
    Matches Markdown Heading
    Matches Markdown Headings. Can provide a -HeadingName, -HeadingLevel, and -IncludeContent.

# The name of the heading. By default, will match any heading
$HeadingName = '[^#]+?',

# The level(s) of the heading. If not provided, will match a heading of any level.
$HeadingLevel = 0,

# If set, will include the content of the heading. This will match until the next heading start of any level.

if (-not $HeadingLevel) {
    $HeadingLevel = 6..1

$HeadingLevel = $HeadingLevel | Sort-Object -Descending

(?m) # Set multline mode
^ # Anchor at line start
\s{0,3} # Match Up to three whitespace characters, then one of:
  + (@(
foreach ($hl in $HeadingLevel) {
    if ($hl -eq 1) {
(?<HeadingName>\S.+?)$ # Match a line followed by
\s+ # Some whitespace (in this case, the newline)
^\s{0,3}(?<h1>=+)\s{0,}$ # A line of all equals

    } elseif ($hl -eq 2) {
                               # Match SETEXT heading 1:
                               # A line of with at least one character of non-whitespace followed by
\s+ # Some whitespace (in this case, the newline)
^\s{0,3}(?<h2>\-+)\s{0,}$ # A line of all dashes (with up to 3 leading spaces)

                               # Match ATX heading $hl
\s # A single whitespace followed by the heading name
$($HeadingName -replace '\s', '\s')
(?:[\#\s]{0,})$ # Ignore any remaining #s or whitespace"


) -join ([Environment]::NewLine + (' ' * 4) + '|' + [Environment]::NewLine)) + '
 + $(
if ($IncludeContent) {
(?<Content> # If including Content
    (?:.|\s){0,}? # Match anything until
        (?> # The start of another block
        | # or
        \z # the end of the string.
