )) { # but not passed -CharacterClass or -Pattern or -Modifier or -LiteralCharacter
                '(?!)' # emit an empty lookahead (this will always fail)

            if ($EndAnchor) {

            if ($between) {
                $firstBetween, $secondBetween = $between
                if (-not $secondBetween) { $secondBetween = $firstBetween }

            $hadToBeClosed = $false
            for($n=0; $n -lt $theOc; $n++) {
                ')'; $hadToBeClosed =$true

            if ($HadToBeCLosed -and $myParams.ContainsKey('Min') ) { # If the regex has a minimum,
                "{$min,$(if($max) { $max})}"    # pass the repeitions range quantifier ({min,[max]})

            if ($hadToBeClosed -and $optional) {

        $regex = $regex -join ''

        if ($comment) {
            $regex += " # $($comment -replace '\#', '')


        if (-not $Denormalized) {
            $regexLines = $regex -split '(?>\r\n|\n)'
            $findComment = [Regex]::new('(?<!\\)\#')
            $commentIndeces =
                foreach ($l in $regexLines) {
                    $matched = @($findComment.Matches($l))
                    if ($matched) {                        
                        if ($matched[0].Index -gt 0) {

            foreach ($ci in $commentIndeces) {
                if ($ci -gt $max) {$max  = $ci }

            $regex =
                @(foreach ($l in $regexLines) {
                    $matched = @($findComment.Matches($l))
                    if ($matched) {
                        $commentIndex = $matched[0].Index                        
                        if ($commentIndex -eq 0) {
                            # Not important for normalization
                        } else {
                            # As long as the comment is not escaped
                            $l.Substring(0, $commentIndex) + $(
                                ' ' * ($max - $commentIndex)
                            ) + $l.Substring($commentIndex)
                    } else {
                }) -join [Environment]::NewLine


        #endregion Generate RegEx

        $regOut =
            try {
                [psobject]::new([Regex]::new($regex, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05'))
            } catch {
        if (-not $regOut) { return }
        if ($regOut -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
            $o = [PSCustomObject]@{Pattern=$regex;PSTypeName='Irregular.Regular.Expression'}
            $o | Add-Member ScriptMethod ToString { return $this.Pattern } -PassThru -Force
        } else {