
    Matches a JSON list item
    Matches a JSON list item. If no -ListIndex is provided, will match all items in the list

$ListIndex = -1

$jsonValue = @'
\s{0,} # Match preceeding whitespace
(?> # A JSON value can be:
    (?<IsTrue>true) # 'true'
    | # OR
    (?<IsFalse>false) # 'false'
    | # OR
    (?<IsNull>null) # 'null'
    | # OR
    (?<Object> # an object, which is
        \{ # An open brace
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\{\}]+| # any number of non-brace character OR
    \{(?<Depth>)| # an open brace (in which case increment depth) OR
    \}(?<-Depth>) # a closed brace (in which case decrement depth)
)*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\} # followed by a closing brace
    | # OR
    (?<List> # a list, which is
        \[ # An open bracket
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\[\]]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR
    \[(?<Depth>)| # an open bracket (in which case increment depth) OR
    \](?<-Depth>) # a closed bracket (in which case decrement depth)
)*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\] # followed by a closing bracket
    | # OR
    (?<String> # A string, which is
        " # an open quote
        .*? # followed by anything
        (?=(?<!\\)" # until the closing quote
    | # OR
    (?<Number> # A number, which
(?<IsNegative>\-)? # It might be start with a -
(?:(?> # Then it can be either:
    (?<Characteristic>\d+) # One or more digits (the Characteristic)
    (?:\.(?<Mantissa>\d+)){0,1} # followed by a period and one or more digits (the Mantissa)
    | # Or it can be
    (?:\.(?<Mantissa>\d+)) # just a Mantissa
(?: # Optionally, there can also be an exponent
    E # which is the letter 'e'
    (?<Exponent>[+-]\d+) # followed by + or -, followed by digits.
\s{0,} # Optionally match following whitespace

$listItemParams = @{} + $PSBoundParameters

if (-not $listItemParams.ContainsKey('ListIndex')) {
    \[\s{1,}\] # An open bracket

} elseif ($ListIndex -ge 0) {
    $findListIndex = @"
        $(if ($ListIndex -ge 1) { @"
