
# Matches a CSharp namespace
namespace # the keyword namespace FOLLOWED BY
\s{1,} # at least one whitespace character FOLLOWED BY
(?<Name>\S{1,}) # the NAME of the namespace is N-non-whitespace FOLLOWED BY
\s{0,} # optional whitespace FOLLOWED BY
(?<Content>\{ # the CONTENT starts with an opening bracket FOLLOWED BY
    (?> # an atomic group CONTAINING
        [^\{\}]+| # Anything that's not a bracket OR
        \{(?<Depth>)|# if it's a bracket, increment depth OR
        \}(?<-Depth>)# if it's a closing bracket, decrement depth
    )* # 0 or more times
    (?(Depth) # IF depth is set
        (?!)) # this group isn't balanced, keep filling content
\}) # until we run into a closing bracket