
# Matches a CSharp class
(?<AccessModifier>(?:(?-i) (?>
  protected\s{1,}internal |
  protected |
  private\s{1,}protected |
  internal |
  private |
  public)?)) # An Optional Access Modifier
\s{1,}(?:(?-i)class\s{1,}) # Followed by 'class'
(?<ClassName>[\p{L}_][\p{Pc}\p{L}\d\p{Mn}]{0,}) # Followed by an identifier
(?:\s{1,}(?<IsInheriting>\:)\s{1,})? # Followed by an optional colon
# If a colon was present, followed by a number of identifiers
(?(IsInheriting)((?:(?:\s{0,} (?<Inherits>[\p{L}_][\p{Pc}\p{L}\d\p{Mn}]{0,})\s{0,}\,{0,})){1,}))\s{0,} # Followed by whitespace and balanced curly brackets
\{ # An open {
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\{\}]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR
    \{(?<Depth>)| # an open curly bracket (in which case increment depth) OR
    \}(?<-Depth>) # a closed curly bracket (in which case decrement depth)
)*?(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\} # followed by a }